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Rave relays what he learns to the others. "
Rave relays what he learns to the others. Rave says, "I will be taking Stella to Sky Castle with the others. For each girl I have a few hours of run-time. Eclips2 and Isla will stay here incase the Shadow Vine returns to your district."
== Rave's Journey To Sky Castle ==
== Rave's Journey To Sky Castle ==

Revision as of 15:58, 7 July 2022

GenoRave Act 3.5 Sub Stories

Mature Warning: 18 Plus, Gore, Adult Themes


Warning the following contains hot girls carrying weapons twice their body weight.

Ghost Hunter Special

A ghosts white bald head pops from a mansion floor. It looks like Rave but ugly. From the back of the head is meant to trick the audience to believe it was Rave. But with the face eventually revealed he is pale like nosferatu. It is chased and shot till it is captured in a box. It is clear this agency is training to catch Rave.

We are now at a next seen in space. A short thick girl stands with her legs acute. She wears a high cut swimsuit with long sleeves and various archer tech. One hand holding the wall as she balances on the tiny ledge. She makes her balance and the loads an arrow. It materializes from nowhere and radiates a green glow. While flying by the space ring the arrow flies past Rave who was overseeing some ships in Bigwigs orbit. He dodges it as he looks on the the green light radiating from it. As it flys closer to him it is magnetized towards him. He feels it's energy will hurt him so he eye beams it out of flight. He traces the direction it came from to find a girl holding the bow. She is so attractive he doesn't attack her with force. He pins her down by her throat. Staring into her eyes he is unable to enter her mind or read her thoughts. Her iris is a black burnt shadow and the pupil radiates a faint green glow. "What are you, why can't I read your mind", he asks angrily. She groans but does it seductive tone, "Ow, let me go and I'll tell you. I can't breathe." She says. He looks at her mouth slightly perched. He realizes she is not fighting back. She says, "Please don't hurt me. I'm a ghost hunter. I have to find my sister. I'll do anything if you let me go." Rave takes his hand off her neck, "You have all the weapons to put a hit on me and you think I'm gonna just let you go?" He says. She puts out a tiny smile then changes her face back to serious. If he wasn't able to see in slow motion he would of missed it. He replays the meaning of her lips in his mind. "Are there others like you? Where did you get your tech? Who do you work for?" He asks her. She replies, "We are a small group. We trap ghosts and release them into another plain. All we do is help them cross between worlds. My sister was killed by a ghost 15 years ago and I saw her spirit taken to a bad place. She was young I know that she wasn't meant to be there. I need to get her back but I'm not strong enough to fo into the ghost world alone. There are really bad monsters in there. I cannot think of my sister going there same place." Then she begins to cry. Rave said, "So you expect me to help you look for her? You think I'd just jump into you ghost world like a fool. How do I know this is not a trap?" She answers, "I will come with you. If I lie to you I be right there for you to kill me yourself. Why would I trap myself with you?" Rave looks at her. She continues, "You don't need to do it now. You can think it over. But please. My sister." She kiss him passionately. The ghost part of his being struggles to resist. He pushes her off and stand up from the ground. She fall back, he reaches to help her to her feet by one hand. "I'm not going to your base but you are coming with me. I need to find out more." He says. There she goes with the 1 second smile again. "My name is Rachel but they call me Plasma. My sister is Suno we have to find her."

They stop in a room on Raves satellite. "How much do you know about me? You are tell me less than you know. You didn't just come here by accident. You did your research." He says. She replies, "I'm only one girl with an archery pack and you are twice my height and can move faster than I can see. Your not afraid are you?" He replies, "You mistake common sense, caution and proficiency for fear. Well that reminds me..." Then he removed all her gear and unzips the back of her suit. Her gear is sent to analyze while he spends the time with her. After she says, "So it is true what they say about you. You're a hero with no subjection. Then you will help me?" He replies, "I guess so." She continues, "That look in your eyes, so soulless. I'm guessing you didn't have as much fun as I did?" He replies, "Doesn't it hurt you to think maybe you are not as perfect as you thought? I live with that feeling everyday. It's better to not catch feelings. At least when you kill me you'll know I was bored the whole time." Then she replies holding the sheet up to cover herself, "Even for a monster that's a cruel thing to say to anyone. I would kill you right know if I had my bow. You take that back and admit that I'm not boring." He leave the room and that makes her really mad. She thinks, "Oh so you want to play psychological games with me." As she gets dressed. She shouts at him, "We are going I to that f-ing ghost zone right now! I cannot stand another second with you. Give me my weapons!" He replies, "And if I just throw them away and leave? Have you any idea who I am? I'll put you on a small shuttle back to Earth. Tell your hunter friends to send somebody with less body and more personality. Maybe a redhead next time? Or you know what maybe I'm not done with you. You will end up in my dungeon. It's a cosy little room to house the female sex like yourself. When you are ready we will give your friends a call." He brings her back to Earth and locks her up in a room. It is a nice stay but still a captive.

After some time spent alone he came to visit her. The argument lead to love. She says, "You know what you are such a terrible lier. You say that I am nothing yet you lock me in a room and take care of me. I'm trying to kill you but you are still trying to win me over." She sits across him, "You have to help me. My sister really is a ghost. They have her. Please understand that they are using me to get to you or they will hurt her. I had no choice." Rave turn her on her back and slowly tighten his grip on her throat. He says, "You know I told you would kill you if you lied to me?" She explains as she runs out of air, "They are developing weapons that could take out stronger opponents like yourself. My job was to let you put your gaurd down and bring you to them. Please I just want my sister back." He lets go of her neck to say, "Well I did lie to you too. You are kinda impressive." She ask, "How did you know I was lying at first?" He replies, "Oh, I think that everyone is lying. I make a habit of shaking it out of them. Regardless."

