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Legion advance on Egyptian shores for war. There goal to drive out and destroy the Gods of Egypt once and for all. Ringworm quotes, "Egypt is a pretty heifer. From the north a mosquito will come against her." This compares how Caesar of Rome came to Cleopatra of Egypt. And foresight how Roman Rave must remove the false Egyptian gods.
Legion advance on Egyptian shores for war. There goal to drive out and destroy the Gods of Egypt once and for all. Ringworm quotes, "Egypt is a pretty heifer. From the north a mosquito will come against her. And she would be destroyed." This compares how Caesar of Rome came to Cleopatra of Egypt. And foresight how Roman Rave must remove the false Egyptian gods. It is no easy task.

Revision as of 14:49, 5 February 2023

Rave Kills the Gods

The Docile Giant Goddess

Last time we left of Jessica told Rave something that made his eyes turn red mode. But let's Flashback before and up to how it happened.

Ol'iesha the giantess washed up on a beach. She was caught wearing nothing but the fisherman's net she was tangled in. She had amnesia and stubbled through the city accidentally causing destruction. Jessica is trying to contain her. But the giantess is bewildered. Legion was on it shortly as their aircrafts approached. Rave captures the giant woman.

Taken to Legion Island Athe giantess is interrogated. She doesn't know anything so Rave enters her mind. He is able to unlock her memories. He sees that her name is 0l'iesha. In the world that she is from she is just a normal sized girl.

Rave and Kobain invents a Ring that gives her the ability to switch to human size.

Ol'iesha is incredibly powerful in this world. Rave wants her for a wife. He can use her power on his side. He thinks, "Hahaha. This is gonna be so cool. My giant woman will smash my enemies."

It takes less than a week for her to fall for him.

But he them realizes she is a passive docile little girl who doesn't want to hurt people. You never seen a tiny man scream at a giant woman and she just backs down like she is afraid. He shouts, "Return to small size, Now!" She replies, "Why? You will hit me." He shouts, "I'm not going to hit you! Sit." She sits down in giant form and nervously plays with he fingers. She looks down and tears form in her eyes. As she does so he feels the ground shake and the seas get choppy. Grey clouds form. He looks around to discove her emotions could cause natural disasters. He tries to calm her down. He says, "Baby, don't cry. I need you normal size so I can hug you and kiss you." She asks, "Are. You sure your not going to scream at me?" He says reassuringly, "Yes baby, I promise." She turns small. He holds her. The rough see turns calm again.

Rave groans and complains to Legion soldier, "Ahhhh. My giant is useless. She's just a giant little girl." A soldier says, "It's not all loss boss. The right training could give her time to mature."

Rave finds out Ol'iesha is the daughter of Zeus. Her large sizes is explained by the previous inhabitants of Saturn. Rave says to Ol'iesha, "I'm soon to be the god killer. I will murder your bloodline soon." Ol'iesha just looks at him confused. She replies, "I don't remember my family. I don't even know if I liked them or not." He explains, "Don't worry. I usually keep one alive as a pet. Concider yourself lucky."

Red Eye Rave

Keep in mind Red Eye is an eviler form of Rave which gives him a free pass to act even worst.

Jessica gives Rave news about the Angels.

In this episode we have the Red Eye Rave. He is consumed with hatred for the Angels. But he is not feral like previous Red Eye versions. He is ultra instinct. Rave funnels all his emotions into a single clone. This is the birth of Rave's first female clone Gina Rave. Rave is stuck in Red Mode for sometime and is more rough towards his girls. Gina Rave protects his wives against Red's brutality. Red Rave has only one mission in mind and it is to kill all gods. His wives notice he will get himself killed. Do they plot to find a way to fuse him back with Gina so that he might revert to Blue Eyed Rave.

Gina Rave notices Red Eye is being rougher with the wives. Gina Rave convinces him to behave himself. She will protect the girls from him if she has too.

Velcrow Baddie is attacking the town. Velcrow is the equivalent of an annoying rich spoiled influencer with powers. She is more of annoyance than a grand mastermind at crime.

Black shadows form and from them crows with red eyes swam all over the city.

Red Eyed Rave and Cameron DGelli move to stop her. They find out she is attacking because she didn't get the proper size bikini in her order. And now she will bear the embarrassment of wearing a bikini she used before on spring break. Oh why the humanity.

She sees Rave and says, "What a cutie."

