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Player: @Meredy_Redleaf
Meredy Redleaf Efreeta.jpg
"You say I'm horny? Yeah, I got horns…"
Class Focus: Hellemental
Power Level: 40
Personal Data
Real Name: Efreeta
Known Aliases: Effy, Ef, Dee Mawnyk
Species: Half-demon
Ethnicity: None
Age: ~600 (Personality: ~20)
Height: 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Glowing red
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: Demon hunter / Model
Place of Birth: Lower planes
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Committed to Penelope Chimera
Known Relatives: Pyrexia (Half-sister), Melinda St-Moth (Closest friend)
Known Powers
Dimensional / Edom powers, Elemental fire
Known Abilities
Pole dancing, Modeling
Crystal necklace (Power focus)
Physical Attributes
Mental Attributes

Character Information


Efreeta is often seen as easy going, even childish sometimes. This comes mostly from the fact she grew up alone, in the wilds, only coming in contact with other people and civilization when she was already older. She is quite friendly and outward to people with the same attitude. Very wary of demons, dark creatures (vampires, werewolves, etc.) and other denizens of the lower-planes, she treats them with suspicion. She is attracted to both genders, finding beauty in each, but is deeply committed to her relationship with Penelope and absolutely faithful.

Physical appearance

Though some might object to her grey skin-tone, tail or horns, Efreeta is usually considered attractive. Her slender, tall, yet well-endowed figure: 6'1" (185 cm), 34B, 25, 34 (86B, 64, 86) has helped her being a stage performer before and she now works as a model to help pay the rent of the loft she shares with Penelope. Her appearance is subject to changes. Most notable cases include a complete transformation into her demon form, her Edom avatar form which happens when she uses the full extent of her powers, and her human disguise spell, used for her work or to move around unnoticed. See further for more details about these changes.

Aura reading

  • Emits a constant yet moderate dark purple aura, tied to her demon blood. That aura is tainted by traces of fire elemental powers coming from her mother's bloodline.
  • When in her Edom form, her aura can be seen even by untrained people.

Mind reading

Her mind has been shielded by a strong memory spell preventing any kind of mind manipulation. However, she is somewhat naturally naive and could be tricked or influenced through non-magical / supernatural means.

Likes / Dislikes / Social

  • Likes: Penelope, kitten, children, sleeping late, funny people
  • Dislikes: Hell, demons, unfair and boring people, Evil in general
  • Drinking: Can't stand alcohol, drinks juices, has a thing for kiwi
  • Smoking: Doesn't smoke

Abilities / Powers

Her abilities and powers come from her mixed blood and from her experience in this world and beyond.

Demonic Attributes

Having subdued the darker part of herself, Efreeta draws her powers mostly from her demon blood, legacy of her father. Those include:

  • Minions bound to her. Those can effectively keep enemies away from her and drain their life-force to feed it back to her.
  • Dark energy manipulation. This enables her to overload or drain the life-force of the enemies.
  • Physical endurance and high rate of cell regeneration. Her body heals at an accelerated rate, making her very resistant and making any permanent damage virtually impossible.

Edom powers

Due to her adventures in the lower planes and other dimensions, specifically Qliphot, Efreeta has gained some powers from the Avatars of the kings of Edom.

  • Space / time manipulation. She can generate rifts in space, pulling enemies into black-holes or having energies pouring from breaches.

Elemental fire

From her mother's bloodline, Efreeta has gained natural control of the elemental fire, an ability not common to demon-kind, and actively sought after.

  • Those powers were, along with arcane magic, her main force before coming to Millenium City, however this has changed since she overcame her darker self.
  • Now used marginally, her elemental powers still allow her to summon flames from nothing. She can shape these flames as a snake that will hunt down her preys, or a patch of fire, hurting anyone that comes close.


During her time in the wilds, Efreeta had found a rusted sword that she learned to use somewhat. Penelope has refreshed that training and Efreeta nows uses the sword received as a gift to please her girlfriend.

