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<p style="font: 30pt Times New Roman, serif;"><b><font color=#0B0B3B>SUBJECT:</font></b> EBONY TARANTULA</p>
<p style="font: 30pt Times New Roman, serif;"><b><font color=#0B0B3B>SUBJECT:</font></b> EBONY TARANTULA</p>
[[Image:Graveyard Ebony|230px]]
[[Image:Graveyard Ebony.jpg|230px]]
<br />*<i>Last known photo of Tarantula prior to his disappearance</i>*
<br />*<i>Last known photo of Tarantula prior to his disappearance</i>*
<p style="font: 12pt Times New Roman, serif;">
<p style="font: 12pt Times New Roman, serif;">

Revision as of 03:49, 27 November 2013

Arachni Symbol2.jpg
Ruler of The Arachni Empire
Ebony Tarantula
Player: 185px
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Stefan Warren
Ebony, Lord Tarantula, Lord Warren
October 25th 1972
Berlin, Germany (On Earth 998 AKA Nazi Earth)
Mobile (Has several headquarters on earth in different locations)
Interdimensonal Terrorist, Super Villain, Emperor of Nazi Earth and The Arachni Empire
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Carmella Warren-(Wife, deceased), Unknown-(Mother, deceased), Desmond Warren (Father, deceased), Regina Warren (Daughter), Tiberius Warren (Son)
Physical Traits
Enhanced Human
Apparent Age
Body Type
Brown with Grey streaks
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Shadow Magic, Shadow Manipulation, Elemental Magic, Dimensional Magic
· Equipment ·
Mystical Blade, Eye Of Shadows (Talisman), Mask, Clawed cestus
· Other Abilities ·
Master Swordsman, Master of Shadow Magic, Experienced Elemental and Dimensional sorcerer


Stefan Warren was born in Germany during the 1970's on alternate Earth 998, a world where the Nazi forces won WW2 and proceeded to take over the world. Born to Desmond Warren, the leader of a separate sect of Nazi forces codenamed "The Arachni". Stefan upon coming of age was inducted as a soldier in the Arachni army and was trained in military combat. however, Stefan eventually fell in love with a woman named Carmilla. soon Stefan began to stray from the Arachni's ways when his union with Carmilla bore him a baby girl, Regina.

This however angered Desmond Warren who saw that Stefan was destined to replace him as leader of Arachni. Seeing Carmilla as the obstacle to Stefan's rise to power, Desmond ordered her assassinated in front of Stefan. Once the Sniper took Carmilla's life, Stefan was filled with sadness and fury. He hunted down and repaid the assassin in kind. before taking Regina, packing his bags and fleeing the country. The two arrived in Moscow, Russia where Stefan left a two month year old Regina at the doorstep of an orphanage, seeing that what has was to do would be too dangerous for Regina's safety. Stefan made his way across Europe to where he eventually made it into Asia.

Upon his entrance into Asia, Stefan heard legend of a mystical object of great power. Knowing he would need power to defeat Desmond, Stefan tracked down the object and found himself at the tomb of the last Emperor of China. Stefan breached the tomb's defenses and slew the artifact's guardians. Once he stepped into the main chamber Stefan came face to face with The Eye of Shadows an ancient artifact of almost limitless power. Upon touching the Eye, Stefan was shown visions of power, of what he could do. With the Eye he could unify the world and bring about true peace. The Eye showed him many things and awoke his hidden talent for magic and his Mutant shadow manipulation powers.

Stefan took the Eye with him and followed its directions, training in several martial arts along the way. after eight years of training in both Magic and Martial arts, Stefan finally was able to return home to confront his father and take vengeance for Carmilla's death. Once he returned to Germany Stefan began to recruit rouge Arachni troops and enemies of Arachni to his cause. As soon as he gathered with followers, Stefan made his move and marched onto his father's castle over powering the troops with the power of the Eye. Once he made it to his father, the two clashed in battle but soon Desmond succumbed to Stefan's power and Stefan killed him on the spot.

After tasting the Eye's power Stefan was corrupted and he soon became the leader of Arachni. After two years of leadership Stefan took the name Ebony Tarantula and broke Arachni off from the Nazis shadow and began to turn against them, eventually destroying most of them and taking their territory. Soon after becoming the Leader of Arachni, Stefan was seduced by Verona the shadow weaver and their union bore him yet another child, a boy.

During this time Ebony delved into The Eye of Shadows feeding his lust for power until he heard tell of a mystical brew called "Etir" by Norse mythology. Etir had the power to revive the dead and restore life and limb to whoever bathed in its waters. Ebony was quick to act and marched Arachni on Greenland, the location of a Etir Well. Upon locating the well Stefan "tested" it by shooting a soldier and throwing his body into the pool. Soon enough, the trooper rose from the waters completely healed and somewhat stronger than before. Stefan then brought the corpse of his dear Carmilla and placed her in the pool. However, due to some cruel twist of fate she did not rise alive. Heartbroken and disappointed, Ebony put her body in a charmed coffin that would magically keep her body from decomposing.

Ebony Tarantula then utilized the Etir to resurrect fallen soldiers and as a template for Super soldier programs.

