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Loyce smiled, as he raised the tip of his finger, pointing it at my sister's head.
Loyce smiled, as he raised the tip of his finger, pointing it at my sister's head.
"Very well."
"Very well. The truth is, I never once thought Lord Ginga's methods were unacceptable. This entire mission to secure Yeling was a prerogative commissioned by Lord Ginga himself. As he believes Hakah needs some... redirection. And so. This task, assigned to me, shall now be completed. My solution. Is to erase everything she knows about her brother. And to behave like the obedient little weapon that she is."
Beads of sweat ran down my face.
Beads of sweat ran down my face.
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"It's over for you, Hakah." Loyce said, as the tip of his finger glowed with energy.
"It's over for you, Hakah." Loyce said, as the tip of his finger glowed with energy.
The only way...
Is to become...
Tears streamed from my sister's eyes.
"Goh goh... I don't want to forget you... please..."
"STOP. I'LL DO IT." I shouted, interrupted Loyce as he stared at me. The energy left his finger tip.
"Come again?"
I stepped forward, slamming my chest with my fist.
"I will serve you, Inner Shadow Loyce Hal. As Vicki's Auxiliary Shadow. I will become so strong. So strong that I won't have my sister worry about me. So she can operate and do her job at her peak potential."
Loyce narrowed his eyes.
"Do you know what you are saying?"
"I do. I'll become stronger. To the point where I can stand alongside my sister in power. I won't hold her back."
Hakah stared at me, as Jay scoffed.
"Yeling. Your sister is SSS Rated. She's stronger than both Loyce and I combined. To stand alongside her is basically saying you will become as strong as her. Can you really make that promise?"
Loyce regarded me with curiosity.
"There is no guarantee your power will reach your sister's even with Lord Ginga's blessing, Yeling. Hakah is special."
I stood my ground.
"The reason she's like this is because of me, right? Because she wants to be by my side. Then that's what I'll do. I'll become strong enough and climb up the ranks of this Black Legion, starting from Auxiliary. I will become strong enough to reach Inner Shadow so I can fight alongside my sister. If she can't escape this Legion, then neither will I. As long as I'm with her, she'll do her job, right?"
Loyce smiled.
"You've now struck my interest. I look forward to seeing how far you can go then, Yeling."
I helped my sister to her feet, as Jay saluted us and left.
"Goh goh... you don't have to do this..." Hakah muttered.
"No. I'll stay by your side. I promise you."
Hakah coughed.
"And what of Shia. Inoko. And Shen. Will you leave them for my sake?"
I pursed my lips.
Hakah smiled at me.
"Goh goh, I am... your past. If the past hurts you, then there is nothing wrong with letting it burn away. You don't need to worry about me-"
"I'll make it work. Somehow."

Revision as of 04:45, 9 May 2022


My name is Mah Ye Ling.

Last son of the Mah Clan.

The thirteenth holder of the Hinokami Dogma Bargain, and the second Hinokami to ever unlock Stage Four.

And to my little sister, the strongest person in the world.

But Hakah...

In truth, I am not the amazing big brother you envisioned me to be.

Every time I came home, I would always force that sickly smile on my face to make sure you wouldn't have to worry.

In truth, I am not okay.

I've always deceived you in an attempt to protect you from what I was really feeling, because if the one person you had in this world crumbled, so would you.

And so, I lied.

I lied that I was fine.

I lied that I was having fun in school.

I lied that I enjoyed being in New Ulysses.

And I lied about having good friends.

That smile that you saw every day when I came home to take you out to New Ulysses and show you around the shops in the mall...

That smile was all fake.

And I guess that night, when my flames went out of control, you saw for yourself, just how not okay I was. And I thought you had died.

So I don't blame you for having such warped views on the world, for being so broken.

It's okay.

You're not the bad person in this story, you're not the villain.

The real villain is me for letting you become like this...

I sat in front of an unconscious Marcela Greene. One of the last survivors of Squad Four.

"Still comatose?" I asked.

Rui slowly removed a damp cloth off of her forehead.

"Not so much as that. I think... Marcela has lost the will to live."

I clenched my fist.

She had lost Lewis. Matt was comatose. And Maika was dead.

She basically had no one.

And now we learned that there was a whole group of guys even stronger than Danny.

That man with the guns... he worked for Hakah. He had to be. When Floki assessed Marcela, it showed she was under a mind fog spell, something that only Susanoo users could use. Meaning it was Hakah who abducted her to do whatever messed up stuff she wanted her to do.

When I arrived to save Marcela, Hakah was speaking to the man, and when I fought him, Floki had told me that the man was already drained from battle.

Yet I still couldn't put him down with Stage Four.

Meaning this man... surpassed Danny by levels of power.

I closed my eyes, as I slowly got up.

As long as Hakah was around in this world, more people would just end up getting hurt. She was clearly twisted now. There was no one to blame but myself, so in the end, it would have to be me to either put her down for good or somehow save her from herself.


I looked at my hand. The red tattoos that decorated it momentarily flashed blue. I couldn't tell if it was my imagination, nor did I care anymore.

Goh goh! I'm scared! What is happening! It's hot... it hurts! MAMA! BABA! Goh goh is burning! Goh goh is burning!!!

I choked back a sob, my chest welled up in pain.

What kind of big brother would do that to the little sister who admired him so much?

"Yeling, this... this isn't your fault. Your sister chose this path of destruction." Rui tried to reassure me.

"Yet it was me who influenced her. When I was Tidalflame, she watched me, almost as if she were my biggest fan. Every Elimination Operation I took part in, she watched it all. Seeing me kill people made her happy. I understand you're trying to make me feel better, Rui, but..."

I sighed. I didn't know what else to say.

"What are you going to do now?" Rui asked.

"I don't know."

Rui gave me an empathic expression.

"Maybe you should take a few steps back to collect yourself. This has to be a huge shock to you. I don't need my evo to see that. If you try to do anything now, you'll make rash decisions and it'll become worse. Maybe just take it easy, okay?"

I nodded, as I left the med-bay and walked out of the hideout.

I had told Shia, Inoko, and Shen that I wasn't feeling well. They decided to give me space.

The sun was setting and it was making nice colours in the sky.

If Hakah was around, I would have grabbed her wrist and ran after the sunset, with her trailing behind.

She would have laughed wildly, telling me to slow down as she would lie on the grass and appreciate the view. Or sit on the bench next to me.

The clouds had turned purple and orange. Her favourite colours.

Looking at the clouds used to give me peace of mind, but now looking at them reminded me of Susanoo.

Goh goh is supposed to be stronger than me. Because he is my hero. The hero I love who always protects me and loves me. Tidalflame being weaker than me and the rest of the Inner Shadows is not right. I couldn't accept that. So I made Yuyan destroy Contingency Initiative and Taras Pax to make you stronger by force. And now you are Stage Four just like me.

These Inner Shadows... it had to be an organization. And the way Hakah phrased it, it seemed like she was part of something bigger. "Rest of the Inner Shadows" made me believe there were more powerhouses who shared similar strength to her. And if that was true, and they had bad intentions...

Did I have the strength to stop them?


I jumped in fright.

"What the-"

I spun around, to see a familiar five foot one high schooler... well. Ex-high schooler, with her hands behind her back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Shia said, as she sat next to me.

"How's Inoko and Shen?" I asked.

"Are you seriously thinking about them instead of yourself?" Shia replied.

"What else is there to think about, Shia. My little sister is on the loose and I don't have the strength to stop her. There's so much shit piled up on my plate and I'm overwhelmed. Rui tells me to take a break, so that's what I'll do I guess."

"Lie down on your stomach for me."

"Ummm... why?"

"Just do it."

I lay on the grass, my back exposed.

"Listen. This better not be a prank."

"I'm not going to do anything perverted, Old Man Yeling. You're not my type anyway."

"So you came all this way to insult me? What gives?"

Suddenly, a pair of hands were placed on my back, and a rush of relief surged through me.

"What are you-"

"I'm easing out the stress in your joints. And knots in your back that have developed. You're tense everywhere. I learned these massage techniques from when I wanted to impress Sensei."


"It's working, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Yeling... you know, from the first day I met you, you've always been the same."

"How so?"

"You always beat yourself up, thinking the solution to all problems it to load it all on yourself. And by doing so, you think all the pain will go to you and not to the people around you, right?"

