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Player: @sersi
Class Focus: Support and Ranged DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism: Arcane
Personal Data
Real Name: Jenna Mercado
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Filipina
Age: (DOB) 09/09/1993
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 103
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: American (United States)
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Seattle, WA - USA
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jaime Mercado
Known Powers
Flight, ability to summon the raw shadow material of the abyss; mundane shadow control and animation
Known Abilities
Sorcery, amateur level gymnast

Pagan is a student at Halcyon Academy and an accomplished sorceress.


Centuries ago a low ranking demon of the Nether Realm and a mortal woman made a pact. The demon would give the woman knowledge of a ritual that would allow her to harness the powers of The Abyss, granting her far greater magical ability than any on Earth could compare to. The only catch was that this power would not reside inside the woman, but instead in her daughter.

After conceiving her daughter the woman, taking the title of Brujah, would keep her child in captivity, waiting until a time when she was mature enough to be wielded as one of the greatest magical artifacts yet seen. However once this time had neared the demon, Peche, would return and try to reclaim the child. In the battle between witch and demoness the child, Raquel Corazon, escaped.

Raquel took the name Pagan, learning to survive on her abilities, and helping others when she could Still, she was constantly on the run from both Peche, and her own mother. In this time small legends of her deeds would spread, and she was able to fall in love and bare a child, creating the Legacy of Pagan as The Shard of the Abyss that resided in Raquel's soul was passed down through the generations. Twice more the spiritual tie to The Abyss would appear in the blood line of Raquel Corazon, each time a bit more diluted. The second time was in colonial Florida, in Betina Martinez, and finally in the form of Jenna Mercado, the current Pagan.


Jenna was raised by Jaime Mercado, a mechanic who worked would build gadgets and 'super-mobiles' for the heroes of his city, and single father who tried to give his daughter the best childhood he could. When Jenna was 9 she began to exhibit what was thought at the time to be magical wild talent, but was later discovered to be the emergence of her hereditary ability to harness and direct the forces of The Abyss.

After more than a little property damage and a failed attempt at using her powers to become a hero, Pagan was sent to Halcyon Academy to learn to better control her powers.


Jaime Mercado is a mechanic who works would build gadgets and 'super-mobiles' for the heroes of his city, and a single father who tries to give his daughter the best childhood he could.

Originally an immigrant from Manila, he came to Seattle as a young boy.


Teresa Mercado was a powerful sorceress, the wife of Jaime Mercado, and direct descendant of the first woman to bare the name Pagan. When her daughter was born she immediately noticed the birthmark of her families power and did everything she could to protect her daughter from the forces that would inevitably hunt her. Her eventual decision was to break the hereditary line that lead from Raquel Corazon, the first Pagan, to Jenna.

To execute this, Teresa developed a spell that would effectively remove herself from history - Jenna would still exist, but any and all knowledge and memories of Teresa would be erased from reality.


Pagan's primary ability is her hereditary link to The Abyss, and the control of shadow energy this allows her. She commonly uses sorcery to keep control of this ability, though she can still lose control in times of great emotional stress. When she is about to, or recently has lost control she becomes easily agitated.


Although still mostly called Jenna by her classmates, she is the 58th of 64 superheroes currently operating under the name Pagan, and currently the youngest. Unlike the other Pagans, Jenna is a direct descendant of the first hero to use this name.


Pagan is a student at Halcyon Academy and is a member of HADES, a front for a secret super team of students and mentors who fight against the greater threats presented by Ghosts, Demons, Magic and the other diverse threats the Spirit World has to offer.


Pagan currently holds the Tarot of The Devil within HADES, and is one of the groups experts in spell casting and mysticism.


Cantrips and Minor Evocations - (Zero Period)
Beginning Calculus
Super Heroes and Villains in History
Advanced Biology
Shakespearean Literature
Basics of the Arcane World


Jenna is the 3rd person in her family line to manifest her ties to The Abyss and take on the name Pagan.

She has a familiar named Lore.

When using her powers, her eyes will glow bright blue. This is an effect of her using internal magic wards to keep her Abyssal powers at controllable levels.

Her hair is naturally purple; it is a birthmark of sorts signifying one who has manifested her particular families powers.

Is very socially awkward, especially around people she doesn't no well or guys in general. However she can become very short tempered when she is losing her magical focus.

Known to have frequent nightmares, and wakes up screaming on occasion.

Any woman bearing the Shard of the Abyss, (what gives the Pagans their power), can only give birth to females. The Shard only passes through a single path; i.e. If Jenna had two daughters, only one of them (the oldest) would carry the Shard.[[Category:Female]]