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[[File:Urban Commando Title.png|center]]

Revision as of 19:50, 8 September 2013

Urban Commando Title.png

Until's Elite Power Armored Soldier
Urban Commando
'Viper? Oh...This'll be fun..'
Player: @WarTornSoldier
Super Group
Until Special Operations
Unit XO
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
John Frost
Urban, Sir, Boss, Urbie, Frosty, Tin-Can,
April 4th, 1984
United Kingdom, London
British Citizenship
Executive Officer of UNTIL. Co-Leader of Special Operations Team
Legal Status
Military Peacekeeper
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Rose Frost, Younger Sister, Status:Active

David Frost, Father, Status:Deceased

Sarah Wright, Mother, Status:Deceased
Physical Traits
Human (Augmented)
White British
Apparent Age
7'10(without Armor) 8'0(With Armor)
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Robotic Right Arm, Robotic Right Eye
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Enhanced Cell Regeneration, Enhanced Cybernetic Internal Organs
· Equipment ·
Mark X Winchester Armor
· Other Abilities ·


Pre-Urban Commando

Thirty years ago, before the genetically modified powered armored soldier was protecting Millenium City and crushing Viper at every turn, David Frost, an Royal Navy Flight Serviceman, Flight Lieutenant David Frost met Royal Navy Lieutenant Sarah Wright aboard the HMS Elysium and served together. After both got closer after serving together for ten years, the two left the military to pursue a life of their own together back in England. After being married for three years, the two decided to have their first child. On April 4th 1984, John Frost was born. Early Life

During his early life, John was a quiet yet confident child. He showed a particular interest in the military from an early age. Both parents used to debate whether he would choose the Navy or the Air force. One day, after a Remembrance Parade passed their home, John saw the soldiers marching passed in their uniforms,shiny boots and rifle in arms, He wanted to be a soldier from that moment on. In school, John showed exceptional skill when it came to Physical training exercises, often leading his team to victory in Rugby, while also showing an above average intelligence when it came to tactics and history knows many famous battles (Eg. Waterloo, The Alamo, The fate of the Light Brigade) Upon leaving Secondary School he went to college to study public uniformed Services to give a bigger view point on the military.

When John had finally reached the age of eighteen in 2003, he signed up for the Royal Army and began his training.

Life in the Military

John joined the Royal Army and began his training. Showing great potential in a majority of combat exercises, but he made himself noticed to his superiors when it came to light machine gun training and grenade training. Although not being expertly trained before, Frost showed expert precision, aim and suppression with the light machine gun. The results of his grenade training were also noted by his officers, able to throw his dummy grenades at all the designated target zones without missing a mark. His Drill Sergeant commented on him being a team's grenadier if he was ever deployed. After several more months of training, Or in Frost's case, Several months of surprising his officers, he was deployed in late November 2003. Saying his goodbye to his parents, he set forward to join the war in Iraq.

Upon arriving in Iraq, Frost was, as his Sergeant commented back in training, appointed as the teams grenadier. Making himself a valuable asset to the team, able to suppress and force enemies out of cover with well placed grenades. He was assigned to Havoc team, a team of mixed veterans and recruits who participated on average to high risk missions. Frost's team often commented on how amusing it was for 'Frost to be in a desert', to which aggravated him constantly. After several years of tours, Frost was eventually rose to the rank of Corporal and began taking more control of the team. Havoc team became a small legend among the British forces, going into heavy combat and leaving with taking a scratch.

Even overseas Frost maintained a good relationship with his family back home through letters and the occasional video feed, in 2005 he learned that his mother had given birth to a healthy baby girl which they named 'Rose'. In late 2011, while Frost and his team were out on a reconnaissance mission, they were ambushed by men in yellow armor. John was left as the sole survivor of the team and managed to hold his ground until reinforcements had arrived. After explaining what happened to the Commander of the reinforcements Frost was ordered to return to camp to be shipped home for combat rest, despite his protests.


Upon exiting the plane, Frost was greeted by his father and his now six year old sister Rose. Frost noticed his mother was not with the two, to which his father explained that Sarah Wright had passed away several weeks before his homecoming due to a car crash. Hearing the news Frost fell into a minor state of depression as another person, who was even closer than his squad back in Iraq, had died. Not even a letter commending him on his bravery in Iraq pulled him out of his state. Several weeks after the first letter, Frost was invited to an awards ceremony along with several other soldiers to receive the Victoria Cross for his Bravery "For his most conspicuous bravery in the face of the enemy". Frost attended ceremony, albeit feeling that what happened in Iraq had been noticed, he was overcome with guilt as his team were not able to attend the ceremony along with him. Frost and several other soldiers who were awarded medals were offered to stay at a hotel for the evening free of charge, accepting the offer Frost stayed at the hotel for the night.