Rave launches an assault on X Corp. At base the X Corp people are playing on thier computers and such. One guys reports that something fast has entered base. Fast enough to be a missile but it is quite. When he watches the monitor again he says the green bloop multiplying. They gasp, "Roman Rave is on the premises! All available hands to stations!!!" Rave and Plasma stands on the roof while about 50 clones circle the air. They drop flight all over base. Corp agents start to fire. Rave simply phases through objects that nullifies the gun fire. Their own attack shot up thier base. Rave phases out of the ground or walls to hit them dead. Plasma show Rave the portal machine to her sister. Rave thinking this might be a trap decided to wait. He has legion soldier occupy this previous X Corp base so be can enter the portal when he is ready.

Plasma mentions, "I lied, they didn't have my sister. They told me they will help me find her if I helped them catch you. So I joined them. I was really trying to kill you but that was before I knew you. You made love to me and I knew then that I couldn't let them have you. So you destroyed them. I wanted you to win because I was routing for you the whole time. My sister is still lost in the ghost world. And it's alright if you want to kill me now. I will try to find her in the next world. Even if I'm dead." Rave replies,"You understand that some of those people I killed were innocent ghost hunters probably just trying to clean up ghost right? Even if they were after me I'm not a good man. Then they were all innocent do gooders. I'm not angry. But from today you are my property. You don't s**t! You don't blink if I don't tell you too!" She cries as she speaks, "Okay. Yes. But I have to find my sister. You promised to help me. And I did what you wanted. But you would not believe me." He replies, "It's okay. Stop crying" as he embraces her. He thinks about how he watched her murder 10 women with a single shot torrent of arrows before they could even speak to her.

A day after they enter ghost world together. It is much more stable than Rave's dimension which is under constant bad weather. They find her sister Suno and being her back to Earth. Suno has the same hair color as Rachel. They are nearly the same age. But Suno is trapped as a toddler. 15 years in the ghost world make Suno very grim. She is quite with an erie stare. Suno looks very depressed most of the time. She looks at the was Rachel interacts with Rave. Suno is really moody and misbehaves all the time. She says that she wants to grow up or rather go back into the ghost world. A robot body is made for her to reflect her true age. Suno uses the ghost powers to put her soul into the robot. Rave was the one who designed her body. He considers himself an expert of the female form. The artificial skin was graphed from her sister Rachel. She is a year younger but much more grown up mentally than Plasma or anyone really. Rave appointments her to over see the Anti-Vax Generation. These are a team of rag tag orphans who lost their parents to war. They will spend there time working for Rave and what not.

But the story doesn't end there. That was only one branch of X Corp. They now have enough information to create the Anti Rave weapon. Rave says to Plasma, "For every moment I can't read your minds I still don't trust you. Just remember I have your sister too. So what you dont feel you would for her." Plasma says, "After all this time you still think I'm on long drawn out suicide mission to get you? Well I don't believe you'd do anything to SuSu. You like her to much." He replies, "That's exactly what a play on my emotions sound like. The ultimate checkmate." Plasma replies, "You're impossible. With all the things you've done you're just paranoid you time might come." Rave looks a Plasma. She replies, "Oh no. Rave I didn't mean it. I made a bad joke." He slaps her and she falls down. Roman says, "Don't get up till I come back." And he walks out if the room. She sobs silently for a bit then she starts breathing heavy with anger. Her nails scratch the floors as she folds her hand into a fist. His actions has pushed her against him. Suno asks softly, "You hit my sister. You shouldn't do that to women. We're not as strong as you." Rave says, " Suno I love two things in life. One is women and the other are machines. Women are like old machines. A little tap sometimes get them functioning right again. She's lucky is just a tap. If she was a man she'd be dead. You know. I'm beginning to think you are playing me." Suno says, "Why would I." She convinced him with love making.

A few days after X Corp launched an assault on a legion base. When Rave showed up they hit him with a weapon he never seen before, an Anti-Rave EMP middle. It shutdown most of Legion weapons and communications in the process as well. The first shot but him and he went down. He felt his body unable to phase or fly or even move. The second one put him in pain. He let of a horror growl so terrifying some of the enemies dropped their weapons and ran away. They brought in another weapon that sucked him from the three girls that was with him. They captured Meredith, Synthrax, Sixx and Proxi to study them. X Corp agent alert the seen immediately as back up was arriving. They drew Rave from them and locked him in a holder. There was other copies of him from the other girls. He managed to recover Gaia who was hiding below ground with MetalSlug.

First thing Rave did was go to Dollhouse where most of the girls waited him in a room. He said, "We were attacked. It's no longer safe for all of you to be in one place together. Legion Island got hit pretty bad. So stupid! Why did I depend so much on tech!" Rave went to see Plasma and Suno who was in their room. They denied knowing anything of the attack. Suno goes to hold Rave. With her robot hands she zaps him with a hidden integrated weapon. Suno on the bed pulls her boss from under the cover and fires at him while he is frozen. Ghost of Raves come from the girls. But fall go the ground glitching. Suno is running a frequency jammer hidden in her robot body. Chastity looks at the love sisters. Chastity says, "Yoooou! The two of you are behind this." Hellebore says, "So you really think we'd let you take Roman like this." She gets up to fight them along with the others. Just then they heard a bomb and explosions outside. Raves robot girls like Poison fall down and go offline. Sai says, "All of our tech are fried. Kimbra says, "Then let's go old school!" America pulls out her longest machine gun and start firing after X Corps agents outside the windows. Sai holds up to big pistols on the Love sisters. Sai says, "Chastity you are our best sniper find your *** in a window now! I'll watches these..." Kimbra toss Chastity a rifle while holding another. Kimbra cranks her weapon. Genie runs up to the roof with even bigger machine gun. Frozen on the ground Suno sees tears running down Raves eyes. Suno says to Plasma, "We have to stop this we made a mistake." Plasma says, "No he will kill us." Suno says, "I can't." She disabled the frequency jammers. And Rave is reactivated. Plasma say, "Goddamit you are so soft Suno! Rave, you have to make the girls take out the jammers with their guns before you go outside. Shot the trebuchets machines." Slug tunnels under the. With her worms and sink them. Plasma says "Their is another one in the helicopter overhead!" Boom! It goes down with a rocket from Gaia. Rave sends out multiple ghost to sweep the battle field with a land slide victory.