"Ah... now that you phrase it like that..."

Shia stood in front of me.

"I hate that about you."

My heart suddenly hurt.

"Wha- what? Where is this coming from?"

Shia pointed at my chest.

"Do you think we're okay with you taking all the burden on yourself? Do you think by being the only one suffering that we'll all magically be okay with it? The more you hurt yourself, the more we get hurt too. Maybe you never realized it. When I saw you get taken by the Dogma that day. What that Tidalflame persona said to you and how you took it to heart. And when you came back, missing an eye and a finger..."

Shia's voice broke.

"You would throw your own life for another's sake. I can't be friends with someone like that..."

"What do you want me to do then, Shia? There is no way I can just let you guys go into the fray-"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I want to help you, and be by your side. Even if I am just fodder, I can stay alive. And I want you to do the same. I had so many adventurers planned for us. But none of that would be worth anything if you died today! All because you gave in to what life threw at you!"

Shia held out her pinky.

"That pinky promise you made. Are you really going to break it?"

A gasp escaped me.

She remembered.

Shia's teeth were clenched, and it looked like she was trying her best not to cry.

Had I been putting her through this much... this entire time?

"Let me share your pain. Please, Yeling. As your friend."

The tension left my body.

I wanted to say some words of gratitude...

But I didn't know what to say.

I never had someone care this much about me before.

At least not in a twisted way.


I stopped. Floki was going crazy.

"What the-"

"DODGE! YELING!" Shia suddenly shouted, as her body sparked with green electricity, pushing the two of us away.

An arrow was embedded on the grass from where I stood.

"What the-"

Shia and I spun around, to see a woman standing in the distance. She looked like a hunter. From the way she was dressed, a black sports bra with straps and black leggings, with hunter boots, paired with a animal hide shoulder plate, she seemed to be highly agile.

"Floki, Status Scan."

A magical circle appeared in front of my golden cybernetic eye implant, as the woman's figure became more accentuated.

She looked...


I could barely see her face from within her black hood, and her mouth was covered by a grey strap. But the way she was standing boasted confidence and composure.

Like an assassin.

"Yeling!" Shia shouted, as she summoned a storm of swords, which chased after the woman.

But the lady simply took out dozens of arrows from her quiver, and black and blue energy wreathed over it.

"Thirteenth Hinokami Yeling Mah. My master seeks you." The woman said, as she fired a massive storm of black arrows, completely disintegrating Shia's swords, and swarming at the two of us.

"Shit!" I shouted, as I held out my hand. My body burst into a violent red flame.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Two: Inverse Monsoon Release

A massive burst of flame fought back against the arrows, as the woman narrowed her eyes.

"You're holding back against a superior opponent. Your arrogance has deluded you."

"What?" I gasped, as suddenly, the woman appeared in front of me in a black and blue blur. Her cold expressionless green eyes, glinting with murderous intent.

I couldn't even register her movements. She was too fast.

I never encountered someone like this since...

Since Danny.

Level 2 Intangibility

I turned into a red wisp, but the woman didn't attack. As if she knew I would do that.

She made me waste my stamina on an unnecessary action.

The huntress spun around and created a black portal, absorbing the hailstorm of spears and swords Shia was throwing her way. Those reflexes... couldn't have been human.

"Run, Yeling! I think she's after you!" Shia shouted.

I blasted backwards, but the assassin was coming after me with that same ridiculous speed.

I had to go Stage Four. I had no choice.

But to transform took time, and time was something I just didn't have. Not against someone this fast.

I was wrong.

She wasn't anything like Danny.

She was...

Far worse.

The woman disappeared into a black blur again, as I spun around, frantically trying to find her. It was like she just blinked out of the face of the Earth.

"Get away from him!" Shia shouted, as a massive green golem appeared, Rainwater and Shen's power towering over the assassin. The golem smashed its fist into the ground, but the woman dodged.

The assassin leapt into the air, crossing her legs and drew her bow, which began to vibrate viciously.

Shia gave me an opening. I had to use it.

"RAAAAAAH!" I roared.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four - Cobalt Phoenix Assimilation

I transformed into my demonic angelic form, as I blasted to her location.

She couldn't do anything now.

Caught between Shia's golem rampage, and between a Stage Four bull rush.

If she was trying to capture me, she couldn't kill me.

But if she didn't aim her bow at me, she would risk being hit.

"Go, SHIA!" I yelled, as Shia summoned a massive blade.

"TATSU!" I roared, as the hybrid longsword katana appeared in my hand.

Rain Style Kenjutsu Form 1: DEVIL SURFACE SLASH

I swung the katana, delivering Shen's Kenjutsu style, combined over the countless warriors who challenged him in the millennia that he had lived in seclusion.

There was no way...


The woman was unfazed.

And suddenly, her body shifted, turning and flipping until her legs wrapped around the sides of my head.


The lady spun midair, as my Surface Slash went haywire, slashing and severing a nearby mountain in half.

"Yeling!" Shia yelled, as her sword was moments away from decapitating the lady, but the huntress had used the spin and moment to position her arrow which had now fully charged.

The woman let loose, as a massive black blast of darkness smashed into Shia's golem and knocking her out unconscious.

"SHIA!" I screamed, as the woman continued spinning and slamming me into the ground with the same momentum I had used to charge her with, but added with her flips and the arrow's attack.

I coughed out blood as everything went blurry.

The woman stood above me, slowly taking off her hood and her mask, revealing a beautiful face, and choppy, medium length hair, giving me tomboy vibes.

Her makeup made her deadpan face look even scarier.

"Master Hal seeks you."

I tried to get to my feet, but the woman stomped her boot on my chest, knocking the wind out of me.

"Don't resist."

"Screw you, bitch!" I snapped.

"I don't want to hurt you any more than necessary. Or your younger sister will be upset. Neither one of us possesses the strength to stand to her."

I stopped resisting.

"What did you just say...?"

The woman regarded Shia, who had fallen unconscious, lying on the destroyed and burnt grass.

"Your companion is unconscious. She will be fine after recovery." The huntress said, as she tapped on a weird module on her thigh.

Blue holographic lights appeared before me, as a man wearing a hunter suit and a hood approached me. He looked less intimidating as the lady, but he still set off danger radars. And not to mention the fact that he also had a bow and arrow.

Either he was the one who taught her to wield the bow, or he was taught by her. Or they were colleagues.

All possibilities seemed equally bad.

"Twilight, knock out Yeling. The mission is complete. The Shadows will escort us to Master's throneroom."

"Sounds good Lena- Er. I mean. Vicki."

Fake Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to call you that. Bad habits."

"You will address me as Onyx. It goes without saying that Lena was very lenient on you when she was still alive. I'm not against you serving as my Auxiliary, but understand that I am not your Lena Soni."

"I... understand." Twilight looked down.

Onyx regarded me with those same cold eyes.

I felt like curling up into a ball and dying. I never felt so terrified in my life.

This girl... was even stronger than Danny. And Danny was the biggest threat I had ever faced in my entire life. For five entire years, he haunted me because of how overwhelmingly powerful he was.

And just like that, this girl had eclipsed him in power.

But then it hit me.

What Hakah had said...

Was this girl one of her allies? She knew Hakah.

She was part of that organization full of those so called Inner Shadows Hakah had mentioned. She had to be. There was no other reason why she was so powerful.

"What do you want... what do you want from me?"

Onyx knelt down in front of me, as Twilight jabbed my neck with a syringe. Things started to get dream-like. As Onyx's voice began to double.

"Under normal circumstances, I would never let someone know my name. Nor my codename. But these are no normal circumstances. Master Hal seeks you to join us. Your power is valuable, not just to our Legion. But to his greatness against her."

"Who is... her..."

I was losing consciousness and strength, as I slumped over, falling into Twilight's arms. Twilight carried me like a sack of potatoes, as shadows began swarming us.

The same ones who had attacked the village that day and served Hakah.

By the time I gained consciousness, I found myself in a massive throneroom, kneeling on the ground and surrounded by two people. The whole place looked like a church, golden lights coming through the mosaic windows and casting a bunch of colors.

I groggily turned my head to see Twilight, who was tending to me.

Shadows were all around, but now that I was conscious, they looked... different than the ones I had encountered. They sported golden celestial armor over their dark misty bodies.


Twilight put a hand to my mouth.

