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* '''Accelerate Protocol''': During the time Aaron was imprisoned by '''Doctor Destroyer''', Sigurd installed an upgrade that allowed her to boost her speed substantially using rocket engines mounted inside her shoulder modules. By using Accelerate, Sigurd's speed increased to the point where she was able to react to lightning, dodging the attacks of '''Gigaton''' despite being heavily worn down from storming Destruga all alone.
* '''Accelerate Protocol''': During the time Aaron was imprisoned by '''Doctor Destroyer''', Sigurd installed an upgrade that allowed her to boost her speed substantially using rocket engines mounted inside her shoulder modules. By using Accelerate, Sigurd's speed increased to the point where she was able to react to lightning, dodging the attacks of '''Gigaton''' despite being heavily worn down from storming Destruga all alone.
* '''Supersonic Accelerate''': A second upgrade to Sigurd's rocket engines, which significantly reduced the form factor and increased the propulsion force considerably.
* '''Supersonic Accelerate''': A second upgrade to Sigurd's rocket engines, which significantly reduced the form factor and increased the propulsion force considerably.
* '''Hermes Modification - Godspeed Accelerate''': An upgrade which Sigurd received before facing a weakened '''Aran Sol''' with Jun Gasket's assistance, Sigurd's propulsion systems were upgraded to allow her to move at speeds bordering the speed of light itself, making her even faster than Dagrun herself, rivalling that of Inner Shadow Jay Hellion. However, Sigurd admitted that ultimately, Jay remained far faster.
* '''Hermes Modification - Godspeed Accelerate''': An upgrade which Sigurd received before facing a weakened '''Aran Sol''' with Jun Gasket's assistance, Sigurd's propulsion systems were upgraded to allow her to move at speeds bordering the speed of light itself, making her even faster than Dagrun herself, rivaling that of Inner Shadow Jay Hellion. However, Sigurd admitted that ultimately, Jay remained far faster.
'''Pheromones''': Sigurd's body is capable of releasing a form of pheromones designed by Jun Gasket, which can change its chemical composition to physically attract biological species of either the opposite sex or the same sex. Annelise frequently emits pheromones as an added precaution during her infiltration assignments, which can dull the senses of her targets and cause them to be attracted to her. The intensity of Annie's pheromones can range from simple romantic attraction to irresistible libido. In battle, Annelise has used pheromones to reduce the dexterity and combat proficiency of her opponents by having them romantically lustful for her, which provides the Auxiliary Shadow with an immense tactical advantage. However, it was noted that Sigurd's pheromones can be countered by opponents with immense willpower, such as '''Yeling Mah''' and '''Kon Larum'''. The former, being adamant on his belief that he would never be loved, and the latter's fierce dedication to being loyal to his wife.

Revision as of 04:45, 25 April 2023

Tx7f 015.jpg
Black Legion Auxiliary Shadow
Rank 9
"Iron Maiden Sigurd"
Annelise Scarlet
Infiltration Unit TX7F
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Stealth Assassin
Melee DPS
Mid-Range DPS
R & D: Science
Level: SS Rank (Omega Upgrade)
A Rank (He Kills Gods as a Man)
Overwhelmingly Cosmic (Takofanes Assassination Mission)
Occupation: Auxiliary Shadow (Reporting to SS Rank Aaron Hope)
UNITY Superhero (Formerly, removed by Defender for attempted murder)
College Student
Personal Data
Real Name: Annelise Scarlet
Known Aliases: Sigurd (Black Legion Codename)
Iron Lady of Death
State of the Art Love Doll (By Aaron)
Rusting Bitch (By Aaron)
Elise Scarlet
Annie (By college classmates)
Iron Maiden Sigurd
Identity: Secret
Species: Android (Formerly)
Cyborg (Current)
Age: Biologically 21 (Beyond the Gods)
Biologically 20 (He Kills Gods as a Man)
Height: 5' 8
Weight: 112 lb
Eye Color: Luminescent Cyan/Red
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Confidential
Birthdate: Confidential
Nationality: Ameradan
Current Residence: Jun Gasket's Barracks
Religion/Faith: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Straight (Implied)
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Jun Gasket (Creator)
Elise Scarlet (Progenitor)
Known Powers
Training / Abilities
TX7F is a character from Darwin's Great Akuma Universe

"For the first time, logic never crossed my mind. The only thing I was thinking was that I couldn't watch my Outer Shadow battle our greatest adversary alone.

