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(The Eye of Sahara)
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'''Triggers and uneasy content warning.'''
'''Triggers and uneasy content warning.'''
=='''H''' Act 5.5==
===No Homo Erectus===
===No Homo Erectus===
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*3 Man think banana make em big and strong
*3 Man think banana make em big and strong
=='''Super Team Kicks Movie'''==
=='''Super Team Kicks Movie''' Act 6.5==
===Note and Plot===
===Note and Plot===
This is to take a break from serious action with so lighter characters and more beautiful landscapes
This is to take a break from serious action with so lighter characters and more beautiful landscapes
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===The Eye of Sahara===
===The Eye of Sahara===
'''Flying over Sahara'''
Flying pirate ship circles around the wind tunnel.
[[Image:Eye of Sahara.jpg|500px|thumb|center| Eye of Sahara]]
Klock's flying pirate ship followed by Redwoods legion ship flys pass the whale bones in the Sahara desert. He leads the way to show Rave a portal to an alternate world. Chastity is dead during that time so Jojo holds unto her little robot holy water sphere NIM. The ships circle around the Eye of Sahara many times. Rave grows impatient. Jojo is feeling sick from the spinning and almost vomits into NIM's tiny water tank but it escapes. A tear drop forms on NIM eyes in anime standards. Redwood point and laughs at Jojo. Redwood thinks she is not use to rocking boats like her. Klock explains, "This is where Lucifer's spaceship crash landed. Many years ago they turned this place into Atlantis. Half submerged by sea and covered in rainforest." Rave asks, "What happened?" Klock explains, "I don't know, war, polar shift maybe." Rave gets angry that Klock doesn't know the rest of the story. Klock nervously mentions, "Just waiting for the wind to pick up as he turns his attention to adjust his sails hard right. Rave fold his hand and says, "Old man, your technology is outdated." Rave brings his legion craft under the ship and speeds it up with a rocket boost. Suddenly the wind tunnel picks up and they disappear in a beam of light.
Rave sees a futuristic ancient world. But also notices the Eye of Sahara is still underneath them. Rave asks, "They have an Eye here too?" Klock says, "I did take you to another world. We are in the past." Rave explains, "I was sent back in time to die before. But I did not see this much technology." Klock explains, "You must of been sent way before thing the first flood. I told you this place was Atlantis." Jojo asks, "But wouldn't that affect our timeline?" Klock explains, "No, not really, this place and everyone gets nuked to oblivion in the future. So changed here would matter." Rave says amazing, "So here goes my theory if no one remember something then it never really existed." Jojo asks, "The eye is a portal then?" Klock explains, "No, it's just better to be over Atlantis when we appear here."
'''Some time after human liberation'''
[[Image:Atlantis-main-4-post.jpg|500px|thumb|center| Atlantis BC]]
Klock says, "This place use to be part of the ocean when the Mediterranean went under it caused the Sahara to push up. You'd think building on shallow water would of cause it to go under but h
No." He laughs.
Rave sees the past version of Siren before she was cursed by god to be a sea witch. She was a normal middle class woman before. He doesn't introduce himself or interact with her. So Rave asks Klock, "If Siren is alive here and she is human. This means the flood will happen soon!" Klock says, "If you interact with her could change history. She might not exist or create and alternative timeline we you could return too."
The see the angels/gods interacting with mankind as leaders. Rave change his appearance to look more like a high society angel or some far cousin of that class family.
Rave also sees statues of Inanna-ishtar that looks like Chastity. He vaguely catches a glimpse of Calypso. He is think to talk to her. Klock puts his hand on Rave's shoulder to hold him back. Klock says, "Roman, no." Rave says, "I'm wearing a disguise. It wouldn't matter." Klock explains, "Yes. But you'd risk coming under attention of the Elder gods. She is too important, stay away from her."
Rave has incident. He is hit by a god weapon that works against ghosts. It also prevents him from returning to his host carriers. He is taken prisoner by the Anunnaki. They start to suspect him of lies. They try to cross check his background. He claims to be of a small settlement. How ever now separated from the girls.
Rave escapes but the cuffs are still on that prevent his dematerialization back to host.
Wip- work in progress
Rave knocks out and wakes up in the care of Siren. Siren is a secret witch. Siren explains, "It's illegal for humans to learn god magic. But you are a prisoner. I doubt you'd report me." Rave is stunned and don't know how to react. She makes advances towards him. She also says, "You are handsome. But it's also illegal for unregistered gods to procreate with mortal humans." As she take care of him. He calls her, "Siren?" She asks, "Who's Siren? My name is Sonya." Rave says, "Oh you are not Siren I could of sworn of it. You look just like her."
Siren continues to dress his sounds. Rave says, "I would not heal because my powers are weakening. I've been separated from a woman host too long. We need to find the others." But the Siren pauses. He kisses her. He proceeds to sleep with her.
Klock and the other girl find Rave. Klock is shocked that Rave is with Siren. Rave explains, "She is not Siren so it's okay." Then he further whispers, "I thought you said everything here would be erased and it doesn't matter." Klock explains, "Well one, you are wrong. She definitely is the Siren you knew from present time. Two, you slept with a mortal woman while in raw god form. You of all people should know about the nephilim. Your very own sons in present day are demons and yet you pull this crap."
Klock explains, "You basically cursed her but in a scientific form. Her human body will not react well with god DNA flowing in her veins she would then rapidly evolve to survive it or could instantly die." Jojo says, "Jesus Christ Rave, we leave you alone for less than 2 days." Redwood jokes, "Yah, you really screwed this one up didn't you." Rave explains, "Unless if this doesn't alter our time line and is supposed to happen. She is supposed to survive the flood. Maybe she is supposed to receive her immortality through me." Jojo says, "That sucks, she is very nice now. You must of really broken her heart then for her to be such a huge b... we know and love in our time." Rave guilty argues, "Wait. We can't prove I'm the cause of that." Redwood says, "Maybe. You'll abandon her for thousands of years with your demon child. I'm pretty sure that would send the girl off." Rave says, "Sh*t."
Atlantis is destroyed
Rave pretends too be killed off so Siren wouldn't think he abandoned her. But inturn she grows a hatred for angels and all that is good in general.
Back to present time
Rave thinks about telling Siren about the past but us more afraid about asking about their son. She starts by saying, "Sonya, your real name is Sonya." Siren replies, "Really? How'd you know? Are you sure? Not even I know after all that time. How'd you find out?" Rave explains. She doesn't appear angry at first. He says, "Honestly Siren I didn't know till know. When I met you it hadn't happened yet for me." Siren says, "Okay, I see." She is more hurt but tries not to show it. She get up and walks into the other room and closed the door behind her. She sits on the floor and cries. She only allowed Koi to see her. Koi says, "Rave says you're not alone when you are ready to see him he's there."
