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Rave continues, "Not only that I have collected data of almost every worth while superhero on Earth. I have stolen power from your fallen comrades. But fear not. They will rest happy knowing I will use there power for the greater good."
Rave continues, "Not only that I have collected data of almost every worth while superhero on Earth. I have stolen power from your fallen comrades. But fear not. They will rest happy knowing I will use there power for the greater good."
In the end Musk blows the Space station and they all vow to never trust Rave again.

Revision as of 14:16, 31 July 2022

Act 6 Aye, When did we get so over powered?

  • Nuclear Accident in China's coast, Capsol Corp
  • Completion planet Titatic
  • Rave kills the gods, Ladies: Velcrow, Egypt, Ether, Goomba, Y'Odin, Ol'iesha
  • The Angels Aren't Happy
  • Rave vs Lord Flowers
  • Rave vs Spook Spectre
  • Rave snaps and eliminates many heroes
  • Chastity Part 2 Death



Want to introduce Rave's children fighting and helping out along side him. (More than previous episodes). Saving the Earth again should be Rave's redemption act in the eyes of Earth from when he went full evil in Act 3. So we have the touchy side with his kids, we have the previous Martian war that happened after he passed the point of no return. Now he has to look less evil as he returns. Mind you Rave is not really evil but just kills who he feels needs to die.

Nuclear Accident in China

Introduce Capsol

Rave vs Lord Flowers

Introduce Lord Titus Flowers

Rave vs Spook Spectre

New Moon

So we begin with the 3ft Spook Spectre talking to Rave on the moon. He wants to havest the planet for life essense. Rave tells him no. SS jumps up as if he was floating away. Then turns around to grow in his actual sized in seconds. He attacked so quick Rave didn't had any time to react. And so a cosmic being eight times the size of the earth lounges his fencing sabre threw Raves side ramming him through the Earth's moon destroying it and pinning him to the ground on our planet. Rave pinned down look at the point of the weapon in his side as he laughs. Rave is all like an ant ion the tip of his blade. SS face from the ground on Earth is clear to the naked eye in the sky. It's one eye staring directly at Rave as it is confused by his reaction. Suddenly Rave's satallites blasts the distracted being in its head forcing it to lose footing. As he repeals it weapon simultaneously. Rave's artificial planet begins to transform into a mecha that he can fuse with to pilot. And further begins to draw extra weapons from the Lost Dimensions. Though we are out sized we are not out matched, at least not yet.

Proxi reports casualties from the moon base. She was stationed on his artificial moon that forms the head of his planetary mecha. They immediately scramble out rescue parties to search the rubble that was the moon. Other heroes handle the large clunks of moon falling to earth. That moon will become an asteroid belt in time.

Rave Kills the Gods

Introduce Velcrow, Egypt, Goomba, Y'Odin, Ol'iesha

The Angels 2 Death

Rave is in Africa with his three Martian wives. He watches his children play in the grass.

Distant in thought he wants to kill Vagabond. He cannot believe they allied. He just left. Rave gives to his lab. He looks at his girl Rune. He says, "You under estimate me Vagabond I destroyed the Time disk to trick you but I was smart enough to grab a secret backup for the dwarves. You really thought I would destroy my time travel methods when a being such as yourself is more powerful than me?" Rave goes back in time and affects Vagabond with a sickness from birth. Remember when Vagabond mentioned to Rave that he was sick with no cure? This is why Vagabond was part machine. Vagabond dies of natural causes. Natural causes inflicted by Rave since before he was born. The time line is unaffected. Lmfao! But Rave doesn't doesn't destroy the Time Disk from Rune but hides it. Fear not. Vagabond may return as a full cyborg from a different timeline to fight Rave some more. Hehehe. Come to think of it Rave was slowly killing Vagabond before he knew he was the cause.

The Death of Chastity

Hero Station

Years Earlier Rave pitches the idea for Musk and ZUCCbat to help him build an internal space station. It would serve as a base for all the strongest heroes to to gather in aid of global defense. At the launching ceremony Rave looks apon the Heroes gathering from the balcony. He says,"Look at them they think this is their story. They think they are the heroes. They only exist to handle the fights I'm not interested in."

So it begins. A normal day at hero pub. The new fastest hero alive Q sees a shadow like comet heading for the space station. However her continues to finish his drink. Thinking he have enough time he looks again and doesn't see it. Suddenly a black shadow flies inside phasing through the glass instead of breaking it. As the figure assumes posture we see it is Rave. The speedster gets up from drinking a soda and says, "Huh. Oh big guy. Roman Rave. We didn't know you were coming." Rave smile and puts his hands on the speedsters shoulder as to congratulate him. Rave says, "You spilled your drink." It's echoes the speedster in slow motion. Rave in slow motion places his hands to as if wipe a drop on his neck he cannot see. And just like that Rave sticks his hand under the speedsters neck penetrating his brain. He holds up the head and the body drops to the ground. Rave holds up the head so everyone can get a good look of what he just done. All heroes charge to attack. The report, "Roman Rave is attacking the base!"