Stefan then learned that there were other worlds, other earths that could be accessed through magic. Ebony then used the Eye to create a portal to other dimensions and lead the Arachni to conquer two other alternate Earths, granting Arachni more troops and resources than ever before. Soon Ebony opened a portal to a new earth and took with him a group of Arachni soliders and assassins, including his daughter Regina and marched into this Earth from his world and set up a base in Europe.

The Titian Institute, Rise and Fall

Soon after Ebony Tarantula arrived on earth he came into conflict with his counterpart from this dimension, a hero known as Night Spider. A breif fight ensued between the two, but Night Spider was outmatched by Ebony's raw power and was criticaly injured. Months passed since then and on an October night in 2012, Ebony Tarantula saw need to test the younger generation of heroes in this world to see just how difficult the Arachni Invasion would be. Prowling Westside that night, Tarantula came across a small number of students from the newly founded Titan Institute and was discovered by the said group.

A fight broke out as Ebony was able to hold his own and fend off the youngsters until he was injured by a teacher who responed to a distress call, Lestar Drakkro and retreated. Over the next few weeks Ebony had waged a personal war on this school and randomly attacked the students or staff, throwing the institute into panic and creating the illusion of a dranged demon by changing apperence and disgusing his shadow guard as demon-like creatures to wreak havoc.

Soon Ebony had met another foe of the institute, a demon by the name Zephyon. The two forged a partnership and almost a friendship as well. For weeks, Ebony Tarantula and Zephyon kidnaped five students and imprisoned them in a seprate dimension, where they were tourtured and forced to fight in an arena for entertainment. Soon however, the Titans regrouped and fought back. Invading Ebony's realm and rescuing the children but before they could leave, Tarantula took one of their own.

A young demigodess named Helena, who was also pregnant at the time. Ebony took his time after this, recruiting criminnals and supervillians to his cause and courupting two of the Titans and unleashing them on their former allies. In a desprate attempt to defeat this threat once and for all, the Titans used a portal under their base which Ebony had used to strike at them from inside.

They used the portal to attack Ebony's base and after hours of fighting they reached his citedel. Ebony and his cohorts confronted them and a fight ensued. Ebony was powering a bomb to send to earth unless its forces submit to the Arachni when he was betrayed by Helena, who broke his control and proceeded to attack before being joined by Infryana and Stormbringer, two of the Titans most powerful members. In the End the bomb was overloaded and Ebony was injured alongside Zephyon, Stormbringer absorbed the energy from the bomb and was injured due to an overdose of Chaos Magic.

Infryana then called forth a massive blast of Celestial energy from the hevens and struck at the two villians. Zephyon, being loyal to his partner took the blast and lost both legs and an arm. Ebony then seemingly died due to an overload of energy that stoped his heart.

Soon after Ebony Tarantula's apparent "Death" the citadel began to crumble and the Titans fled Tarantula's realm, hoping that was the end of their enemy. However, Stefan's loyal daughter Regina (Ebon Widow) had managed to fish the bodies of her father and his partner out of the ruble before taking them to Ebony's Etir pits to resurrect them.

Upon placing Ebony Tarantula's corpse in the mystical brew, His soul managed to return and reconnect with the body and Ebony Tarantula was brought back from death. His first action in his reborn form was to resume a personal war against the Institute, and to let the Titans know he had not forgotten about them. So he brought his only son, Tyson over to Earth and sent him on the attack while Tarantula recovered before making an appearance when he attempted to hack into computers within the Battle of Detroit museum in downtown Millennium City, where he was intercepted by Leida Drakkro the new headmaster of the Titan Institute as well as the head of the Candlekeep school of mystics, Syrena.

Ebony, alongside his son managed to combat the two heroes and injure Syrena before escaping. Ebony continued his war on both schools after that, a few weeks later he dispatched his daughter Regina to assassinate Dr. Mallick Orson, a staff member of the Titan Institute who had a knack for outsmarting the villain. Meanwhile, Tyson managed to get himself locked up by the institute and was being held by UNTIL. Ebony, being the loving father he was hired a stray mercenary to free Tyson.

Being successful, Tyson continued to attack the Titans until he was apprehended by his "Uncle" Night Spider. Soon after, Regina managed to track down Dr. Orson who then talked her into a deal, Regina was obviously not as evil as her father and struck a deal to release Tyson in exchange for sparing Orson. However, it was needed to trick Ebony to avoid punishment for failure. Orson then allowed Regina to cut off his arm and take it to her father to ensure her safety.

Once Regina returned with Tyson however, Ebony already knew of the betrayal and in a brief fight killed Tyson by reducing him to ashes and causing Regina to escape into the world. Soon after, Ebony continued his shadowy assault with aid from Zephyon, who was outfitted with cybernetic implants to walk and move again. Zephyon continued to assault the Titans while Ebony Tarantula recruited other rouges of the Institute. Eventually he gathered Slade Thron, a powerful mimic and owner of the multi billionaire company Slade CORP as well as a few young meta criminals, Including Hazama one of the Titans greatest foes, second to ebony of course. The group of villains attacked the Titan Institute left and right until one fateful day.