Rave asks, "It's either too soon or 10000 years too late but what happened to our son?" Siren replies, "He was a giant sea monster. It was good for a while but then he got too big. I couldn't feed him. I use to let him eat sailors and pirates but then he wanted more. He was put down by some Greek demi god. I hated them for some time but then I figured it was for the best. I never wanted to be evil. I was doing it for your son and you weren't there. Why didn't you just come back for me?" Rave says, "Siren I don't know. I couldn't mess up the timeline more than it is now. What we have now is better than what could of been back then."
Psycho Bunny dies
==Artificial Stars==
'''Act 6 Timeline'''
Rave v Angels.
Psycho Bunny is reborn as she joins the Angels.
Y'Odin + Ol'iesha v Bunny + Uriel.
Meanwhile Rave deals with Psycho Bunny.
Ol'iesha is a giant But Uriel is much stronger than they expected.
Uriel summons a giant mecha to pilot. It's bigger than Ol'iesha maxed size. Ol'iesha gets knocked on her behind.
Help from the Egyptians gods, they are currently under legion at that time after the death of Anubis. They are lead by Genie.
The Egyptians summon their mecha mummy to distract Uriel's mecha.
They open a portal by Deelihla, just enough to peek of a massive sniper cannon. Direct hit and Uriel's mecha is wasted.
==Celtic Thrust==
The warrior chics come from a space time light beam seeking the one they call Rave.They claim that their powers are fading and need a power boost from Rave. They refer to him as the Lich King.
The goddesses appear playful and friendly. But Rave immediately recognize they are a lot stronger than they appear. Regardless he thought they were hot and not thinking with his head. Since the ritual involved sleeping with him he agreed. After he leant that his possession power does not work on them confirming his suspension. Regardless he made them agree to join his team. It was good at first but the goddesses realized they were being extremely under utilized by Rave. It was a slow time for action so the traveller women were not accustomed to wasting time sleeping around in Rave's oda. He noticed the celts wanted more power than he would allow them and it made them angry. So they double crossed him. They were even a lot more powerful than they let off. Rave got angry when he ordered them to submit but they said no. Rave sent Inertia Destiny, Poison and Merlo to fight them but not even Inertia's super speed and Poison's super strength was enough. Inertia got knocked on her behind. Poison for held down and knocked out. Merlo immediately forfeit when they looked at her. She knew she was not on their power level. Rave couldn't believe it. Those were two of his strongest girls. He came to stop them himself. But the celts flew away to reek havoc over New Babylon.
Rave fought the celts. It to a lot of surprised attacks from other Rave girls to bring the celts down. But they escaped by portaling away in a light beam. Rave realizes it was his fault for making them so powerful. The android Poison is sent for repair. Calypso advises Rave to just let them go back where they came from. But Rave refuses to let go. He learned that they didn't go home but went north overseas into the US.
It looks some time to track them down. It wasn't hard to find them. They three goddesses wanted to be worshipped on earth. Rave shouts, "This is bull**** your were already were going to be praised under me!" Gunhieldr replies, "Under you? We are stronger than you." Rave says, "You are stronge but because of me." They fought again but the celts countered the surprise attacks from the Rave girls and legion. Rave continues, "You women are not stronger than your power source. Your power boost will fade and you'd be force to return to me for more. Stop this right now and return to me my loves." Broomheildr laughs and says, "No." Greta says, "Your are good in bed. Maybe she that time comes we word return." Gunhieldr adds, "So we have and agreement." Rave is still mad. Rave thinks, "I am not about to let these three stay Rampant on Earth. He with two other copies grabs and teleports them to the lost dimension inside him. The women immediately teleport out by themselves.
Rave deploys the four Martian queens with Y'Odin and Ol'iesha to fight to fight them. The Celts she they are seriously being outnumbered. The Celts escape to their homeland when they start to lose. Rave shouts, "No!" He is angry. He does not like not getting his way. Rave says, "They were mine!" Y'Odin ask him, "What now?" Rave says, "I am no idiot. Their time spent with me I used to learn about where they come from and how to get there." Liga ask, "So, you're gonna do after them?" Rubi adds, "Rave that's a bad idea. They could be anywhere in the vast cosmos." Rave replies, "You never lecture me, wh***s." The martian girls gasps silently and feel insulted. Ol'iesha explains, "Rave if you try that type of travelling so many things can go wrong." Rave shouts, "I just said to be quiet!" The he calms down, "You are right. You didn't deserve that. Forgive me queens." Rubi nods in agreement. Rave says, "They'll be back." Scene fades.
Back in mysterious lands. Greta says, "I am so *." Gunhieldr say, "I feel my power fading already." Broomheildr adds, "We made a mistake. We should of never left the Lich King." Their evil fourth sister Sloki learns of Rave's power boost. She gives of a deceitful smile.
Sloki returns to with other Celts to Babel. She meets Rave. Sloki flirtatiously says, "I heard you can do great things Lord Lich King." Rave says, "Oh, no not another one." Genie adds, "Oh my god right. Don't give her power Rave she looks evil asf." Rave says, "Totally, I can see a double cross coming from a mile away." Sloki says, "You gave my sister's powers and now they return to you so weak and submissively. Do you really think I need you to crush' you?" As she walks up to him with her hand on her hips staring I to his eyes intimidatingly. He looks at her nonchalantly and unamused. Scene pauses. Next scene cut to Vale, Sloki and Rave in bed. Sloki remarks, "Wow, what happened? I must of blacked out." Vale next to her says, "Bro." Then leaves the bed to the bathroom. Rave says, "God dammit?" Sloki asks, "Oh shush, What is your problem?" Rave remarks, "Good * question. I have tons of them. But more importantly is what are you up to devil? Want are you planning to do?" Sloki shrugs and says, "Nothing." Rave asks, "What do you mean *. I have no time for serpent tongue." Sloki says, "I'm just, going to be a princess, for now actually. My sisters got all the glamorous life without any merit and still they chose to be we wanderers. Not me, I was always the evil one. Not because I did anything but because I was born of frost giant blood. I just want to see what being princess is like."
Rave watches Sloki from the balcony. She sits with Vale by the pool whom she taken a liking of.
We see the Vantar Black and Hammerheart lost in a strange world. They are with demi god Hvitserk.
==Strange Lands==
Return of Vantar Black and Hammerheart. Previous seemed killed or sent to another dimension during the Lord Flowers fight.
[http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=GenoRave_Act_6#Rave_vs_Lord_Flowers Previous Story ]
Rave wants to use The Celtic women's cosmic teleportion power to find his friends.