After the fight he confronted the Love sisters. Plasma says, "It was a suicide mission to get you once and for all. X Corp promises me they would find my sister if I followed through with the mission. They said if I died my ghost would be with Suno. But then I fell in love with you. I never seen a man who could do the things you do. I believed you wasn't a bad person but then you became abusive so I went back to them. It didn't matter I betrayed them. As an X Corp soldier we're all collateral." Suno says, "The feelings were real. We just made a mistake." Rave stands up saying, "I didn't think it would be you." As he did he was not angry. He says, "I'm going kill them. Ask for you and your sister. You really hurt me far beyond any weapon. But I'm still not ready to let go of this fantasy of you in love with me. I would never of hurt you. I wouldn't be able too even if you stab me in the heart a million times again." Then he leaves. Plasma says to Suno, "A mistake..." They run after Rave. They say, "We can tell you where to find them but you cannot go. It's a trap. You need another plan." Suno explain where the base is. Rave says, "That checks out. That region is low in telecommunications signals. They know all my weaknesses." Hellebore outbursts, "All of this is those stupid skanks fault. You should do away with them Rave. You don't need them." Rave shouts, "No one is to touch the Love sisters. They are still mine and anyone who has a problem with it has a problem with me!" Hellebore says, "Okay. I'm sorry I said anything... So what do we do?"


At X Corp Meredith Says to a scientist that studies her, "X Corp is gonna be X Corpses soon if y'all don't let us go." Sixx adds, "Big mistake. Rave is gonna come for you when does you'll be sorry." Back at Legion base Rave is furious. He has called in all forces. Rave shouts, "Those ****** ******* try to take my women! They come to my house and take my girls! They are dead!"


Approaching X Corp he they noticed a field nullifier. Big Wig starts blasting near the region. The Earth shakes. An X goon reports, "Sir, they're are using Big Wig." The Leader explains, "So he found us. This is just a bluff. We have his girls. He would not risk it. Ready the EMP disrupters." Clank. The machines rallying outsiders the walls of X Corp as the Legion Approaches in high numbers. Rave walks way ahead of the legion. An X soldier panics but the Sergeant says, "So the devil is at the front of him army. He must be suicidal." They fire and EMP and Rave freezes. All of a sudden a Legion soldier walk in line with Rave. The legion power up their weapons. The X Corp leader starts to panic. He say, "Why the hell is it working that should be jammed. Rave says, "Now I understand why they use medieval style weapons. Rachel's bow, the trebuchets and Lazer swords. All adapted to work in the presence of the EMP." Rave shouts, "YOU FOOLS I AM THE GOD OF TECHNOLOGY! NO ONE! TOUCHES MY WIVES!" In that very moment the X Corp Commander turn around to see another Rave jumping down behind him with a punch. He punches the guy face clean off. At that moment the other Rave growls, "REAAAAADY!!! OPEN FI-AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Legion releases a stream of heavy fire that just wipe out Corp's defenses like a wave. Bullet break through walls like waffers. Tin shouts while shooting for Legion, "FOR LEGIOOOON! CHOP THEIR ******* HEADS OFFFFF!" The Leader of X Corp watches from a TV Screen as Rave looks up at the camera. Legion storms the base. Yakamoto says, "So you figured out how to best the EMP." He stands up and Rave has teleported behind him in his hideout. The X leader put down his cat. Rave says, "Your agent Plasma left a Bow with me. I was wondering why it still worked as it did when all my soldiers weapons got fried. It wasn't hard for me to replicated your technology. Where are my wives?!" The X leader says, "I have been following you for a very long time Mr. Rave. Call me Yakamoto. NothingFace, Japan? That was my Agent. You will get your wives. But by this time I will be long gone." "Meow" the cat says. But suddenly it's head expands and explodes. Blood splatters on Yakamoto's white suit. Yakamoto says, "All but unnecessary. You'd think I'd go up against you if I couldn't. KILL YOU!!" Yakamoto goes in for a punch. Rave force blasts him to the wall and he spits blood. Yakamoto smiles unnervingly. Rave steps on his balls as he laid up against the wall. Rave says, "I could give a rats *** what they call you. You're all but a **** stain under my boot. I want my girls and I promise to be find with you in a week. Don't cooperate. I'll have fun with you for a couple months." Yakamoto says, "I am the absence of pain." Yakamoto phases flipping back through the wall. Ghost hunters do carry some basic ghost abilities. Rave follows. "Ecto blast!" Yakamoto blast Rave. Three more copies of Rave spawn. Yakamoto says, "I have the leverage. I have your wives. I say the word and they're dead. You should be thanking me." Yakamoto tries to run away as he realizes his ghost abilities isn't as strong as Raves. Rave says, "You threaten me? You just brought yourself an eternity of torture. So you know why I haven't killed you yet? I keep a special place I my heart reserved for opponents like you." Yakamoto runs to a helicopter on the roof Rave pulls is foot for the chopper. Yakamoto tries to hold on as it takes off. Rave punches him in the butt so hard he phases his hand through his insides and rips out Yakamoto's spine through the hole that was his bum. blood sprinkles like rain from the chopper that then explodes. Rave says as he walks away, "Looks like you just got off easy. Yakamoto." Meanwhile the rest of copies of Rave find his wives. The remaining X Corp surrender. Rave executes them anyway. The trap Rave is reunited with the rest where he goes back into the girls. All of X Corps technology is taken by the legion what's left is burnt.