"Shh. Don't speak in Lord Hal's throneroom. Only talk when he lets you." He whispered.

"But you're talking right now." I whispered back.

"Shit!" Twilight replied.


Onyx glared at the two of us, shutting us both up.

"That rule only applies in the presence of Lord Hal."

We were in the middle of the throneroom, and up the tall steps was an empty throne. The whole place was populated, lined from the sides, with hordes of Shadows.

But it wasn't just shadows. I narrowed my eyes, realizing that the horde was split in factions. Shadows, and unusual beings with horns and wings. They looked almost like harpies.

A Shadow hovered to Vicki's position.

Has he come... the Eldest.

"Yes. I have retrieved the last son of the Mah Bloodline."

I knelt awkwardly with Vicki and Twilight.

"Harriet... I don't know about this." Twilight mumbled.

"The mission was tasked to us by Lord Hal, Coleman."

"But Yeling?! We're basically begging to piss her off!"

"This is none of our concern." Vicki brushed him aside.

Twilight fidgeted nervously.

"It will be... I guarantee you it will be. She's not gonna forgive us, it's practically a declaration of war."

I was about to raise my hand, but my wrist was still chained down.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Twilight walked in front of us, spreading his hands.

"Vicki. Surely. Even Lord Hal says you're the smartest of his Outer Shadows. In what scenario is it a good idea to mess with Yeling!"

Vicki glared at Twilight, as the Shadows swirled around us.

"You will watch your tone, Carlton Coleman." Vicki whispered, her voice dangerously low.

"This operation is suicide." Twilight pointed at the Shadows.

"Are you guys not at all bothered by the fact that we're literally stoking the flames?!"

The Shadows shifted nervously.

I looked at the harpies, and they also began to fidget too.

This person...

"Guys..." I said, but Vicki cut me off.

"You will do as you are told, Auxiliary. Or are you suggesting you are considering defying our Master's wishes?"

Twilight's face turned pale, but he gritted his teeth.

"I served Lena Soni. I was a hero, in Millennium City. That was what I stood for. When the city was attacked by the God of Archery Ullr, I still stood for justice. She didn't even do anything to us. We have no business with her. Why are we going so far as to provoke her? And don't get this mixed up, Harriet. I don't serve you. I serve the girl who was once you."

I watched as Vicki's hand hovered over her bow.

"Coleman... choose your next words wisely. You know I am not as forgiving as Len-"

"You may look like Lens, but you're not her. The only reason I'm here is because I believe there is a part of her that still lives on in you. But make no mistake, I have no qualms speaking up against something that isn't right. And I know you feel the same way!"

Suddenly, Vicki stumbled, as she clutched her head.

"Erk... gah..." Vicki muttered, as the Shadows swirled more intensely.

Regain your composure, Onyx.

Do not falter, Lady Harriet.

Vicki took off her hood and mask, revealing choppy medium length blonde hair. She looked really attractive, but the murderous expression in her eyes suddenly made me lose all my libido.

"Carlton." Vicki growled, as she drew her bow with lightning fast speed, but before anyone could make a move, a massive force sent us all to the ground.

"That's enough." A man said. My eyes widened, as I tried to struggle to my feet, but the force was overwhelming. As if the gravity had increased exponentially.

"Master..." Vicki gasped, as a man in a black peacoat approached us. The Shadows all parted, and everyone in the throneroom bowed before him.

And for some reason, I felt like doing the same.

"Lord... Hal..." Twilight muttered. The man flicked his finger, causing Twilight to hover in the air before him.

"Carlton Coleman... Twilight Bolt. How disappointing are those of the Champions Universe." Loyce said, unamused.

"Y- Yes, my Master."

Loyce regarded Vicki, who glared at the ground.

"Vicki Harriet is my Star. She is the closest to the most complete Outer Shadow in the Black Legion, if not for Gasket's little gunman."

Twilight gulped.


Loyce shut him up with a glance. Floki wasnt reading his energy signatures... but more like I had a feeling he would know if I was.

I didn't need Floki anyway.

Every aspect of this guy, from his aura, to his presence, to how he conducted himself.

To how heavy his gravity was, and how disinterested his face looked as he held Twilight Bolt with just one finger...

His power far eclipsed Vicki's.

And vastly eclipsed mine.

"I give my Outer Shadows lots of freedom when it comes to who they choose to be their Auxiliary. But it seems you are not doing her any good. I hear that you have objections to the mission I commissioned regarding Yeling Mah."

A bead of sweat ran down Twilight's face, and dripped to the ground, but Loyce's eyes flashed, and to my disbelief, the bead of sweat hovered before Carlton for everyone to see.

"The Twilight Bolt. Lena Soni's sidekick. You stand for justice, am I correct?"

The sweat suddenly vaporized.

I stared at Twilight in horror, and realized I was trembling from intimidation.

"M- Master Hal-"

"What's the matter, Coleman? If you have objections, I would love to hear it. Directly."

Twilight's mouth quivered, as it looked like he had completely lost his voice.

"It was me, Master Loyce." Vicki said, as Carlton and I stared at her.

"Wha-" I said. Loyce turned to her in surprise.

"Come again?"

Vicki clenched her teeth.

"He simply... reiterated what I told him. I think this mission is extremely dangerous, Master Loyce. So please... please spare him."

Loyce raised an eyebrow as the gravity lifted. Twilight fell to the ground in shock.

"Harriet..." Carlton said.

Immense pressure filled the room, as everyone was silent. Their eyes glued on us.

But Loyce waved his hand, to my disbelief.

"You may leave. Take Yeling to the barracks. He will serve as your Auxiliary, Harriet."

Vicki bowed.

"It shall be done."

And with that, the Shadows kicked us out of the throneroom.

The walk back felt awkward. Twilight tried to thank Vicki, but Vicki's scowled seemed impervious to compliments.

"Now that we're out of the throneroom, do you mind if I ask something?" I said.

I had to ask. I needed the confirmation.

I felt like I already knew the answer.

Vicki didn't respond, as Twilight took a deep breath, recovering from his near fatal encounter.

"Wha- what's up, Yeling?"

"That girl you guys were freaking out over... would it happen to be..."

"Yes, Yeling." Vicki cut me off, as she looked at me.

"The girl Twilight voiced his concerns over, is none other than your younger sister, the SSS Rated Inner Shadow Hakah Mah."

Auxiliary Shadow

"Please let me see her."

"No." Vicki said, as she threw her keys on her bed and laid on it, propping her sneakers against the headboard.

"Why not?! Isn't she part of this organization? She's a colleague, right?"

Vicki regarded me condescendingly, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance as I went up to her bedside.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. Hakah is my sister. I deserve to see her. Are you even listening?!"

Vicki let loose a puff of smoke.

"I don't listen to ramblings of idiots."

I clenched my fists, but Twilight but his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, Yeling. There's a reason why we can't see her."

I turned to Twilight in a rage, as his face suddenly turned panicked.

"I'm sor- I mean. My bad."

I softened up.

"Wha- I didn't mean to-"

Twilight laughed gently, putting his hands up in the air.

"Nah man, it's all on me. It's just your face is so similar to Hakah's when you're mad. Given her reputation, it's only natural to be afraid."

Twilight beckoned me to another room as I glanced at Vicki, who was still smoking and staring at the window.

"Don't worry about Harriet. She's always like this. We're fellow Auxiliaries now, so you deserve an explanation."

I sat at the dinner table in front of Carlton as he pulled out a cup of instant ramen and poured boiling water into it.

"Oh my bad. Did you want one too?"

"I'm good, thanks."

I watched as Carlton closed the lid and propped a pair of chopsticks on it.

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions, huh."

"Yeah. Why can't we see Hakah?"

Carlton pursed his lips.

"What do you know about Hakah so far? Aside from what you knew from before the incident. Anything Black Legion related?"

"She's apparently really scary."

Carlton chuckled.

"That's an understatement dude."

"What do you mean?"

Carlton used the moisture of the noodles on the chopstick to draw on the table.

"In terms of power, this is where I stand."

Carlton made a line.

"This is where Harriet stands."

Carlton drew another line which was higher.

"You're around in the middle, not as strong as her, but definitely stronger than me. And this..."

Carlton drew a line so far up that it practically was near the edge of the table.

"This is where Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, our Inner Shadow, stands."