They fight

During the fight Velcrow realizes that she is fighting the famous model Cameron DGelli. She is suddenly starstruck. She asks Cameron, "Can I have a modelling contract?" Cameron says, "Oh you'll have to speak to Rave about that." Velcrow says, "Oh comer her', handsome."

Red Eye Rave looks into a shadow crow's red eye. "BAWK!" It says. Police come to subdue Velcrow but see Rave talk to her. Rave sighs. He says, "I have this one under control, boys."

At Rave home. Velcrow says, "I don't really want to do anything. Can't we just smash now and whatever?" As she puts her fingers together. Rave replies unamused, "Really. I don't even know you. Why would I give you my power? You seem like the craziest girl yet. And you remind me of those goddammed Egyptian gods." She says I don't have time for this and leaves the room. Rave shouts, "Where you going?!" She replies, "I'm looking for a bedroom. Or we could beginning in the hallway of you like." Rave growls angrily.

The Storm King

Rave takes his wide Goomba Goddess of Chaos and flies to the land of the Storm King in the sky.

The DarkBloods are a type of minotaur gods.

He meets the bar maiden Y'Odin the DarkBlood (DarkBlood StormQueen). She sees him with other girls and they are flirtatious. She leads him to their room where they will stay. Rave begs Y'Odin to join them and she agrees. After which she became resentful of him. He didn't understand why. But she left. Later he finds out she is princess goddess of this land. Her father is the StormKing, Baphomet DarkBlood. Baphomet is a 20ft tall manly minotaur but under his long beard bust of a female. Rave now understands why Y'Odin seems so attractive.

The DarkBlood met with Legion Ships, Rave promises merge this land with Legion and not destroy them if Y'Odin agrees to marriage. Her people will have to back him up when he needs it. Here Rave's lust gets the better of him as he no longer plots to kill Baphomet. But later at the wedding rehearsal he has doubts of his actions and almost followes through with his plot to kill Baphomet. Instead he threaten the DarkBlood demons. Baphomet instead admires Rave for his bold and ruthless actions.

Rave married Ol'iesha and Y'Odin together. This marriage turns his eyes back blue as he is happier once again.

After marriage. A dark room but the two beds are well lit by above lights. On one bed Hellebore, SoNeko and Tequila wearing nothing but silver makeup over eyes and hoop earring. And the other Ol'iesha, Y'Odin Cameron in gold. There bodies sparkle with metallic dust as they laid partially under long white sheets. Rave enters the room and pulls the beds together with telekinesis to make one. He says, "Silver is Achaeans, Gold is Sparta." Cameron asks, "And your the horse?" Rave laughs, "Not yet. For now I'm Achilles greatest warrior. We're going to play a game. You'll have to convince me who's side to fight for."

SoNeko asks, "We want to see us through your eyes." And so he changed half of there sight to what he sees. It includes their internal x-ray

War On Gods


Rave sons Ringworm and Kappa with there mother's Sixx and Meredith walking through a mash. Rave son Frogboy now called Toadman.

Fight with Steam Magi. Steam Magi is an Angel Dragon (Seraph). Though he is an Asian ruled dragon he is part of the same European based gods, the Angels.

Toadman catches Haru in his throat but falls and choke to spit him out. Cough cough and out Haru. His brother Ringworm laughs and teases him, "Haha. How funny it is to see a fat bastard choke to death." Toadman just lays on the ground looking at him. Haru helps him up.

Orio is hit critically by Anubis. Rave spirit walks to being her soul back. Spirit walking is not a move you can just tap anytime. The spirit walker could remain trapped in death realm as well. It takes certain amount of will power. And your agenda have to be a selfless one.

Note. But is Rave successful at killing all gods? No. In Act 7 he be killed by the Angels and sent to hell. Read on to find out how he gets out of this one. The Greek gods shall die. Rave will beat the Egyptian gods but spear them... maybe.


The Atlanteans come to take Ol'iesha back. Rave denies them. It is revealed that Zeus wants to consort her. Ol'iesha regains her memories. She explains, "The gods are disgusting! I will never go back!" Rave says, "You have too. I'm going to kill them."

Rave, Rune and Ol'iesha visit Neptune in Atlantis. Neptune says, "This is no longer my business. I can let you see the God's personally." They lead Rave to a runic altar to teleport to Jupiter. Rave asks Ol'iesha, "Are you sure this is a teleporter and not some kind of weapon that will scattered my essence?" Ol'iesha replies, "I'm coming with you."