In the month of February of the year 2013, Ebony Tarantula and his team attacked the Titans Tower alongside VIPER and Arachni forces. The ensuing fight made most of the school grounds a warzone, Ebony and the Arachni kept UNTIL and the MCPD at bay. Killing over 48 law personnel and several Titans. Slade Thron and his militia stormed the tower and planted a superbomb codenamed "Tartarus" in the Titans reactor core before being seemingly killed by Night Spider. Once the bomb blew, Ebony Tarantula made a hasty retreat, leaving his former teammates to die in the explosion. In the end the Titan Institute was in ruins and most of its members dead or MIA, and once more Ebony Tarantula escaped into the shadows. Only to reappear a month later in the countryside of Germany, building what seemed to be a mass teleporter. While the Titans reformed with other schools into the Nexus Academy.

Arachni Tales

Titian Institute's Fall

It was just another day at the Titan Institute, class had finished and the students gathered in the halls to gossip and converse on recent events. Security forces left to their meeting area to discuss further enforcement plans. Night Spider the head of security at the institute rested in his office, observing recent video camera records and updating the mainframe "Everything seems in order today" Night thought to himself "But we still need to remain on guard". Night Spider got up and went to his office window to look out over the streets of Millennium city from the top floor of the Titans Tower, Home of the Titan institute. Unknown to the titans, danger lurked just outside of their walls. A small army of soldiers mixed of VIPER, Slade Corp operatives, Demons and Arachni soldiers clad in dark armor and bearing a spider-like insignia. Overlooking the armies were a group of people standing on a rooftop, four men and two women all clad in costumes conversed.

It appears they were planning for war. Ebony Tarantula, Zephyon, Slade Thron, Tynn, Hazama, and Static talked amongst one another. "Are the soldiers ready to deploy?" Ebony clad in his dark violet and black suit spoke "We are almost ready, Tartarus is also prepared for...Installment." Slade responded in a raspy tone. "Nice, looks like I finally get to see the inside of that fancy tower!" Zephyon spoke, almost giddy to get started. "Patience my friend....We will deploy soon , the Titan Institutes demise is at hand!" Hazama responded smiling deviously. The troopers loaded up a massive bomb-looking structure to a transport and the soldiers boarded aerial transports themselves, all equipped with the latest of military tech. The transports take off and the Villains follow in suit, Heading to The Tower with dark intentions in their hearts.

Meanwhile at the Titan Institute..

Night Spider meets with staff and security to discuss recent plans and improvements to the institute at a large business table in the teachers' lounge. "As you can see here.." Night Spoke "This plan will only be put to use should the Institute be decimated by our enemies, I have made...Arrangements with a few old friends to enter a business deal with The Institute." A hologram projection popped up showing information of these "Friends" Juanita the leader of The Unfettered, a separate new school with a growing membership. And Metafour Academy which was started by the superteam The Metafour. "These two groups would be ideal for a partnership, the details are still in discussion but this will change the institute for the better." Night continued. "Are you sure these groups can be trusted James?" Leida Drakkro the head teacher of the institute spoke up. "I am sure" Night said "The Unfettered is leaded by the very woman who has defended my family for generations, I trust her with my life." Night Spider nodded. "The Metafour also have a good record, the deal with all sides. Human, Metahuman, anything.". "Good, then I approve of these plans....I just hope we won't be forced to use them anytime soon.." Leida said. Right just then Veil drifts through a wall into the room, "We have a problem!" Veil said rather quickly. "What is it?" Night responded.

"There is a rather large amount of subjects in bound to the tower.....I sense Ebony Tarantula is with them.." Veil spoke. "Alert the rest of staff and students! We need to get our defenses ready!" Night commanded as several security guards run out, then there was an explosion. The alarm of the tower goes off as the lobby was blown open by heavy artillery, the magic defenses were weakened somehow...As if they were absorbed by something.

VIPER and Slade Corp troops led by Slade Thron stormed the building, MCPD forces encircled the tower grounds as Ebony Tarantula and the Shadow Guard distract them. "Half of you, storm the building and take down any Titans or security protocols you find the rest of you! Follow me to the reactor, we need to place Tartarus in their power core!" Slade commanded as the troopers broke off. Slade goes through the halls with his team, striking down Titans and security protocols with his powers, rendering them useless through an EMP cannon he took with him. Meanwhile, Static, Slade's apprentice was on the tower's roof, setting up a large device on the tower's radio spires. It was a massive EMP bomb, powered by Ebony Tarantula's prized artifact, the Eye of Shadows. It sends a pulse through the towers mainframe, disabling security as the Eye absorbs the Magic shields and defenses.

Night Spider suits up and radios his more. Closer allies. "This is Night Spider, the Titans tower is under assault by combined forces of VIPER and Slade Corp. Ebony Tarantula, Static, Slade and others are on scene. Get here ASAP. I don't know if we can do this alone!"

Ebon Widow AKA Regina Warren was sitting in her penthouse downtown when she heard the explosion and the radio message. She quickly suits up and mounts her motorbike, racing to the tower followed by Dark Knight and Night Web who were also inbound. Ebony Tarantula continues to slaughter the MCPD forces as Mallick Orson and Dr. Arcane confront him. Ebony does not hesitate but to attack, flinging Orson into a MCPD car and going into an aerial magic battle with Arcane as the troopers are confronted by Titan students and security. The grounds of the Titan institute become an apocalyptic war zone, with death on all sides.

