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(To You, From Three Years Ago)
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Jekyll climbed through the wreckage.
Jekyll climbed through the wreckage.
"Grrr..." I muttered.
There was no way in hell I could fight this guy hand to hand.
He was far faster than any gods I fought.
He was far stronger than any gods I fought.
And he was far smarter than any gods I fought.
It was almost like he had all of my expertise, then had it amplified through a Divine Harvard Degree with Honours and became a god level killing machine.
If fighting him meant going to the extreme, I had no choice.
Jekyll closed in and launched two punches at me.
I dodged and weaved like a boxer, my hand reaching for a frag grenade.
Jekyll's eyes flashed, noticing my hand movements, and reaching out to his face, but I flipped the pin, rotating the grenade on the palm of my hand.
Shock plastered the god's face.
"What are you-"
"GRAAAH!" I roared in pain, as my entire arm jolted forward from the shockwave of the blast. I rotated my body, swinging my fist as hard as I could, using the explosion as propulsion and slamming it square into Jekyll's face.
The God of Warfare flew backwards violently, skidding with his feet as I closed in, ripping out two chunks of metal that were protruding from the destroyed walls of Diana's castle.
I jammed them into my belt and turned on the taser, gritting my teeth and resisting the agonizing pain of the electrical current.
"You're insane!" Jekyll exclaimed, as I swung my fists violently. Jekyll blocked my overhand strikes, but the current arced towards him as his face contorted in pain.
"The more you hurt me the more you hurt yourself!" Jekyll said.
"I'll do whatever it takes to fuck you up for what you did to June!" I snarled.
I launched a one two combo at Jekyll, his head snapping back.
I went low, dodging a hook and unleashed another combination of punches to his midsection as hard as I could.
The electrical current overloading my muscles and nervous system, forcing muscle contractions far beyond the limits of my body.
I could feel my bones beginning to crack, the pain overloading my body.
But my adrenaline forcing me back to the fight.

Revision as of 01:18, 21 February 2023

The Millennium Medusa

Two years ago

"Beta squad. Report." I whispered into my coms unit.


"Beta squad!" I repeated myself.

"B- Beta squad... acknowledged." Bryce grumbled.

"Gamma squad! Gamma squad! Move in!" I said.

"Gamma squad, moving in. Assassinating all lifeforms irrelevant to mission objectives." Sigurd replied.

"Gamma squad. No killing people. Also, go get your CPU checked with Master Jun after this." I replied.

"Charlie squad. Move in. Move in."

X8 nodded.



I peeked from behind my cover.

"Charlie squad reporting. Charlie squad stuck. I repeat. Charlie squad is too big to fit."

"You... don't have to repeat yourself." I muttered.

Charlie Squad was now incapacitated.

This mission was going to go haywire soon.

I had to do it.

"Delta Squad! It's all up to you! Delta Squad!"

No reply.

"Delta Squad! Acknowledge!"

No reply.

I got up from behind my cover and approached Sarah, who was standing in the corner, her arms crossed.

"What are you doing, Delta Squad?!" I squeaked.

Sarah glared at me.

"I am not Delta Squad. I am Sarah Ultear!"

"Why aren't you in position?!"

Sarah threw her coms unit, a walkie talkie, on the ground.

"Because I look stupid!" She said, her face bright red in embarrassment.

"Come on.... Sarah. Don't be like that. The fate of Team Aaron rests on this mission!"

Sarah raised an eyebrow, turning towards the bowl of candy that was sitting in Outer Shadow Ernest Wang's room.

"Does it really?"

A vein popped on my forehead.

"Yes! Yes it does! After all... once we steal his precious limited edition Cherry Coke flavoured Jawbreakers, we can hold it for ransom. I'll have Outer Shadow Gjallarhorn in the palm of my hand to control! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Sarah gave me an extremely disappointed expression.

"Aaron! Aaron! Jubilee Squad has secured the loot!" June said happily in my coms unit.

"June!!!" I gushed.

"I knew I could always count on you!"

I ran to June's position, as Sarah rolled her eyes.

"June!!! My favourite Auxiliary Shad-"

Ernest gave me an annoyed look, as June popped a jawbreaker in her mouth, her eyes lit up happily.

"Mmm! Yummy! Thank you, Outer Shadow Gjallarhorn!"

Ernest patted June's head.

"No prob. But next time Outer Shadow Dainsleif drags you into his antics, you can always say no."

June shook her head.

"It's okay. I really like spending time with him. It's always so much fun!"

"Fun you say..." Ernest glared at me, as he pulled out his pole arm.

"Wanna see a trick, kid?"

June's eyes lit up.


"Fantastic. For this trick, I'm going to turn this red eyed asshole into a shish kebab in 0.00001 seconds."

I staggered back.

"Ehhhh heheheheh.... Now Ernest... there's no reason to resort to violence! Hahaha.... Auxiliary Shadows! Retreat! Re- eh?"

I turned around to see Sarah leading the rest back to the Shadow Minions.

"Thanks for the candy, Ernest."

"Thank you, Gjallarhorn."

"Be sure to kill- er I mean take care of Bossman for us. Gonna hit up some 2K."