Rave meets Zeus and Poseidon chilling below Jupiter's icy surface in the water below. There they appear human. The funny thing is through the teleporter they all appear normal human size. Talk. Zeus demonstrates his power by holding Rave captive. Zeus is arrogant. Rave says, "You're no gods you fallen banished miserable dogs." Rave plays video memory of him defiling Ol'iesha to aggregate Zeus. Zeus is distracted.

Rune comes from XD and free blasts Zeus. Rave has her hid in his pocket dimension. Rune possess tech that clears the jammers which blocked Rave's signal for his power.


The have a static fight on the surface of Jupiter. Big Wig appears in Jupiter's Sky. Ol'iesha says, "Rave, There's no possible way for your satellite to get here fast so unless it hadn't been here already."

Rave reveals he was the one he pulled Ol'iesha from Jupiter. He erased her memory and used her to get to Zeus. He took her because she was his favorite girl.

They escape through XD. Ol'iesha is angry. She says, "It's like everything I know about you is a lie!" Rave replies, "Before I erased your memory I asked you if it was okay. I'm a mastermind, it's what I do. I'm sorry." Ol'iesha says, "I don't want your stupid ring!" Dekota grabs her hand and says, "No!" America shouts, "You can't take that off in here!" Kimbra adds, "Are you crazy?!" Rave explains, "No. It's not her fault. Ol'iesha what we share is real. Remember the live we made? How could be fake that?" He holds her and she gives in as he looks in her eyes. He continues, "You remember. You asked me to kill Zeus."

Hahaha. The magic of Rave. Living in a world of deception.

In horror a giant hand tries to grab this moon sized satellite out of the the stratosphere. As a giant reptile jump at it. Lucky an alert legion crew blasted the palm of it hands so it fell back down into the icy clouds of the planet surface. Bigwig distance it self from the planet. They teleport back home through Rune while the rest on Bigwig will take the long travel through space.


They teleport to Earth.

The behemoth walks rising from the sea. Ol'iesha father Zeus is revealed to be a giant Eel like sea monster. Zeus is the Nephilim child of fallen angel Dagon Samael merman god of lust. Now you understand the giantess from gods banished to a massive planet now wade to drink the oceans of the Earth. Rave must fight! Koi says, "That's Zeus?!" Siren adds, "He is in his ultimate form so you know he means business!" Ol'iesha is about 30ft (9m) tall at base and Rave can reach about that cap if he decides to change his size but Zeus is 1300ft (400m). Rave says, "I wasn't expecting him to be that tall. Ol'iesha, why aren't you bigger!" Rave explains, "I can reverse the polarity of your shrinking ring. Because you are 30 feet tall and I bring you down to five so you can live normally. I can make you six times bigger!" Rave upgrades her size ring with technomancy. Ol'iesha grows 180ft (55m) tall. Still not as big as Zeus.

Zeus growls causing and earthquake, "I remember... more... Water he- hair- aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Poseidon cover meeeee!" And it's starts to storm. Poseidon falls from lightning in the thunderclouds and lands on Zeus' shoulder. Poseidon is still in his smaller human form holding a trident. Poseidon shouts, "And I will flood the Earth once again!" Big waves. Rave block them with epic shield coverage. Siren shouts to Rave, "Just like you predicted! Me and my daughter will try our best to counter his storm with ours!"

Rave has some mega carriers with legion soldiers, mechas and crafts on the way. But travel is slow for vehicles of that size. The storm picks up and approaching Legion ships has to submerge deep below the ocean to avoid the winds. But one continues flight. Star Assembly is on his way. Star Assembly is Rave's son from the cyber super soldier girl America. Star has grown to be 100ft (30m) over the years and is currently the largest mecha in Rave's possession. Legion has other mechas but not as big. Mechas that size are rare to epic bosses or Angels. They are not as big as Zeus but together Ol'iesha and Star can try. Ol'iesha is now taller than Star.

Rave's spirit enters his son Star Assembly. Together Rave thoughts work in sync with Star's sentience. And another normal size Rave stands between Ol'iesha's cleavage. I thought that was funny. Lol. He is to guide her in this coming battle.

Zeus says, "Daughteeeeeeer!" Ol'iesha says, "You have to stop this Zeus! I am no longer your child!" He replies, "Do you chosen... Deeeeeeeeath!" He stamps his foot in the ground and it causes a massive crevice all the way to land. Ol'iesha jumps out of the way. Star Rave dives at Zeus. Poseidon grows as big as Zeus but still in human form. He tackles Rave from the back. Poseidon still appears human but big. Star Rave says, "My son is not just a mecha! He is an Angel!" A halo glares over Star's head. He summons his weapon and and shield to combat Poseidon's trident.