Ebon Widow arrives on scene and notices Static on the roof protecting the EMP bomb, Widow whispers a magic spell as she teleports onto the tower roof. Ebon Widow and Static lock eyes and immediately enter conflict, this was not a simple adventure...This was a war. There was no time for error, Widow and Static fight furiously as a news chopper flies overhead getting a birds eye view of everything below them. Ebony Tarantula manages to overpower Arcane and sends him into a building as Dr. Orson fires a flash bang into Ebony, blinding him momentarily. Slade and the troopers reach the core room and prepare to place the device known as Tartarus into the towers core, most likely obliterating the tower and everyone in it when they are attacked by Night Spider who threw an explosive to take out the doors closing the guards out , leaving him and Slade alone.

"I should have known you would be involved Slade." Night says coldly in a defensive posture. "Of course I was, would you think an attack on this scale would NOT include me? Now, enough talk....Time we end this as warriors. In battle!" Slade responds and charges, drawing an energy blade as Night Spider charges in with his Arachnid talons. The two warriors fight throughout the core room, Slade manages to slice Night's arm as Night stabs Slade's leg with his gauntlet talons. The two break off injured as Night slips into the shadows, Slade uses telekinesis to move tartarus by the reactor and activates it, the timer having a 15 minute mark till detonation.

On top of the tower, Widow manages to hold her own against Static by flinging yellow dust on her which would cancel or weaken static's powers. The two resort to martial arts tactics as Widow whittles away Static's stamina with Dark magic and Hand-to-hand moves. Static manages to punch widow and sends her into a radio tower on the roof as Zephyon jumps onto the tower roof and confronts Widow, buying Static time to recharge. Ebony Tarantula is still in a fierce battle with Dr. Orson as Ledia arrives. Ebony draws a black blade and takes both Orson and Ledia on. Fending Ledia off in melee and blocking Dr. Orson with Magic. Ebon Widow clashes blade to baton with Zephyon on the tower roof as Static tries to get the yellow dust off her armor.

Widow manages to knock Zephyon to the roofs edge as she pulls out a pistol and fires a silver bullet into his shoulder whispering the words "Finally got you, you son of a B#$%^" as Zeph is hit he smiles and falls off the tower either to die or run off. Static gets some of her powers back as Widow flings a shadow bolt into her. Sending static into the machine and freeing the Eye of Shadows which vanishes just then. Ebony Tarantula slices Lidea's leg with his blade and fires dark lightning at Orson sending him off the roof of the tower's Gym.

Meanwhile in the tower, Students are fighting the Viper troops with aid from Dark Knight and Night Web and manage to get most of them out the back of the tower and hold off VIPER. Slade paces the Reactor room searching for a hidden Night Spider. "Come on out and fight me like a man!" Slade shouts into the shadows as Night clings to the ceiling above him. Night Spider then drops down and proceeds to attack slashing and kicking Slade with rapid strikes. He manages to cut Slades shoulder as Slade slices Nights back. The two still don't give up and are locked in battle as the war rages outside.

Ebon Widow fights off Static and manages to break the machine as the resulting explosion collapses the roof under them and sets the top floor on fire. Static is buried under ruble as Widow manages to dig herself out, taking mercy on Static Widow teleports her out side of the war zone to save her. Ebon Widow then gets up and moves through the tower floors. Assisting the students and evacuating them. Ebony Tarantula continues to spar with Ledia Drakkro on top of the gym complex, Ledia slashes his chest as he blasts her into the tower through a window before retreating to the main warzone.

Night Web and Dark Knight manage to get most of the students and teachers out as security stays behind to combat VIPER forces. Night Spider and Slade Thron keep up their duel as Tartarus comes closer to detonation now at five minutes. Slade kicks Night to the ground and slashes his leg with a energy blade whilst speaking "This ends now!" Night spots a weak spot in the reactor and quickly acts, kicking slade into the weak area, Sending slade into the reactor. The resulting explosion seemingly killing him. Night rest up against a wall, bleeding and exhausted. Widow senses Night in trouble as she teleports to his side. Choosing not to leave her Uncle to die she speaks a spell and teleports both her and him out as Tartarus goes into final countdown.

10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.......

Tartarus explodes taking out the core and lower levels, the fighting goes quiet as the Titans Tower goes up in an explosion and falls to the ground soon after. All of the Institutes achievements, its hard work, its hard work, and whoever was inside...Gone in an instant. Ebony Tarantula laughs to himself as the tower falls, pleased that he has finally defeated the Institute. He then uses the Eye of Shadows and teleports all of his forces out of the area. Believing Slade and Hazama were certainly killed in the explosions along with the VIPER forces and Slade Corp Soldiers.

Night awakens in a Ambulance at the scene, his helmet was not removed but he was still on a gurney. Widow was at his side along with Night Web. Dark knight was helping with rescue teams. "Wha-What happened?!" Night said startled and injured Night Web holds him down as he attempts to get up "Stay down beloved....You were hurt badly." Web says in a soothing tone.

"Yeah, took you a lot longer to heal this time...Had me worried." Widow says. Night holds his head "And the Tower?" he says. Widow looks at him with a sad face "It's gone uncle....Nothing but ruins now. Emergency teams are trying to find survivors but we only found a handful so far.". "I see....It seems they got the final blow after all..." Night says certain that Titan institute was finished for good. "Get the Metafour Academy and Juantia on the phone......Time to activate Project Rebirth" Night says before he falls unconscious again.