I kind of expected that, given the ridiculously powerful and high pressure he was emitting just being there.

"And... Hakah is..."

"Hakah is beyond even Loyce in power, Yeling."

My jaw hung open. My heart skipped a beat.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. This is why we were so scared when Master Hal requested the job. Hakah... all she wants is to be with you, to the point where she is absolutely obsessed."

I remembered what Hakah had said to me.

You are not my big brother. I will save you, Yeling. As your sister. I will save you from this world. I am going to make sure you are by my side, when we destroy this world. Lord Ginga will make a move. He will.

I made a fist.

"So... by capturing me..."

Carlton nodded.

"We've basically sealed the deal. We've made the absolute last person in the organization, Hakah Mah, an enemy, and I don't know why. I don't know why Master Loyce would go this far. And not only that, he made you Harriet's Auxiliary Shadow too. That's the biggest fuck you if anything."


What happened to you all this time?

Did I do this to you?

"I... I still need to talk to her. At least once. If I could reason with her..."

"I don't know about that one, Yeling. Your sister is... really mentally unstable. Every Shadow, Auxiliary, Outer, and even Inner Shadow has it drilled in their head to avoid Hakah if possible. In terms of power, rumor has it she might even surpass Lord Ginga himself. Our Leader."

"And she's got the nicest rack in the organization too. Seen it for myself a couple of times in her bedroom." A new voice appeared, as I spun around.

A cocky looking man with pointy ears had entered the barracks.

"Whatsup, BroKah."

"What? Who are yo-"

"The name's Andrew Tengen. S~ Ranked Outer Shadow Tourmentus. Rumor that Onyx captured Hakah's brother spreads fast."

Tengen sat down at the table, raising an eyebrow at Carlton, who suddenly looked nervous.

"Hey, wannabe hero from the Chumps Universe. Why don't you beat it? I got some words for my baby girl's big bro."

My blood pressure spiked up.

"Hakah isn't your girlfriend, moron." Vicki said from her room.

Tengen tilted his head, ignoring Vicki's comment, as he began studying me with intent.

"Damn. I do see the resemblance. Haha. But strength wise you're pretty subpar. Ay, Tommy! TOMMY!"

An older guy opened the door and sighed. He was wearing a backpack and looked like he was college age.

"Dude... that girl you're slagging off is that guy's little sister. Show some restraint, man."

Tengen chuckled, propping his feet against the desk, as he continued eyeing me.

"The hell is he gonna do to me? Isn't he that guy who struggled against that A Ranked Auxiliary Shadow Transplant?"

Tommy regarded me.

"Compared to Hakah... he is pretty mundane."

Tengen walked up to me and knelt down.

"Hey. Yeling. Am I pissin you off?"

I didn't answer. Floki was going off like crazy.

Tengen's mouth widened into a toxic smile.

"I'm a real honest guy. And a real simple one. So I'll lay it to you real direct. I don't like you. I don't like how Hakah is so obsessed with you. Plus you're so much weaker than me."

My heart started beating faster and faster.

I wanted to punch this dude in the face so badly.

"If I wanted to, I can kill you so quickly. Like I said before, I'm an S~ Rank. Vicki over there is only S Rank. So what does that mean... hmmm."

"Stop... Just stop, man." Carlton muttered, as he stood up, but Andrew's hand flickered, and before I knew it, two slashes of red exploded on Twilight's chest, causing him to gasp and fall onto the ground, breaking the chair.

Tengen turned back to me wildly, until we were face to face.

"Yeah. I can do whatever I want to you, Yeling. And the reason is real simple. I'm jealous of you. I'm jealous that Hakah wants you more than me. But it can't be helped, you're her flesh and blood brother after all. But hey. I've done the deed with her. That's enough to say I'm better."

I clenched my fist, and Tengen noticed.

"Aw man. Does that piss you off, Yeling? Yeah. That's right. I banged your sister. We did it at her place. Then at mine. She loved it."

My breathing became more and more erratic.

Shut up.

"Her moans... mmm!"

Shut up, dude.

"You gonna get mad? Huh? You gonna get mad?"

I'll kill you.

"I haven't seen Hakah in like ages. Thank god Master Loyce decided to capture you as bait. Maybe I might be able to score another night with her again."

"SHUT UP!" I growled, as I swung my fist at Andrew, who caught it effortlessly.

"That's the spirit." Andrew smiled viciously, as he snapped his fingers. Several Shadows swirled around us, as Vicki raised an eyebrow from her room, getting up and following.

The environment changed, into an arena.

"Welcome to the Coliseum, Yeling. This is my turf. Here, I fight whoever I want. Cuz the more I fight, the stronger I get. And I love being strong."

Tengen held out his hands, as two steel meat cleavers appeared in them.

"Show me what you got, Tidalflame. You're now in the cage with Tourmentus, the Hero of the Dual Cleavers."

I growled in rage, as I transformed into Stage Four. Tatsu appeared in my hands.

"RAAAAAAH" I roared, closing in forward, faster and faster.

Devil Surface Slash Ascendent

I unleashed a powerful swipe which uplifted the ground, ripping it apart violently. Tengen laughed maniacally as he sliced the flaming slash in half with one of his cleavers then appeared in front of me.

"Show me some more, Yeling."

I went Intangible.

Level 2 Intangibility: Hellfire Embrace Ascendent

I exploded into red flame, as I engulfed Tengen in a massive flaming red avatar, but Tourmentus simply spun, his cleavers held out and dissipated the flame, causing me to regain form and hit the ground.

"Stop! Tourmentus!" Twilight called out from the bleachers.

"That's not fair! You're an S~ Ranked Outer Shadow! Yeling is only A Ranked!"

Andrew rushed forward and unleashed a kick. I blocked it with my wings, but the force was so great the wings shattered, the shockwave shooting me through several pillars of the Coliseum as I smashed into the wall, crumpling to the ground.

"Life ain't fair, Carl. That's how it is. Besides. If I can beat some sense into Yeling and show him that I deserve Hakah more than him, I'm willing to get my hands dirty."

I growled.

"Floki: Countermeasures."

Floki unleashed several magical circles in front of my golden eye, causing Andrew to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? What's this? Gonna have Jarvis over there make some elaborate plan?"

Countermeasures found.

I roared, powering up as my horns on my head became sharper.

I readied Tatsu and blasted forward, slashing at Andrew at unorthodox angles.

"OOH! You comin at me like that?! Huh?!"

Andrew laughed wildly, blocking the slashes, to my disbelief.

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

I slashed again, but Andrew spun and deflected it.

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

I blasted to the side and slashed. Deflected again.

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

I went Intangible and tried to slice upwards, but no matter what I did...

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

Style changed. Recalculating. Calculation Found. Readjusting.

Tourmentus... he was switching and adapting his style.

With every slash.

And every counter he landed on me, successfully, was something new.

How was he able to change his style so much to the point where it was able to fool a magical computer AI?!

"Come on... Yeling... show me some of that MAH BLOODLINE STRENGTH!"

I thrusted my hand.

Stage Four Grand Ultimate ITR Ascendent

I let loose a gargantuan torrent of red flame, but a massive flurry of slashes completely annihilated it as Tengen came closer and closer. Like a predator stalking its prey.

Tengen grabbed my hair as I irked. Everything went upside down and I found myself smash into the ground violently, crushing it and creating a massive crater. Miraculously, the whole Coliseum was still in one piece.

Everything went blurry, and my whole body was in pain. I couldn't move it, and once I regained my senses, I could see the tip of Tourmentus' meat cleaver aimed right between my eyes.

"Argh... ah..."

I needed to...

I had to get up.

I was weaker than Tourmentus. I knew that. I knew that much.

But if I didn't get up, and I lost right here, I could never forgive myself.

"Finished already, Yeling? She wants HIM, over ME. BY THE WAY!" Andrew shouted at Tommy, who facepalmed. Vicki rolled her eyes.

"Look at this guy. He's already finished. He can't even move his damn body for Chrissake!"

Get up, Yeling.


I've already failed you once, Hakah. I hurt you so much that you turned into this monster for the Black Legion.

If I let this asshole slander your name...

What kind of older brother would I be?!

"RGHHHH..... RARRRR...." I seethed, as I rolled over and planted the palms of my hands on the ground, crushing it.

Tengen turned around.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Get up, Yeling. Get the fuck up."