Just when Rave powered down to his human looking self Yakamoto comes back as a ghost for a final showdown. Electricity spawn front the portal as he arrives. Yakamoto says, "You think I was saving this technology for some random soldier like Angent Plasma! This technology is mine!" Yakamoto rips wires from his ghostly body. Yakamoto is now big, light blue and buff. He continues, "For years I have studied you Rave! I have followed you across the globe. I have perfected your powers and upgraded them even better! I've died before Rave. Now this time I will eliminate you!" Yakamoto let's over a mega pulse that eats the ground below him. Raves shield himself and legion with forcefields. Rave says, "Of course... It's never that easy." He thinks, "Now how do I even kill this guy? He did say he is the better version of me. Well I'll have to test that out. Anyone of my weaknesses might do. But which ones." Rave looks up and shouts out, "I'm sick of fighting all these goddam ******* immortals!!! God Dammit! Why wouldn't anybody just die!!!!" Everyone goes silent after hearing that. Rave is punched through the crowd of his soldiers but before he hits the other side he is a black ghost again. 3 Raves come out from the ground and blast Yakamoto from behind with Lazer arms. Yakamoto reflects the Lazer into the crowd. The next Rave that was punched at first sneak up and punches back Yakamoto so hard it let of a blast wave the rocked the Legion soldier. At the moment of the punch Rave saw his own face on Yakamoto's body. Rave uses his other hand to grab his oppenents face. Rave growls, "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! YOU ARE NOT ME! I'M RAVE. I'M GOD OF IMMORTALS!!!" Yakamoto grown as waves of energy blasts out Frome Rave's body. Rave's face begins to warp to look like the Genos that he destroyed while fighting Infin8te. Rave burns off Yakamoto's face permanently. Rave with the Genos mouth begins to bite and consume Yakamoto. The legion hears a loud growl from Rave as his eyes turn red. He turns around and looks at his wives. "What's happening." Tin asks as the earth shakes. Sai answers, "Its the evil Roman! The one with red eyes!" Rave hold his head as his body warps to get buff like the Yakamoto ghost. Rave raws up to the heavens and a white beam blasts from his mouth and is seen all the way up to space. It releases a pulse that shakes the ground even harder. Everyone hold on to something. Rave sees himself in an all white room. He sees the angel from Chastity's memories. Rave says, "Chastity no! I'm sorrrrrrrrrry! I can control my powers!" Rave glows a punch from his hand. The angels runs to him. Angel voices says, "The oracle - the grey one has the oracle!" Rave punches his own head off destroying the Genos face. Later he spawns again from Chastity. He ask her, "What happened?" She replies, "One of your clones was going psycho then it punched it's head off!" Rave says, "The angels from your memories. I saw them. They spoke to before I snapped myself out of it. They know I have you."

Sai walks in, "Rave I decoded the missing piece of information from my Agency with some of what was gathered from X Corp. It says that the internet is the first level of heaven!" Chastity says, "My god. The angels are robots." Rave says, "Some type of robots. Well it makes sense. Their bio technology of far beyond what we can understand on Earth. Who new cyberspace would be the gateway to all these realms?"

Daughter of Rave X Corp

About 16 to 20 years Later

X Corp branch had a side project. They created a child using Rave's fluids. Collected by one Suno. The child was created in test tube to perfect Rave powers. They added in DNA of the Angels element. And this one was the only successful to develop.


Chastity No More


Rave finds himself relentlessly persuited by the Angels. What does he do? He gets so angry he takes her oracle vision away. But she will not be able to give him a child up until Act 8 when Rave fuses with Fidelle. It is believed that the oracle is barren. But she keeps trying all through Act 4. Rave also tries several experiments on her because she really wanted it. He tell her not to worry he will find a way.

Rave continues decoding X Corp data. He says, "Why didn't I see it before. They used machines to portal to the ghost world. Machines keep souls in little boxes. We all know out soul I there we just can't see it. I wasn't able to till I died and gained these tech powers" Chastity ask, "like WiFi?" Sai answers, "Yes. Well not exactly." Rave explain, "Take it this way, our souls are all pure faint energy stronger people have stonger chakra." Chastity replies, "I'm not smart enough for this but I get the point."

It is about 6 evening and getting dark. Chastity is running on a roof while chasing a train below. She jumps from roof top to roof top. She is about to miss a fall. Rave doesn't appear but he uses his force to boost her forward. After two big burst the final sends her all the way to the top of the train. When she lands her rifle almost flies out of her hand but a force pulls it back. She aims to shoot. "I'm got!" She shouts seemingly to no one and is agitated. She aims. You see a fancy business man in a window. She fires at him while on the moving train. The bullet is off track but then that same force guides it into the business man's head. "Goddamit! I told you I had it!" She say to nobody. The trains passes under a barrier. As the lights flicker you see Rave standing above her holding her shoulder. Rave says, "Its okay. You just need to practice." She replies, "No it's not practice. Rave. I will never be as good without my future sight." Rave replies, "Chastity you don't need to be. Shooting a moving target is hard. You are still my best shot!" Chastity says, "I know. I use to be better. If I keep missing like this some we love is gonna get hurt because of me." Rave rants, "You don't need the future sight. You're more value to me at home without a gun."

Rave brings Chastity to Kobain in his Lab. Rave says, "I'm trying to get her pregnant." Kobain responds, "Last time you came to me to design them little robot contraceptive things because you didn't want them getting pregnant. Now you are asking me to help you pregnate this one. I'm a tech guy not a doctor. This kinda things are better suited for miracle workers like yourself." Rave response, "Kobian... Kobain... Who else do I go to about my wives vaginas. Who else knows about those tender lady parts as much as you do." Kobain says, "Have you tried putting her on her head?" They pause then laugh. Kobian says, "I will see what I can do. But these sort of things are usually beyond medical solutions." Aircraft flight and song.

Trevor Something
Young Again

Rave takes Braille to see her brother in Alabama. Amoungst that crew Chastity, Hellebore and Genie. The news is Braille will be having a werewolf child. Alice wasn't to happy to see Rave at first but he was happy to know he had a new relative. Pyrex and Alice decided to join them till the go back down.