"Always an honour to be blessed with the Master of Da Sheng Men." Sigurd bowed, as everybody left me alone.

I laughed nervously at Ernest, who's body began emitting tremendous pressure.

"Um... this is probably a bad time to say this... but I also accidentally set your slice of life manga collection on fire."

"Which one?" Ernest's eyes somehow flashed even more dangerously.

"Um... would you believe me if I said... all of them? Ha. Ha. Hahaha..."


"Wait... wha... that's not where a pole arm is supposed to go! YAAAAAAH!!!!" I screamed.

That day, June had to drag my barely conscious ass out of Gjallarhorn's barracks.

"Congratulations, Aaron! Mission success! We acquired the jaw breakers!" June said, enthusiastically.

"M- Mission... success...." I muttered.

I sat down gazing at the distance of Master Jun's realm.

"Ah man... if only his realm didn't literally look like Cybertron, it would be a nice place to settle down."

June sat in front of me, her big round eyes full of curiosity.

"Settle down? What do you mean by that?"

I scratched my chin, taking a sip from my water bottle.

"Ermmm... it sorta means choosing to just spend the rest of your days with someone you love. All day. Every day."

And have kids.

Of course I wouldn't tell a literal fourteen year old girl that.

June blinked.

"Wouldn't that mean you've settled down with me?"


I spat all my water onto the ground, still trying to process what this little girl just said.

"Ah. No this is different."

June handed me a paper towel, as always, whenever I spilled my drinks.

I took it, wiping my face.

"How so? Why won't you settle down with me?"

"D-Don't worry about it." I got up nervously, stretching my arms.

June's facial expression...

The subtle facial cues...

Was she disappointed?

I really didn't wanna verify it, but...

"Besides... settling down also means having kids. Wouldn't that seem wei-"

"I don't mind."


June looked at me adamantly, pressing her hands to her chest.

"I... I don't mind. As long as you don't mind being with me! I'll do my best!"

I desperately tried to change the subject.

No no no.

This was beyond messed up.

She's fourteen... no. Technically she's thirteen dude. The legal age for marriage and... um.. the "naughty naughty" in Amerada was sixteen. But even then it felt wrong being with someone four years younger than me.

I got on one knee and patted her head.

"Come on, June. We both know you're too young. I'm seventeen and you're thirteen."

"I'm fourteen! I turn fourteen in two weeks!"

June pouted, and my heart felt warm.

Was this...

Sort of how Will and Nora felt whenever they dealt with my tantrums?

I chuckled.

"You're doing more than enough as it is."

June looked away, before putting a hand to her mouth and smiling.

"Of course I would... No matter what they say. I'll do my best to make sure you're the best Outer Shadow in the Black Legion. So please continue taking care of me!"

Present Day

"Aaron! Hey Aaron!"

My eyes fluttered awake, and to my disbelief, a familiar little girl appeared before me. Her smile radiating with kindness and light.

"June...? You're... you're alive..." I gasped, when suddenly, the little girl frowned.

"Oh." I muttered.

"Why did you call me 'June', Aaron?" Sakura asked.

She had somehow climbed onto my bed and was pummelling my chest with those tiny hands of hers like some messed up mutant spidermonkey.

"Nothing." I grumbled, getting out of the bed and leaving the room Diana had provided me in Andropol.

Sakura skipped alongside me. She had undergone another growth spurt. I was told by Diana that deities tended to age a lot faster in childhood, this aging would slow as they matured over time.

"Today, Diana taught me how to count. She's been teaching me lots of things while you were gone. I made you a bracelet while you were with your Auxiliary Shadows on mission."

"That's nice, Sakura."

Sakura stopped walking as I found myself walking alone.

"Aaron. Do you not like me?"

I paused, my heart racing.

"Ah. No. It's not like that."

"Then... why are you always leaving me on my own?"

I turned my head to see Sakura gripping a small homemade bracelet in her hands. My mind momentarily flashed to June standing there with her stuffed bear backpack.

I breathed deeply.

"It's... it's not your fault. I'm just not ready to take care of you."

"But Lord Bishamonten told me-"

My anger flared.

"Bishamonten didn't know what the HELL he was talking about. He was the reason I ended up like this!" I snapped, causing Saki to put a hand to her mouth. She was trying hard not to cry, and I knew.

But there was just too much history between me and Bishamonten and Avara... and June...

Of course Sakura had nothing to do with it.

I knew that more than anyone!


I breathed heavily, trying to stabilize myself in the dark hallway. The lights that were illuminating it were only the candles that lined the sides.

"I'm too FUCKED UP to look after someone. To be a parent. You're better off staying here with Diana and being protected by the army of Andropol. It's for your sake, Sakura. That you don't end up in my world."

"But... that's not true! My predecessor's memories... I knew. And Lord Bishamonten told me about your past! You were just like me. You were on the run! We both lost someone important to us... we... you're just like me, you know how I feel!"

"Just because I know how you feel doesn't make me any more suitable to look after you than someone who is qualified to be a parent." I shot her down, not realizing the impact of my words.

Sakura gripped the bracelet, tears running down the side of her face.

"Why did you save me that day... when I was hunted by those wolves... why did you save me in the snow. YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT ME TO DIE!" She screamed, hurling the bracelet at my chest.