Revision as of 14:33, 12 February 2024

Triggers and uneasy content warning.

H Act 5.5

No Homo Erectus

Rave Lab

Rave says, "I refuse to believe humanity survived up to 300,000 years of evolution just mocking about doing * all on this planet. It's not possible for mankind even stupider than they are now." Kobain says, "Some believe homo Erectus survived 2 million years Rave." Rave replies, "What? Are your sure? That cannot be right. Lemme see." He leans over to watch Kobain's PC. Rave replies, "Ah. * Rubbish is what that is." Kobain types and says, "Biblically 6000?"

Rave says, "Ah. That's more like it." Sia asks, "So you don't, believe in evolution?" Rave says, "I do but... It's just like the T-Rex. It's structure doesn't make any sense. Now look at an elephant skull and tell me if you see an elephant. Something tells me dinosaurs were some type of demon offspring."

Loud ague inaudible.

Sai says, "Once again Rave is gonna challenge science." Rave asks, "Where can I find some monkeys?" Kobain asks, "We gonna experiment on some monkeys?! I'm in!" Sia groans, "Oh dear lord no."

Rave says, "If anything. We're devolving." Sia sighs, "Rave?... Now you're just being mean." Cameila explains, "Mah... Rave might be on to something. The thought of evolution is just as far fetched as any other explanation."

Sai says, "Those poor monkeys." Rave exclaims, "Today we are going to make a man." Kobain exclaims, "We might be able to make Homo Erectus at least. Mankind do not event technology, we are only in the slow process of discovering it." Cameila says, "Really Sia. With no sacrifice one cannot achieved discoveries. It's quite possible that advanced technology existed long before mankind learned to walk."