So it's big Star Rave, big Ol'iesha and smaller Raves vs bigger Zeus and Poseidon.

Locked in shoulders Zeus zaps Rave. But Rave can absorb some of it. Siren and Koi show up. Koi shouts, "We can't stop the waves!" Ol'iesha punches Poseidon. She wrestles to steal his trident to stop he control over weather.

Zeus spawn in some other giant sea monsters from lightning that strike the waters. And in that moment the Legion ships and smaller mechas arrive. They blast the sea monsters from below, above and all directions.

Star Rave and Zeus hit each other really hard. So hard Siren cringes. Rave realizes he cannot force teleport Zeus to XD, this power don't work on gods. So Deelihla creates portals under the ocean near by to drain it. In turn Qliphothic monsters rush out into the oceans to fight Zeus' sea monsters.

Star Rave shouts, "I bind you!" Pushing Zeus hands back in black shackles he technomanced. Zeus hands slam back like magnets. Star Rave punches Zeus in the gut. Zeus fight back and break the shackles on Star Rave's head. Star Rave headbutts Zeus and bites his fins ear. Star Rave realizes more gills on Zeus side so shoves his hands in them to pull out guts. But the gill have teeth inside that bite Star Rave arm. That arm is locked so he punches with the other. Zeus turns and snaps Star Rave's arm off. The arm inside Zeus detonates with Rave's force power. This is a nasty blow to Zeus internally. Star falls back to the shore. Kimbra enters the Mecha (Star Assembly). She gives Rave more energy so he can regenerate the arm.

Altanteans come from the water to fight on Zeus behalf as they both what to flood the Earth. Neptune rises ok a sea monster. Rave shouts, "Dammit Neptune! You said you would step down!" Neptune replies, "I'd thought I'd seize the occasion! Poison and Luna arrive. Poison is Rave's strongest girl and Luna is pretty decent in water. Rave shouts, "Poison, Luna! Keep him busy!" Poison fights Neptune. And Luna fights his wife Lantis. More Legion arrive on ground lead by Rave son Elite in the mecha, Mungus Watt, and his mother Nayomi sits in it behind him.

Oolga, Rubi, Venus, Centauri, Liga and Umh stands at the hatch of a Legion ship ready to attack. Centauri transforms into cyborg-centaur mode and Rubi saddles her back. Venus flys out with her wings. Umh turns to a flying dinosaur and Oolga and Liga hitch a ride down on her. Other Legion absorbed Martians follow as the lead the charge on land. More Raves manifest from the girls. Mary Nely and Rune bring arcane fire from the sky to scotch the sea monsters.

There is a sudden Earthquake. Ol'iesha and Rave can do this based on there emotions for totally different powers. Poseidon is bit in the leg by Umh who as turned into a giant sea dinosaur and snuck up on him. Ol'iesha pulls the trident from Poseidon. Her eyes glow white. She turns the tides to push them towards the Qliphothic whirlpools. Star Assembly Jams his blade at Poseidon. Poseidon Blocked it with his gold bracers. Star brings down a orbital Cannon on Poseidon and it takes them both. Star falls back on the shore knocking out. Kimbra inside it shouts, "I'm okay! Star is offline?!" Internally Rave says, "Come on son. Wake up." Star twitches. Poseidon is about to hit Star the deathblow.

Rave flies out of Star chest to protect him. But Poison comes from no where and hits Poseidon in the forehead like a bullet. It only fractures his skull. He then punches her over the mountains. Poseidon's head is seen bleeding green at the center. Ol'iesha switched to Zeus and Rave Switches to Poseidon. Ol'iesha engulfs Zeus in a swell of water. Rave grabs Poseidon hand and kicks him in the bitten knee. As he loses balance pulls him to land. Bam! Rave smashes Poseidon's face on a nearby cliff. Rave brings the force of gravity down on his head with another punch. Poseidon head goes through the rock. When Poseidon gets up is has skin has scrapped off. But that doesn't bother him.

Under Poseidon's skin is a crab monster face. Poseidon sheds his skin to reveal is true form is a giant crab creature. We can see the fracture in his forehead. Poison flies at him again but this time he swats he into the sea. Deelihla catches her with a monster. Star Rave proceeds to tear the front part of Poseidon's skull off. Rave roots him hands into Poseidon's brain and blasts it off. The hollowed out back skull stands as Poseidon collapses in the sea. Rave shouts, "The only way to kill a god is to absorb him!" Poseidon's spirit/soul is absorbed by Rave. Rave cringes as he smells his hand. It smells like fish.