The crew travel west to Memphis. Rave Meets Team Spectrum. Spectrum mistakes him/them for demons. Chastity tells them Rave is a good guy. They are convinced by Chastity's nun attire but at the same time it is skimpy. Guidan says, "What in blazes! What kind of Babylon attire is this. No wonder you are with the demon gang." Rave starts chatting up Islamoon. A woman of her reserved shyness is not use to advances from guys. She is seriously flattered but sceptical. Rave says, "I own a modelling agency. I would die if you said no. But a face like that can get you six figures just for a few pictures and a smile." She replies, "Well pictures? I'm not that type of girl. That sort of thing is better suited for my daughter but if she allows me I'll do it." Rave said, "I need a few pics for the sponsors." He pulls her aside and Proxi takes pictures of her. He then handed her a case of 20 grand. She didn't want to except it. He said, "Fine let's go talk to your daughter now." Her daughter said to her, "20 grand just like that? He looks like a criminal and a really bad man. I don't think you should get caught up with him." Islamoon replies, "You're just jealous I'm pretty and your kind cute. I'm taking the money." Rave left the money with them and went to MC. A week after she came to the modelling agency and told him she would not while giving him back the cash. He told her, "Fine but how about one date before you leave." She agreed. They walked into a mega walking closet and he told her to pic an outfit for the date. She agreed. They ended taking pictures and before you knew it she was in a bikini. She asked him, "What is your intention? You trying to sleep with me Mr. Rave?" He replies with a blunt, "Yes. I couldn't think of a man in my position that would be happy to be with you at first chance. And I would over and over again. But this is not what it's about. My eyes can see objects magnified, through walls and miles away for what you can perceive. I have counted every goosebump on your skin and every stand of hair that pulls with it before I even learned your name. Besides that you are too nice for your own good." Then the tone of her voice changed, she was talking a lot slower and mixed up her words. She asked, "And if you were trying what would you do?" He replied, "Your mood changed 15 minutes ago. Along with your pheromones and blood temperature. I don't try. I'm always sure." She replied, "Oh so you got it all figured out?" That night he took her on a fancy date on the town. She was swept of her feet.

Rave meets Team Spectrum

It starts with Stellar. We are in a Morden country setting in Tennessee. She is scared and hiding from yet to be undisclosed enemies. It leaves and make it way to her convent. Stellar knows this but she is to afriad to warn her sisters so she runs in the opposite direction. These nuns fight to protect their region. Open arrive the Shadow Vine completely slaughters the Clerics and civilian colonization. The last thing you see is one with a torso in it's mouth. Stellar goes back to the site long after they have left. She is greeted by the severed hand of a child decaying on some big rocks. She sees the dismembered bodies of the people she once knew. She hears foots steps behind her. She is frightened as she turns around. It is Luke Christian. He asked, "What the hell happened here?" She said, "The Shadow Vine attacked." Angel Blade comes in and holds Luke saying, "Jesus Christ, every one is dead." Wiseman asked, "You are the only one. How did you survive?" Stellar says, "I was fighting and something fell on me. The next thing you know I wake up and is saw dead people. I must of gotten knocked out." Wiseman squints at her. Wiseman says, "Let me have a look at you. You must be wounded." Stellar replies, "No I'm fine." Wise man insists and Recognizes she is not hurt. Not even a hint of dust on her white clothes. godSSong comes in flying on an echo. She says, "Not a soul." Guidan is standing on a piece of unfallen wall above them. His halo sparkles in the sunlight. Guidan says, "If you survived you must good at taking name. We are looking for a new member." Stellar looks around at her distroyed home and agrees to join. Wiseman pulls Guidan aside and says, "The girl is lying she didn't fight or she would be dead." Guidan replies, "I know. It's not like she had a choice. She would of died anyway." godssong says, "Finally. A new member. You know since Islamoon went with Rave y'all been working the newbie here to hell." Guidan replies, "Ah no. We don't talk about her anymore. And we definitely don't talk about Rave." Wiseman replies, "Just who I was thinking off actually. We need to contact the grey god man. These monsters slaughtered the Star Sisters along with an entire town. I will call Islamoon now. He will help if she asked him." Luke says, "Bull****! We don't need that guy around here." Wiseman says, "You men are forgetting the code. To be heavenly one must not hold grudges or be too proud to ask for help." Guidan says while worked up, "Forget it Luke. He is right." Luke says, "but you remember what he did to Isla. He took a respected reserved woman from the right path and turned her into a god damn bikini model. Kissing other women in pictures?! He damn near condemned her soul to hell. The way I see it that guy is the devil! Sqack-pah!" He spits. Angel Blade says, "Oh dammit! You boys lighten up. She did what she had to for her family. The lord will not hold it against her. Rave on the other hand... Regardless of how we feel we need his help."

Ring ring ring. Eclips2 pics up. She says, "MOOOOOM! It's Spectrum!" Islamoon comes to the phone. She say, "Rave isn't hear right now you want me to summon him?" Wiseman says, "No. I need you to talk to him." She agrees.

Rave comes to Spectrums Region (name) with Islamoon and Eclips2 via aircraft. Angel Blade asks Eclips2, "Eclipse hi. You're gotten fatter. Eating well? How is school? Studing hard?" Eclips2 replies, "Not really. I dropped out. Im thinking of becoming a model like my mom Rave says I can make more money in a month than I could ever do with an education in a year. It's just headaches and hardwork." Angel Blade says, "No! I'm going to kill him! Just wait till the other guys hear about this. Luke and Guidan is going to go mental!" Eclips2 asks, "I know. Could you not tell them. You guys kinda raised me. I don't want to seem like I disappointed them so early. I haven't even fully started yet." Rave sees the anger boiling in Blade as she approaches him. Rave even steps back a little. Angel Blade says, "You! Is their anything you won't corrupt with your sick degenerate hands." Rave says, "Um. Okay. Nice to see you again too?" Eclips2 pulls her away. Angel Bladed keeps her finger fixed on Rave, "You are lucky. Lucky! Just lucky I made a promise to a sweet little girl. And she just grown up so fast..." Blade cries hysterically hugging and pinching Eclips2's cheeks.