America walks in with a tray of fried fish from the bar to share. She asks, "Homo Erectus? What's that?" And she laughs. Kobain steals some food of the tray and America bites his hand.

Kobain pitches a theory, "Try fish. The women gene is not of ape. It's more of reptile like a snake." America shouts at Kobain, "Are you calling me a snake?!" She is about to hit him. Rave interrupts.

Rave says, "Kobain you are a genius. We think of evolution as fish to land reptiles but there is small amounts of truth to it. The first females were in fact part reptile as they understood the snake in the Garden of Eden nor did they give mammal birth before mixing DNA with the first part ape men. We look for nephilim as giant humanoid bones but we have already found them. The Nephilim could be dinosaurs that would of drowned in the deluge of exodus they were half. These Nephilim/dinosaurs were much larger and vicious than the ape-kin offspring. We read that Nephilim ate men. Our discovery could change the world." America adds, "I'm the one who brought the fish. So y'all should credit me in your blog-thing as a scientist." Kobain adds, "Sure, we need a picture of a snake woman." America hits him for teasing her. America notes, "I'll go get ask Goomba." Rave shouts, "Tell Siren I say come here too." Sai explains as America walks out, "I hate Siren. You cannot read her mind and she's such a liar for attention. How can we even trust her?"

Kobain straps the first monkey to a bed. Then he pauses. Rave says, "What's the matter Kobain? Backing out already?" Kobain explains, "Man look at how cute this guy is. I just a little afraid we might kill him." Cameila explains, "My monkey arm doesn't like that we are experimenting on monkeys idea. It will probably try to strangle me in my sleep but science must go on."

Siren enters. Rave ask Siren, "By any chance did you seen any advanced technology when you were alive thousands of years ago." Siren replies, "I already told you Roman. I was bounded to the sea. But yes... There might have been some flying ships."

While Rave worked the hot girls were being catty. Ein eats a banana with a teeth trying not to make it mess up her lipstick. It looked rather hot they way she sat on the floor tired and thinking. Koi reads from her phone, "A band of monkeys from the islands were last seen making their way south. They were going to storm the white house for bananas before making a getaway to the ilse." Rave replies, "Really? That's stupid." America adds. "The isle is littered with bananas. Why would they storm the white house." America adds, "They wouldn't want that heat." Siren dramatically replies, "Hmmm. That was either racist or rude. She's making fun of you Rave." America replies, "Wait. How is that racist?" Siren explains, "She's calling the human race monkeys. You should beat her" Koi says, "* you, Siren. You think you're a god but you're real just a..." Rave call Koi closer to him as he works, "Koi. Come." Siren looks happy that Koi might be on trouble. Koi is nervous and now regrets her joke. But instead Rave seemed impressed. Rave says, "That was clever. You need to tell me your little jokes more often." Koi starts flirting and Siren gets jealous.


Rave creates changes the ape into a man by trying to speed up evolution. He thought it would of been just a monkey in a human body but boy was he wrong. The way it eyes rolled and mumbles to itself. Rave forces open its eyes to look inside and what he sees... Rave gasps, "No." Rave immediately punches tough it heart. Kobain shouts, "Wow? Well... I'm out" and immediately slides out of the room running. And though the creation was already dead Rave continued to beat it bloody. Kobain know that if Rave loses his mind he should never stay close. Rave shouts at the girls, "No! Delete it. Throw all of the information out." Cameila's monkey arm covers her mouth in shock. Cameila explains, "Rave made eye contact with the project." Sai screams, "Rave?!! What did you see." Rave growls through his teeth, "I can't tell you what I saw. If I did you'd see it too wouldn't you. Or do you wish to she it yourself??" The girls shake there heads, no in surprised fear. He yells, "Get out." As they leave he starts bombing the room.


Legion Base. Porch Facing Army

Later. Rave explains, "This has only proved my worst fears. We have to kill all gods. If they return for us it would be not from heaven but the cosmos. I'll bomb them all than be cattle." Siren asks, "Rave still has told you what he saw? I'm going to ask." Goomba explains, "Don't ask him." Kobain comes in drinking a cup of soda. America remarks, "Little snake. Where did run?" Kobain sips his straw. He says, "I keep telling y'all I'm not Rave's girlfriend. He psychosis is your jobs... I'm not about to be killed by my dude."