As Rave is charged by some heroes. He says, "Heroes. So insignificant to me while you run around in you little tights. I've been crossing dimensions. Saving the world on global scales you wouldn't dream! I achieve results."

But unnoticed in his fighting style he is only attacking selected heroes. While either dodging or injuring the others. This fight last several hours. Rave kills 167 superheroes in this fight at the station and 31 more in Earth. That's is a lot.

Rave gives Monolith a remote. Rave says, "I was going to blow up this station. This fight was meant to trick you all to gather here. The reactor core inside is actual a bomb. I will give you the methods on how to remove it tomorrow. Concider this graduation day." Rave has a change of heart.

Rave continues, "Not only that I have collected data of almost every worth while superhero on Earth. I have stolen power from your fallen comrades. But fear not. They will rest happy knowing I will use there power for the greater good."

In the end Musk blows the Space station and they all vow to never trust Rave again.

Legion Island

So the Purple Heart returns knowing he is one of the few that can put an end to Roman. The blood bath was Chastity's last vision. Rave covered in blood. That blood wasn't just others blood. It was hers. Rave caused her death. New Rage brings Rave to over power and slay The Purple Heart. Rave body transform like half of the destroyed Genos.

The Angel show up again. Last time they wanted the oracle Chastity. This time they want Roman dead. This time they know of all Rave secrets and have accumulated the power to bring him down. Roman reveals that Chastity is dead. They leave him alone not because he doesn't have her but as they see him grieving. Rave is obviously broken. They tell him they will come for him another time. One of the few times the Angels show emotion.

Unrevealed to Rave we see Chastity behaving well mannered in heaven.


Later we learn that Rave is stuck in half Genos state and is unable to re-enter the girls. After doing further test they confirm his powers have created his own body. Braille uses that opportunity to escape from Rave with his son and daughter. She leaves a note saying, "I'm sorry. My daughter reminds me too much of me. And I do not want my son to end up as ruthless as you or my brother." Rave thinks, "Everything is falling apart. I wanted my freedom so badly. But know I'm am like a frightened child! If any of you had enough of me then leave. Legion is over." America says, "Rave. Braille is just scared. We will find her!" The rest of the girls promise they will not leave his side. Hellebore says, "I would prefer to murder every innocent man woman and child before I ever think of leaving you." Calypso fly in from jet. Calypso is very sad. She says, "As long as you are alive you made a promise. You have to keep fighting." MetalSlug says, "Yah Roman. You think you're getting off that easy?!" Calypso says, "Take a break. Have some fun for a while. All you do lately is work and plot. I know some of the most peaceful hot springs in Asia." As they get ready to travel America sees Rave making copies of himself to stay back. America shouts, "Oh no! Rave we told you no copies! You need your full concentration!" Redwood arrives on the Legion sea ship. The ship is much of an upgrade from when they first set sail. She says, "Ahoy! Ready for the cruise?"

The Nazarene Monks

Rave takes a path of self finding to reflect. He and the girls arrive at The Wind Monks Temple. They walk up the step tail to the Temple. Rave seem detached. Calypso ask, "Still thinking about her?" Rave says, "All the time. But now I have Legion to worry about. What if they get attacked while in gone?" Baby says, "You need to stop blaming yourself for everything dude." America says, "Our kids can handle it!" Siren adds, "Consider it a test. If they die then they are just to weak. Muhahaha." America says, "No one is going to die. YOU ARE STRESSING RAVE OUT!! RAVE!!!! YOU BETTER NOT BE THINKING OF USING THAT TELEPORTING POWER TO CHECK ON HOME!!!!" Proxi looks at Siren then says, "Man. No wonder her daughter hates her." Suddenly what Rave gets is a big crowd of woman arguing. The they all shout and scream, "RAAAAAAAAVE!!!!!!!" To get his attention. Looking around he is no where to be found. They look again and he has continued up the steps without them. They all run after him. Sixx shouts to everyone, "Stop stressing Rave!" Proxi replies under her voice, "I'm not the one stressing him stupid. You big stupid butt." Sixx says to Proxi, "If his eyes turn red again it's because you're an idiot." Proxi grins at her. All they girls shout, "Raaaaave! Rave! Wait up!"