The tower now lay in ruins, most of its former members either missing or dead, however some did survive. Emergency teams estimated that half of the institute was unaccounted for including Infryana, Lidea Drakkro, Vannessa, and several others, The bodies were never found however some were discovered to have died. Most of the casualties where on VIPER's side however, The forces of Slade Corp were obliterated by the blast but the fate of Tynn, Slade, Zephyon, and Hazama are unknown.

War is Coming

It's the middle of the evening at an old castle within the countryside of Germany, the fortress is swarmed by armed guards wearing strange, high tech armor and weapons. The castle itself casts a dark shadow over the land around it and the banners that hang over the walls as a warning to passers by sway in the wind. Inside, through the patrolled halls and stone rooms lies the medical facility. Ebony Tarantula is rushed in on a gurney, flanked by doctors and guards alike.. He was just in a confrontation with his rival, the super criminal Slade Thron after a short attack on Millennium City with explosions. Tarantula saw this as his chance to eliminate one of his biggest threats, however he had slightly underestimated his opponent. After a brief fight Slade managed to get a lucky shot with powerful mystic rings that he had in his possession that day, the blast hit Ebony in the chest and disintegrated most of the flesh and tissue present.

As Ebony was critically wounded and Slade prepared the final blow, to the man's surprise his mortal enemies the Nexus Academy or members thereof came to his defense....Despite all that he had done in the past. The gurney travels through the halls and into an emergency room, doctors swarming trying to stop Ebony's bleeding wounds and to halt the disintegration damage from spreading. Most of the surgery was a blur to him...However, it gave him time to contemplate his foe's strategy. "Impressive Slade....Even I was taken by surprise. It won't happen again." The surgeons work furiously with a strange devotion to their lord. "Those rings....They are nothing like I have seen before...Where did they come from? How did a lowlife like Slade get them?" Tarantula thought in his dazed state. "And the children....Nexus Academy....Why did they not let him end me? Was it to allow my suffering?" He then thought "No...It's their "Duty" to help.....hmph, Heroes..."

Soon the daze ends...And Ebony wakes on a hospital bed within the castle. His Helmet and jacket are missing. He hears the head of the medical staff....Dr. Jeremiah Whitley talk to the others considering the extent of the masters injury, Whitley turns to see Ebony stir and goes to him "Easy my lord, you were severely injured. We are surprised you actually lived." He says in a heavy German accent. "I lived through worse....What was the damage?"

"Your lungs were damaged the most....To the point where the Etir chemical could not heal you completely." Ebony took all this in as he noticed he did indeed have issues breathing...and pain was intense. "Is there *Cough* anything that can help?" Whitley nodded "Yes, we were able to make something of the prototype apparatus. The science division was intending it for deep sea troops and pilots. But with a few tweaks, we have converted it to something that might help." Ebony then lays back in the bed.

"And how will it help me with this?" The doctor then said "We have tested it...Your condition won't improve with one dose of Etir. Instead you need a continued dose...The apparatus can pump that into your body in the form of gas....Healing you from within. The problem is not your chest, but your lungs. your skin will heal in time....but-" Ebony interrupts

"I understand....When will it be ready?" Whitley then goes to a table and lifts up a strange looking chest guard it's covered with tubes and wires filled with a dark violet looking gas. "It's ready now milord. We have upgraded your helmet to pump gas into you aswell."

Ebony looks at it then speaks. "Very well....Let's see if it works..." The doctor nods and the others come around to help Ebony get strapped in, it was not a pleasant experience. However Ebony pulled through as the doctors connected the apparatus to his chest...And once the gas took hold Ebony felt no pain and was able to breathe somewhat normal. The doctors then allow him to walk and bring him a new coat since the last one was literally ruined in the fight. Ebony slips into his jacket and normal attire as the doctors bring in his helmet...It too was covered in tubes filled with gas. Ebony placed the device on his head and locked it in before stepping out to meet one of his commanders, Commander Marx.

"Hello milord....It is good to see you have recovered from your injury." Marx says saluting his superior. "Not without a new problem im afraid, how goes the crossover?" Ebony asks "We have two thousand already over. and many more coming as we speak." Ebony then motions for the commander to walk with him "Good, very good. And what of Strike force Beta?" Marx responds "Huntsman is taking care of the homefront while Wasp prepares the troops. Mantis is out looking for possible alliances and Scorpion is helping him." Ebony and Marx approach the War Room

"Good.....Are the troopers expecting an address today?" "Yes milord....It would be best to let them know your still kicking!" Marx says as Ebony turns on a holo receiver to project himself out to the troops who have gathered in barracks below the castle.

Ebony's Speech

"Soldiers, brothers, children of the Arachni! I have come to you all today to prove that I will be making a recovery! But, we have been on this earth for several weeks now and already we are at war! The so called liberator Slade Thron has declared war on the Arachni and war he will get! We don't tolerate resistance in our empire and if we are to succeed, he must fall! Also I will warn you of this....This earth is more resourceful than the others...Power is rampant here! And we are here to utilize that power!

Expect heavy resistance from Heroes, Villains and law enforcers alike, they will not have any mercy, they won't negotiate easily and they have the nasty tendency to overcome impossible odds.....But do not worry! This is not our first world and it won't be our last! If we can't defeat them, you can bet we will outlast them! It will only be a few months before our invasion force is complete, then we march on Millennium City and crush their defenses! Then, we turn to the rest of this world....We will unify, conquer and dominate the resistance and take over this earth! Hail to the Arachni!"