Rave says, "When I looked into limbo... I'm the darkness through all the insanity... Something looked back at me... I knew it was... I wasn't suppose to create a body like this... A giant eye looked a me! It must of been the creator himself! I was going to drop a Pyramid on it but couldn't move. I cannot explain the rest. It doesn't add up. I saw the whole earth gathered and working like slaves building pyramids. Nothing but a cloth around em sifting rivers for gold and diamonds. Tequilla pierced her ears and their ears a child in it and then an alien in the brain like a spaceship... god I cannot say the rest. But it's driving me mad." Spoiler. The eye Rave saw was Yin. But the creator is female. She was showing him what her sons (other male gods) could do if they were giving control of humanity. But the vision was vague. Kobain suggests and sips, "Talk to Calypso. She the knowledge *, right?" Rave replies, "Dammit Kobain. What would I do without you." Sai hits Kobain a backhand on his thigh as he is always being quickest in ideas. America says, "One of these days Kobain is gonna marry him." Kobain makes an upset face. Kobain replies, "Unfortunately for your little fanfic. Me and Rave dont roll that way. We can't be * that job is well taken isn't it?" Then he looks at america through the straw. She is angry. Kobain asks, "Five seconds?" America says, "Three." Rave runs down the hall screaming, "Rave!!" The America chases after him. In the hall Kobain pulls Meredith who was standing in the door to collide with America. Both the girls get forehead lumps. The girls look at each other and gasp at the huge lump. Meredith covers her mouth and says, "My Face. Rave is not going to be happy about this." Kobain gsaps, "Wait wait wait don't tell him. Sick bay can fix this. You've fought before." Meredith asks, "Why the hell isn't he running?" America says "I'm going to kill you kobain. Rave is to busy to save your life." Kobain runs to sick bay so that if they beat him up he can be healed one time.

Lost Dimension

Rave and Calypso visits Dianna De La Muerte in the XD. Dianna's shadow moves upon the rocks like an black spirit as she approach them. She seductively rub her finger near his lips but her hands turns to bones. He stops her by the wrist and forces her hand to turn back to flesh. She giggles manically and whispers, "Make love to me." Rave replies, "No. Tell me. What do you know of Limbo." Dianna calmly replies, "Limbo?" Then struggles to flee. but Rave has her by the arm. Dark Shadows Moves back and forth trying to tip the platform. Dianna poofs into clouds of creepy giggles. Calypso gasps. Rave looks out for Calypso's safety. Something like a snake moves out from behind a rock. It is Goomba. Goomba sees through Dianna's disguise and traps her. Calypso slaps all shadows out of Dianna. Dianna will now cooperate. Dianna says, "Limbo is non existence. No spirit to steal. No soul. Like an empty shell. You might find soul but only one has the spirit. She divides."

Goomba says, "Ah nuh Rave."


Rave goes back into limbo with a spear to attack the spirit. flying through darkness. He launches the spear but it does nothing. Rave is held. And the eye becomes clearer. The iris goes through him. The pupil is a star.

Rave Labs Discovery Blog

The Truth Will Shock You

The philosophy of truth. Do replities live among us? If you ever wondered if mankind evolved from fish. If you ever wondered why dragon bones are never found. If you ever wondered why dinosaurs came first. If you ever wonder why Nephilim bones are never found. We already found them. Any historical text that tells you the the order of darkness, water, light, sky, earth, sea creatures then land creatures all of it is right. When thinking of gods contrast long life of serpants. Research proves the gods serpants and so was the first humans of reptile kin. Nephilim were dinosaurs.

First generation Gods

Yin is the electric spirit energy of the cosmic seas while Yang is the warm life energy of heat. Yin is the sorce spirit a While is the physical provider of existence. Spirit energy only comes directly from Yin and is a high consciousness of awareness

Second Generation Gods

Enki masters all physical elements of the mortal plane. He is the architect that shapes the plane while Nin is the source soul and body that allows for life. Soul energy is everywhere and generated from animals, plants and inanimate objects like earth and has not knowledge of awareness.

Third Generation Gods

Various other gods/angels that carry out specific tasks. Sometimes the jobs may change. No god actually wants duties of the underworld forever.

Sin Does Not Exist

Existence was never based on the known good vs evil narrative but of discoveries and exploration that later invoked court for freedom with compassion vs laws of practicality for survival.

Composure of Man

Born of Nin (Body/Soul)

Knowledge of Yin (Mind/Spirit)

Choice of Yang (Heart/Solar Plexus)

Creativity of Enki (Imagination/Will to shape the future)

Angel Formula

(0 x 1= 0) = Zero is dominant

Gods/Angels = Serpent/Dragon

(Yin + Yang = Yang) = (0 + 1 = 1) = (x + x = y) = (Female + Male = Male)

Man Formula

(x + z) a + y = (Spirit + Body) Soul + Heart

1st Man = (Yin + Nin) Ape + Enki = Robot Druid/Golem = Adamus (Homosapiens)

1st Woman = (Yang) Ape + Snake = Reptile Woman (Bad Formula) = Lilith (Homosaurus)

2nd Woman = (Yin + Nin) Ape + Yang = Robot Dryad = Eve (A.I.)

Flesh God Formula

Nephilim = (Angels) Lilith = Dinosaurs

Angels/Serpents thought Lilith/Homosaurus attractive.


Last night I dreamt I was a guru of love and fitness. I look around at the grass and saw about a hundred beautiful women eagerly waiting for me to speak. The way we shape dreams based on thought are similar to reaching the 6th dimensional power. So your mind living your body is a form of godlike ascension.

111 Reptile Behavior of Girls

Silarities in women and reptiles by Jumbee Akatsuki.

