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Player: @UruzSix
Her whole life has been one big fight!
Biographical Data
Real Name: Colleen Stryker
Known Aliases: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian(?)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millenium City, MI, USA
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 28
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red to Orange
Complexion: Orange
Physical Build: Built
Physical Features: None
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: First
Citizenship: Unknown
Occupation: Bouncer
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Titanic strength and durability
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Re-breather, Combat Armor
ReldinBoxMini Template

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Screw that, I've got superpowers. I'm makin' myself a hero again."

Nobody really knows where Kometstryke came from or how she became so super-humanly strong. What they do know is not to cross the giant orange-skinned bouncer if they want to stay out of traction. She's also starting to earn a reputation as a hero as well, cleaning up the mean streets of Millenium City while taking the odd job offer from PRIMUS.

Secret Origins

PRIMUS File # REDACTED, classified TOP SECRET, information obtained in strict confidence from un-registered powered individual Kometstryke.

"So let me tell you a story. Long long ago, in a land far far away, there was a beautiful little princess who lived in a magical land protected by a mighty King. But there was this evil monster who didn't like the magical land, and so he came and wrecked her ****, ate her parents, and sent her royal *** right into the streets. That's where she met a bunch of other princes and princesses whose parents were eaten by the same monster. You can imagine how unhappy they were. So when the King's Black Knight comes around and tells them to quit their jibba-jabba 'cause he's got a magic potion that's gonna make them strong enough to wreck the monster's **** right back, you bet they were gonna sign up.

And he was a knight of his word, 'cause they became really big and really strong right away. 'course he didn't tell them they'd all start lookin' like ******* freaks or have massive anger issues, but that was OK 'cause they were havin' a ball fightin' the monster. They weren't winning, but who cared as long as bad guys blew up!

That's when the King swoops right in and just defeats the monster like he could've done it all along. And after that he goes about making his kingdom into a magical dictatorship straight out of some bad sci-fi novel, promotes the Black Knight to Sir Black Knight, and suddenly all of the princes and princess were left behind. Even worse, 'cause they're all really angry freaks that don't fit in the pretty picture the King wants to paint, he royal decrees them as the kingdom's new monsters. Pretty ****** up, right?

Right, gotta get back to our princess. She's not much of a princess now. She's big and ugly and everyone's calling her a monster, and why not 'cause she's ******* looks like one. But she's strong and invincible and she's got all the other freaks behind her as she rolls around town makin' a mess of the pretty pretty kingdom. 'course to some of the other princes she's just too big and strong and in the way of them getting to play big prince. So they set up an ambush to get her caught 'n executed by the kingdom.

Lucky for her, though, the king's Royal Wizard gets wind that there's a monster in the royal jail and decides he wants to play with her. You see, it doesn't take one magic potion to make her big and strong. She has to keep takin' magic potions day in and day out and she's growin' bigger and angrier every time she does. Some of the princes can't handle it, they overdose, and turn into somethin' like a Grondling. But if they don't take the potion, they grow weak real fast and the body can't handle that without meltin' down. The Royal Wizard sees this could be a problem so he experiments on the princess to see if he can get her off the magic potion without losin' her strength. He comes up with a magical mask that'll keep her strong 'n alive as long as she keeps wearin' it. 'n since he's the only guy who knows how to make it work, the kingdom can keep her in line.

Someone upstairs in the royal castle gets wind of this and they must've thrown one **** of a ******* 'cause the project's shut the **** down right as the wizard's done with his first victim. He doesn't care 'cause he's got eleventy billion other projects, so he tosses his experiment to the royal constabulary and says you do something with her. They give her some shiny armor and a fancy knight name to cover up all her ugly 'n make her a knight knowin' her life depends on bein' a good girl.

What they didn't know is once she stopped ragin' all the time, the princess could start thinkin' smart again. So while she's busy fightin' for the kingdom, she's findin' out what magic makes her mask magical. What she does find is an enemy kingdom the next door over, and there's plenty of really smart wizards there that can fix her mask problem. She's pretty much done with the pile of fail her kingdom's turned out to be, so she runs over first chance she gets.

Turns out this new kingdom is a complete mirror of her old one. All the ******** kings and knights and princes turn out to be mostly really cool guys. One of 'em even shows the princess how she can keep her magical mask runnin' all the time. Its a really nice place, its just... They're at war with her old kingdom. So all the peasants who see a giant freak wearin' an ugly mask and claimin' to be from that other kingdom, all they're seein' is a monster. She's alone and outside and worst of all, its a mirror right? Her other self is there, her other self never lost her parents, never took any magic potions, and she's doing some really cool princessy things. It was pretty ******* depressin'.

There's other doors there, all of them goin' to different kingdoms. So one day she up and decides to walk through one of 'em. Just to keep goin' from kingdom to kingdom 'til she finds one where she's not a monster anymore. And she finds one, and its not exactly what she was lookin' for, but its a really nice place and the bars are ******* 'cause they don't care if you're six eight and look like a human crayon. She's startin' to like it there, 'n she's gonna stick it out for a while."

OOC Background

Like most of my alts, Kometstryke originated at City of Heroes. She's the only one so far to actually ICly cross over to the Championsverse, and former players of CoH should be able to put together her background. Her bout of Darkseid Syndrome can also be chalked up to the nuances of City of Heroes' naming system, I've grown partial enough to its kinda-sorta originality that I kept it. Her inspiration has come from the Hitman phase of my comics reading, with a heavy dose of Jack Burton, Ashley J. Williams, and other lunkheaded 'Everyman' heroes.