The Soldiers hold a closed fist to their chest in a salute and chant in unison "Hail Arachni!!"


Shadow Magic

Ebony Tarantula is a master at shadow manipulation and Shadow Magic, he is able to form shadows into weapons (He prefers blades and swords) or he can control an objects shadow and bend it to his will, opening more ways to attack. He can also use shadows as a form of transportation, being able to vanish and reappear elsewhere.

Shadow Spike: With this ability Ebony is able to command the shadows under a foe and drive them upward while becoming solid. The result is a deadly spike that often impales the target on a spike of darkness. This attack is devastating and can be used as a method of torture, intimidation, execution or a more covert form of attack. With this ability Ebony can wipe out a target and end the battle before it begins.

Dark lightning: This power is a complex spell of Ebony's making. With this ability Ebony opens small portals on his palms, reaching into nearby sources of electricity. He then uses magic to guide the electricity out of the portals, where the dark magic imbued in them transforms the lightning and alters it with dark magic, giving it a dark black/violet hue. Ebony is in full command of this ability and can either imbue his weapons with it or channel it out into single blasts, or even into a mini lightning storm. This spell changes the lightning to where it is no longer normal. Insolated suits or armor can absorb the blast of electricity, but the dark magic effects can still cause harm.

Dark Maelstrom: This ability is connected with shadow lightning. However, it's set to a whole new level. With concentration, Ebony can call forth a giant portal into the heart of a nearby lightning storm. The portal having the same effects as Dark lightning but on a grand scale. Large lightning bolts would come crashing from the sky all around Ebony, decimating any who stand in his way.

Shadow Jump: This power is just as it's name suggests, with it Ebony can teleport around the battlefield at will and can get him out of sticky situations. This power ensures that Ebony has full control over the battleground and can retreat if needed.

Shadow Weapons: Ebony conjures a shadow sword or blade and turns it into a close combat weapon. The weapon can then phase through objects such as armor. On top of this Ebony can infuse it with lightning, creating a more deadly weapon.

The Eye of Shadows

The Eye of Shadows is Ebony Tarantula's most prized artifact of power, and for good reason. The Eye is only as large as the normal human fist and made from a unknown metal. It is also covered in strange violet glowing runes with an aura of darkness. The Eye has the power to control dimensional and shadow magic as well as boosting the power for shadow manipulators. Ebony found this relic in his home dimension within the tomb of an old Asian King and later found out that out of all the Eyes of Chaos, the Eye of Shadows randomly transports dimensions every hundred years unless it is claimed. Ebony Tarantula is currently the owner of the Eye of Shadows and uses it's limitless power to transport his Arachni troops to other realms, to conquer and pillage. Among other powers, the Eye feeds off of the energy of all organic things, except the owner.

The eye has a symbiotic nature, becoming one with it's owner. The artifact can also slowly drain power from other artifacts or beings to feed its master's power pool. For years Ebony has collected items of power just to simply have the eye absorb and feed his own powers. The eyes were created by Chaos lords and sent into the web of reality to random dimensions to grant power to the wicked. Ebony keeps his artifact on him at all times and even if his powers were stolen, he could just simply use the eye's reserve power which in itself, is almost limitless.

The only downfall of using The Eye Of Shadows is the side effect, large outbursts of power can easily damage the body and mind of the caster. The only reason Ebony has not experienced this is because of his Etir fortified regeneration factor and his own cautions. Using the Eye's entire power pool at once has a large chance to destroy the caster completely....Not to mention result in a blast that could destroy half of the earth.


  • Holy Magic: Despite this not being a crippling weakness Weapons infused with divine or "Holy" magic can slow his regeneration process and destroy his shields.
  • Light: Due to his use of Shadow magic, Ebony Tarantula can be blinded easily with bright lights. Flash bangs are one example of this weakness.
  • Family issues: Due to him being the leader of Arachni, Ebony Tarantula has avertedly driven away his two children, Regina and Tyson. However due to his love for them Ebony could be controlled if someone threatened them...However, they are not exactly defenseless either.
  • Arrogance And Ego: Like most villains of his caliber, Ebony Tarantula suffers from Ego issues and arrogance. He is still quite human and can often underestimate his opponents, this usually leads to his downfall.

PRIMUS Dossier (IC Information)

PRIMUS Classified Dossier #6905
Date Filed: November 26th, 2013


*Last known photo of Tarantula prior to his disappearance*

Name: Stefan Warren

Alias(es): Is usually called "Ebony" or "Lord Tarantula" by his followers.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: German

D.O.B.: ??/??/????

Age: 40 years old

Height: Six feet and Two inches

Weight: Approximately Three hundred and one pounds

Hair: Brown with grey streaks

Eyes: Violet

Occupation: Interdimensional Terrorist. Monarch of an interdimensional empire.

Year(s) Active: First known sighting was in 2011. However the subject is reported to have decades of experience off world.