The bracelet clattered on the ground, as my mind flashed to when June's mother had thrown the stack of money bills at my chest. The money that I had been requested by Jun to deliver to her, following her world's customs.

I watched as Sakura ran off, sobbing. I stood in the darkness, unable to process anything.

I couldn't even say anything back...

Or even discern whether or not saying anything was a good idea.

I knelt down and picked up the bracelet, gritting my teeth.

The illustrations on it...

Were the same illustrations of the drawings and artwork of the walls in my old orphanage. Memories that I had spent with Will and Nora.

Sakura really went through Avara's memories... trying to turn dark memories into something light.

I summoned a red magic circle, putting the bracelet into it.

"She really sees you as her guardian. You know. Even when you spend so much time neglecting her. She refuses to see it that way. That's how much you mean to her, Aaron."

I got to my feet, turning to Diana Eustansia Avarice, who's Queen robes dragged elegantly across the ground. The glint of her crown shining, reflecting the light off the candles.

"I can't. I just... can't..." I muttered.

"I know."

Diana walked by me.

"But as someone who was neglected by her family. I understand how painful it is. The pain of desperately trying to cling onto the love of a parent, when everything is against you. The weight of being the one to end the legendary bloodline of Avalon."

"Your circumstances are different. Being born a girl wasn't in your control."

"And what of Sakura? Do you think she wanted to be a reincarnation of Avara? The Goddess who would forever be known as the one who mercilessly slaughtered a group of orphaned children? If she really embraced her circumstances, then why would she change her name to Sakura Hope?"

I clenched my fist.

"I won't tell you how to proceed with Sakura. I just wanted to tell you how it is. You sure like your facts, don't you? God-Eater?"

Diana smirked.

"You're the least queen-like queen I've ever seen in my life!" I snapped.

"A queen's gotta relax once in a while! Anyway. I can't dilly daddle for too long. I have to look over a heap of reports.... UGH!"

Diana left the hallway.

I left the castle and walked across the city of Andropol.

Adventurer squads were entering and leaving the city borders.

Ever since Nyx was defeated, citizens of Andropol had pleaded to Diana for the opportunity to use magic to grow stronger, becoming adventurers to ensure she alone would not be the only one to defend the city.

Though reluctant, as she cherished her people, she eventually obliged.

Now we had groups of adventurer teams forming all over the place, even an adventurer's guild too.

"HA! HA! HA!"

I glanced over at a group of recruits who were practicing their sword strikes.

A part of me got excited. After all (don't tell anyone this), MMO's still held a special place in my heart.

I actually have been playing them in secret whenever Annelise was at school, and everybody else was asleep.

Seeing Andropol like this was definitely a treat for my nerdy eyes.


I turned to the voice, to see a young man wearing a familiar Eagle's jacket. A black coat was draped over his jacket, crimson accents similar to the Victorian era, the sleeves running down his sides.

"Bryce! Shouldn't you be back at Philly?" I asked.

"Just taking a break. You know them shorties were missing me." Bryce laughed.

Sure they did.

Bryce looked over at the recruits who were training.

"Andropol really stepping up their military huh."

"Yeah." I said, glancing over at him.

It was hard to imagine this was the same kid who used to coop up in his room all day playing 2K, ignoring missions and being a loser.

Ever since the ordeal with his mom in Philadelphia, Bryce had glowed up.

He had a new sense of self and identity.

From the Eagles Varsity Jacket, to the bat with all the names of the residents in Philly written on it, to his father, Tevin "The Machine Gun" Jones' bandanna draped around his neck like a scarf...

Bryce "Hellsing" Jones was setting new records in life, rather than in video games.


I sighed.

"Bossman. You don't look too hot."

"How could you tell? Please don't tell me you learned how to read people from me too."

"No. Your scent."

I irked, shifting away from him.

"My what now?!"

Bryce raised his hands.

"Wait! It ain't how it sounds. Ever since my vampire powers manifested all my senses have been dialled to eleven. Your blood, it just gave off the scent that you looked kinda... down."

"Yeah. Just a little down in the dumps is all. Whatever."

"I won't ask. As long as you don't wanna share, bossman." Bryce said, adamantly.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it."

Bryce put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know a thing that can cheer you up. I actually came here to deliver you the good news."

"Good news? What are you talking about?"

Bryce smiled evilly, his eyes flashed a vampire red momentarily.

"Shhh... Sarah don't know..."

What exactly was this moron getting me into?

Bryce and I sat through a training session with several recruits.

"Listen, Bryce. I appreciate the sentiment. But how lame of a boss do you think I am? Watching newbies learn to fight is about as fun as listening to Sigurd giving her neuroscience presentations."

"Just wait, homie. You gotta be patient."

"HA! HA! HA!"

My eye twitched in annoyance.

"Is this because I invited you out to cheesesteaks? You know I don't roll this way. There's nothing I find attractive watching sweaty ass dudes learning how to handle sticks, man."

"Spread your legs out more. Your center of gravity is completely off!" A woman's voice said, sternly.


A woman?

I slowly turned my head, as my jaw dropped.

A tall, curvaceous woman walked past the recruits, inspecting their form.

