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Unko Man
Player: @UnkoMan
Unko Brick Wall.png
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged DPS/Support
Power Level: 30
Research & Development: Science(Inventions)
Biographical Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Confidential
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Asian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 30-something
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Average
Physical Build: Stocky
Physical Features: Goatee, Constantly in costume
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Highly Secret
Years Active: Undetermined
Citizenship: Presumably Japanese
Occupation: Full Time Hero
Education: High School Graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
No superhuman powers. Incredible intellect. Highly athletic.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Carries non-lethal blasters, pellets filled with various chemicals, a grapple line, and other gadgets. Often assisted by robotic contraptions. Occasionally uses various levels of armoured suits.
ReldinBox Template


Unko Man is never seen out of costume. In "civilian disguise" he simply wears a trenchcoat and hat over top of his normal bright green and purple spandex. On occasion, he will wear other suits designed for specific purposes, such as his oft-used stealth suit. The only visible part of his body is his mouth, adorned with a neatly trimmed goatee.

Background & Personality

Little is known of Unko Man's past. He claims to have been born and raised in Japan, but he also claims to have invented slushies and pay-per-view television. He does, however, have a slight accent.

There are rumours that he was a comic book fan since childhood and that, on a dare, he tried to break the world record for comic book reading in a single sitting. Some say this unhinged his mind. Regardless, he is a determined hero, though he doesn't take things too seriously.

Unko seems to have many secret labs all over the world, though in recent years he has been mostly spotted in Millennium City. Though mostly a fringe hero, he has made some lasting friendships in various hero communities, and is always willing to lend a hand in any situation.

Abilities & Equipment

Despite seeming nonchalance and borderline insanity, Unko Man is highly adept in the areas of chemistry and mechanics. An "idiot savant" of sorts, he is able to whip up many chemical concoctions, which he then stores in various colour coded pellets, referring to them as "gumballs." In the past he even used samples of his own DNA mixed with a primordial soup-like material. These would then become small, short-lived, mindless, minions which would attack his foes. They were, however, particularly unwieldy and he has since switched to robotic helpers.

He also uses various blaster like weapons to deliver sonic assaults on his enemies, as well as more easily deploy his various toxins. In addition, he makes use of a sticky, semi-transparent substance to both shield himself and allies, and to hinder his enemies. All of Unko Man's weapons are of a non-lethal variety.

Rogues Gallery

The reason for Unko's switch to robotics is one of few known point of his history. His gumball minions had become increasingly unstable, attacking at random. Seeing them as a liability, he had decided to scrap the entire process. While preparing to dispose of his base sample, however, it was discovered that it had attained a sort of sentience. Not wanting to be simply thrown away like so much trash, it formed a body of it own (somewhat mimicking Unko's own) and ran off. Since then Unko has faced this Anti-Unko on numerous occasions, its seeming purpose none other than mindless criminal activity. It's possible Anti-Unko's entire personality is simply based on what Unko Man considers to be a "classic villain," and that it was created from a subconscious urge for a nemesis.

Not that Unko particularly needs it. He has been constantly badgered in his fight against crime by the super mentalist known as Crux. He had originally saved this unstable woman from muggers, and she had been quickly attracted to him. Making herself a costume similar to his, she began to act as his unofficial sidekick. Her reality-bending confusion powers helped in this aspect. Things went alright for a while, and the two began an intimate relationship. Eventually, however, things began to sour and Unko realized they weren't right for each other. Upon trying to break up with her, she vowed to never let him rest at ease again. After stumbling upon, and enslaving, a pack of manimals, brought to Millennium City by ARGENT, she began doing just that.