At the temple Rave introduces himself as a powerful lord on a path for redemption. He and some of his wives. He takes up a new girl against code on his stay. Her name is Ether. She use to be a wind priestess but no longer that he is now with her. The monks are to afraid of him to drive him away. That's fine he only wants one girl from their camp. Rave says, "Finally a new quiet girl!"

So Peaceful. Rave meets a shaggy kind man supplying the kids with fresh water. He is not Asian like the monks. Rave cannot just read his mind but he doesn't see this as much. A lot of monks are unreadable.

The monks call the Windseer is called to confront Rave. He and his wives have been too loud and destructive. They also fair he might lead the other priestesses astray. And his wives are being far too sexy in the temple which is starting to distract the once focused men. One instance Proxi comes to join yoga in a bikini. Sixx asks, "Proxi. What the hell are you wearing? Or where is the rest of it?" Proxi replies, "What? I didn't pact enough clothes. It was a boat trip. You know I thought I wasn't going to need any. I wanted to work on my tan." The monks faint after hearing that. The Windseer is a buff giga chad spirit monk mega ultimate master. Rave doesn't like to be confronted so they begin to fight based on egos.

The shaggy kind wise man breaks up the fight.

Instead of slaughtering each other they bond over rival combat. The three men sit to talk over herbal tea. Rave says to Windseer, "Its probably best if you don't befriend me. All the men who have end up dead by my hands. Infin8te, Vagabond, Heart. Even my wife's brother too if he wasn't immortal." Windseer says, "Oh that's sounds like a challenge but there is no other easy way of kill you without taking out the women you are with. But I don't kill girls. I can see your spirit inside them." Rave thinks, "Gasp. He knew all this time but didn't say a thing. What else is he hiding?!" But Rave says, "You're funny! Infin8te said the same thing! Now his dead!" Windseer laughs and says, "I'm starting to believe you loave this infinite guy. What's your deal with him! It's clear to me one of your wives is currently not a girl." Rave shouts, "What! It's no secret! You're a monk! You're supposed to except people! That's it! We're going back to fighting!" The shaggy kind man holds Rave back from rushing him. Windseer just sips his tea and laughs. Rave says, "I'm immortal. You guys are just chumps... And you bum face. What's you name? Here acting like everyones dad or something."

The kind man says, "An immortal... funny I'm the one from Galilee almost 2000 years ago. I can't say my name for I have many but you will call me The Nazarene." Rave puts clues together shouting, "He is real! That makes you Angel!!!" The Nazarene says, "Relax I am not with the Angels. I am a Reincarnate. I have died many time as good men throughout history. Long ago I used my blood to heal the sick. Sciences man called magic. I have no super natural powers to fight. Believe it or not the first incarnation of me was Lucifer. I have taken the blame for all the gods so that man can unite against one evil. He was the fighter the most pure of the gods. But every recantation I grow weaker because I do not belong on Earth. The Angels want me back but I stay to help mankind. Still I'm just more man. 2000 years is a lot to remember." Rave replies, "Incredible! I KNEW MAGIC WASN'T REAL!!!! I need to know more! Why?! Why not tell people about this?!!" Ether shouts, "Really magic not being real is what surprises you??!" The Nazarene replies, "Roman. You know the gods as well as I. They are not evil. Like you they have lost their way. They say that my father is up their in the cosmos. Contrary to popular belief, Non of us have the answer. It may seem that are just waiting for his return. The have gotten impatient." Roman says, "So there really is no meaning to life?" Nazarene Says, "I didn't say that. There is a heaven." Roman Replies, "Chastity... If she's up their I'm going to find her. But not now the Angels almost had my butt before I came here. I need to get stronger! I'm goin to bring the Heavens down and all men shall inherit the gift!!!" Nazarene says, "You see there you go again with that. Be careful. That kind of knowledge I've given you drives men mad but you are and already been there. You must tell no one of what we have discuss." Roman says, "Well master I promise. But I might tell my wives just a tinsy bit. hehehe."

Lulu his transgender wife asks Rave, "So why doesn't he lead them? the Angels?" Rave says, "There are paths in life all must face. I respect the Nazarene too much to bother him with guilt? We have no place to ask him anything! He dies over and over again for mankind. What does he get? A lost cause. But he doesn't give up. Maybe we are all just evil." Lulu says, "Speak for yourself. I don't go around desecrating priestesses." Rave looks down sad. Lulu says, "Oh Chastity. I'm sorry... Is that what you asked me here... and that new girl Ether because you wanted to be around priestesses." Lulu pulls on his beard. She continues, "Are you trying to look like the Nazarene?" Roman laughs.