Her blonde hair dancing with her strides.

"No way... no friggn way!!!!" I squealed.

"Heheheheheh.... now you know why I didn't wanna get Sarah involved. Loyce's former shawty is a guest instructor today!"

I gave Bryce a grim and serious expression.

"Extremely well done. Auxiliary Shadow Hellsing. You have been promoted to my First Lieutenant."

Hellsing nodded, giving me a salute.

"With pleasure, Outer Shadow Dainsleif."


We continued watching Vicki giving out the class. The way she would lean to one side, exposing her curves...

"Um... please forgive me... but I do believe this is considered... immoral. Outer Shadow Dainsleif. Auxiliary Shadow Hellsing." A young boy whimpered.

"ZIP IT, ROBBIE." Bryce and I snarled.

"SORRY!" Robbie cowered in fear.

Bryce grabbed X8's human form by the collar.

"Oy. You tryna SNITCH on yo own boys? We got a tradition we like carrying out to SNITCHES in the hood. Want a crash course?" Bryce bared his fangs at Robbie Fernandez, who looked like he was about to piss himself.

"Yeah! Tell em, Bryce!" I cheered him on, when suddenly, my danger signals spiked.

The three of us froze.

What was that menacing chakra?

It was on the level of John Crass-

"Aaron... I turn my back for a few hours, and here you are laying eyes on another woman." Sarah growled, murderously.

"AAAH!" I screamed, falling flat on my ass before Sarah Ultear, who's hand was hovering over the hilt of her legendary Hero sword, Ygviil.

"You scum... just because a woman shows skin does not give you an excuse to lay your lecherous eyes on her! What is so appealing of a belly shirt anyway!"

"I mean... you're technically wearing a belly shirt right now..." Bryce muttered.

"HUH?!" Sarah snarled at Bryce, her face like a rabid animal. Her straight, silky purple hair fluttered wildly in response to her new rage fuelled chakra aura.

"Eek!" Bryce whimpered, hiding behind Robbie, who quickly materialized into his robot form and going into Armadillo Mode, curling up into a steel ball.

Sarah grabbed me by the collar, lifting me up with monstrous strength and bringing her face close to mine.

"Am I not good enough for you..."

"N- No! I mean! I have preferences is all..."

Smooth... Aaron! You SS Ranked Dumbass!

Sarah clenched her teeth, as Bryce and Robbie had completely buried themselves into the dirt.

Real helpful, you guys!

Suddenly Sarah looked away.

"I... I can do it too, you know. I can show skin." She muttered.


Sarah put me down, as she undid the zipper to her belly shirt, revealing her black sports bra.

"What... what do you think...?" Sarah asked, quietly, giving me a shy glance. Her blush deepened.

My nose trickled with blood as she glared at me, shocked.

"You- you pervert! Why do you have a nosebleed?!"

"Me?! Why did you undo your zipper like that! You have your knockers wide open for me to see!"

"B- Because... because...! UGH! I HATE YOU."

Sarah swung her fist, as it completely demolished a nearby training dummy, reducing it into ashes.

My jaw hung open.

Normally an angry punch in cartoons would just send a training dummy flying.

Sarah hit the training dummy so hard it completely decimated the thing into oblivion, leaving behind a burn mark on the ground as if a F-22 Raptor launched an artillery blast at it.

Sarah breathed heavily, as we all stood there awkwardly.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif." Vicki interrupted us.

Sarah yelped, fumbling with her zipper as she hid behind me.

"Outer Shadow Onyx. To what do I owe this boner- I mean pleasure."

Vicki regarded us.

"I... I apologize for taking refuge here. It... it wasn't something I would imagine myself doing. Please excuse me burdening on Queen Avarice's kingdom."

"Hey. Don't beat yourself up over it. No one would have expected Loyce to do something like that. And you trying to protect Yeling. Honestly, I get it. He means that much to you, right?" I asked.

"Bro... your girl is right over there... you can't act like no simp in front of Lady Vicki man." Bryce whispered.

Sarah clenched her fists, but took a deep breath, calming herself and approached Vicki.

"Outer Shadow Onyx. With the admonishment of Inner Shadow Loyce Hal from The Black Legion, what has become of his Outer Shadows?"

Vicki looked away.

"They've disbanded. We're... we're split. Some of us still believe in the ideals of The Black Legion. But most of Master Loyce's followers have sided with him. And I know full well why. Master Loyce meant so much to each and every one of us. Just as Inner Shadow Jun Gasket means a lot to you all. It is the same with Loyce. To know he had been against the organization this entire time... it hurt. A lot."

"But it's all for Yeling though. He's fine, right?"

Vicki managed a weak smile.

"Y- Yes. Hakah and Yeling are training together. I... I never knew Yeling could smile like that before. Perhaps I was never meant to be."


Vicki was really good at hiding her emotions.

But not this time.

It looked like her entire world had been ripped from under her feet.

She really was in love with Yeling.

I never expected something like this from the feared Millennium Medusa.

"So... what's your plan, Vicki?"