Zeus sees Poseidon has been killed. Neptune retreats. Zeus says, "Fools." Zeus blasts heavy lightning at Neptune and Neptune explodes. Lantis screams, "Nooooooo!" Luna shouts, "Neptune is dead! When will you learn! Rave has taught us the gods are the enemy of men! We cannot trust them. And for that they must die." Poison adds, "They are just to powerful to roam free." Rave says, "Let your Atlanteans join me. Help me punish the gods!"

In slow motion Zeus Releases heavy lightning on the entire battlefield hitting allies and enemies alike. It's is very destructive. Rave tried his best to force shield everybody he can. Lightning rains. Using the trident Ol'iesha pushes Zeus back with a swell of water. Umh attacks him as a giant sea dinosaur of ancient. Siren and Koi lands on the spear to give Ol'iesha a power boost of storm.

Death Of Rave Movie

Back to The Pentagon

Continuation of Nazarene Monks

Rave and his team along side Heart prepares for a vecious attack o the Pentagon. Notice it is an evil shape! Dun, dun, dun. Jumbee Akatsuki, Nero, Callous Helios and ... Join them.

Massive military machines are seen from the distance as they post and wait out.


I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree


Jumbee Akatsuki and Rave stood from a distance on a large statue. Their black cloaks blew in strong grey wind. They were coated by an ominous fog. Rave made a forcefield around them so that they could speak without the howling wind. Callous Helios and Nero radioed in from a different wait out position.

Jumbee Akatsuki, "We as black men act like were victim's. Slavery goes back further than our people failure to unite in africa. We invented Babylon and created Pharaohs. Contravarsal to, the same ish repeats itself." Rave says, "For once you say something right. But I didn't do ish. I believe the curse started with gods regardless." Ricochet adds, "So you don't believe in inherited sin?" Rave says, "I don't believe in sin at all. Of course we know it is bad to do things that will harm others."


Calleos Helios reaveled himself to be working for the Angels. Rave feels betrayed.


Sai the CyberSpyder plays a key role in understanding the cyber body and spiritual code. Rebecca Black adds the astral consciousness. Rebecca being monke has rawest roots of early human DNA.

From the Sumerian Epic. Know that biblical cannon is only one side of the story. Like having your enemies describe who you are in an unfair trial.

In Babel human minds mending to accomplish god-like endeavors. The towers of Babylon built high enough to conduct lightning to power a portal to heaven

Humanity have been recoded to a lower level of consciousness.

But who is the culprit? Why have we been coded to worship? Why would they divide and confuse?

Rave has the spirit of Nimrod.

He truly believes that man can conquer gods.

Towers built to ascend all flood,

A great hunter before the lord.


Man is golem. Think of our bodies as clay a hard drive. And the spirit it's information The mind. The soul is power.

Love. What is love. No that of a sexual passion. Not that of dependence. Love in a sense of compassion.

Do you understand dreams? You mind phases in and out of the fourth dimension when you sleep. Sleep is a form of unconscious meditation that one can train their minds through mediation. Wake up and dream! You are still asleep. Wake up. Wake up again. Each time you wake you fall deeper into sleep.

Aided by music they metronome pulses stimulate the nervous system as I find complete tranquility. I'm wide awake but fast asleep and everything moves in slow motion. My primary vision faded to background of art. Light glare on tiles like baby cupids clashing amongst could of paint.

Babylon A.D. vs Egypt


Legion advance on Egyptian shores for war. There goal to drive out and destroy the Gods of Egypt once and for all. Ringworm quotes, "Egypt is a pretty heifer. From the north a mosquito will come against her. And she would be destroyed." This compares how Caesar of Rome came to Cleopatra of Egypt. And foresight how Roman Rave must remove the false Egyptian gods. It is no easy task.


The Egyptian Gods summon their Mecha Mummy.


Plot twist.

Egyptian Angels

Rave beat the Archangels before but he did not know there are angels more powerful than them. He thought it would of been easy at his power level but they turn the tides on him to release the big weapons. Rave in the ultimate sin dies in his mission to kill the god. And in death he learns that the god is not on heaven.

Anubis is a fake of Anu.

Anubis and Bastet are killed? The others bow before Rave.

To Kill The Creator

This is where Rave attacks heaven but fails. He is killed and sent to hell. He the Architect in contrast.