I forced myself to my feet, rage overtaking my body.

"I don't care... if you're S~ Ranked. Whatever the hell that means. I'm gonna kick your ass for what you said about my little sis." I snarled, as I clenched my fists so hard blood poured from the palms of my hands.


I could feel the flame overwhelming my body.




Rage for the man who insulted and hurt my little sister.

Tourmentus... you will pay for what you said. My voice boomed from within my flaming red and blue avatar.

Andrew brought his foot back.

"Yeah.... this is what I'm talking about. LET'S GO, YELIN-"


Tengen's eyes widened, as blood erupted from his left wrist.



I watched as my body went on autopilot. Tatsu's massive overmold slamming Tourmentus into the ground with so much force the entire Coliseum shook violently.

Tourmentus smiled, as he slashed in a spiral, ripping the avatar's arm apart.

But I didn't care, as I grabbed him with my other and leapt into the air, using gravity and force to slam him back into the ground.

I snarled, growling and making incomprehensible sounds from within my Anarchy Form.

I had completely lost it.

It was like I was in the passenger seat of my own feral body.

"Damn... forms!" Andrew gasped, as he narrowly escaped, but to his horror, my giant avatar began to shrink, smaller and smaller until it was just me.

Glowing with a devilish red light, my blue eyes now turned into white glowing orbs.

I shall burn... this world to the ground.

Andrew slashed with his other hand, but the slash vaporized upon contact.

I was pure flame and animosity, as I took a step forward. The sheer temperature of my flames causing Andrew to choke.

"Shit man... that's..."

I materialized in front of him, as Tengen's eyes widened. I grabbed his neck and smashed him into the wall, his body catching on fire and melting the rock, turning it into red lava.

"Anarchy Form... huh..." Andrew smiled evilly, as blood erupted from his face, which was boiling.

Tengen slashed at my wrist, then escaped, as my arm regenerated instantly. I held up Tatsu, tracing a circle with my foot.

Rain Style Kenjutsu: Form 10 - Peace after the Flood

I blasted forward and unleashed millions of slashes which caught Andrew straight in the chest.

"Damn! I even predicted... ah I guess it doesn't matter anymore." Andrew muttered, as he coughed up blood.

From the reflection of his eyes, I could make out my body. It was pure red flame. My long hair, spiky and standing up. My four horns and my body, nothing more than a fiery avatar of pure destruction.

Of pure Anarchy.

"The fact that he could put Tourmentus on the defensive without having his limiter broken by Lord Ginga..." Tommy said.

"WHO SAYS I'M ON THE DEFENSIVE?! SHUT UP TOMMY!" Tengen roared, as he blocked another slash, but millions more were coming his way as his body exploded in a starburst of blood.

I watched Andrew slide back, hundreds of yards across the Coliseum.

I stomped forward and charged, but Andrew suddenly blocked my strike. His mouth sputtering with blood.

"I live to battle. Being put on the edge is the very definition of my abilities. You ain't got the upper hand, Yeling. You're just witnessing what I actually can do now that I've been pushed to use my real power."

I slashed, as Tengen caught the blade with his cleaver, then spun, using my momentum against me until I was launched forward.

Tengen tried to slash at my neck, but to his surprise, I spun around and caught the blade with my hand, melting it and turning the handle red hot.

"Huh. Guess I still haven't caught up yet." Tengen muttered, as he leapt out of the way, but I was closing the distance instantly, unleashing combos with Tatsu.

I watched as Tourmentus hit the ground.

"I'm a hero..."

I blasted to his location.

Rain Style Kenjutsu: Form 2 - Sun Wheel

I unleashed a massive vertical overhead slash which cut his back open.

Andrew coughed, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"I... I'm supposed to get the girl. As the hero. I was supposed to... but no..."

I kicked him in the chest, sending him into the air.

Form 6 - Devil Vortex Slash

I unleashed more and more slashes, cutting into Andrew. But Andrew suddenly caught my blades, resummoning his cleavers.

"Yeah." Andrew snarled, his face returning to its maniacal grin.

"I don't lose. Hell no."

His body began glowing.

And soon, he began overwhelming me again, pushing me back, then unleashing a devastating axe kick to my chest as I smashed into the ground, exiting my transformation.

Tengen approached me, his body buckling from the sheer power.

"Hakah... is mine... and mine alone to have... she's all mine..."

"Andrew, that's enough dude. He's down." Tommy said.

Andrew glared at Tommy.

"Shut the hell up. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna."

Andrew raised his cleaver as he sliced down, but suddenly, the cleaver was knocked out of his hand.

"The hell?!"

His other cleaver was knocked out of his hand, as Andrew leapt back, but before he could react, Vicki appeared before him, knife to his throat.

"We already went as far as to capture Hakah's brother. What do you think she is going to do if she finds out you were the dumbass who killed him?"

Andrew clenched his teeth.

"This ain't got NOTHING to do with you, Harri-"

"This has everything to do with me. He is my Auxiliary Shadow and my responsibility. I considered this fight to be a good eye opener for Yeling. But if you are going to choose to use it as an opportunity to remedy your small dick syndrome, then I will make you regret it."

Tengen backed off, as Twilight leapt down from the Coliseum and helped me to my feet.

"Here. Healing nanites."

"Thanks." I muttered, as I felt the shot rejuvenate me.

Tengen noticed Tommy regarding him, and scoffed.

"The hell you lookin at? I'm gonna watch the Superbowl."

Tommy watched Tengen leave as he turned back to us.

I readied Tatsu, although I had next to no energy left in my body to fight.

Tommy didn't look at all threatened, but he did frown.

"You should know your limits, Yeling. That Anarchy form strategy might work against Tengen since he's an idiot. But even with Harriet's help you three together will lose if you fought me. So don't try it. I have no intention to start anything."

My blood went cold, and I could tell the same was for Carlton, because his face turned pale.

And with that, Tommy's phone vibrated. We watched as the guy took out his phone and looked at it. And it was as if his whole badass vibe had disappeared, because he immediately squeaked in a panic.

"My final exam was today?! What the fuck?!"

Vicki's eye twitched in annoyance as she watched Tommy run clumsily to the exit.

"Shadows! Take me to the University of Iowa! Preferably at the building of this exam! Hurry! ASAP! Now! NOW!"

Yes, Master Riordan! The Shadows replied, frantically.

We stood awkwardly for a few minutes.

"Uh..." I put up my hand to Vicki, but she ignored me, walking past and summoning the Shadows to teleport back to her quarters.

I took a step forward but tripped on something, crashing into Carlton, who went face first into a wall.

"The hell?!" I exclaimed, trying to figure out what I had tripped on, only to realize I had slipped on a pair of...


I quickly put my hand to my nostrils to keep a nosebleed from happening.

I turned to Vicki, about to apologize profusely, but she didn't even flinch.

"Oh, I was wondering where that went. Throw it into the laundry machine for me, will you." Vicki said dismissively, as she went back to her bed and popped another cigarette, scrolling on her phone.

My jaw dropped at how little she cared. If it had been Shia, she would have gone on a massive rant about how much of an old pervert I was. If it had been Inoko, she would have tried to rip my head off.

It was as if being a stereotypical girl was completely foreign to Vicki Harriet.

Most of the day was spent with Carlton as a result. Since whenever I tried to strike up conversation with Vicki, she would either ignore me, or she would just tell me to clean her room. Which was a complete pigsty, FYI.

As for what she thought about the fact that her Auxiliary Shadow had nearly been slaughtered, it was as if the incident with Tourmentus was just another Tuesday for her.

"Carlton, does Harriet even have emotions?" I asked, as I helped Carlton prepare dinner.

"Call me Carl."

"Okay, Carl."

"Yeah, Carlton sounds too formal, you know. We're colleagues now. Plus, Lens always called me Carl..." Carl's voice trailed off.

We sat in silence.

"Vicki was..."

Before we could do anything, we heard a woosh.

"What the-" I said.

Carl turned around and opened the door to Vicki's room. She was gone.

"She went off to do hero work." Carl explained.

"Hero work?"

"Yeah. Outer Shadows have a life outside of the Black Legion you know. But she does have a bad habit of running off on her own. Let's follow her."

Carl showed me the device he used to teleport to her location.

"Grab on."

I did as he told, and before I knew it, I was in Millennium City.