If it meant going against my programming and pursuing an impossible goal...

Then that was what I was going to do.

And that was what I did."

- Sigurd's Resolve

Annelise "Annie" Scarlet, known by her identification number Infiltration Unit TX7F is an extremely powerful Auxiliary Shadow reporting to Aaron "The God-Eater" Hope, acting as his right hand woman under the codename Iron Maiden Sigurd or Sigurd for short. She was an android created by Inner Shadow Jun Gasket for the purpose of infiltration and assassination, her precept being intelligence acquisition, reconnaissance, and manipulation, later becoming a cybernetic human. Though it was revealed by Aaron that Sigurd's original purpose was to be Jun's makeshift sex doll during the Inner Shadow's puberty phase, modeled exactly to be like the supermodel Elise Scarlet; known as the most beautiful woman alive in her universe (according to Auxiliary Shadow Visor and Auxiliary Shadow Hellsing). This information was later redacted from the database after Annelise threatened to sever Aaron's genitalia.

After reconciling with the real Elise Scarlet, the original gave Sigurd her blessing to live her own life and granted her the name Annelise, which she would use as her legal name. Annelise would then accept the biological implants gifted to her by Aaron and Jun to become a cybernetic human, attaining her dream of attending college and living her life as a normal college girl.

Despite her new life, Annelise still continues to work as Aaron's Auxiliary, deeply grateful for everything he has done for her. Because of her biological implants, TX7F was also the first android created by Jun Gasket to display true human emotion, a dream the Inner Shadow once had come true.

In terms of proficiency as a Black Legion operative, Annelise is considered Aaron's parallel, as, like her Senior Outer Shadow, Scarlet possesses a Black Legion ranking that rivals Outer Shadows, just like how Aaron possesses a Black Legion ranking that rivals Inner Shadows. In addition to her ranking, the sheer amount of hard work and diligence exhibited by the Auxiliary Shadow has made Annelise Jun Gasket's strongest Auxiliary, just like how Aaron is Jun's strongest Outer Shadow. Of all the Auxiliary Shadows under Dainsleif's command, Sigurd is considered the closest to becoming his successor.

After learning of Aaron's violent encounter against the Black Legion's ultimate adversary, Vala the Spirit of Hope, in which Annelise discovered that Aaron had sustained life-threatening injuries, the Auxiliary Shadow made a vow to become strong enough to fight by her Outer Shadow's side. Sigurd would go as far as to willingly abandon her dream of being a normal college girl to accept stronger cybernetic implants. From saving Inner Shadow Jun Gasket and surviving the narrative bending abilities of Supreme Primordial Aran Sol, Sigurd received the Omega Upgrade, a set of brand new cybernetics developed by Jun which was intended to be his strongest set of warfare modifications yet. Following the update, Annelise's body improved significantly, drastically pushing her already high ranking to the impossible level of SS Rank, making Annelise Aaron's undisputed, strongest Auxiliary Shadow, and potentially the entire Black Legion behind Yeling Mah.


He Kills Gods as a Man

Modeled after the superstar Elise Scarlet, Sigurd is depicted to be a beautiful young woman with a curvaceous figure, which was one of the most defining features used in her occupation as an Infiltration Unit. Sigurd is of average height for a human female, exhibiting many physical traits akin to her product line.

Sigurd possesses bright, luminescent cyan android eyes, which enable her to see in the dark and also scan her surroundings, formulating analytical battle strategies on the fly and feeding this data to her Outer Shadow through a neural connection. Her long shiny black hair reaches her back, and falls to her front through several bangs. Her face is described to be stern, but attractive.