"I must support Yeling. With whatever I have, of course. I won't stop until I get Kon Larum and his wife, Rya the Celestial on our side. He is our trump card, alongside you, Dainsleif, in fighting against Master Loyce. As much as I hate it, I cannot agree with what he is doing. All of this... all of this was for his benefit. That alone I don't have a problem with, but his end goal... his end goal is what I cannot accept."

I looked at my Auxiliaries, who were ready for battle.

"Well. For the time being. Why not stay with us for a bit?" I said, grinning.

Vicki's eyes widened.


"You heard me." I walked up to my Auxiliaries, putting my arms around them.

"Right here. These guys have already been putting in the work to get stronger for the sake of taking on Loyce. I can confidentially say Sarah and Bryce here have surpassed even you!"

Vicki blinked.

"That's... that's not possible... how can an Auxiliary Shadow reach the rating of S Rank?"

Bryce chuckled.

"Shorty, you ain't seen nothing yet. We gon keep gettin stronger for Aaron's sake. No matter what. That's what it means to support a bossman as incredible as he. If ya wanna get stronger, ya gotta get stronger together."

Vicki gazed at the distance.


I reached out my hand.

"Vicki. Let me guess, this entire time, you've been trying to get stronger all on your own. Since Fenrir, Tourmentus, and the Demon Lords chose to be on Loyce's side. You've been alone. Am I right?"

Vicki looked away.

"So what about it? In a battle, it is your strength that gets added to the team. Your strength. Independence is just as important as-"

"And just how well did that work for you?" I asked.

Vicki clenched her teeth.

"I... I cannot... join forces with another faction..."

"But you're not even part of Loyce's gang anymore." I retorted.

"Even so... we parted ways on relatively respectful terms. The last thing they would want is to see me team up with-"

"With Dainsleif, right?"

We spun around, as Sarah shoved Vicki out of the way, deflecting the strike of a cleaver.

Thunder and lightning sparked outwards violently.

"Well what do you know. A Hero." A man smiled crazily from within the bangs of his wild hair.

Sarah gritted her teeth, shaking from the tremendous effort of keeping up the clash with the mystery man.

Only he wasn't much of a mystery.

The rune of Vala was implanted on each of his cleavers, and that wild expression... I recognized it from the rumours.

A man who got stronger from getting more and more damaged.

The very definition of guts and glory.

"I will not let you harm Onyx. Even if you are a Hero just like me." Sarah seethed.

"Just like you? Bitch. We are nothing alike. I am the Legendary Hero of the Dual Cleavers, Tourmentus. Unlike you, I defeated my world's Demon Queen. You needed the help of your SS Ranked boyfriend! Don't EVER think we're alike!"

Sarah hesitated, the shot clearly affecting her, as Outer Shadow Andrew Tengen slammed his knee into her chin, then kicked her in the chest, sending my Auxiliary away.

Tengen dropped to the ground, as I had already summoned my Draugr, about to fire, but black tendrils surrounded me, which manifested the shape of wolves.

"You're protecting Harriet. That means you are Master Loyce's enemy. After all, Harriet betrayed us for Despair."

My eyes widened as a wolf leapt at me in close range within the shadows, snarling, its fangs in full view, but Bryce grabbed the monster with one hand, baring his own fangs and roaring a vampiric roar, chomping down on the side of Outer Shadow Tommy Riordan.

Riordan growled, trying to fight back Bryce, as the two tumbled out of the way.

Vicki was frozen.

"No... everyone... I didn't mean to..."

"Invaders spotted at the gate! It's an entire legion of Furies!" The scouts shouted, as Andropol rallied their troops.

"They've breached the wall! They've taken to the skies."

A mass legion of furies filled the skies, their wings outstretched and in full view.

From the center, the horde parted for a Fury who's wings were much larger than the rest.

On her head was a silver crown, and her unitard was decorated with silver shining accents.

Demon Lord Freya Althuum.

Freya glared at Vicki from the distance.

"How could you go against Master Loyce, Harriet. After everything he has done for our sake, you still have such little faith in our Inner Shadow?" She said.

Vicki stood frozen.

"Frey... I never meant to betray you all. This is all for the sake of-"

"For him. Right?" A man with two shining angel wings appeared before us, his sword outstretched.

I slipped out of the way, but the man managed to catch Vicki in the side, as her eyes widened. Completely taken off guard.

"Look at you. The Millennium Medusa. Your concentration has been broken. Look what Yeling Mah has done to you! This isn't love. This is corruption. He's ruined one of Master Loyce's most Complete Outer Shadows!" Demon Lord Erafil snarled.

I summoned my MP7 and fired a clip of bullets at Erafil, who deflected it off of one of his wings.

"Vicki. Fall back. You need to regain your bearings, otherwise you'll be dead weight!" I said, shielding Vicki from Freya and Erafil.

I aimed my Draugr at Erafil, who brought his wing up again to shield himself, but I fired right through the crevice, the bullet bouncing and deflecting off of the wall of the city, the reflected trajectory slamming into the Fallen Angel's back.

Erafil sputtered blood, stumbling forward, as I shot inwards.

Convocatio and Augmentus - Fast Casting

Convocatio - Grenade Summoning: Electrocution Disks, Binding Webs

I pressed the disks against Erafil, as the Angel shuddered from the enormous current.