Rave says to Islamoon, "They hate me. But if they hate me that much and can still ask for my help they must be in trouble." Rave says to everyone, "I understand this is serious. But while I'm hear I will not have me or my women be insulted or feel bad in anyway. If I suspect so much as a disapproving look at Isla you people can handle it yourself." Stellar in the corner looks at Rave with her mouth open. She says, "Oh-My-gaude! You didn't tell me he was 7 foot tall dark hunk of testosterone." godSSong says to her, "You better not think about it. Angel says he uses his mind powers to condemn women's souls to hell with fake promises of riches and happiness in return for adulterous sin that will steal you away from enternal happiness with the lord." Stellar relies, "Riches you say?... Good lord. You listen to all that? They pounded it into your head real air tight didn't they? My sister's believed in a savoir and look where it gotten them." godSSong asks, "Are you sure you are a Star Sister? You aren't nice like any one I've ever met. And your costume is so... Revealing." Stellar replies, "I get hot in big stupid clothes okay?! You talk as if your high boots and little Sunday school skirt is so much better. You think your male fans follow you for your irrigating little voice. You're wrong honey. Their thinking of other things you could do with your mouth." godSSong gasps and walks away arms folded saying, "My skirt isn't revealing it's modern! You are no Star Sister your an imposter! And the devil is real! Servantine said so, he works for the devil himself!" Stellar shakes her head and replies to herself, "Good comeback... Little nosey brat."

Rave and Spectrum is discussing. Stellar joins the conversation saying, "Could I show them to their rooms? I would gladly take the younger girl with me. You know bonding. It's only right because I don't know her as much as you guys." Guidan says, "Okay sure. I don't see why not." Stellar leaves with Eclips2. Wiseman whispers to Guidan, "Don't you see. She is just trying to get close to Rave." Guidan stand up outraged. Wiseman says, "Leave her. Even if she does. She is not fit for the team. Call it a test of faith. The up side is Isla will see what kinda man Rave is." Guidan says, "You think she don't know. She is part of his little gang." Wiseman says, "You hear what Rave said. This commotion will ruin the alliance." Guidan replies, "Might was well just wrap her up and give her to the dam devil for all I care... Wait! That's your plan isn't it. You picked up a little skin and offer her to him. A way of dealing his desire to help you save the day. Man you intelligence scares me sometimes. And you preach all this **** about empathy!" Wise replies, "And you're not so far behind. That's why you are the leader. Use a little of that empathy for me lives are at stake. The lord will understand."

Rave goes from settling Isla to see Eclips2. As he walks the halls he realizes he cannot see or phase through the walls. He knocks on Stellars door. "Come in!" She says. He enters to see Stellar in her robes. She sits infront of the mirror in a spinny chair. Rave freezes for a bit then says, "Sorry. This place is enchanted I couldn't see through the walls." Stellar says, "Don't back out know. I don't bite... Unless you ask me too." Rave says, "Um I came to see the girl. I'm not use to leaving my people in the hands of others." Stellar replies, "She left with Angel Blade. But don't leave now. I heard your take models. Well I'm interested." Rave says, "You are very beautiful but..." Stellar stands up and the robes stay down. She says, "I take it. You've seen me before. Mr. X-Tray eye?" Rave replies, "Well yes but it's not my fault. It's how I see everyone. It makes no difference to me weather you are clothed or not." She sits back down in the chair disappointed. Rave says, "Don't be sad. I did say I did not like it. I mean you. I like seeing you. Not everybody. Naked. Just to be clear. I'm not weird." Rave continues, "I don't want to hurt Isla's feelings. She came here with me. It only right I discuss it with her before things like that. Besides if might not survive it." Stellar says, "I couldn't think of a better way to die. Kill me then." Rave looks around and shugs his shoulders in agreement." Stellar says to Rave after, "I have to tell you something. This was originally my idea from the start. but the Wise one asked me to seduce you. He had Eclips2 stay with Angel the whole time especially so that you'd find me here." Rave says, "I knew. When I enter the door we locked eyes and I heard your thoughts. I wanted to be sure that this was want you wanted." Stellar asks, "So am I possessed now?" She check her eyes in a small mirror for the blue ring. Rave says, "No. It takes a day or two." Rave looks up at a corner, "So this is what the Shadow Vine looks like." He says. She asks, "How much of my memory exactly do you know?" He just looks at her. She continues, "I'm not a bad person. I needed to survive. I'm not going to get killed over problem I cannot fix." Rave says, "Don't cry. I'm no saint. I killed innocent before. Unlike me there was nothing you could do about it. I'm worst because I actually can do better. You secrets are safe with me." She says, "Well, If it wasn't already clear I can see why the girls like you so much." Rave say, "Well I need you to say with Isla. I'm not going to have my mind two places at one on this whole trip. And these ******* enchanted walls! I feel like burning this place to the ground. Walls that restrict me shouldn't exist." Rave's antsy movement shows how uncomfortable he is. Stellar says, "Relax. This place is ancient. No one knows how the magic works but it keeps demons out. I doubt they can use it against you."