"Are those, flying cars?"

"Yeah." Carl said, dismissively.

"Now we just have to find Vicki."

I followed Carl as we walked around Millennium City.

Outer Shadow

"No offense, but I really can't imagine Vicki to be the type of person to do hero work." I admitted, as Carl and I walked around Renaissance Center.

"Despite how she conducts herself, there's a part of her that wants to live up to her progenitor, after all."

"Her progenitor?"

Carl nodded, as he walked up to the console. On it said the words:


He began pulling up files on the public computer.

"I'm sure you already picked up some things about Harriet, you know. When I spoke up about capturing you and how bad of an idea it was. In particular, someone named Lena Soni." Carl said, as more and more windows were being pulled up.

"You mentioned that she looked like her, right?"

Carl found the file and opened it, maximizing the window for me to see.

I was startled.

It was a picture of a girl in a blue and red and white jacket. She had green eyes that looked just like Vicki, and a face that looked just like hers.

But her hair was brown, and flowed to her chest. And her face...

She looked so friendly and approachable.

Almost a complete direct contrast to Vicki, who always looked monotone.

"Lens was a hero. Always was. Always will be remembered to be. When she died, because of her inherent ability to be reborn through remembrance, Harriet gained conception. Even if she is an Outer Shadow, a part of Lena lives on in her. I guess you could say there is a part of her that is obligated to do the right thing, and that part is the Lena Soni I knew and sidekicked for. That is the reason why I will continue to be by her side, even if she is a completely different person now."

I was doubtful, but suddenly, I remembered.

That split moment of hesitation she had experienced when Carl had stood his ground against her. She had clutched her head, almost like there was internal conflict.

Was Vicki more than just a gruff Outer Shadow?

"Let's meet up with Harriet. It's getting late."

The sun was setting, as we found Vicki.

"Hey, Vick-" I was about to call out to her, but Carl stopped me.

"Don't." Carl said, as I was about to protest, but I was interrupted by the sound of a little kid.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" The kid screamed at Vicki, who stood before him, expressionless.

"It's after hours. Your mother insisted I escort you back."

"I don't care! You're not Lena! I don't know you!"

Vicki continued standing in the same spot, looking at the kid, her soulless eyes contrasting with the teary eyes of the kid.

"Your mother is worried about you. She entrusted your safety with me."

"She entrusted me with LENS. Not YOU." The kid screamed at Vicki's face.

But Vicki simply took it. She wasn't mad or anything.

"What the hell..." I muttered.

Carl sighed.

"Gabe... can't you see you're hurting Vicki..."

I turned to Carl.

"How does Vicki know Gabe?"

"He doesn't. He knew Lens though. Lens was kind of like his big sister, since she stopped the bullies from picking on him, and protecting him and his single mother from Kevin Poe's Westside goons. Gabe looked up to Lens, in a sense. Seeing her as his hero. So when he found out Lena was killed and Vicki took her place..."

Vicki held out her hand.

"Let's go home, Gabe."

Gabe swatted Vicki's hand aside.

"You're not my Lena. I don't know who you are. Stop trying to be all buddy buddy with me. I'm telling my mom."

"Your mother was the one who told me to escort you, Gabe. If you don't come home with me, she will be very worried."

"Well my mom is an idiot! She's the biggest idiot ever to think that Lens could be replaced by some heartless cold bitch like you!"

Vicki clenched her fist.

"Don't speak to your mother that way-"

"Or what? What are you gonna do, Vicki? Hit me? Hurt me? You're a hero after all. You can't do anything to me."

Gabe turned around and picked up his juice box, ripping the cardboard and opening up the side until the carton turned into a pitcher.

"Why won't you get it through to your head. You can never be like Lens. Lens was amazing. She was heroic and kind. She was friendly. She was the best person to ever exist. Every time you walk around in her body, it's so disgusting! It's creepy and I hate it! I hate you!"

Gabe sniffled, as he began to hold back sobs.

Vicki knelt on one knee and took out a tissue from her utility belt, patting his cheeks.

"Gabe... it's getting really late. Come on, we can-"

To my disbelief, Gabe raised the juice box, and poured the contents all over the top of Vicki's head.

Vicki's eyes went wide, as the grape juice went all over her blonde hair, turning it purple.

Gabe glared at Vicki, and threw the juice box at her, turning around and running away.

"I can go home just fine without you!" Gabe shouted, as Vicki slowly got up, staring at the tissue in her hands. Gabe's tears were still on it and never dried.

Grape juice was running down her hair, and getting all in her chest wrap and leggings. The purple liquid dripping all over the ground.

But Vicki remained frozen, as she gazed at Gabe from the distance.

Several thugs eyed Gabe from the distance, but backed off upon seeing Vicki's glare.

"Why is she going so far to help that brat? He literally called her a bitch and poured grape juice all over her." I grumbled.

Carl got up, and went up to his boss, handing her some more tissues.

"Let's go home, Harriet."

Vicki turned to us, as she took the tissues, placing it against the water fountain and wiping herself down.

Carl put his hands behind his head.

"How was hero work, Harriet?"

"Satisfactory." Vicki replied.

"Beat up any Cosmic threats?"

"As expected from my reduced power in this world." Vicki said as we rounded a corner, walking down a neighborhood. We were tailing Gabe the entire time.

We continued walking, as the residents in the neighborhood stared at Vicki.

"Honey, it's that imposter again."

"Don't look, Daryl. She'll kill you. She looks like Lena but she's a murderer."

"The way she uses Lena's sweet and friendly eyes to give off that deadly glare... how insulting!"

One kid saw Vicki and ran back to his friends.

"I'll pay you 5 bucks if you throw a rock at her."

"Are you crazy?! She'll kill us all!"

"How about if I made it 50."

One of the kids picked up a pebble, and launched it at Vicki, as Vicki spun around. Her hand twitched, but I watched, in shock, as Vicki lowered her hand, her eyes full of defeat.

The pebble hit her square in the forehead, clattering to the ground.

"Pay up, Rich!"


I wanted to use Hinokami to burn these idiots alive. Or at least make them pay. If I was Tidalflame, I would have done it without hesitation, but Vicki simply walked past me. As if nothing had even happened.

I glared at the kids, as they began laughing and calling Vicki a wimp. I took a step forward, my body powering up with rage, but Carl put a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't, Yeling."

I spun around.

"What am I supposed to do? Just let Vicki get insulted like-"

Vicki cut me off with a glance.

"How old are you, Yeling?"

I paused.

"Twenty four... what does that have to do with-"

"Coleman and I are nineteen years old."

"Okay? But why-"

"You are five years older than us, yet you are acting the most immature out of the group."


Vicki walked past me, but I grabbed her shoulder, stopping her.

"Are you seriously just letting these guys slander you like that? I get you want to be a hero and that the hero doesn't hurt others. But letting the public talk badly about you, straight up committing battery and throwing things at you. There is no way that's healthy either."

Vicki shouldered my grip away, as the clouds shifted, the purple and gold lights shining down on her.

Vicki resumed walking, ignoring me.


"Yeling. Just stop." Carlton said, as I reluctantly obliged.

Vicki stopped at the front door, after waiting for Gabe to go in. His mother was waiting at the door, smiling at Vicki.

At least there was one person in this shithole who appreciated her.

"Thank you so much for escorting my boy, Vicki. I'm so sorry for anything he said. It's... hard... after everything he's been through."

"I understand, Naomi."

A tear ran down Naomi's cheek as she stepped forward and wrapped Vicki in a hug. Vicki stood still.

"Vicki... dear... even if the people here don't appreciate you, please realize that I do. Don't ever stop doing what you are doing. Heroism is heroism. No matter what the guise of it is. As long as the reason and motive is there, and your actions are heroic, you are a hero."

Naomi pulled away, as Vicki regarded her.

"Is my presence a burden for Gabe?"

Naomi's eyes widened in shock.

"No! No, please don't ever think that my dear! I will punish him for whatever he said. I promise you-"

"No." Vicki held up a hand.

"You do not need to do anything. I will continue to protect your son. As with the rest of the people in this world. This is the life I've chosen. Enjoy your day, Naomi."

Vicki turned around and left, leaving the two of us at Naomi's doorstep.

Carl nodded.

"Enjoy your evening, ma'am."

"Thank you. It's nice to see you again, Twilight Bolt."

