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====Aaron Hope====
====Aaron Hope====
Aaron is the first Outer Shadow that Jun had recruited. According to Aaron, if it hadn't been for Jun's help, he would never have reached SS Rank, showing the degree of respect the Black Legion's strongest Outer Shadow had for his Master.
Jun first met Aaron upon saving him from the God of Hope after the God-Eater was incapable of avenging the death of his girlfriend. Jun would recruit Aaron by giving him a chance to bring vengeance to the gods who tormented him, providing the Outer Shadow with an avenue to further develop his skillset as a gunman by aiding in the Outer Shadow's development of new and novel weaponry.
The bond that Aaron and Jun have can be described as an older brother and younger brother relationship, though the roles seem to change frequently. At times, Aaron would act like the older sibling, berating Jun for his childishness and ridiculousness. However, the converse is also true, when Jun provides Aaron with advice and wisdom. In "Beyond the Gods", Aaron nearly succumbs to despair after losing his fiancee. Desperate to cling onto his sanity, the Outer Shadow subconsciously recalled an earlier memory of Jun recruiting him, and it would be through Jun's words of reassurance that provided Aaron with the strength to march forward and make his way to Trion against all odds.
When Aaron learned of Jun's apparent defeat to Aran Sol, the Outer Shadow trusted in Jun's abilities, believing his Master to still be alive and thus kept his composure despite being attacked by both Loyce and Vala. However, after Loyce began to ridicule Jun for losing against his Outer Shadow, Aaron noticeably became on edge, even aggressively lashing out at the Demon Lord and defending his Master in spite of the overwhelming gap in power.

Revision as of 03:09, 14 May 2024

Black Legion Inner Shadow
Rank 3
Jun Gasket
"The Transcendental Human"
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Transcendental Being
R & D: All
Level: Elite Tier SS+ Rank (Black Legion Rating, on file)
High Tier SSS Rank (True Ranking)
Occupation: Reality Gamemaster, Transcendental Entity, Creator, Creature of the Highest Order
Personal Data
Real Name: Ojune Adasket (Birth Name)
Jun Gasket (After becoming an Ascendent Being)
Known Aliases: Inner Shadow Jun, Inner Shadow Gasket, Master Jun, The One Beyond All, The Gamemaster, He Who is Beyond the Gods
Identity: Secret
Species: Ultimate Transcended Human
Age: Immeasurable (Transcendent Space)
15 (Chronologically from meeting Aaron Hope of the Beyond the Gods Reality)
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 128 lb
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Nigeria
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Nigerian (Formerly)
Current Residence: Gasket's World
Religion/Faith: None
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Unnamed Deceased Parents
Known Powers
Immeasurable Intellect, Transcendence, Reality Manipulation
Training / Abilities
Unparalleled Science, Engineering, Mathematical, and Strategic Knowledge
Vast Incomprehensible Technological Creations
Jun Gasket is a character in Darwin's Great Akuma Universe

"The pieces have been set. Let us continue this game of transcendent chess, Loyce. For even if my very character is lost as I ascend the rungs of this divine ladder, my faith in my Outer and Auxiliary Shadows shall never go away. Don't you go resetting the game board and the game pieces so soon, you impatient King. For a superhero story to be successful, the author must understand what it means to be a superhero. And once you understand that, the notion of justice becomes so very real and so very inevitable. You seek your demise yet no one has been able to fathom your intentions, but I can. So allow me to help you carry it out."

- Inner Shadow Jun Gasket to Inner Shadow Loyce "Empire" Hal

"I am Inner Shadow Jun Gasket. I am a being who is beyond the gods. And by my will. By my hand. By my mind. You will be my greatest sword. The greatest sword to bring vengeance to those who wronged you. Because bullies suck. And you have been bullied all your life. It is now your turn to turn the tide. Become a symbol of terror to these deities. I will make you the sharpest sword in existence, one who cuts down divine flesh. You will be my Dainsleif."

- Jun recruits Aaron to become his Outer Shadow

Inner Shadow Gasket, born Ojune Adasket or Jun Gasket to his friends, allies, and enemies, is an incomprehensibly powerful Inner Shadow serving the Black Legion Organisation. Gasket is the superior Inner Shadow to several famous subordinate Shadows, including Aaron "The God Eater" Hope, Saraia "The Blank Saviour" Ultear, Bryce "Hellsing" Jones, and Annelise "TX7F" Scarlet. Three of these subordinate Shadows acquired the legendary SS Rank, all of which surpass S+ Rank despite being Auxiliary and Outer Shadows.

Inner Shadow Gasket is said to be the most intelligent Inner Shadow in the entirety of the Black Legion; his feats are so powerful that they have garnered respect from other Inner Shadows including Slipstream and Reaper. Even the legendary Demon King, Inner Shadow Empire states that of all the members of the Black Legion, Jun is the only being who could match him in a battle of wits and strength.

In the Black Legion, Jun is assigned the rating Elite Tier SS+ Rank, putting him at the same level as Loyce Hal, making him so powerful that even amongst esoterics and beings of higher planes of existence, Gasket is a cut above the rest. Jun is also the titular being "He Who is Beyond the Gods", a parallel to how Aaron is the titular "He Who Kills Gods as a Man".