Their is a sudden alarm. Rave runs down stares with Stellar in Robes. godSSong gasps and points saying, "She was with the Roman!" Rave says, "Not now... Shadow Vine?" Guidan replies, "Not the Shadow Vine, Servantine has been spotted by the market area!" Angel Blade says, "Forget Stellar. Something is up! Servantine has never come this close to the boarder before!" They go to the site. Stellar gasp saying, "The devil." godSSong says, "See I told you he was real." Epic fightinh music starts to play. Wiseman fixes his utility belt. Guidan flys up and pulls two light halos from he ring on his head. Angel Blade fly out with her sharp wings. godSSong pounces with and echo and her arms open. Luke dives ahead of all of them with is spear after doing some fancy bostaff movements. Rave pounced at Servantine faster than all of them and hit him so hard in the jaw it flys off. Servantine's body prints an outline in the pavement. Rave picks him up by the collar and gear up to punch him again. Servantine shouts, "Wait!" Guidan says, "What! I don't believe it! Rave defeated him with a single punch! That's impossible." Servantine gargled, "Pleassshh. I need maaak jaw to t----lk." Rave says was lifting up with one arm, "Talk? I'm about to send you back to hell you son of a *****. Tell your master Rave said hi." Wiseman shout, "Rave! Maybe we should see what he have to say. He wouldn't of come this close for no reason." Servantine says, "I now huck to stop the Shadow Vine." Rave puts servantine down gently. Rave say, "Stellar. Bring me his jaw. It's over there." She goes and gets it. Rave holds it. Rave say, "Before I give it back start talking. I can hear you just fine withoug it. And make no mistake my guy. I got this enter area surrounded with force energy you are trapped like a rat!" Servantine them gargles some words. Rave suddenly rams the jaw along with his two arms down his throat. Stretches his throat hole open like a bag. Rave puts his right foot down his throat and just bursts Servantine in half. While shouting, "Super foot of soul binding!" When the pieces of body stop falling. Luke shouts, "J**** C*****. What kinda animal is he? The Roman? I gotta say he got style." Rave looks back at them with blood all over him and says, "**** yes. And that folks is how it's done." Islamoon claps happily. Angel Blade says, "You idiot! You wasn't supposed to kill him. The devil always sends him back. Rave says, "I didn't kill him. I absorbed him with my foot. His soul is now Trapped in a place I call the XD." Wiseman says, "Roman that's incredible! We been trying to get this guy for years!" Guidan says, "No way! We are sure to beat the Shadow Vine." Wise says, "Free drinks in me. As usual." Angel Blade asks, "You didn't even hear what Serpentine had to say. Roman might have just doomed us." Rave argued, "I said I got his soul trapped. I will find out what I need to know!" Angel Blade still not happy with Rave shouts out, "Rave is sleeping with Eclipse!" Rave says confused, "No I'm not. I had to walk to see her in Stellar's room. If I did I would just poof Infront her. Check her eyes your making this **** up!" Angel replies, "Tell them of how you had her drop out of school. I have the pictures. The only reason Eclipse doesn't have the ring is because she is blind! If her eyes was normal Rave would have more control over her. He does that **** regularly and somehow convinced her it was okay." Eclipse shouts at her and cries, "I trusted you! Why would you say those things?!" Rave looks around and says, "That is not how it looks but... You know what I don't have to take this from you people. You blink and you could end up like your buddy Servantine over there!" Luke joins in, "Nah! No! You don't threaten my girl!" Rave says, "What a j****** you are loving her and the two of you are not even married! How is that Christian?! Luke!" Islamoon says, "I heard enough of this I'm going back home." Guidan says, "Wouldn't you like to run away from your sins. You witch! ******* Gargoyle!" Rave advances to tear Guidan in half. Islamoon says, "No Rave! No! They raised her. If you kill them. She'd never forgive me! Don't make this any worst." Rave shouts, "Alright!" And it creates a shockwaves. Rave continues, "How dear you judge me! Put yourself in my shoes. All the powers of a god. Sorry to break it to you! It's what gods do. The gods you worship. They are just like me. No they are worst! Maybe am all wrong but your gods are just the same. There is no good and evil. It's about yourself! Take what you need. Love the **** out of your wives. Make sure they understand how much you care. One of you could die and you'd never see her again and all you'd remember is all the pride you had to show her you loved her... Luke. Meanwhile the gods are happy in there own world. Doing what they want. Loving who they want. And they're asking you to oppress yourself! Not me I'm going to kill the gods!" Guidan says, "Damn, He is serious." Luke says while looking at Blade, "He's got a point!" Blade says, "Rave is a monster he has to be stopped." Luke says to Rave, "Don't worry about Blade. She's angry. Give her time." Wiseman asked, "How did this come to be." Rave says, "Already because I have no privacy. I will tell you. Eclipse took a break from college she was telling me about how she was stressed out and couldn't do it anymore. I told her she didn't need school because I would take care of her. I didn't mean anything sexual by that I just thought she was wasting her time when I could already afford to give her all she wanted. So I had her stay with with my other girls. One thing lead to another. She was not supposed be influenced by them. I **** up because I couldn't say no. It's on me. It's my fault. I'm the terrible person." Blade says, "You guys can't be okay with this? I was with her father who he died. I watched her grow up!" Wiseman says, "Well blade she would have to date a couple of ****s anyways before she meets the right guy. At least we know Rave... Is well... Rave." MOST AWKWARD RIDE HOME EVER! Song: And the ride was silent. And the airship went boom bakka tang chink chink kank. Boom bakka tang chink chink kank! And Guidan picked his nose. Angel swallowed her cold. And no one spoke a word. How can we sleep tonight. Lawd this just ain't right.

Later alone Blade says to Luke, "How could you choose Rave's side over me. Maybe you should ******* join him! Go lie in his bed!" Luke responds, "This is exactly what Rave was talking about you are fighting with me over him, a god who has three women right now looking after him. Rave is going to bed happy Blade. Why do you want to go bed angry with me? If the building collapsed tonight and I lost you what would you have me say. I'm not living you." She says, "You know what happened? He made you question your faith!" She hits him. They then starts to fight physically which turns to passionate love making.

Rave interrogates Servantine alone as he is suspended trapped in the Lost Dimension. Servantine says, "I must congratulated you on defeating me but you don't know who your are dealing with. I work for the devil himself. I recommend you let me go before you get caught up." Rave says, "I doubt the devil would be proud to come and rescue a failure like yourself. Trust me buddy. In here I'm the closest thing you got to a friend. And I don't even like you."

Next morning Angel makes breakfast for Luke. She says, "You know what Rave is? Rave is a ******* predator. He prey on innocent people like that. It's not their fault. He tricks them with his little magic tricks." Luke replies, "Of course honey. I know. Love you." Angel replies, "I just love you so much too." and starts to cry again. "I ******* hate him for being right."

Rave relays what he learns to the others. Rave says, "I will be taking Stella to Sky Castle with the others. For each girl I have a few hours of run-time. Eclips2 and Isla will stay here incase the Shadow Vine returns to your district."

Rave's Journey To Sky Castle

We need to go to Sky Castle but why? It was a tip from Luke Christian of Team Spectrum. He told them that this was where they had to go for answers.

It's like a dream.

We are waiting at the rail station in a forest and suddenly it's starts to rain heavily. Genie, Calypso, Chastity, Sai is with Rave. Genie looks at up Rave and asks,"Hey you didn't use the forcefield to shelter us?" The giant looks down at her and replies, "Sorry you say something?" She looks at the cloud as if trying to find what he was searching for. He sees droplets run down her pretty face as he looks down. "Um-Huh" she replies and opens out her arms to take it all in. They all look up to the sky. They are interupted by the black train as it enters station at and alarming speed and just full stops.