I turned to Carl.

"Carl, do you mind if I stay here a bit longer?"

Carl blinked.

"Y- Yeah, it's fine. Just use the teleporter to get back."


Carl joined Vicki, while I still stood at the door.

"Oh, we haven't met, have we? I'm Naomi, Gabe's mother. Are you Vicki's friend too?"

"Yeah. Call me Yeling."

I shook her hand.

"Um... do you mind me asking..."

Naomi raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to come inside?"

I stepped into the house. It looked like a complete mess, but I sat on the sofa anyway.

"How long have you known Vicki? Did you recently meet her?" Naomi asked, as she handed me a cup of water. I took it.

"Yeah. I guess you could say we recently became acquainted."

"I see."

I took a sip of the water, and set the cup on the table.

"Naomi. What Gabe did to Vicki is inacceptable. As a parent, you should understand this." I said.

Naomi pursed her lips.

"I understand. Gabe developed quite the mouth ever since Lens had... left us. I will talk to-"

"Your son committed battery. That's a crime. Even if he has been through a lot, it's not an excuse for him to act this way."

Naomi stared at me.

"What did... what did my son do?"

I explained to the mother about how Gabe had poured grape juice all over Vicki's head, then threw the empty juice box at her before running away.

"Your son did more than say hurtful things to her. You're his mother. You should have been aware of the things he has done. He was lucky Vicki didn't do anything back. If he acted this way to any other person, he might not have been so lucky to get off unharmed."

Naomi put a hand to her chest, closing her eyes.

"Gabe... how could you..."

I took a breath.

"Naomi... what happened... between Lens and Gabe?"

Naomi looked at me, the hurt in her eyes no longer concealed.

"I... She... I'm sorry. Can I have a few minutes?"

I let Naomi regain her bearings.

"Did Twilight Bolt tell you about how Lens died?"

"He mentioned... she went to become stronger with her brothers to fight a monster, but ultimately, she died."

Naomi nodded sadly.

"It was... the night that monster had invaded our world again. Apparently, Lens and her brothers battled that monster across many worlds, and when their battle spilled into ours, many of her brothers were already slain. Lens, in an act of heroism, prioritized our safety over her own. When the monster invaded our home, our house, Lens took the monster's hits head on. Right in front of Gabe."

I listened intently.

This kid...

Lens was his hero.

And the more Naomi spoke about Lens, the more I could see why he would become resentful to the girl who was in her body.

"Lens fought with everything she had, but she recognized that the safety of Gabe and I were important. The monster realized this, and used us against her. In her final moments, Lens shielded Gabe and let herself be impaled by the monster's sword. Her blood splattered all over Gabe's bedroom, and she died in his arms, smiling and telling him that he would be safe. No matter what."

Naomi's voice broke, as she looked at the steps, to see Gabe peeking from above, teary eyed.

"Come down, Gabe. It's okay." Naomi said, as Gabe reluctantly made his way down the steps, sitting next to his mother.

Gabe stared at the ground before me.

"Lens... died protecting me. I know there's a lot of amazing heroes in Millennium City. Many are even stronger than Lens herself and many of my friends think are cooler. But to me, Lens was the best. The greatest. So... to see this imposter pretending to be her, trying to be a hero like her, but insisting she is her own person... I don't like it. I just don't."

I glanced at the kid's face, and noticed small scars on his face.

"Those scars, was it from that night?" I asked.

"Y- Yeah, yeah it is. The monster's sword, it grazed me after it had gone through Lens' stomach. If it hadn't been for her, the sword would have pierced right through my skull." Gabe said.

"Do you still think what you did to Vicki is right?"

Gabe pursed his lips.

"Vicki doesn't understand trauma. How bad trauma can... break someone."

"Maybe not, but I can tell you that it isn't enough to justify hurting others like that." I said.

Gabe glared at me.

"Like you know what it's lik-"

I slowly lifted the bangs that covered my right side, until my corroded flesh was in full view.

Naomi screamed and Gabe stumbled back.

"Oh lord!" Naomi and Gabe yelped.

I calmly tucked the hair behind my ear.

"Trauma can lead to a lot of pain and hurt. That monster hurt you. I get that. He even took away the person you admired. But what do you think Lens would say if she found out you were using her death as an excuse to be disrespectful to others?"


"And you said it yourself. Vicki is Lens, reborn. She is in her body. Not many people are given a second chance. Once you lose a loved one, that's it. It's over. You can't get them back. There are many nights where I go by begging to whatever god I believed in and knew to bring my mama and baba back from the fire that killed them."

I pointed at the door.

"But in your case, you do have a second chance. Your time with Lens... can be spent with Vicki. Vicki is so strong, she's even stronger than me. Yet despite that, she chose not to use any of her strength even after you attacked her like that. She didn't even say anything. The fact that she would endure all that for your sake. And the fact that you're pushing her away. Who do you think is the one being disgusting? I don't think it's Vicki."

I got up, as tears ran down Gabe's face.

"I'm... so sorry..." He sobbed.

I turned around, as I made my way to the door.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her. The next time she goes out of her way to help and protect you, along with the citizens in this neighborhood, and the innocent people in this world. I'm a nobody. But she's the hero."

For the next few nights, I had tried multiple times to sneak out of Vicki's place and find Shia.

I failed each time.

Until one night, I caught Vicki drinking liquor out of her fridge in the middle of the night.

I put on a hoodie and snuck out, going Intangible while Vicki stumbled to her room deliriously.

I snuck around in the barracks, still in my Intangible form, as I passed by Carl's quarters.

I felt bad for ditching these two. After having started to know them. Carl was so down to Earth, and I had discovered a side of Vicki I never knew about.

But ultimately, I didn't belong here. I had to escape and get to Shia.

I continued sneaking.

Shia... Inoko and Shen... they must have been so worried about me after I had been captured.

I had to make sure they knew I was okay-

"Not going to say hi to Hakah?" A voice said, as my Intangible heart metaphorically stopped beating.

I quickly gained shape and stumbled back in the middle of the hallway.

An average height man with sandy hair. He was wearing a fur coat, as if he had come back from a fantasy world adventure, but I knew better than to say that to the face of Vicki's boss.

"I-" I said, but Loyce tilted his head in amusement.

"And here I thought you were starting to warm up to Onyx and Twilight Bolt. What a pity."

"I... I just wanted to go and see my friends. To tell them I was alive."

"If I let you go to see them, you realize that any one of my Outer Shadows, be it Onyx, Tourmentus, or Fenrir, can come take you back at any time. None of your friends are strong enough to fend them off."

I gulped.

"Please. Master Loyce. I don't mean any harm to you. I never did. I never had any intentions to get in your way or anything. And neither are my friends."

Loyce shook his head.

"It isn't a matter of what you did to me. It is the fact that you are a blood relative of her. And I need you because of that."

"My sister?"

Loyce glanced at me.

"I want to show you something."


Loyce snapped his fingers, and to my surprise, the surroundings elongated around him, as if we were being transported, space and time, bending before him as if he were... its god.

"My name, is Loyce Hal." Loyce said, as his body began to glow, dispersing into millions of sparks, surrounding me. His voice quadrupling and turning into a mere rumble in my head.

To these people, I am a Demon Lord. To you, I am a person. But the truth is, I am none of these things. I am me. I willed myself to existence. I willed myself to rule. And I willed myself to be an Inner Shadow. The very being known as Loyce Hal, is simply a manifestation of myself that I chose. And because of that, I cannot be killed. Because one can say, I was never alive to begin with.

The surroundings changed, until I was in another realm. The whole place looked like the inside of a volcano, black obsidian with red veins of lava.

Where the hell was I?!


I turned around, in shock, to see a horde of orcs coming my way.

"Master Loyce...?" I muttered, as I stepped back, as the orcs roared at me.

If I didn't fight back and waited for Loyce, I would be dead meat.

Level 1 Hinokami - Inverse Tsunami Release

I unleashed a torrent of flame, which engulfed the orcs, but they swatted the flame aside, unharmed.


Level 1 Hinokami Stage Two: Cobalt Assimilation

I increased the intensity of my flames to its Inverse Monsoon Release, but the orcs continued advancing.

I leapt back, going Intangible, as the orcs tried to attack me.

They survived Stage Two.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Three: Grand Cobalt Assimilation

I transformed, as I let loose a Grand Ultimate ITR.