In battle, Sigurd is almost always seen in her skin-tight leather bodysuit, which had undergone several revisions in the past. The suit, though durable, adheres to her body and accentuates her curves, most likely for the purpose of seduction during infiltration and intelligence acquisition. Though Sigurd has at times worn different articles of clothing depending on the situation due to her line of work. When attending college, Sigurd wore more casual clothes, including short-sleeved blouses and occasionally flannel. Sigurd also sports a pair of high-heeled boots, which actually house her leg blades which she uses in combat. On her forearms are very faint lines which reveal her arm blades.

When Sigurd is angered or upset (usually from Aaron's teasing and pranks), she enters Assault Mode, where her eyes and suit accents glow red. In this state, her combat prowess increases exponentially for the purpose of fighting against Dogma Holders if the need arises. Her body generates power at a far greater rate than her usual output, causing red bioelectrical discharge and a white energy aura to form around her. Assault Mode mostly only appears whenever Aaron causes her to be overly embarrassed.

Omega Upgrade

Following Sigurd's Omega Upgrade, the Auxiliary Shadow's appearance changes drastically. Her bodysuit gains additional trim near her midsection through four modules that cycle the Anti-Narrative Effect, Jun's final innovation. The biggest discrepancy in this form is Annelise's hair, which is no longer black but white and has become noticeably shorter in the form of a choppy and wilder hairstyle that is combed to the side.

Additional armoring and padding lines Sigurd's shoulders and forearms, acting as enclosures for her new Anti-Reality Mortars.

Powers and Abilities

"My SS+ Rank doesn't just come from what I myself can do in a fight. It comes from the people I have helped. The people who would go to great lengths to protect me. Strength comes in many forms. My strength comes from the people I hold dear. And right now, my strength is through the greatest creation I have ever made in my life: Annelise Scarlet. My strongest android. And my friend."

- Inner Shadow Jun Gasket

Annelise possesses highly advanced supercybernetic weaponry embedded in her body that enables her to fight on the upper echelon of The Black Legion Organization. Despite being an Auxiliary Shadow, TX7F was rated A Rank prior to the Omega Upgrade due to her proficiency in combat, rivaling that of Outer Shadows; a parallel to how her senior, Aaron Hope is rated SS Rank, fighting on par with Inner Shadows. As Annelise starts to transition to a cyborg, with more and more biological implants installed in her body by Jun Gasket, her formerly cold and apathetic mindset has been clouded with more human emotion, leading to a slightly more reckless fighting style that ends up with her body sustaining damage frequently. However, despite this, her combat proficiency remains extremely formidable. Annelise was capable of fighting toe to toe with beings such as Takofanes, and storming her way through Destruga, battling hordes of Destroids and Destroyer's army to reach an imprisoned Aaron Hope. However, once Sigurd managed to reach Hope and leads him to the prison exit, she is incapable of defeating Gigaton due to having sustained too much damage to her body.

According to Soldier X8, a mechanized combat golem designed by Jun Gasket to be fully combat-focused, Annelise's functionality and proficiency in her combat hardware surpasses even himself and many other combat androids in the Black Legion, making her terrifying even by Black Legion standards. However, it was noted by X8 that since Annelise's specialty is more on a tactical takedown, assassination, and stealth attacks; she still lacks the frontal firepower compared to harder-hitting Auxiliary Shadows such as X8 and Bryce "Uzi" Jones that is required to take down highly durable enemies. Additionally, due to being more of an agile, guerrilla-based combat droid, TX7F is not designed to fight enemies toe to toe, and thus is, by default, always at a disadvantage when fighting an up-close battle. As a result of this, Sigurd's body is not designed to withstand strong heavy blows that arise during upfront confrontations.

Annelise after the Omega Upgrade

"One in a Trillion" Upgrade Compatibility: Unique to Sigurd, is her ability to accept cybernetic upgrades with seemingly no limit, no matter how incompatible they may appear to be for her body. According to Jun Gasket, Sigurd's compatibility with the upgrades he has installed on her body is unusually higher than any of his creations. This was such to the point where Sigurd, despite being a mere Auxiliary Shadow, was capable of handling the Omega Upgrade, an upgrade that Jun had spent years developing (thousands of years in the cyberworld), yet was historically known to be incapable of being installed in any of Jun's robots due to the incomprehensibly high tolerance required to handle. It was later revealed by Aaron that this may have been due to Sigurd's strong desire for humanity and love for life, which allowed her to cling to her ideals and not succumb to cyberdegradation.

