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Player: @Steampunkette
Silversaint Hovering
Character Build
Class Focus: Brick
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Criminal Study
Biographical Data
Real Name: Christina Shaw
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Transgender Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Irish/English
Place of Birth: Boston Massachusetts
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: Anthony and Fiona Shaw, Tony Shaw
Age: 28
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Confidential
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Complexion: Moderate Fair
Physical Build: Athletic/Strong
Physical Features: Surgical Scarring
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 6 months
Citizenship: Natural Born American
Occupation: College Professor
Education: Masters of Criminology
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Flight, Energy Manipulation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
The Silversaint Armor: A semi-sentient alien technology and source of all powers
ReldinBox Template

Origin of the Silversaint

The original Silversaint was a police officer by the name of Anthony Shaw, working in the late 1970s in Boston Massachusetts. During that time the premiere superteam of Massachusetts was the Defenders, shortened from the Defenders of Liberty in the mid 60s. Officer Shaw and several other members of the Boston PD wound up working with the group, extensively, by supplying them with information and assistance, recovering criminals and supervillains that the team had captured, and generally cooperating with the hero team in any way they could. All in the name of making the city, and if possible the world, a safer place.

It was during one of these excursions, blocking off the street from pedestrian traffic and recovering the injured criminals of a heist on a government facility, that Officer Shaw found a strange silver sphere in some of the rubble of what had been a non-supportive wall destroyed in the fighting. Without really thinking about fingerprints or criminal implications, Anthony picked up the orb, almost instinctively, and protected it from harm. He knew, as he held the object, that the Defenders could not be trusted with it. The orb had established a light psychic bond with him, and warned him that they would do horrible things if they held the orb.

He hid the orb for several years. He managed to make Detective before it's psychic call drove him to clutch the shining silver orb, and activate it. Immediately the orb conformed to his hand's pressure, and then slipped across his body like so much quicksilver to form an armor which not only protected him, but gave him incredible strength, energy manipulation abilities, andthe ability to fly: but it pressed upon his already powerful urge for moral justice and drove him out into the city to fight against the criminal element. With his knowledge of the criminal mind and years of experience and the orb's might he became the Silversaint.

The Defenders of Liberty

Initially Detective Shaw sought to avoid the Defenders at all costs, preferring to fight crime alone, but as the foes he fought grew more dangerous it became evident he would need help. And while the boys at the office could give him a hand with the cleanup they were nearly useless in the actual fighting. And so, against the urgings of the armor, he answered the Defenders's call, and went to meet with them. Over the course of several days, the Silversaint came to better know the well-loved group and became fast friends with many of it's members. Case after case was quickly closed before he caught wind of anything fishy: Some of the Criminals and Supervillains they fought simply vanished.

No arrest records. No information on where they went. They were, simply, gone. Anthony, the exceptional detective that he was, investigated the disappearances. What he learned, however, spelled the end of the Defenders. It turned out that the leaders of the Defenders, Cobalt and Silver, were both McCarthyist Anti-Communists who had been using their position as the Defenders's leaders to hunt down, capture, and dispose of people they thought were Communists, Soviet Spies, or Communist sympathizers. Hundreds of the captured criminals had been summarily executed by Cobalt's mighty fists or Silver's burning light. The bodies burned and ashes scattered to avoid suspicion. It was the end of the Defenders of Liberty.

Cobalt and Silver were both unmasked, revealing Cobalt to be the District Attorney Michael Whitmore, and Silver was Detective Miranda Martinez. Both had used their connections in the Police Force to wiretap, follow, capture, and dispose of criminals and civilians for over a decade. Their connections in the force were indicted, many of them being willing partners in the plot. The scandal rocked Boston in the early 1980s.


In the years that followed the breakup of the Defenders, Detective Shaw had a renewed purpose in crime-fighting. He worked harder than ever to make up for the evils he'd inadvertently aided. Between fighting crime as a police officer and as the Silversaint he found he had little time to himself, and found that he didn't particularly hate that fact, either. Soon enough, though, the stress caused problems of it's own. The orb began to recognize how much of a toll it was taking on it's bearer, and it released it's lock on Detective Shaw, letting his own morality determine when and if he would don the suit. Soon his life returned to a happy medium, in which he balanced the Silversaint and his duties as an officer against his romantic involvement with an Irish Immigrant named Fiona Kelly.

In the years that would follow he would marry, raise two sons, and gradually phase the Silversaint out of his life. Donning the armor only out of fond memories and the need to fly across the Boston Skyline to remind crime that the Silversaint wasn't gone and shouldn't be forgotten.

The Sons of Shaw

Anthony and Fiona had two sons a year apart. Anthony Jr (often called Tony) and David. Both boys grew up relatively happy with their mother's care and father's watchfulness. Their father immediately transferred to a desk position rather than continuing as a detective, having seen all too often an officer leaving behind his or her children. But it wasn't terribly wrong before David realized there was something "Wrong" with him. He hid it, buried it away, and tried to be the best little boy he could. Wrestling with his brother and playing Cops and Robbers with his Father. But inside he knew something was wrong.

When David hit 12, he couldn't stand it any longer, and knew that the wrong was getting worse. Long had his slightly older brother harped on him for being "Gay" in a jovially mocking sort of way, but he didn't know just how wrong he was. David confessed to his parents. And after four years of therapy and seeking guidance from the family's priest, David began a dangerous and difficult transition from boy to woman. Tony, disgusted by the perversion of his little brother and his parent's acceptance of it left home at 17. David, on the other hand, became Christina Mary Shaw. Over the next several years the tensions would heal, some. But the rift between Tony and Christina never fully closed.

The Return of Silversaint

As Anthony's children grew each took his lessons into the world. Tony Jr followed in his Father's footsteps and became a detective, while Christina became a teacher, focusing on Criminal Justice. Tony's various relationships with women have left him a bit bitter, as he never met "The right one" and several of his former girlfriends were users and cheaters. Christina on the other hand became more satisfied and focused on her work, teaching each new crop of forensic analysts and criminologists. But as danger and evil mounted, the Sphere called out to Anthony. He knew he couldn't continue on as the Silversaint, over 70, and so he passed the orb on to his child.

Christina was stunned to learn her father was the Silversaint. Not even her mother knew the truth, and after almost 30 years he was finally telling her. She accepted the gift only after he proved he wasn't insane, by activating the sphere for the first time in twelve years. Shocked, Christina Learned that the Sphere could change shape in it's dormant state, and her father had been wearing it since she was a child, disguised as a silver necklace and amulet of St. George the Dragonslayer, patron saint of soldiers and guardians.

And so Christina has taken up the mantle of the Silversaint. And while fighting crime in Boston has been effective and interesting, the Orb sensed a greater danger in Millenium City. After a few weeks of rearranging schedules and transfers, Christan Shaw is now an associate professor of Criminology at the University of Illinois Millennium City Campus. She teaches 6 classes a week over the cours of 3 days, and spends the rest of her time heroically fighting for the safety of Millenium City, and the world, through her access to UNTIL.