The next day, Frost returned home to find familiar looking men standing outside his fathers house. Frost immediately recognized the uniforms as the same as the ones he encountered in the desert, quietly, he ambushed one of the men, broke his neck, and took his uniform to infiltrate his own house. When entering the house, several of the unknown men were questioning his father to Frost's location. Frost quickly dispatched the men, but was caught by the other guards leading to a firefight in his own home. Although he had won, his father had taken a fatal hit to the left side of his chest, leaving Frost devastated. His father, in his dying words, asked him to take care of his little sister and to take care of himself. A few moments after exchanging their goodbyes, UNTIL forces arrived at the location and attempted to arrest Frost, believing him to be associated with VIPER, however, a UNTIL Sergeant stepped in and quickly remembered Frost from the awards ceremony the previous night. Rather than arresting Frost and taking his sister into custody, the Sergeant offered him a chance to join UNTIL and bring the organization know as VIPER to justice. Until Service

When Frost first arrived in Millennium city he began to train with UNTIL. Learning everything he had to, from advanced combat exercises against super-powered beings, to different organizations that terrorized the city. He started small to prove his skills to UNTIL, by battling and apprehending Kevin Poe and his New Purple Gang, then progressing on to assist local heroes with securing West-side from all gang threats, Frost's survivability and unique tactics with the urban environment earned him the title 'Urban Commando' among his team members, to which he still holds onto today.. After making himself noticed by UNTIL's higher command, Frost was eventually allowed access to more dangerous areas that needed. From assisting Steelhead in Canada, and the men and women at Project Greenskin, Frost made a valuable military asset to UNTIL. However, no matter which area Frost was in, he still had an uncontrollable anger towards VIPER, making missions more complicated and harder, often launching himself at pointless attacks against them.


Monster Island Incident and Aftermath

Urban participated in the initial assault of monster island, fighting along UNTIL Forces, Heroes and Manimals. Being tasked with crippling Viper as much as possible to make the heroes fighting on the shores job easier, him and his team launched guerrilla attacks on the VIPER outpost in hopes of drawing out their leader. The attempts drew plenty of VIPER soldiers away from the main shore, and eventually managed to draw out VIPERS outpost commander, Ripper. And making a tactical retreat, the soldiers rejoined the heroes they had provided assistance for. In their attempts to take down Ripper, Urban was caught by Ripper and had his right arm painfully pulled off completely. Being cast aside like a rag doll, Urban was left wounded and in a critical condition, The heroes managed to defeat Ripper and Viper-X and eventually took the shore for UNTIL. After being evacuated from the island, Urban was taken into care by world class doctors and surgeons. Upon being stabilized from his injuries, Wilhelm Eckhardt, the Director of UNTIL offered Frost the chance to go back out onto the field. After explaining that genetic modification and cybernetic implants would be required to go through with the training, Frost agreed to the training, and chose to make the alias 'Urban Commando' his identity in the field.


(Coming Soon)


Mark IX Crisis Battle-suit

(Coming Soon)

Mark X Crisis Helmet

(Coming Soon)

Mark IX Combat Boots

(Coming Soon)

Cybernetic Augmentations

(Coming Soon)

Campaign Trophies

This is a record of Urban's mementos which he has acquired before and after joining UNTIL in Millennium City.

Before Millennium City

  • Framed level 3 College Diploma from his Uniformed Services Course.
  • Framed Victoria Cross.
  • Royal Army Badge.
  • Photo of Havoc team before their Demise.
  • Painted Portrait of David Frost and Sarah Wright in their Service Uniforms.

After Joining UNTIL

  • Kevin Poe's gas mask, with one of the eye pieces shattered
  • A Red Banner from Hi-Pans personal guard.
  • Small Wooden Figure of Urban made by manimal freedom fighters. For His efforts to help free them.



  • British Accent - Oh Boy does he have one. And uses a lot of British Slang. 'So watch it mate!'
  • Rage Breaking Point - People can only hold in so much anger at once before finally unleashing it.
  • Berserk Button - Making a nasty comment about his sister will instantly make a conversation go ugly. If not in a conversation, it will at least make him fight harder.
  • Jerk With A Heart Of Gold - Sure he picks on people. Maybe even team members. But he means well. Honest!
  • Shell Shocked Veteran - Losing his team in Iraq and his father back at home have taken its toll on Urban. Below his often cheerful exterior he still feels Survivor Guilt Of what has happened in the past.
  • Lawful Good - A definite Type 3. Although he is employed with UNTIL, his orders are to do the lawful thing. However his conscience will get in the way. From his own words 'I've made plenty of crappy choices. When your stuck between saving a handful of innocent people to stopping a nuclear missile. What would you do?'
  • Knight Templar Big Brother - Remember earlier when Urban will destroy anyone who make a comments about his sister? Yeeeeahh....Don't try it.
  • The Leader - Type 3. Urban while brave, tends to get himself and his team into dangerous situations.


  • One Way Visor - I can see you! But you can't see me!
  • Powered Armor - Who doesn't love a bloke in Power Armor?
  • Artificial Limbs - Had a robotic arm since Monster Island. A painful reminder.
  • Walking Armory - Wrist Bolters, Shoulder-Mounted Mini-Gun, Violent Energy Burst, Micro-Missiles. And more. Ready for anything.



Public Opinion

(Good Lord Help Me)


(If Any Or this sticks)