Ultraspeed Hyperthought Processing: Similiar to her senior Shadow Aaron Hope, Sigurd possesses the ability to process thoughts at a superhuman pace, but in her case, at speeds far surpassing the Outer Shadow due to her cybernetic nature. As an android/cyborg, Annelise's ability to process thoughts far surpass even Black Legion standards. Sigurd's ability to process thoughts is said to be so fast that the rate she can execute calculations and thoughts is hundreds of millions of times faster than conventional supercomputers, akin to a quantum computer.

  • Superquantum Thought Acceleration: Following the Omega Upgrade, Jun Gasket installed an implant in Sigurd's brain allowing her to accelerate her thought speed, up to a 600 times multiplier. According to Sigurd, her ability to process thoughts rivals even Jun Gasket himself.
  • MARS Extension: Despite having a thought processing speed far surpassing her senior Shadow, Sigurd admitted that she did not possess the same level of craftiness and cunningness the God Eater displayed in battle. To compensate for this, Sigurd's consciousness developed an offshoot combat AI known as MARS, to allow her to compute virtually any scenario in a confrontation, and determine the most successful operation based on a certain set of parameters. By pairing MARS with her Ultraspeed Thought Acceleration, Sigurd can come up with a calculated strategy in a matter of nanoseconds.

Anti-Narrative Modules: The main aspect of Jun's revolutionary Omega Upgrade. When Jun investigated Aran Sol, the Inner Shadow was able to take parts of the Supreme Primordial's anti-narrative aura and somehow weaponize it into a malleable form, known as the Anti-Narrative Effect. By channeling the Anti-Narrative through a set of modules, the Upgrade can allow its user to seemingly break the narrative of any reality. Installing this technology into Sigurd's body allows Sigurd to passively negate all reality warping and narratives placed against her, as well as destroy any offsets off of the fabric of reality by channeling the power. The major drawback of these modules is overuse and the limited usage of the Anti-Narrative effect due to the nature of Sigurd's body. If the power is channeled for too long, Sigurd may be susceptible to narrative deresolution, which may result in the degradation of her entire body and existence. As such, Sigurd is limited to a max of three uses of the modules a day. These modules also have a number of other implications, as follows:

  • Probability Manipulation: By changing the probability and possibility of an event from happening, Annelise is capable of changing the course of a battle by simply channeling the Anti-Narrative effect.
  • Destiny Severance: By cutting the very fate of an individual, Sigurd can manipulate and destroy causality, fate, karma, and destiny. Sigurd's use of Destiny Severance was what allowed the Auxiliary Shadow to save Aaron Hope from being disintegrated by Inner Shadow Evangelion's Stage Four Hinokami, despite the overwhelming gap in firepower.
  • Anti-Reality Mortar: By expanding the mechanical contraptions in Sigurd's arm and channeling the Anti-Narrative, Sigurd can blast holes into reality itself, nullifying and negating anything no matter how durable it is. However, Sigurd is limited to how much of the mortar she can use, as overuse of this ability can nullify not just her target, but also parts of her own body, which will make her susceptible to narrative deresolution.

Ronin High-Speed Series (HSS) Blades: The Ronin High-Speed Series blade set developed by Jun Gasket was designed specifically for highly agile and fast fighters, featuring blades that could be retracted and unsheathed at hypersonic speeds. The curved profiles are highly aerodynamic, with blades capable of slicing even the most durable of materials. Sigurd's HSS set is embedded in her forearms and her calves.