I pushed myself back, flipping in the air.

Convocatio - Ultimate Ironsight 55XHPS Version 5

I reached into my magic circle, while flipping and setting the switch to "PIERCE MODE".

I took aim, focusing on the weak spot I had identified when firing at Erafil with my SMG earlier.

I pressed the trigger, as a red streak Destreum bullet shattered Erafil's feathers, piercing him right through the shoulder..


Erafil glared at Freya, who flapped her wings, shooting to my direction with ridiculous speed.

"Dainsleif. I know you. You may be SS Ranked, but you are still a human. Even with Electricity Magic, you cannot keep up with my speed!" She said, closing in with deadly momentum.

Of course.

I figured.

The Queen of the Furies would never rush blindly into fights. She was the type of Demon Lord who cared for her people and fought her battles through tactics.

It was a shame that she would become my enemy.

Freya clenched her teeth, her eyes wild as she flew to my direction, but was suddenly halted dead in her tracks.


I smiled sinisterly, my face an inch away from hers.

A look of realization dawned on her face.


I pressed my Draugr's barrel to her forehead.

"We don't take lightly to traitors to the Black Legion. And as I expected, you're still the same old Demon Queen I used to make fun of in The Black Legion. S Rank. Vala's blessing doesn't enhance Demon Lords, since y'all are the furthest from Hope there is!" I snarled, about to press the trigger, but my instincts suddenly spiked up.

Vicki cried out in pain.

From the corner of my eye, Erafil had impaled the Outer Shadow with his Skysword, blood gushing out of her side.

"How did he recover so quickly?!" I gasped.

Freya glared at me.

"Your initial hypothesis was correct about some of us. The Blessing of Vala cannot possibly enhance those of Demon and Monster blood to the degree of a Demon Lord. But Demon Lord Erafil is different. He is an Angel. He now ranks Low Tier SS Rank. Enough to dispatch the traitor."

"Tch!" I said, as I spun to assist Vicki.

Erafil had launched an assault at Vicki, who summoned her Perfect Balance ability, enhancing her body with a white glow from the Skyworld.

Celestial Scabbard - ARMOR OF ATHENA

Glowing white highlights arced throughout her body, running down her arms and thighs, as shining white armour cladded her shoulders and around her waist, lining her leggings with a scale-like plating.

"Using heavenly armour to protect yourself from an Angel's attacks? You always were the type of person to resort to cheap tactics like this as long as it guarantees victory." Erafil growled, the Skysword bouncing off of her armour.

Vicki brought her arm back.

Obsidian Ordnance - SNAKE'S GAME

A demonic black and red energy exited her arm, zig zagging violently across the world and ripping the grass and dirt apart.

Erafil went on the defensive, flying away and dodging the arc.

"This won't stop me." Erafil said, as he flapped his wings, unleashing a torrent of feathers which overwhelmed the dark energy, cutting into Vicki, who had not been concentrating enough to anticipate his next move.

Dozens of feathers embedded themselves into Vicki's arms and thighs, one of them piercing her side.

Erafil shot in again, but I spun to Vicki's direction, aiming my gun.

Light Magic - False Sword

Erafil's eyes went wide, halting himself deep in his tracks.

"No... Master Loyce erased that ability! How are you able to summon it again?!" He gasped.

"Dunno. But I do know that the nature of Noir's Cursed Demon Magic is the perfect counter to celestial beings. Wanna wager, dipshit?" I asked coldly, aiming the Thompson Contender to Erafil's chest.

"Doesn't matter how much you dodge it. Black Bullets is an area of effect. One press of the trigger and you're finished, pal."

Freya had undid her binds, but hesitated, knowing full well the effect of the Black Bullet.

"He's bluffing." A man's voice said, startling me.


"Wha-" I gasped, staring at my empty hand.

The gun I was holding was gone.

From the distance, a man in full military gear stood. A red scarf around his neck, and in one hand, was a highly advanced compound crossbow.

In his other hand, was my Draugr, the False Sword spell undone.

Suddenly, visions from three years ago flooded my mind.

A man who had overwhelmed my Auxiliary Shadows and I.

An assassination mission gone wrong.

And a gunshot which would haunt me forever.

"N- No... no way..." My voice trailed away, as the man slowly turned around.

More and more visions flooded my mind, flashing and alternating between past and present.


Why was he here...


My hand fizzled with red sparks.

My magic was disabled.

To You, From Three Years Ago


I smashed into the ground, as before I knew it, the hand of the man was fully latched onto my face, shoving me into the dirt.

"Y- You..." Erafil stumbled back. Uncertainty washed over Freya's face.

"A- Are you going to interfere with our fight against Vicki?" Freya asked, cautiously.

The God of Warfare regarded the Demon Lords, then at me.

"This one is mine. Do as you wish with the Reincarnation."

"This won't end like last time." I snarled.

"Are you sure, God-Eater?" Jekyll asked.

I pulled out my sidearm MP7, emptying a clip at the god's face, but his hands moved at lightning fast speed.

Before I knew it, Jekyll held out a fist to my face, opening it and spilling the bullets onto my chest.

I gritted my teeth.

"S+ Rank. SS Rank. At the end of the day, the gap still remains."


