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Player: @redaqua
Class Focus: Fire
Power Level: 25
Research & Development: Science
Personal Data
Real Name: Luk'tu'or
Known Aliases: None
Species: Qluixian
Ethnicity: N/A
Age: 36
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 238lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: Scientist
Place of Birth: Qluix
Base of Operations: Genesis League Headquarters
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: None living
Known Powers
Fire and Earth Manipulation
Known Abilities


The Origin of Fusion

Zluzor Station
Qluix was in peril. A devastating explosive event in the planet's core was threatening to alter its magnetic field and literally rip it apart from the inside out. Qluix's leaders scrambled to save the planet. An orbital science station was built and stocked with the planet's greatest scientists to attempt to devise a solution before their world ended. While those at the orbital station, dubbed Zluzor
Luk'tu'or researching at Zluzor Station.
(after a hero of Qluixian mythology), began the major project of solving their planetary crisis, governments began organizing a planet wide evacuation should Zluzor Station's efforts fail.

Luk'tu'or was a scientist on Qluix when the explosive event occurred. He left his new wife on the surface to join the crew of scientists at Zluzor Station. There he worked tirelessly with many others to discover the nature of the event now threatening Qluix and all who lived there and craft a solution that would save the dying planet. Progress was being made, but it was still a race to find the answer in time.

Meanwhile on the surface efforts were underway to evacuate the entire planet should a solution not be found. Progress was likewise being made on this front.

Qluix explodes

But the end came sooner and with less warning than anyone could have anticipated.

Qluix exploded, taking over 2 billion sentient lives along with millions of unique animal and plant life.

Zluzor Station was of course caught in the explosion, and all of its inhabitants died. All but one. Instead of dying, the extreme heat and pressure of the shards of his home planet caused him to fuse with the exploding rock. He melded with one of these shards of rock, which drifted off into space for hundreds of years.

Only recently this shard of rock crash landed on Earth. The suitable atmosphere and temperature awakened Luk'tu'or's consciousness within the molten rock. Slowly he rebuilt himself out of the lava rock into a form vaguely reminiscent of his former self. He learned he was able not only to manipulate his own shape, but that of any type of rock, sand, or soil. He could also superheat himself and project that heat outward.

Luk'tu'or found Earth a curious place full of people who donned costumes and fought for justice. He decided this was the best way to make use of his own new abilities in this strange new world. Though a planet exploding like his did was a one in a million occurrence, Luk'tu'or believed that there are many other things that can destroy a world, and he was intent on not letting it happen to this one. He gave himself the name Fusion and set out to find new allies...

Basic Personality Profile

Fusion is what humans call a "nerd", except Qluix was a very intellectual planet and nerds were the norm. He is very task oriented; not prone to pontificating and not specific about his ideology or particularly ambitious. His original goals for life were simply to enjoy his career and family. On some deep level he resents having to spend his life as a hero rather than a regular guy.

Fusion is friendly, eager to help, and slightly awkward. He is unassuming and will not assert himself unless there is an emergency of scientific nature in which he is uniquely qualified to help.

Fusion is full of understandable rage about the loss of his entire planet. Any interaction with Neutrona (see below) can send him over the edge. It is uncertain whether he will be able to hold himself back from extreme and dangerous measures where she is concerned, but he is also restrained by the need to see no more lives destroyed needlessly. He will keep himself in check if others are in danger due to his actions.

Powers and Abilities

Qluixians generally possess physical and mental characteristics comparable to humans (although arguably somewhat smarter). All of Fusion's superpowers come from his infusion with the shard of his planet.

Super Strength

Fusion is approximately 4x stronger than the average human.

Super Resilience

Fusion is made mostly of solid rock and can withstand a much more concentrated assault than most.

Earth Manipulation

Fusion can move, shape, and hurl earth with his mind up to a distance of about 20 meters.

Heat Projection

Fusion can superheat items up to about 20 meters. Even though this sometimes resembles fire, Fusion can not manipulate fire itself. Things just tend to catch fire on their own when subjected to extreme heat.


While billions of people were trying to save a world, one person was trying to destroy it.

Jil'tu'li was, like Luk'tu'or, a scientist on Zluzor Station. Jil'tu'li was at the top of her caste and one of the most renowned scientists on Qluix. Thus she was able to discover characteristics of the planetary phenomena others didn't know. While the chemical reactions occurring at the planet's core were incredibly explosive, they were also highly regenerative. Jil'tu'li believed that if she could observe the planet's explosion from a safe distance, she could learn much from studying it and possibly discover the secrets to
Fusion and Neutrona battle
the beginning of existence itself. With this knowledge she believed she could extend her own life indefinitely. While continuing to pose as a legitimate scientist trying to prevent Qluix's destruction, she was actually working diligently to accelerate it.

This is why Qluix exploded sooner than anyone had anticipated. Jil'tu'li was right; the destruction of Qluix did have scientific implications related to eternal life, but the only being so far to harness it was Luk'tu'or, and quite by accident. Jil'tu'li was closer to her goal, but had not yet achieved it.

Jil'tu'li then discovered Fusion while searching through the radio transmissions of various planets. Learning that he was actually Luk'tu'or, she headed immediately for Earth, believing Fusion may hold the answer she had so desperately (and murderously) sought. Changing her name to Neutrona ("These humans can't pronounce my proper name correctly"), she has since hunted Fusion relentlessly, eager to cut him apart with a welder and study him bit by bit.

Fusion, obviously not wishing to be cut into pieces, has fervently fought off Neutrona. Furthermore, he passionately wants to see the destroyer of his home world come to justice, and to stop her from harming anyone on this one. This has continuously forced him into difficult choices between putting himself at risk of capture and putting others at risk of harm.


Opinions and Feedback

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