"Is this the stairway to heaven?" Sai ask the conductor with a smile. The old conductor a doesn't reply but smile and nod.

We just entered the train cart and it's nothing fancy. Some what of a hobos resting place. The girls are wet and Calypso is looking down. Rave caresses her arm to her her attention. Then he pulls on her belly button piercing and flicks it. A voop sound is made as all the water is completely force repelled off them. She smiles and moves closer towards him. He says, "It's small moment like the rain outside I appreciate." she kisses him. The conductor watches them in his mirror. A bum in the corners says, "You kids better not be doing anything back their and them pull his dirty cloak over himself. Sai whispers, "I didn't recognize any one was there." Rave stands just by the door like a complete Statue that doesn't need to move or sit. Stella stands next to him confused. Calypso and Chastity sits on a platform in the corner talking while Sai lies down. But Genie is up and about restless.

The Train shakes at it is struck by something. Rave, Chastity and Stella look outside the cart. They see something like a giant black beetle with shadow vines all over it. Chastity and Stella gasps and says together, "Hmm, A shadow vine!" Rave gears up to fly out and fight it. The bum says to Rave, "If you leave the train now you be lost forever. Sit down!" Calypso asks, "So what do we do? Nothing." The bum replies, "I said sit down! They conductor would handle it." The he turns and face the wall. The conductor reaches for some buttons and levers cannons on the roof fires back at the creatures.

The bum is cooking some beans on a kerosene stove. Genie asks, "Ist that even safe?" As she leans over the can on the fire. Rave says, "Sweet heart leave the stranger alone" as he sits in a wall stands the side not really moving. The bum says, "Nah it's fine. Have a sit. Want some?" She replies, "Ehhh nah it's okay." The food looks gross. The bum says, "Tell your giant boyfriend over their stop blocking all the light. Come and have a sit." Rave walks over and like at the dirty ground. He pulls Genie to her butt with telekenesis. Instead of falling on the ground her butt hits on an invisible force stool provided by Rave. It makes a really loud plop sound on impact and she screams, "Yaw!" Them Rave sits onto he floor next to them folding his legs on the ground. She rubs her back and Rave pulls down the back of her cape a bit so that she sits decently covered. The bum says while filing another can open as he squints with one eye open and raises his chin to to the other girls in the back, "You alright deh Romeo?" He asks Rave. Rave raises him one palm and an smiles awkwardly. The bums says, "Sure you don't want some beans? Hi bout' that one over deh?" Chastity cringes silently in the background as Calypso strokes her hair. "Be nice." Calypso says and taps her lightly on her face.

Genie explains, "...And that's why we are taking the Stairway to Heaven. We are going to Sky Castle to see the king." Rave asks, "And you what's your story? I didn't know it was possible to be a homeless in this place?" The bum replies, "Homeless? Who's homeless? That man in the engine room over their is my brother. This is my train!" Rave says, "Apologizes." And smiles awkwardly again. The bum says, "Nah. You don't apologize to me. Any man who got five ladies following him around like that have to be a boss already." The he slurps some beans.

The train starts to move so fast it looks as it the gold rails begin to come of track and leave the earth as they ascend into a background of blue and green blurs. As it slows down they see the castle gates carved into the mountain. The walls are of large stone. Green plant life and grows in it. The top of the wall is crowned in plates of gold. Blue drapes trickle down.

When arrive the bum steps out throw his dusty robes and fake beard down and salute them as the king. Rave said, "I thought you owned the train." The King Replies, "I do. King Adept. Tony over there really is my older brother. We built that thing. I asked him to retire but you can't pull and old man away from his passion. It keeps him alive." Genie comes up under Rave's aen and pulls on his shirt. Rave says, "I'm sorry my Lord. But my girls are tired. Maybe we can chat after they get some rest." Adept replies "Of course. Lord Roman, I understand that you are royalty as well." Rave says, "Not sure if I can say royalty, married a few princesses." Rave shrugs. Adept says, "Don't under sell yourself. I saw how those girls was dying to get a piece of you on the train. Clearly your doing something right. I have you stay at our best retreat."

In a a big room Chastity looks at Stella sitting by herself. She says to Rave, "Poor girl is petrified. She been biting her nails since the train stop. She's one of yours now... Do something about it." Rave replies, "Not now. I need to regenerate. You talk to her. Smooth her down if you have to I need rest." Rave disappears. Chastity says, "Ok a******." He fades he pulls her lower lip with his finger. She says, "Stella! Come hair. Let me do your hair." Stella replies, "Okay. But if you do mine. I have to do yours and your not leaving without cornrows." As Chastity combs Stella asks, "You always lockdown so tightly when Rave ain't around?" Chastity replies, "I know. Rave is extremely cautious. But he is smart. We should always listen to him." Genie says, "Back in Santana I was being shot at. Rave caught the bullet and shoved his whole arm along with it back down the other guys throat then gave me his beating heart. That was the first time I saw him kill for me. It frightened me at first but more I thought about it, I loved it. Just to watch him fight is so exciting." As she says this she grips the mattress tight. Sai says, "See? This is why Rave always says I'm the sane one." Genie says, "Whatever. You saw how he instantly benched the king when I told him I was tired. You'll never find a better man."

(Side Quest) Mysterious dragon slayer in background, need help with something.

Rave sees the eye on his forehead and recordnized he is same race as Sixx.


The Shadow Vine

We enter the Shadow Plane if black and burgundy.

Hurexateaz The Shadow Lord.

Botfly The Lord of Disease . The worst way to die. He stands you once and you slowly grow out fat worms from everywhere.

Monty Eyes, a standing in complete darkness his eyes glows burgundy. He stands completely still like a statue as lighting flys out randomly. Everything it touches turns to stone along with eye contact. Rave catches him him a death stare. Both of them starts turning to stone. Rave enters is mind. In space of darkness Rave pulls out a girl. It is the madusa of myth. They call her Goomba. Suddenly he is embracing Goomba in a stare off. He is no longer his grey self but in human mode. A human looking Rave breaks out of is grey version nude and breaks Goomba out of Monty's stone body, nude.


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