  • 1 Stick out their tongue all the time
  • 2 Obsession with animals skin
  • 3 Wears reptile skin shoes
  • 4 Prefers long artificial claws
  • 5 Doesn't really sweat
  • 6 Drenches in perfume to kill insects
  • 7 They make eggs
  • 8 Chicks have and affinity to dinosaurs
  • 9 Chicks evolved from dinosaurs
  • 10 High heals resembles a T-Rex walk
  • 11 The first female had no child birth like a mammal
  • 12 Crocodile tears come naturally
  • 13 Ninki Minaj made a song about anacondas
  • 14 All reptiles can swim well
  • 15 They like mermaids
  • 16 They resemble the siren
  • 17 Angels are usually serpents
  • 18 Temptation in genesis
  • 19 They understand snakes like Harry Potter
  • 20 They be getting snake tattoes
  • 21 They can crush you with their thighs
  • 22 The womb expands like the jaw of a snake
  • 23 They look better with scales
  • 24 Rave jewels are pretty hot
  • 25 Make up is camouflage
  • 26 Stocking are like shedding skin
  • 27 Nose raised high in the air
  • 28 They communicate with body movement
  • 29 They take any reason to were less clothes
  • 30 They are more flexible
  • 31 Can stay upsidedown with feeling dizzy
  • 32 Often cold blooded
  • 33 Usually longer and larger mouth
  • 34 They eat more
  • 35 They have the snake eyes
  • 36 Less body hair
  • 37 Clingy
  • 38 Females are bigger
  • 39 Loves gold
  • 40 'Psst' is a mating call
  • 41 Doesn't lie but fails to fully state all valuable information from the get go
  • 42 No gag reflex
  • 43 Long nails
  • 44 Belly dancing
  • 45 licks their lips
  • 46 Don't put together!
  • 47 They use their legs for everything
  • 48 They don't date guys with android phones
  • 109 Look at guys in the very corner of they eyes
  • 110 They role their eyes
  • 111 All women have two tongues

3 Ape like behavior of Men

  • 1 Man eat banana
  • 2 Man like banana
  • 3 Man think banana make em big and strong

Super Team Kicks Movie Act 6.5

Note and Plot

This is to take a break from serious action with so lighter characters and more beautiful landscapes



Sad Lovers And Giants
Clocktower Lodge

The Timer IC 555 is an analog time circuit.

An old Steampunk pirate, named Klock visits Rave. Klock has a flying pirate ship.

Clocktower Lodge

Sad Lovers And Giants
Return To Clocktower Lodge

Rave takes the flying pirate ship to Clocktower Lodge. Rave says sarcastically, "Great another city in the sky." Lulu squints at Rave as the wind blows in her face making it hard to see in the cold air. Lulu says, "In this mortal realm?"

The Play

Pearl Jam
Why Go

Psycho Bunny escape prison vs Rave Girls. She escapes. Then teams up with The Fashionista.

The Eye of Sahara

Flying over Sahara

Eye of Sahara

Klock's flying pirate ship followed by Redwoods legion ship flys pass the whale bones in the Sahara desert. He leads the way to show Rave a portal to an alternate world. Chastity is dead during that time so Jojo holds unto her little robot holy water sphere NIM. The ships circle around the Eye of Sahara many times. Rave grows impatient. Jojo is feeling sick from the spinning and almost vomits into NIM's tiny water tank but it escapes. A tear drop forms on NIM eyes in anime standards. Redwood point and laughs at Jojo. Redwood thinks she is not use to rocking boats like her. Klock explains, "This is where Lucifer's spaceship crash landed. Many years ago they turned this place into Atlantis. Half submerged by sea and covered in rainforest." Rave asks, "What happened?" Klock explains, "I don't know, war, polar shift maybe." Rave gets angry that Klock doesn't know the rest of the story. Klock nervously mentions, "Just waiting for the wind to pick up as he turns his attention to adjust his sails hard right. Rave fold his hand and says, "Old man, your technology is outdated." Rave brings his legion craft under the ship and speeds it up with a rocket boost. Suddenly the wind tunnel picks up and they disappear in a beam of light.

Rave sees a futuristic ancient world. But also notices the Eye of Sahara is still underneath them. Rave asks, "They have an Eye here too?" Klock says, "I did take you to another world. We are in the past." Rave explains, "I was sent back in time to die before. But I did not see this much technology." Klock explains, "You must of been sent way before thing the first flood. I told you this place was Atlantis." Jojo asks, "But wouldn't that affect our timeline?" Klock explains, "No, not really, this place and everyone gets nuked to oblivion in the future. So changed here would matter." Rave says amazing, "So here goes my theory if no one remember something then it never really existed." Jojo asks, "The eye is a portal then?" Klock explains, "No, it's just better to be over Atlantis when we appear here."

Some time after human liberation

Atlantis BC

Klock says, "This place use to be part of the ocean when the Mediterranean went under it caused the Sahara to push up. You'd think building on shallow water would of cause it to go under but h No." He laughs.

Rave sees the past version of Siren before she was cursed by god to be a sea witch. She was a normal middle class woman before. He doesn't introduce himself or interact with her. So Rave asks Klock, "If Siren is alive here and she is human. This means the flood will happen soon!" Klock says, "If you interact with her could change history. She might not exist or create and alternative timeline we you could return too."