Years Hunted: Two

Threat Level: BETA

Known Mutations/Powers: The subject's abilities are mystical in origin. Reports indicate he possesses Umbrakenesis, better known as Shadow Manipulation along with heightened human attributes. Suspected to have a high level of power in dark magics. Further reports say he has Arachnid-Like powers as well.
Presumed Skill Set:
- Expert Swordsman *Rarely have we seen Tarantula use this skill. As he seems to prefer ranged combat.*
- Brilliant Tactician
- Beyond Human Peak Physical Condition
- Deceptive/Elusive
- Brilliant Tactician
- Mysticism Expert
- Espionage Expert *Ebony managed to stay off our radar for at least two years, as recent evidence suggests he's been here since 2009 *
- Charismatic Leader
Background: Originally we had no information on this subject. However due to recent investigations in 2013 we have pulled up more of a background. The subject is confirmed to be of Interdimensional Origin. Ebony Tarantula is believed to have come from an alternate earth ruled by a fascist society. He eventually rose to power around age twenty five and by thirty nine, his empire began to forcefully expand into other universes. He came into contact with our world in late 2011 when he attacked The Titian Institute for unknown reasons. He was subsequently killed after a long battle with the Titians. He returned in 2012 however and resumed a vendetta with the Titian Institute, he allied himself with several unknown meta-criminals and eventually destroyed the Institute in a battle that took the lives of many. He vanished again afterwards. In early 2013 he appeared again, this time locked in a war with Slade Thron, his former partner. This continued for a few months until Thron was arrested and sent to Stronghold. In September 2013 Arachni Intel Pods landed in Millennium City, as our agents were dispatched to collect them, they were savagely killed by Arachni Forces. This built up to The Arachni sending retrieval teams to kill any law enforcement protecting the pods and to bring the pods back to Tarantula. They managed to take back eight of the eleven pods while combating heroes from The Ultimate Guardians and the Nexus Academy. Eventually Ebony Tarantula singlehandedly defeated and kidnapped two of The Ultimate Guardians most powerful members
Information Collected:
File Note: * Proceed with Caution*

Allies And Enemies


Blood Virus: A recent alliance. Ebony sought out Blood Virus and VIPER to aid him in recovering Arachni Intel Pods that had fallen into the possession of UNTIL and The Ultimate Guardians. In return, Ebony kidnaped Bloodryn for their experiments. The Arachni Empire and VIPER forces share common goals and get along fairly well, however no one knows how long this will last. After Blood Virus failed to keep Bloodryn in VIPER hands she was pulled back to HQ to receive re education. The following weeks after VIPER broke off their deal with Ebony Tarantula and left him to face The Ultimate Guardians and Nexus Academy alone, a move he won't soon forget nor forgive.

Zephyron: Ebony Tarantula's first ally on Champions Earth. Zeph was a perfect weapon to be used against the Titian Institute. However on their first major attack Zeph was nearly destroyed by the dragoness Infryana. When Ebony recovered from his own injuries he managed to transform his old friend into a Demonic Cyborg before resuming his attacks. Even after the destruction of the Titians Zephyron remains a stalwart ally to Ebony Tarantula. However, a majority of The Arachni are confused as to how Ebony deals with Zeph's unpredictable and nutty antics.


VIPER: Ebony Tarantula has had his dealings with the terrorist organization. Recently he teamed up with Blood Virus, a VIPER agent to kidnap a target. Ebony has also began to supply weapons and technology to them. At the moment they remain mutual allies

ARGENT: Ebony has had sparse dealings with ARGENT, but for now the Arachni and ARGENT don't know what to make of each other.


Slade Thron (Deceased): One of the first threats Ebony and his empire encountered was Slade Thron and his criminal organization. At first Ebony sought out Slade to forge an alliance to attack The Titian Institute, during the battle that ensued on the day of TI's destruction Slade was presumed dead when he was kicked into a reactor core by Night Spider. Ebony abandoned him more or less, only for Slade to return a month later with plans to forcefully drive out The Arachni and establish his own empire and regime. He managed to critically injure Ebony in a fight which led to Ebony depending on a respirator for a while. Retaliating quickly, Ebony discovered the origin of Slade Thron's alien rings and embarked on a quest to find the ones Slade didn't have. Resulting in a full out attack on Tibet for one of these rings. Ebony then managed to twist events in his favor, when his daughter came seeking help against Slade. Ebony convinced Regina to steal Slade's rings and bring them to him so that they may be destroyed. Regina did so and Ebony used the combined powers of each ring to heal himself and grant additional powers, destroying them in the process. Now fully healed, Ebony retreated into the shadows and weaved events which led to Slade's downfall and imprisonment in Stronghold. Slade however was released when military official Croix sought his help against The Arachni, Slade revealed the locations of bases and operations. This led to a full out attack on Castle Arachni in Germany. Slade was attempting to shut down the castle's AA defenses when Ebony confronted him. In one last duel between the two swordsmen, Slade disarmed Ebony. Before the final blow was struck, Ebony ran Slade through with a secondary sword before leaving his adversary to die when the castle was bombarded and destroyed.


