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Revision as of 19:24, 19 October 2013

Player: @Sharks
832133-fang1 large.jpg
Class Focus:
Power Level:
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: Luke Sandriker
Known Aliases: Snake, Serp
Species: Mutant
Age: 19
Height: 5' 9"
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Sister
Known Powers
See Bio
Known Abilities

Overview and Background

Luke Sandriker started out as a pretty normal teenager. He was decent at school.. not the highest grades, but he was lazy.. always just doing enough to get by. He was actually a very smart kid, but he never had any motivation. The reasons were many.. he did not have the most stable family, his father having left to pursue other romantic interests leaving his mother to raise four kids alone. Luke was a middle child, and he grew up in a pretty poor neighbourhood in a district close to the city.

He was therefore an escapist at heart. His mind was always full of fantasies and adventurers. His sole comforts in life were books and video games, which he shared with his friend David. These interests progressed to the internet eventually and its this area of his life that his real story begins, and it was a life that would make his previous one an idealistic fantasy, despite all things.

Upon maturity, at 17 years old he came into his mutant powers. Unfortunately, he also gained a physical mutation, becoming a humanoid Snake. Some might think him blessed for the power, others might think him cursed for the appearance, power or both. However there was no going back. He wishes to be a hero, but realises that due to his appearance it is something he will have trouble being accepted as.


Physical Abilities:

  • Super strength(minor): 12 tons basic lifting and force, 24 tons on a grapple, 50 tons on sustained pressure.

This power is one of the most basic powers that can be possessed, but one of the most generally useful. Luke's strength works more akin to that of a snake: more geared towards grappling and crushing with body movements. He can use progressively more strength depending on how much of his body he can use to exert force with. He is at his strongest if he can use his full body to exert force; for example, If he manages to pin and coil round someone, of if he uses his entire body to lift.

  • Super Agility and Dexterity: Twice that of peak human.

While not the most agile or fastest speed type, Luke nonetheless possesses speed and agility above that of peak human level. His reactions and strikes are like those of a snake: faster than the normal human eye can see.

  • Super toughness: His body and scales are steely firm like that of a snake. Able to resist military level weapons such as high powered rifles and grenades.

This is a general toughness of the body, his scales are 4 times stronger than this, able to whether explosions that could level a reinforced concrete fortification.

  • Protective Scales: These protect his already formidably tough body to an even greater level, his normal body can already whether attacks from military power weapons alone, his scales are 4 times tougher than this, able to whether explosions that could demolish a reinforced bunker albeit painfully, he would still take damage.
  • Claws and Fangs: His claws and fangs are about as strong as titanium and can cut apart steel.
  • Poison Fangs: As a Snake-type Luke possesses venomous fangs. This is a variable poison that he can biologically tailor in whatever manner he sees fit, as long as it could feasibly be an affect of poison: for example, he could use a standard poison that would kill, or a paralytic poison, or a sleep poison on bite. He can also spit contact poisons at a distance, though these are usually less effective than the bite venom, they are more than enough to deal with normal humans.

Possibly as a side effect, he is immune to all poisons and diseases. He is curiously able to negate poisons and diseases of any kind in those he touches.

  • Acid Spray and immunity: he can spray acid from his fangs like some snakes can, though on an enhanced level. This is likely a variation on his poison. He can make it potent enough to melt steel or concrete. he can spit it to affect single targets at greater distances, or spray a cone in front of him up to 30ft wide and long.

Possibly as a side effect, he is immune to Acids of all kinds and potencies.

  • High Regeneration: While he is tough by any normal standards, he is still capable of being hurt by super types or highly powered explosive weapons. He however heals at a very formidable rate, wounds sealing up at a visible rate. Cuts and bruises would vanish within 10 seconds, open wounds within a minute or less. He could regrow a missing limb within a few minutes. This regeneration continues even from death, though could be delayed by 'putting him on ice' so to speak. He can regenerate even from such things as fire.

Super Senses:

  • Thermal Vision: His thermal vision is akin to that of a snake: he can see heat patterns even in darkness and the layout of the ground with heat etc, and also where warm blooded beings have moved recently.
  • Super Scent: His scent is in the same manner as a snake: he 'scents' with his tongue, a habit he is unable to do more than suppress, his tongue flicking out occasionally. It allows him to scent things akin to a wolf.
  • Locationsense: he is able to read the layout of the ground around him with great detail to a few hundred feet of distance, and general detail to about a 1/4 mile. This is actually a mental ability, but is listed here as a sense.