The see the angels/gods interacting with mankind as leaders. Rave change his appearance to look more like a high society angel or some far cousin of that class family.

Rave also sees statues of Inanna-ishtar that looks like Chastity. He vaguely catches a glimpse of Calypso. He is think to talk to her. Klock puts his hand on Rave's shoulder to hold him back. Klock says, "Roman, no." Rave says, "I'm wearing a disguise. It wouldn't matter." Klock explains, "Yes. But you'd risk coming under attention of the Elder gods. She is too important, stay away from her."


Rave has incident. He is hit by a god weapon that works against ghosts. It also prevents him from returning to his host carriers. He is taken prisoner by the Anunnaki. They start to suspect him of lies. They try to cross check his background. He claims to be of a small settlement. How ever now separated from the girls.


Rave escapes but the cuffs are still on that prevent his dematerialization back to host.

Wip- work in progress

Rave knocks out and wakes up in the care of Siren. Siren is a secret witch. Siren explains, "It's illegal for humans to learn god magic. But you are a prisoner. I doubt you'd report me." Rave is stunned and don't know how to react. She makes advances towards him. She also says, "You are handsome. But it's also illegal for unregistered gods to procreate with mortal humans." As she take care of him. He calls her, "Siren?" She asks, "Who's Siren? My name is Sonya." Rave says, "Oh you are not Siren I could of sworn of it. You look just like her."

Siren continues to dress his sounds. Rave says, "I would not heal because my powers are weakening. I've been separated from a woman host too long. We need to find the others." But the Siren pauses. He kisses her. He proceeds to sleep with her.

Klock and the other girl find Rave. Klock is shocked that Rave is with Siren. Rave explains, "She is not Siren so it's okay." Then he further whispers, "I thought you said everything here would be erased and it doesn't matter." Klock explains, "Well one, you are wrong. She definitely is the Siren you knew from present time. Two, you slept with a mortal woman while in raw god form. You of all people should know about the nephilim. Your very own sons in present day are demons and yet you pull this crap."

Klock explains, "You basically cursed her but in a scientific form. Her human body will not react well with god DNA flowing in her veins she would then rapidly evolve to survive it or could instantly die." Jojo says, "Jesus Christ Rave, we leave you alone for less than 2 days." Redwood jokes, "Yah, you really screwed this one up didn't you." Rave explains, "Unless if this doesn't alter our time line and is supposed to happen. She is supposed to survive the flood. Maybe she is supposed to receive her immortality through me." Jojo says, "That sucks, she is very nice now. You must of really broken her heart then for her to be such a huge b... we know and love in our time." Rave guilty argues, "Wait. We can't prove I'm the cause of that." Redwood says, "Maybe. You'll abandon her for thousands of years with your demon child. I'm pretty sure that would send the girl off." Rave says, "Sh*t."


Atlantis is destroyed


Rave pretends too be killed off so Siren wouldn't think he abandoned her. But inturn she grows a hatred for angels and all that is good in general.

Back to present time

Rave thinks about telling Siren about the past but us more afraid about asking about their son. She starts by saying, "Sonya, your real name is Sonya." Siren replies, "Really? How'd you know? Are you sure? Not even I know after all that time. How'd you find out?" Rave explains. She doesn't appear angry at first. He says, "Honestly Siren I didn't know till know. When I met you it hadn't happened yet for me." Siren says, "Okay, I see." She is more hurt but tries not to show it. She get up and walks into the other room and closed the door behind her. She sits on the floor and cries. She only allowed Koi to see her. Koi says, "Rave says you're not alone when you are ready to see him he's there."

Rave asks, "It's either too soon or 10000 years too late but what happened to our son?" Siren replies, "He was a giant sea monster. It was good for a while but then he got too big. I couldn't feed him. I use to let him eat sailors and pirates but then he wanted more. He was put down by some Greek demi god. I hated them for some time but then I figured it was for the best. I never wanted to be evil. I was doing it for your son and you weren't there. Why didn't you just come back for me?" Rave says, "Siren I don't know. I couldn't mess up the timeline more than it is now. What we have now is better than what could of been back then."


Psycho Bunny dies

Artificial Stars

Act 6 Timeline

Rave v Angels.

Psycho Bunny is reborn as she joins the Angels.

Y'Odin + Ol'iesha v Bunny + Uriel.

Meanwhile Rave deals with Psycho Bunny.

Ol'iesha is a giant But Uriel is much stronger than they expected.

Uriel summons a giant mecha to pilot. It's bigger than Ol'iesha maxed size. Ol'iesha gets knocked on her behind.

Help from the Egyptians gods, they are currently under legion at that time after the death of Anubis. They are lead by Genie.

The Egyptians summon their mecha mummy to distract Uriel's mecha.

They open a portal by Deelihla, just enough to peek of a massive sniper cannon. Direct hit and Uriel's mecha is wasted.

Celtic Thrust

The warrior chics come from a space time light beam seeking the one they call Rave.They claim that their powers are fading and need a power boost from Rave. They refer to him as the Lich King.