The Arachni Empire

Ebony Tarantula is the undisputed ruler of The Arachni Empire, an interdimensional empire originating from Nazi Earth. The empire has changed over the years, and so have their motives. The Arachni span across three alternate Earths and have amassed an extremely large wealth of technology, magic objects and other resources. Many rival groups such as ARGENT or VIPER watch the Arachni closely and for now have no idea of their true intentions. At the moment, The Arachni has become a form of interdimensional Black Market, as they now sell exotic and extraterrestrial weapons, metals and technology. Iconic techs that The Arachni have in stock are,

  • Voldarium: A metal native to Nazi Earth. It was created by that world's Albert Zerostroiten...known on Earth 4 (Champions Earth) as Dr. Destroyer
  • Etir: A strange glowing liquid that has regenerative properties. Widely thought to be "Liquid Magic".
  • Metagene Serums: Through use of Etir and Roin'Esh DNA, Ebony has managed to create a serum that, once bonded with metahuman DNA, can grant a subject with the exact powers of the hero who the DNA belonged to. Without side effects. (Note: The Arachni has recently become known as "Hero Poachers" because of how Arachni Squads attack heroes just for their DNA. Poaching victims include Primal Man and Bloodryn)
  • Regen Metal: Created by Ebony Tarantula by combining Etir with Voldarim Ore, this metal possess a regeneration factor. Regen Metal can heal itself from almost every injury as long as one metal particle remains to regenerate from. Entire robotic bodies have been created with this metal and sold to the criminal underworld.
  • Etir Core: This heart-shaped device is built purely for Synthetic Organisms, once connected to a robot's mainframe the Etir provides a high energy output that can enhance the bot's performance to extreme levels. When combined with Regen Metal this results in a nigh unstoppable creation.

RP hooks

  • Ebony Tarantula is currently bringing the Arachni to earth from his home dimension, maybie you are a dimensional do gooder who wants to preserve reality's balance?
  • Ebony is quite the artifact collector, having a horde that includes items from other dimensions. All of which have some level of power. He is however, content with trade for more powerful artifacts.
  • When he is not angry or otherwise moody, Ebony han be polite and "Nice" at times.
  • Tarantula sees himself above moral veiws as a visionary, beliving he will bring peace through the Arachni's influence.
  • Ebony considers freewill dangerous to not be restrained and seeks to premote peace through dommination. And thinks that only those with TRUE power should rule above the weak. In turn, Ebony wishes for a world ruled by the metahumans and mutants and sees this as the only way to avoid humanity's extiction.
  • Ebony Tarantula is wanted by UNTIL and PRIMUS for the death of 13 officers (Both UNTIL and PRIMUS), 35 MCPD forces, 7 superheroes and the destruction of the Titan Institute (Level of deaths unknown). Ebony is considered a beta level threat, but that may change.
  • Ebony fits in nicely for those villians who want to gain power and rule over the weak.
  • Ebony Tarantula owns a very successful weapons ring and black market, often selling Metagene serums and high grade military weapons to groups and organizations all over the world.


  • Ebony speaks with a slight German accent
  • Ebony is based off of Ra's Al Gul (DC universe), Doctor Doom (Marvel), Lord Recluse (COH), Cobra Commander from GI JOE and Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes (Most of Ebony's Moriarty comes from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
  • Ebony Tarantula is considered to be an Imperialist.

Inferior Opinions

(Got something to say about Ebony Tarantula? Drop it here!)


The Chessmaster--Ebony Tarantula has led an entire empire for over a decade and holds three alternate earths in his hands. This was all possible due to his sheer planning and calculations, his forces are carefully placed in society specifically to pave the way for his takeover....As heroes today are slowly discovering.

Affably Evil---Ebony Tarantula is actually quite gentlemen like when you get to know him, he can be a dick sometimes but often can be just as civil and accommodating as a normal man.....That is, if you give him reason to be.

Better the Devil You Know---As Evil and sadistic as Ebony is, He has a "good" purpose behind the schemes, unlike some bad guys who just wish to destroy the world Ebony wants to control it.

Visionary Villain---Everything Ebony does is planned out and has a certain goal. And he will obtain this goal by any means necessary.

The Empire---The Arachni Empire.

The Emperor---As ruler of The Arachni Empire and three alternate earths, Ebony Tarantula falls into almost all of these categories, often switching on the fly.

Well Intentioned Extremist---Ebony has good intentions. However he will go down some very dark paths to fulfill his visions.

The Dreaded---Ebony Tarantula managed to bring The Titian Institute to it's knees and has now taken The Ultimate Guardians by surprise, Ebony is overall a very real threat.

Even Evil Has Standards---There are a few things Ebony won't do. But this list is quite small.

The Evils Of Free Will---Ebony is a hard believer in this, he blames most crime on earth to be the fault of lazy politicians and laws. These beliefs are backed by the very low crime rate on his worlds.

Evil VS Evil---Ebony Tarantula Vs Slade Thron, nuff said.

A Father To his Men---Ebony Tarantula shares a fairly kin like bond with his Empire, and often cares about casualties. The Arachni Empire has a very large Etir Pit on Nazi Earth where all the fallen are transported for resurrection and healing. Ebony also falls slightly into We Have Reserves because of this.

Magitek---Ebony Tarantula is one of the few who have successfully combined Magic and Technology to form a unique hybrid. Most Arachni Tech is a prime example of Magitek.

Wicked Cultured---This bad guy has style!

Xanatos Gambit---Ebony Tarantula is a prime example of this. No matter if his plans end in a victory for the heroes or not, every outcome manages to benefit him and his cause in the end.

Evil Counterpart---Ebony Tarantula's relationship with Night Spider

Resurrective Immortality---Ebony Tarantula has died and almost died on occasions, but a trip to an Etir Pit and he's back for round 2.


[1]- Main theme/Action theme #1

[2]- Boss Fight #1

[3]- Boss Fight #2