Art of disguise / Appearance modification

During her many years fleeing the Dark Realms, Efreeta has learned to use every trick in the book to conceal or alter her physical features. Be it through the use of cosmetics, disguises, or even magics. As her powers grew, she started to use those skills less, but she still uses them... for entirely other reasons. Imagine all a fashion addict could do if she were able to shrink / magnify her horns, to hide her tail, change the color of her hair, or eyes at will... Well, let's say Efreeta saves a lot of money regarding make-up and cosmetics.

Chronicles of Efreeta - The runaway demon


A robed figure hurries through a wheat field, pausing from time to time, checking her surroundings. She arrives at her destination, a huge boulder right in the middle of the field. Kneeling down, she places her hand on it and utters a few words. The rock slides way, without leaving a trace, nor making a sound, revealing the entrance of a tunnel. She quickly enters, as the rock moves back to its original position. As she advances in the tunnel, she begins to hear some eerie chanting. "Good", she thinks, "They've already begun the preparations". She hurries through the corridor and arrives at the gathering place where a dozen of her brethren stand around a magic circle, their chant making it pulse with dark powers. Seeing her approaching, one of the hierophant ceases his chanting and comes to her:

- "Ah, here you are, High Priestess, we are nearly ready as you ordered."
- "Yes, it is good" she says, lowering her hood, revealing a beautiful yet cold face.
- "Is the sacrifice ready?" she then asks "Did you make sure she's still pure and untouched?"
- "Aye, your Highness, the other priestess made sure of it. They'll bring her here shortly."
- "Good." as they are both marching towards the circle.

After checking the circle and the altar for a few moments, she addresses the crowd:
- "Brothers, sisters, it has been many years since our organization started this quest, but tonight, the first step to add the Darkness Elemental Fire to those of Earth, Fire and Ice will be taken by our master! Once all six Elemental Fires are his, we shall rise to sit at his side as he rules this world!"

As the crowd cheered, a new group enters the room, six robed figures dragging between them a frail nude young woman. As they move towards the altar, the crowd goes silent, stepping aside to let them pass. They set the woman, apparently under a spell, on the altar, tying her limbs in a 'vitruvian man' position.

- "Let us begin the summoning, brothers and sisters!" calls the Priestess, joining them in their chanting.
- "Zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas"
- "Lord Bahyul, we call to you, please answer our summon, come to us and take this girl."
- "Zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas"
- "Join us, take this sacrifice and gain the power of her Elemental Fire."
- "Zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas, zazas zazas nastadna zazas"
- "Come to us and add this power to those you already command! Let us bask in your glory!"

From the base of the altar, a tear in the fabric of reality starts to open, pouring chaotic energy all around, twisting and mutating the closer hierophants, melting the closest one into a puddle of goo. From the portal, a massive figure crosses into this world, muscular, huge, clad in obsidian and leather, human skulls dangling from his belt.

Towering over the altar, looking down on the chained body, he addresses the crowd:
- "Miserable slaves, behold! Tonight I shall impregnate this witch so I gain her bloodline power through my progeny!"
Leaning down on the poor girl, the demon proceeds to remove his loincloth and indulge his basest instincts.

- Nine months later, inside some underground jail –

A small figure, battered, bruised and nearing the term of her pregnancy addresses her unborn child.
- "I will protect you; I will use the last of my powers to shield you, my child. You are innocent, no matter who fathered you. I will make sure his horrible influence doesn't reach you."

Drawing a circle at her feet, she kneels and begins her preparation, steeling her heart, knowing the price of the spell she is about to cast. - "Hear me knights of past, Knights of the ancient law. Hear me knights lost in battle, who's blade did good. Hear me knights of old, hear me knights of lost souls. This night I invoke thee."

Panting, feeling drained already, she musters all her strength to go on.
- "I summon thee to my child's aid. Hear me knights, a new cause be given. Your body gone now spirit be. Hear me Dead Knights I invoke thee. By your spirit blade I invoke you. By your might I invoke you. By your spirit I invoke you. Come now, follow a new cause, I summon thee. Each of thee I enlist."