The goddesses appear playful and friendly. But Rave immediately recognize they are a lot stronger than they appear. Regardless he thought they were hot and not thinking with his head. Since the ritual involved sleeping with him he agreed. After he leant that his possession power does not work on them confirming his suspension. Regardless he made them agree to join his team. It was good at first but the goddesses realized they were being extremely under utilized by Rave. It was a slow time for action so the traveller women were not accustomed to wasting time sleeping around in Rave's oda. He noticed the celts wanted more power than he would allow them and it made them angry. So they double crossed him. They were even a lot more powerful than they let off. Rave got angry when he ordered them to submit but they said no. Rave sent Inertia Destiny, Poison and Merlo to fight them but not even Inertia's super speed and Poison's super strength was enough. Inertia got knocked on her behind. Poison for held down and knocked out. Merlo immediately forfeit when they looked at her. She knew she was not on their power level. Rave couldn't believe it. Those were two of his strongest girls. He came to stop them himself. But the celts flew away to reek havoc over New Babylon.

Rave fought the celts. It to a lot of surprised attacks from other Rave girls to bring the celts down. But they escaped by portaling away in a light beam. Rave realizes it was his fault for making them so powerful. The android Poison is sent for repair. Calypso advises Rave to just let them go back where they came from. But Rave refuses to let go. He learned that they didn't go home but went north overseas into the US.

It looks some time to track them down. It wasn't hard to find them. They three goddesses wanted to be worshipped on earth. Rave shouts, "This is bull**** your were already were going to be praised under me!" Gunhieldr replies, "Under you? We are stronger than you." Rave says, "You are stronge but because of me." They fought again but the celts countered the surprise attacks from the Rave girls and legion. Rave continues, "You women are not stronger than your power source. Your power boost will fade and you'd be force to return to me for more. Stop this right now and return to me my loves." Broomheildr laughs and says, "No." Greta says, "Your are good in bed. Maybe she that time comes we word return." Gunhieldr adds, "So we have and agreement." Rave is still mad. Rave thinks, "I am not about to let these three stay Rampant on Earth. He with two other copies grabs and teleports them to the lost dimension inside him. The women immediately teleport out by themselves.

Rave deploys the four Martian queens with Y'Odin and Ol'iesha to fight to fight them. The Celts she they are seriously being outnumbered. The Celts escape to their homeland when they start to lose. Rave shouts, "No!" He is angry. He does not like not getting his way. Rave says, "They were mine!" Y'Odin ask him, "What now?" Rave says, "I am no idiot. Their time spent with me I used to learn about where they come from and how to get there." Liga ask, "So, you're gonna do after them?" Rubi adds, "Rave that's a bad idea. They could be anywhere in the vast cosmos." Rave replies, "You never lecture me, wh***s." The martian girls gasps silently and feel insulted. Ol'iesha explains, "Rave if you try that type of travelling so many things can go wrong." Rave shouts, "I just said to be quiet!" The he calms down, "You are right. You didn't deserve that. Forgive me queens." Rubi nods in agreement. Rave says, "They'll be back." Scene fades.

Back in mysterious lands. Greta says, "I am so *." Gunhieldr say, "I feel my power fading already." Broomheildr adds, "We made a mistake. We should of never left the Lich King." Their evil fourth sister Sloki learns of Rave's power boost. She gives of a deceitful smile.

Sloki returns to with other Celts to Babel. She meets Rave. Sloki flirtatiously says, "I heard you can do great things Lord Lich King." Rave says, "Oh, no not another one." Genie adds, "Oh my god right. Don't give her power Rave she looks evil asf." Rave says, "Totally, I can see a double cross coming from a mile away." Sloki says, "You gave my sister's powers and now they return to you so weak and submissively. Do you really think I need you to crush' you?" As she walks up to him with her hand on her hips staring I to his eyes intimidatingly. He looks at her nonchalantly and unamused. Scene pauses. Next scene cut to Vale, Sloki and Rave in bed. Sloki remarks, "Wow, what happened? I must of blacked out." Vale next to her says, "Bro." Then leaves the bed to the bathroom. Rave says, "God dammit?" Sloki asks, "Oh shush, What is your problem?" Rave remarks, "Good * question. I have tons of them. But more importantly is what are you up to devil? Want are you planning to do?" Sloki shrugs and says, "Nothing." Rave asks, "What do you mean *. I have no time for serpent tongue." Sloki says, "I'm just, going to be a princess, for now actually. My sisters got all the glamorous life without any merit and still they chose to be we wanderers. Not me, I was always the evil one. Not because I did anything but because I was born of frost giant blood. I just want to see what being princess is like."

Rave watches Sloki from the balcony. She sits with Vale by the pool whom she taken a liking of.

We see the Vantar Black and Hammerheart lost in a strange world. They are with demi god Hvitserk.

Strange Lands

Return of Vantar Black and Hammerheart. Previous seemed killed or sent to another dimension during the Lord Flowers fight.

Previous Story

Rave wants to use The Celtic women's cosmic teleportion power to find his friends.