Mental Abilities:

  • Hypnotic suggestion: This ability is something he considers both a blessing and a curse: it is always on and he cannot control it without external aid. Anyone who he can make eye contact with and speak to is swayed by powerful hypnotic suggestion. he can control their actions with words, though he doesnt mean to. he therefore continually looks away from people, though if they look to his eyes they might still fall under sway. It is temporary, but powerful. he can for example, tell someone to unlock a door and forget he was even there once he is gone. if he does not speak, they would continually just stare into his eyes and fall into a hypnotic trance. He could then just leave them, and they would recover about 30 seconds to a minute after he leaves, depending on their willpower. (If a phychic fell under this, they might break free immediately due to their will)

This requires some manner of eye contact, and he hates it. However, even a pane of glass breaks this affect, such as a pair of glasses. He wears specially fitted goggles most of the time to prevent him influencing others by accident.

  • Telekinesis: touch. He possesses telekinesis, but it only extends normally to what he is touching. However anything he touches is reinforced to a level just above titanium in toughness, making it very hard to break. It also can strike with a similar level of force to the hardness. He is even able to protect others with this ability by touching them and focusing on them. However, he uses it mainly as a method of attacking of defending using items. He has crafted himself a special bracer with a thin chain winch which he can extend and grab ahold of, using the chain is a controlled powerful lashing weapon. The lifting limits on this telepathy he does not know.
  • Telekinetic Repulsion: Over time, he slowly learned how to use his touch telekinesis at a range, but this was very limited. He can only use it to repulse objects and others and only in a burst. He does this by gathering telekinetic energy in his hand or body and projecting it outwards This is essentially a cone area physical slam and knock-back effect, and cannot be used with much finesse, at most able to control the force, size of the cone knockback (for example, the cone projected from the size of his body to the size of his palm with the general size of the extension (from a few feet to tens of feet in distance).

Movement related:

  • Hyper Speed and Jumping: Luke possesses superspeed at a very minor level. He does not consider himself a speedster though. He can run at 100mph in general at an average run, and about 150 or so mph if he goes full out. His other physical abilities such as reactions and agility are also likewise increased (from their above-human levels as a starting point) which enables him to react at levels above what would be thought of someone with this level of super-speed, as most others use human levels as the starting point.
  • Tunnelling: a curious form of travel: he is able to almost swim through solid earth and rock as if it were water. He is capable of great speeds, and almost 'wriggles' his way through the ground, emerging where he wishes. This leaves him a little dusty but not dirty unless he is forced to travel through mud in this manner. He prefers to travel in this way, as he does not like to be seen. He uses his location sense to navigate while underground.
  • Swimming: Luke is an expert swimmer, ad is capable of acting in water just as well as in land.


  • He can use his tail as a extra limb, and it is as strong as the rest of him. Though not exactly a 'power' he can use it to hang from branches or grab someone.
  • Agelessness: He does not age as a normal person does, as his regeneration repairs his body perfectly. He will continue to age till his mid 20's, at which point when his body is in its prime of development, he will not age any more.
  • Reptilian Communication: he can speak to Snakes and other Reptiles. Though not exactly geniuses, they can be make for a (very) basic conversation and can give details such as 'humans went over there' or 'There is a large object over there' etc. Curiously, his continued long term presence around a snake will slowly develop its intelligence.


  • Luke is a humanoid snake, and thus is cold blooded. He therefore has a weakness to cold and cold related attacks. Additionally, he slows down in cold environments, roughly to normal human level, though he is still able to use his training, his movements are nonetheless jerky and comparatively unresponsive, especially compared to trained fighters.


  • Colt Anaconda: Worn on a holster attached to his right hip. He rarely uses it but he is not too fond of spitting poisons or acids and realises that a more controlled attack might sometimes be appropriate. It is also useful for intimidation should it be required. He at first used a Beretta 9mm, but he switched to this gun both for the additional stopping power, and because of its name in relation to him amused him and others.
  • Combat Knife: A standard combat and survival knife. Though his claws are strong, they are harder to control for fine detail, cutting or even food preparation.
  • Chain Bracer: He made this in order to use his touch telekinesis as a weapon. It can extend up to 30ft, as it is thin chain wrapped many times in a holder. His TK controls it in any way he can imagine, and enhances it to be stronger than titanium and can strike with up to equivalent breaking force should he wish it. His early model was basic, but his friend David refined and built him a much more serviceable model.
  • Lockpicks: He tends to use his claws for basic locks, but they do not work for better locks or smaller ones. Not all locks or doors should necessarily be broken for entry either. He was taught how to pick locks by his friend David, who is something of a tech-type.

Music Themes

General Fight Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdFLRkDRtP0

Epic Fight Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LqIvpiSkAA (The kind of theme that's reserved for an epic showdown)