Jekyll hurled me into the air as I flew at supersonic speed. The sheer change in momentum churning my insides as I vomited, my eyes wide.

I smashed into the side of the castle, coughing out blood.

Jekyll appeared before me with frightening speed, as if he had suddenly teleported to my location.

"You spoke a half truth. It certainly won't be like last time."


My head flew right into the concrete, my skull ringing as Jekyll had slammed my head into the side of the castle.

"Because I will show my Lady just how powerful I am when I take my kills seriously."


I smashed through the walls, skidding on the ground and falling down the stairs, hitting my head against the railing.

I scrambled to my feet, aiming wildly at Jekyll, firing a barrage of SMG bullets, but Jekyll zipped across the small space, dodging my bullets and creating afterimages.

Jekyll kicked me in the chest, knocking the wind out of my lungs as I flew backwards, slamming through another wall and crashing into another hallway.

I struggled to my feet, watching Jekyll approach me from the distance.

I aimed my MP7 and fired around the structural supports, collapsing down before Jekyll could close the distance.

His magic nullification...

There was a limit to it.

A weakness.

I had discovered it when I fought him the first time. But there was nothing I could do at the time.

I didn't have enough experience, my ranking was still S+.

But now...

Now was different.

I closed my eyes.

If I couldn't summon my guns with him in front of me, then the logical answer would be to fight him indirectly.

There was no time to summon everything. I had to summon whatever I could in this split second before Jekyll destroyed the barricade.

Convocatio and Augmentus - Fast Casting

Convocatio: Destreum ACR 6.8 Black Dot Sight, Spitfire AX5, Predator Launcher VX, Ultimate Ironsight 55XHPS Version 5

Convocatio Ammunition Summoning

I slung all of my firearms over my shoulder, my sidearms to my thighs, and my projectiles to my sides.

I took out my assault rifle, switching on the Black Dot Sight, sprinting towards cover as Jekyll decimated the barricade.

I leaned to one side, narrowly dodging an arrow from Jekyll's crossbow.



I ripped the arrow from the rock and threw it back at the god, who swatted his hand, causing the arrow to explode violently.

Jekyll pulled out a SMG and fired, as I ran for it, hiding behind cover and tossing several smoke grenades and one flashbang grenade.

"Don't you know better than to try that on someone like me?" Jekyll asked, catching the flashbang and throwing it back, but suddenly, I popped out of my cover, aiming my Black Dot Sight and precisely shooting the grenade before the god could let go, causing the flash bang to unleash a blinding white light.

I turned back to the god, switching my AR magazine with Anti-Magic Rounds.

I had to disable his magic-nullification.... erm... magic.

That was one of the many headaches I had to deal with to fight on even grounds with someone at this calibre.

Out of all the gods I've faced...

The God of Warfare, Jekyll, was by far the worst.

Because he was basically like me.

But better.

I began firing, the bullets racing towards the god, but Jekyll stomped his foot, unleashing a shockwave which blew the bullets and me back.

I smashed into a concrete column, my head spinning.

Jekyll materialized in front of me, aiming his crossbow to my face, but I pulled out my Draugr, shooting at the small winding mechanism on the crossbow machine with a Napalm Round.

The weapon was engulfed with flame, causing Jekyll to grit his teeth, annoyed.

I pulled out another grenade from my belt, tossing it as it exploded into a toxic gas.

The flame of the napalm increasing its spread.

"Not bad." Jekyll muttered, coughing.

I slipped on my gas mask, pulling out my MP7. I began running across the castle, flanking, shooting, and taking cover.

Jekyll coughed and retched, dodging the bullets and blasting to the other side of the grand hall, running across the perimeter alongside me.

The two of exchanged gunfire with our respective submachine guns.

I hid behind a column, as another wave of gunfire ripped the concrete apart.

I breathed heavily, calculating in my head.

From running around, I already memorized the architecture of the Grand Hall.

I took out my Ironsight, loading two bullets and encasing them into one bullet chamber.

The one in the front had a slit at the back for the other to rest on when fired.

I aimed down the spot with the sniper's scope, and fired.

The bullet ricocheted off of the surfaces like a game of snooker, as it raced towards the god.

From the reflection, I could make out Jekyll casually slicing the bullet with a knife, but to his disbelief, another one was right behind it.

"You little shi-"

The bullet slammed Jekyll right in the shoulder, as I felt my magic get restored.

Now was no time to mess around.

There was only a split second to finish this.

I concentrated, all my rage, and pain, from when Jekyll had tormented June and my team.

Then of Sarah... who embraced me every night to try to make me feel better.

If I was gonna honour June's memory, I didn't have to just protect my friends.

I had to kick this god's ass.


I stomped my foot, generating four extra arms from my back, as my body emitted a ferocious blue chakra aura.



"RAAAAAAAAH!" I roared.

Advanced Lightning Magic - COSMIC AUGMENTUS


I assumed my stance, six Thompson Contenders housing Anti-Hope Bullets loaded in each one, as I shot forward with immense speed, firing each one at Jekyll.

Jekyll swatted his hands, but the bullets slammed into the god's chest, sending him backwards.

I chased after him in a feral rage.