She moans, covered in sweat, looking like she's about to collapse.
- "I invoke you dead knights lost. Hear me and come to her aid. Hear me and fight at her side. Protect her from spirits harm. Fight her battles I say to thee. Hear me Spirits of lost knights, come to her aid, come to her side. Protect her from spirits harm. Protect her from spirits light. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. Let her army be done. Let it be. Let it be"

No sooner had the words left her mouth that she collapsed, unconscious, never to wake up again. The spell she had just cast, and the special jail she was in, all that had made her sacrifice her soul and spirit to place a ward on her baby, protecting her from evil influence.

Chapter one - Plane escape

My name is Efreeta. Though I’m not sure about it, I must have been born in some hellhole down in the lower planes. One thing is sure: my mother was human!

The first years of my life are kinda blurry; I must have lived like any other demonling: wandering the ashen wastelands, trying to survive, always on the run. We all had our reasons to run, but I had more than most of the others.

Being a half-blood is usually considered a weakness... and the weak are to be hunted, such was the law. However, all those years of running made me aware of one thing...

I always knew when they were coming. Never figured how it worked, but it helped me avoid getting killed many times. In time, they came to call me “The slippery one”. Ah, if only they’d known then.

I quickly became faster and more cunning than most, but there was something else too, something unusual that started to frighten the other demonlings...

At first, it was just a feeling, but it soon turned into an obsession, a violent urge : I had to destroy them all! Ok, you’ll say “oh some demon that wants to kill others, sooo unusual”. Yeah, I give you that demons kill each other each day. But they do so to gain power, they don’t turn into uncontrollable mindless beasts... Yes, there was a rage boiling inside of me, an unquenchable thirst for their blood...

And that’s how, after I dismembered a few dozens of them, little brainless me drew too much attention to herself. Most of all, His attention, my dear father...

It seems he’s an ifrit lord, don’t ask me for his name, never bothered to try and figure it. After all, there won’t be a grave to place it upon when I’m done with him! Yes, you heard me right, one day, not today but in ten years or in a century or two, I will kill that bastard!

Anyway, back to where we were. At that time, I just became the top prey, the one they had to catch to please their lord. So the hunt became frantic, and I had too run faster and further than I ever had. Until one night. Yes, that night.

After days of running, my body gave up on me, I couldn’t move anymore... I knew they were getting close I could feel them. After all, it was normal, the bounty for my capture was about five hundred souls... So there I was, lying face down in the dust, trying to catch my breath and awaiting the horror that was bound to happen. Oh, I wasn’t afraid of death, but as many of my pursuers had mentioned before, my developing body was the target of their many lusty desires. Yes, I must say that, before turning into the awesome sexy hot chick you have in front of you, I was quite a cute little devil.

Errrrr, where was I? Ah yes, waiting for my certain doom. Well, that’s when, out of nowhere, a portal opened. Yes like that, a magic portal. Of course, I was afraid and didn’t know what to do. But since anywhere was better than where I was, I gathered my strength and jumped into the unknown...

Chapter two - Welcome to the Jungle

The first thing I thought as I stepped out of the portal was “I’m gonna die, the light’ll kill me”. Yes, at that time, I had never seen the sun, only the faint glow that barely keeps the Underworld from being pure darkness.

The second, as I got my bearings and checked the surrounding area, spotting a hooded figure was "RUN!". And run I did, or so I tried… As soon as I pushed on my legs, trying to reach my top speed, time and space seemed to fold around me. Rocks and trees disappearing fast behind me.

That was the very first time I warped. Teleportation, that's what my incredible speed had granted me on this plane.

When I finally stopped, I had (of course unknowingly) crossed half the World, from Massachusetts to Argentina. They wouldn’t be able to find me for a while that’s for sure...

I spent the next few years living peacefully in the forest. It was an happy time, hunting was easy, my preys were no match for my speed and my newly acquired powers, I could defeat any of the predators with my strength alone, yes, this was a haven of peace compared to the lower planes. I even started to make clothes for myself from the hides of my prey, scavenging some pieces of armor and a sword from the corpse of a long dead warrior, lying close to a pile of shiny pieces. Damn, when I learn, many years later, the price of gold, I could have lived like a queen...

Well, anyway, like I said, those years passed like a dream, hunting fishing, sleeping under the starry skies, nothing to trouble the peace of it all. I could have lived my whole life like that, if they hadn’t shown up.

To be continued...