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Latest revision as of 08:59, 8 March 2014

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You cannot help but think that you've seen him before...somewhere.

You feel uneasy and comforted all at once in his presence, yet you cannot say why.

His eyes seem to see through you when he looks at you. He seems to regard you as if he can see every right and wrong you've ever done.

Determination is etched in his features, a serious look that brooks little foolishness. He carries burdens like the weight of ages and they have only stiffened his resolve and left him unbowed.

<<< The recent Malvan excursion into Earth space and their subsequent abduction of Earth super-beings for their gladitorial games impacted Sanction in a profound way. He was among those abducted, and forced to bide his time as other heroes fought in the Malvanian pit.

While waiting, he encountered a alien, ancient beyond measure, who knew of Sanction's prior incarnation, and his true origins, having encountered him previously in another life.

This alien carried all his past lives with him into his next life, including all his power. He was weary of conflict, and sought only freedom, but knew he did not have the will to succeed in the arena, knowing if he died, he would just return again.

He came to understand Sanction's purpose and goal, and chose to cast his fate into Sanction's hands instead of the Malvanians. When the two were called to the arena, he sacrificed himself, feeding all his power to Sanction, causing an immediate and dramatic change in the former Incarnation. The power and knowledge allowed Sanction to tap into the nuclear forces of a sun, and allowed him to ultimately defeat the Malvanian champion and win his freedom.

Sanction now shows strong evidence of severe physical trauma. His rejected cybernetic enhancements are gone, and while his physical bulk is much reduced, his eyes and body radiate a newfound power. His body is recovering, and is also re-energized beyond its previous capabilities.>>>