Jekyll aimed his crossbow, as I split off into three astral projections, each summoning a Caliga Anti-Aircraft heavy weight rifle.

The arrow zipped past one of my Chakra spectres.

Jekyll grimaced, pulling out a shotgun, as he took aim at all three of us.

Advanced Light Magic - False Legacy

I burst to the ground at light speed, allowing the shotgun blast to decimate my afterimage.

I brought my foot back, six barrels of the Caliga's rifles aimed at Jekyll from different positions.

I roared, firing and resisting the recoil of six explosive Destreum rounds as they slammed into Jekyll's back, sending him crashing through the roof.

"You bastard. Just who do you think you're messing with? There isn't a single bounty I hadn't completed. Until you came along."

My eyes widened, as I turned around to see Jekyll, who had teleported to my location instantly. His face leaking with blood.

"You're not the only one who fights smart. Now that I have a lock on your chakra, I know exactly where you are. Blinding tactics won't work on me."

Jekyll recoiled his fist and threw it, as I dodged, but Jekyll grinned, changing the direction of the punch and smashing it to the side of my face.

I spat out blood as I smashed through wall after wall, collapsing on the ground.

My vision turned blurry, as I felt a sudden pain in my head.

Something broke.

I held out my hand.

Convocatio - Turricalum Grand Fleet

Thousands of red magic circles appeared, but Jekyll brought his foot back, leaning forward and summoning a combat knife.


Jekyll disappeared, as the god of warfare reduced to a series of white lines. Criss crossing across my vision at an impossible rate, cutting and slicing up each and every one of my DS34 Sanctuaries before they could even exit their magic circle.

I struggled to my feet, but collapsed, as the astral projections dissipated.

My body felt light, and my vision was getting blurrier.

My thoughts were getting slower.

And each footstep that Jekyll took to get closer to me felt like an explosion.

"Believe me. God-Eater. I don't enjoy this any more than you do." Jekyll raised his crossbow and pointed it at my head.

"Considering this is how you are going to die."

I gritted my teeth.

There was still too much for me to do.

I had to...

I clenched my fist.

But would Frenzy Mode even work on this guy?

It worked last time didn't it?

But with my body at this state...

Frenzy Mode might well kill me before Jekyll did.

Jekyll materialized in front of me, as I aimed my Draugr, but the god ripped the gun out of my hand and slammed his fist into my stomach.

I vomited blood, but managed to slip out of the way and launch a punch of my own, connecting with the god's face.

His head snapped back, but he didn't look at all harmed.

"Pfft." Jekyll cracked his neck, delivering another flurry of punches at me.

I pulled out my firearms to withstand the blows, which was probably not a bright move, because soon I found myself surrounded by the broken remains of all the firearms I had summoned.

I stood before the God of Warfare completely unarmed.

Jekyll cracked his fingers, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"I'm gonna beat you into fish paste." He snarled.

I gasped, my mind flashing back to the past.

I'm gonna beat you into fish paste! Will shouted at the gang members who were threatening Nora and I in the street.

Nora pulling at Will and yanking him away, scolding him for trying to start a fight with people who were obviously more dangerous than some orphaned kid.


Why did I have that memory...?

This had to be a coincidence.


Jekyll nearly punched my head off, as I deflected his punch with my forearms.

I flew backwards violently, smashing through the walls of a hallway and crashing into a room.

Jekyll climbed through the wreckage.

"Grrr..." I muttered.

There was no way in hell I could fight this guy hand to hand.

He was far faster than any gods I fought.

He was far stronger than any gods I fought.

And he was far smarter than any gods I fought.

It was almost like he had all of my expertise, then had it amplified through a Divine Harvard Degree with Honours and became a god level killing machine.

If fighting him meant going to the extreme, I had no choice.

Jekyll closed in and launched two punches at me.

I dodged and weaved like a boxer, my hand reaching for a frag grenade.

Jekyll's eyes flashed, noticing my hand movements, and reaching out to his face, but I flipped the pin, rotating the grenade on the palm of my hand.

Shock plastered the god's face.

"What are you-"


"GRAAAH!" I roared in pain, as my entire arm jolted forward from the shockwave of the blast. I rotated my body, swinging my fist as hard as I could, using the explosion as propulsion and slamming it square into Jekyll's face.

The God of Warfare flew backwards violently, skidding with his feet as I closed in, ripping out two chunks of metal that were protruding from the destroyed walls of Diana's castle.

I jammed them into my belt and turned on the taser, gritting my teeth and resisting the agonizing pain of the electrical current.

"You're insane!" Jekyll exclaimed, as I swung my fists violently. Jekyll blocked my overhand strikes, but the current arced towards him as his face contorted in pain.

"The more you hurt me the more you hurt yourself!" Jekyll said.

"I'll do whatever it takes to fuck you up for what you did to June!" I snarled.

I launched a one two combo at Jekyll, his head snapping back.

I went low, dodging a hook and unleashed another combination of punches to his midsection as hard as I could.

The electrical current overloading my muscles and nervous system, forcing muscle contractions far beyond the limits of my body.

I could feel my bones beginning to crack, the pain overloading my body.

But my adrenaline forcing me back to the fight.