  • High-Frequency Modification: In addition to the Omega Upgrade, Sigurd's HSS set received a further enhancement which featured the ability to use alternating currents to emit a tremendously high-frequency vibration, dramatically increasing its cutting effect. By vibrating her blades, Sigurd was capable of easily slicing through Destreum.
  • Omega Variant: By channeling the Anti-Narrative through her HSS blades, Sigurd is capable of cutting through anything, even the order of the world. Even beings who are said to be immortal, indestructible, and even infinite fall victim to the reason-abolishing nature of the Omega Ronin HSS blade. As with the rest of Sigurd's Anti-Narrative arsenal, the use of the modules through her HSS blades can only be used sparingly, as overuse with lead to lethal side effects.

Dual Decimators: Sigurd's main ranged attack, which emits a highly concentrated and lethal beam of plasma from the palms of her hands. Sigurd is capable of regulating its output for precision attacks or wide-scale attacks, however, the wider the scale, the weaker the beam. Though powerful, as shown when Sigurd easily defeated Gigaton in her second encounter, the Auxiliary Shadow admits that the power is still ultimately inferior to her dedicated heavy hitter colleagues such as Auxiliary Shadow Hellsing or Auxiliary Shadow Assault.

  • Total Breakdown Modification: A modification to Sigurd's Decimators enabling her to swap out the power source of her blasters for Junian Radiation, a form of radiation discovered by Jun Gasket which is said to be hundreds of thousands of times more lethal than gamma radiation.
  • Omega Variant: With the Omega Upgrade, Sigurd is also given the option to use the Anti-Narrative as the power source of her Decimators. Though the destructiveness isn't to the level of her Anti-Reality Mortar, the output follows the same principles as the mortar and is still far stronger than her previous versions. The Omega Decimator does not consume as much of her Anti-Narrative buffer, but overuse still leads to the same lethal aftereffects.

Immense Speed: As a high-ranking Shadow in the Black Legion, additionally being one of Jun Gasket's stronger units, Sigurd is incredibly fast, being capable of closing distances and getting behind opponents with ease, even those who possess speed-based metahuman abilities such as Kinetik himself. The only known Shadows, aside from those in The Dark Hexagram, who exhibit speed that surpasses Annelise's base speed are the top fighters of the entire Black Legion; The Devil Monk, and Dagrun, both of which possess tremendous speed due to supernatural means. Following additional upgrades, Sigurd has been able to increase her speed through the Acceleration Protocol. The protocol has since upgraded tremendously, allowing her to move at speeds far faster than before.

  • Accelerate Protocol: During the time Aaron was imprisoned by Doctor Destroyer, Sigurd installed an upgrade that allowed her to boost her speed substantially using rocket engines mounted inside her shoulder modules. By using Accelerate, Sigurd's speed increased to the point where she was able to react to lightning, dodging the attacks of Gigaton despite being heavily worn down from storming Destruga all alone.
  • Supersonic Accelerate: A second upgrade to Sigurd's rocket engines, which significantly reduced the form factor and increased the propulsion force considerably.
  • Hermes Modification - Godspeed Accelerate: An upgrade which Sigurd received before facing a weakened Aran Sol with Jun Gasket's assistance, Sigurd's propulsion systems were upgraded to allow her to move at speeds bordering the speed of light itself, making her even faster than Dagrun herself, rivaling that of Inner Shadow Jay Hellion. However, Sigurd admitted that ultimately, Jay remained far faster.

Pheromones: Sigurd's body is capable of releasing a form of pheromones designed by Jun Gasket, which can change its chemical composition to physically attract biological species of either the opposite sex or the same sex. Annelise frequently emits pheromones as an added precaution during her infiltration assignments, which can dull the senses of her targets and cause them to be attracted to her. The intensity of Annie's pheromones can range from simple romantic attraction to irresistible libido. In battle, Annelise has used pheromones to reduce the dexterity and combat proficiency of her opponents by having them romantically lustful for her, which provides the Auxiliary Shadow with an immense tactical advantage. However, it was noted that Sigurd's pheromones can be countered by opponents with immense willpower, such as Yeling Mah and Kon Larum. The former, being adamant on his belief that he would never be loved, and the latter's fierce dedication to being loyal to his wife.