It would later be revealed that Jun's codename and ranking were falsified and that his true codename in the Black Legion is Inner Shadow Gamemaster as a result of his ability to transcend reality into omnidimensional space, essentially being a Transcendent Being capable of rewriting reality in a manner similar to a "chessboard". Jun's true power would be demonstrated during his game of "divine chess" against Loyce Hal, in which the two would engage in a strategic battle, using planes of reality and existence as "game pieces". As a result of this, Gasket's real ranking was revealed to be High Tier SSS Rank, putting him at the same level, if not surpassing both Hakah Mah and Lord Ginga.




Jun: Finger control. That's by your median nerve.

Aaron: Of course I know that, I'm well versed in human anatomy.

Jun: Notice how you went straight to the subject of human anatomy. When I move my fingers... what do you imagine first? A fist? Or perhaps a gentle head pat, or a mother's touch?

Aaron: I don't get it.

Jun: There's more to bionics than combat, Aaron. It's how you use it. How your brain reacts to it. How your mind reacts to it. Having these implants and being able to control them at an elevated wavelength is just as psychological as it is biological. A mom being able to hold her baby with her own arms for once... or someone being able to hold his or her boyfriend/girlfriend.

- Jun denies Aaron's request to become cybernetic

When Jun was first introduced in "He Kills Gods as a Man", the Inner Shadow appeared to act very childish, typical of his age at the time. Additionally, Jun also had a rather perverted streak which, to some degree even repulsed his Outer Shadow Aaron Hope, who has been known throughout the series for his satirical and boisterous personality. Jun was also shown to be very possessive of his subordinates and belongings, as shown when the Inner Shadow reacted violently to Hakah Mah's attempts to flirt and "steal Aaron away".

However, as the series progressed, it was revealed that, behind his childish nature, Jun was extremely wise and intelligent even amongst his older peers. Throughout "Beyond the Gods", Aaron slowly reveals more about Jun's past and his past interactions with the Outer Shadow, including Jun's decision to deny Aaron's request to have cybernetic implants installed onto his body to achieve S Rank. Jun reasoned that the act of becoming cybernetic was just as ethical as it was practical, and to stress the importance of humanity alongside warfare in his creations - a degree of maturity that greatly contrasts his childish personality that the Inner Shadow first demonstrated at the beginning of the series.

Despite his age, Jun is extremely wise, far beyond his years, to the point where the other Inner Shadows of the Black Legion frequently console Gasket for guidance, indicating their level of trust in the Inner Shadow's wisdom. When the girls of Azure Academy were incinerated by Inner Shadow Evangelion, Outer Shadow Slipstream immediately pleaded to Jun for help, showing that Jun's expertise far outweighed the impressions put on him due to his age. Inner Shadow Reaper also confirms the degree of respect that Jun holds in the Black Legion when he reveals to Aaron that Jun was considered the "greatest trusted tactician" of the Black Legion.


Jun is widely respected, feared, and renowned for his immense intellect, power, and strength as an Inner Shadow to the Black Legion Organization. This level of fame extends even amongst his colleagues, to the point where even Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal deemed Jun to be so much of a threat that the Demon King dispatched the Anti-Narrative Generating Primordial Demon, Aran Sol to attempt to bring Jun out of the picture as soon as possible. Fellow Inner Shadows considered Jun's skillset to be so potent that the Inner Shadow became the Black Legion's trusted tactician.

Outer Shadows

"Jun's faction was almost like a little happy family of Shadows, in a way. We had a bond that was similar to a company of employees if the company wasn't plagued by capitalism, hierarchy ladders, bullshit ass kissing for promotions/raises, etc."

- Aaron Hope

Jun greatly values his subordinate Outer Shadows, and the converse is also true; every single subordinate of Jun loves their master and has shown great devotion to Jun. Jun's love for his subordinates is somewhat familial and is considered to be somewhat unusual amongst the ranks of the Black Legion. Aaron describes the bond that he and his colleagues share with their master to be like a "little happy family of Shadows".

Jun also implemented a system that is unique to his faction, known as "Gasket Goodies" which is a point-based system to reward his Outer Shadows for completing missions. Accumulating enough points allows Jun to grant any request within reason for his subordinates.

Aaron Hope

Aaron is the first Outer Shadow that Jun had recruited. According to Aaron, if it hadn't been for Jun's help, he would never have reached SS Rank, showing the degree of respect the Black Legion's strongest Outer Shadow had for his Master.

Jun first met Aaron upon saving him from the God of Hope after the God-Eater was incapable of avenging the death of his girlfriend. Jun would recruit Aaron by giving him a chance to bring vengeance to the gods who tormented him, providing the Outer Shadow with an avenue to further develop his skillset as a gunman by aiding in the Outer Shadow's development of new and novel weaponry.

The bond that Aaron and Jun have can be described as an older brother and younger brother relationship, though the roles seem to change frequently. At times, Aaron would act like the older sibling, berating Jun for his childishness and ridiculousness. However, the converse is also true, when Jun provides Aaron with advice and wisdom. In "Beyond the Gods", Aaron nearly succumbs to despair after losing his fiancee. Desperate to cling onto his sanity, the Outer Shadow subconsciously recalled an earlier memory of Jun recruiting him, and it would be through Jun's words of reassurance that provided Aaron with the strength to march forward and make his way to Trion against all odds.

When Aaron learned of Jun's apparent defeat to Aran Sol, the Outer Shadow trusted in Jun's abilities, believing his Master to still be alive and thus kept his composure despite being attacked by both Loyce and Vala. However, after Loyce began to ridicule Jun for losing against his Outer Shadow, Aaron noticeably became on edge, even aggressively lashing out at the Demon Lord and defending his Master in spite of the overwhelming gap in power.