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Player: @Atzet
Biographical Data
Real Name: Clark Jenison
Known Aliases: Fletch
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Miami, Florida
Base of Operations: Millennium City (mostly)
Relatives: Mother, Father
Age: 23
Height: Around 6'2"
Weight: 255lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: L.Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: UNK.
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Millennium City
Occupation: N/A
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Cybernetics, graphene high-frequency sword, suit
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Clark Jenison was born in Miami, Florida to Greagoir and Tiffany Jenison. He grew up with several friends, and was generally around the beaches with his Parents when not in school, or with his friends. Learning early about vehicles from his father, who was a mechanic for several years, Clark was interested in them since that day. After watching videos of Martial Artists, anime, sword fighting, and some archery, he became interested in the aspects of a sword, and a bow. He started taking archery lessons at the age of fourteen. At the age of fifteen, he started taking lessons in sword fighting, and researched the Japanese Samurai, and their ways. He received a formal education, and had a chance to go to college. Though he turned it down and simply graduated from High School, and he then applied for a job as a mechanic in the city, at age eighteen. He got the job, and worked there for the next four years.

In the week before his twenty third birthday, his parents decided to move to Orlando, while he was considering moving to Millennium City. For the years he had been in Florida, he had seen and heard of crimes for as long as he could remember, and with what he learned of the Samurai, of Archery--Knowing he posessed skills to help, and that he could, now. But he didn't want his parents to be suspicious of him. He moved to Millennium City, deciding to use working at an auto repair shop as his cover, and he bought a mask, had a hood sewn onto one of his T-Shirts, and went to work. He only posessed an old recurve bow at the time. The sword he used in his lessons was long-since missing. He also started to make his own arrows.

As a Hero

He worked for nearly a year with the same getup, eventually trading in the recurve bow for a compound bow, though he kept the rest. He started to call himself Fletch. He was adept at working as a Hero, though he had a fair share of injuries due to the fact he wasn't a meta. Had no powers. He started to work on his reflexes, on his 'get out of the way' ability. He also eventually grew less and less talkative, more of a type to listen and be quiet. After sustaining several injuries, and after recovering from them, he finally decided he needed extra help. He reached out to a cybernetics corporation, by the name of Prosthesis Unlimited. After explaining his situation, he shelled out all his money to pay for the procedure of his cybernetics. And as a show of good faith, (and a chance to test their newer inventions on someone new), the CEO of Prosthesis Unlimited had a suit and sword made for Fletch.

Fletch eventually abandoned his use of a bow to stick to his blade, receiving further training by numerous people. He even went to Redsnake in Vibora Bay for assistance. He was eventually hired by M.A.C.E., and still works with them to this day, using the money gained to help people, and to supply his upgrades and training. Fletch has always stuck to a 'No-killing' policy, going for non-lethal strikes with his blade, or downright taking hostiles down with his fists. After suffering -more- injuries, mostly several broken bones, at hands of a fat man in a red suit of armor, he decided he needed more aid and went in for more cybernetics.

Recent History


After going in for more cybernetics, Fletch made a decision to get the majority of his body turned cybernetic, including some internal organs. While still retaining the general -look- of being human, after his surgery, he was almost totally a cyborg at that point. He had both arms and both legs replaced,a shell around his torso/waist. The material used in the cybernetics was a lightweight, but extremely durable material. The upgrades were done by M.A.C.E.'s Base AI, Brother. These upgrades increased his abilities, giving him enhanced strength, speed, agility, etc.

In addition to these, he also had other upgrades done.

Both eyes: His left eye was already replaced, he had the other replaced as well. The eyes let him scan for different situations, (medical, tech, etc.) and allow him to see in different vision modes, (thermal, night vision, etc.) He can also zoom in on a target from afar if need be.

His skeleton: He mostly had reinforcements and some total replacements done across his skeleton, to make them harder to break. They can still be broken, but it's incredibly difficult to do so now. Though, one that possessed super-strength, if they got a hold on him, could likely break his bones. He won't be shattered from a single punch, however.

Internal organs: He had some internal organs replaced. Among which are, his stomach, and both lungs.


Fletch's cybernetics are made primarily of Regor Plastic. Regor Plastic is a virtually indestructible synthetic fiber, giving his cybernetics durability, while remaining light enough for Fletch's tastes, allowing him to move and maneuver quickly if needed. This also gives him a form of armor.

Suit and Sword

The Suit

The body armor simply called 'The Suit', is a lighter form of armor. It covers the entire body, and, the current version's armor segments cannot be removed. The suit must be taken off all-together. This is done by a code on the left bracer, which hosts a holographic display and control panel. This helps in keeping the users identity secret should something happen in the line of duty. The outer shell of the suit, from head to toe, is made of questionite, thanks to Forgeman's transmuting skills. The suit uses state of the art tech to enhance Fletch's natural abilities. Strength, agility, speed, etc. It can also interface with his cybernetics, further increasing his abilities. The helmet's EYE device also increases the use of Fletch's cybernetic eyes, increasing his scanning ability in a number of ways. The armor also has an area to hold an AI chip, letting a man-made Artifical Intelligence, either control the suit when it's unoccupied, or accompany and assist the user in the field. The suit also posesses adaptive camoflauge, allowing it to either, assume the color of the environment and blend the user in, or, turn the user invisible. Both can cause surges, which either results in an electrical surge, or the camoflauge shutting off and re-adjusting for a few seconds.

The Sword

The blade Fletch uses is a blade made of graphene, based on the design of a Katana. The blade has a high-frequency oscillator. This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability, though many items still require several cuts to destroy the item in question. It merely makes it easier to cut, and also strengthens the blade.

Other's opinions of Fletch

(( Post your characters opinions of Fletch here. Please and thanks! <3 ))


(( Any rumors you can think up go here. Feel free to go crazy! ))

He's actually a robot



The recent changes in the character/his costume are a homage to/inspired by Gray Fox of the Metal Gear series.