But to my disbelief, it was like the orcs were somehow immune to the flames that I had once used to terrorize the world I was in.

Loyce's voice boomed in my head.

The monsters and beings in your world cowered before your power. Before her flames. But I tell you the truth, Yeling Mah. Your power is but a drop in the ocean compared to those who dwell in the darkest worlds of the Multiverse. There are many who eclipse even Danny Zheng. And even Vicki Harriet.

"AAAAAARGHH!" I growled, trying to fend the monsters off, but nothing I was doing was working.

They were so powerful...

Something told me I didn't want to engage in those guys in melee range.

I transformed into Stage Four, and unleashed Aelienne's Phoenix Covenant, the red sun appearing above me as I held my hand up high.

The wind swirled violently around me, turning the sky red from my flames.

The orcs continued growling and roaring at me.

Chunks of the ground began lifting from the ground.

It was all or nothing.

If this last ditch attack couldn't kill them...

I yelled, launching the fiery red sun at the orcs, a devastating storm of hellfire scorching the land.

But as soon as the chaos went away, the orcs stood, unharmed.

I fell to my knees in disbelief.

No way.

Stage Four Hinokami...

Couldn't even put a dent on these guys.

"H- How..."

Loyce suddenly manifested before me, his hands in his pockets.

"For a Dogma holder to unleash such power without the blessing of Lord Ginga. You truly are remarkable."

I panted, my body feeling the aftereffects of using too much power.

"Yet... the orcs..."

Loyce nodded.

"Ultimately, your power has limits. Even if you are a descendant of Mahyako."


Loyce turned around, facing the horde of orcs.

"This world they reside in... it is not worth ruling. Their existence is meaningless to me. So I shall use this world to show you. My power."

My eyes widened.

"What are you gonna do?"

Loyce's eyes flashed, as I was lifted into the sky, the two of us ascending higher and higher until we were looking down at the planet from above.

"I once looked into this world, and discovered these beings. Orcs capable of withstanding the full force of a Hinokami's Stage Four flames. A long time ago."

"A Hinokami's Stage Four...?"

My heart stopped.

"Do you mean Aelienne?"

Loyce turned to me.

"Yes. Aelienne. The Firebird, was in fact, my first Outer Shadow. Prior to her betrayal. At her prime, she was unable to kill these orcs as well. So do not be discouraged at your performance today. But as for the reason I brought you here..."

Loyce slowly lifted his hand and pointed his finger at one of the orcs from below.

A white laser fired from the tip of his finger and went right through the orc's head, as its eyes rolled into the back of its skull and slumped forward.

My jaw hung open, as Loyce pointed his finger again, killing orc after orc with little to no difficulty.

How strong was this guy?

"To me. These orcs are nothing." Loyce explained, as he blinked to their location and put his hands behind his back, unleashing a wave of white light, flattening the orcs through a massive gravitational field.

"Mindless creatures who cannot follow orders. Serve no purpose to me, other than to demonstrate my power."

Loyce slowly lifted his hand.

"Burn." He said, as a massive blast of white flame appeared from his palm, much larger than any flame I could muster, and to my shock, the flames incinerated the remaining orcs, and the planet itself, into ash.

Loyce appeared in front of me again, with that same unbelievable speed.

"That is all." Loyce said, as the surroundings elongated once more, returning the two of us into the hallway.

I stumbled, putting a hand against the pillar.

"Wha- What the hell was that?! Was that real?"

Loyce nodded.

"Yes, Yeling. I showed you a fraction of my power."

I followed Loyce as the two of us stood at the window, overlooking the outside world.

"Why... I already know you're plenty powerful, but why would you-"

"Yeling, do you think I am strong?"

"Of course, is that even a question?"

"If that is the case, that is even more reason for me to keep you here." Loyce turned to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, your sister, Mah Ha Kah, is even stronger than me. Yeling. In terms of ranking of the Black Legion, I am SS+ Rated. But Hakah is rated SSS."

I stared at him.

What was I hearing?

"My sister..."

"Your sister is the strongest Inner Shadow. Without question, in history. My plans are simple. But Hakah has decided to get in the way of that. Unless I find a way to even out the playing field, I will forever see her as a barricade I can never overcome."

I blinked.

"Meaning... I... I'm..."


I jumped in fright, as Loyce looked grimly at the doors of his kingdom.

"She is here."

"Who is?!"

Loyce dissipated into sparks, materializing at the entrance.

"Frey. Erafil. Valentine. You will hold her off with your lives."

A woman with harpy wings, an angel, and a man with long hair appeared before Loyce.

"It shall be done, Master Hal." The long haired man said.

The angel drew his sword.

"This is suicide, but I guess I'll finally know whether I deserved to be spared or not."

The harpy queen regarded Loyce.

"Master Loyce... I can't guarantee my armies will-"

Loyce raised an eyebrow.

"Were you three not the Demon Lords who ruled the realms of Isphixis, Raehafil, and Johal? Did you not command your armies and put terror to those who inhabited your worlds? When I made you three my subordinates, it was to see how far you could go beyond yourselves and push past your limits. Here, lies your final task. Do battle, with your furies. With your angels. And with your demons. Demon Lord Frey. Demon Lord Erafil. Demon Lord Leon Valentine."

The three Demon Lord Outer Shadows bowed.

"It shall be done." They said in unison, as they flew out of the kingdom, amassing their massive uncountable armies. The demons who ripped through the ground, and the angels who descended from the heavens, and the furies, emerging from the kingdom's confines.

Millions upon millions of minions, charging a single girl in red robes.

And I recognized her instantly.

My heart recognized her.

And her voice confirmed it.

"WHERE IS YELING." Hakah's voice boomed across the entire world, as the armies let loose a rallying battlecry, charging the SSS Rated Inner Shadow of the Black Legion.

My sister.

Hakah Mah.

I slowly took a step forward, and another step, but before I could do anything, a voice interrupted me.

"Don't approach her, Yeling."

I spun around, face to face with Tommy Riordan.

He looked grim, watching as Frey, Erafil, and Valentine's armies were being ripped and torn apart by Hakah's purple storms.

"Your safety is paramount."

"She's my sister, she won't harm me."


Tommy stood in front of me, kneeling on the ground, as his face began to change and warp, revealing animalistic wolf eyes and teeth.

He began snarling.

"Assist me, followers of Lupa. Take down that Stage Four Susanoo with everything you have."

Shadows erupted from his back, as numerous wolves emerged from the darkness. The wolves growled, as they ran to the fray.

"Yeling." Tommy said, as he turned to me.

"Go to Harriet. She will protect you and keep you away from Hakah. I don't know how she was like in the past, but what I do know is the sweet young girl you might have known is no longer with us. This Hakah we know who we are currently going to fight is anything but sweet. If she finds you, she might hurt you. So trust me on this. Stay by Harriet's side. This is our fight. If you join, you will just be a liability."

And with that, Tommy leapt into the air, jumping off the side of Loyce's kingdom and into the chasm.

"YELING! YELING?!" Hakah cried out, as a man blasted to her location.

"How ya doin, babe." Tengen said, confidently, his cleavers in full view.

Hakah turned around, her red eyes full of fury.

And to my surprise, Tengen paused, his face petrified.

"W- Wait, I-"

Hakah suddenly disappeared in a boom of thunder, appearing before him with undetectable speed, her hand against his mouth.

Tengen's eyes went wide.


Hakah tilted her head, her face full of murderous intent.

"I've killed. Hundreds. Of Outer Shadows. I know your kind. I know you well, from the first night we slept together. Andrew Tengen, you were always so insecure about yourself, doing everything you could to stand out and not fade in with the rest. But now you will die. And you will be reduced to yet another corpse to join the hundreds who died by my hand."

Hakah brought Tengen closer to her until they were face to face. Hakah's cold eyes, and Tengen's terrified eyes, directly in contact with one another.

"Another meaningless death. Another meaningless nobody. That's what you will be."


Hakah spun around, to be surrounded by hundreds of wolves, and armies of the three Demon Lords closing in fast.

"No armies. No wolves. No gods. No deities. No Demon Lords. Can stop me from saving my brother." Hakah muttered, as she began to glow.

Tengen slashed with his cleaver, severing Hakah's arm and materializing beside me, breathing heavily.

"Jesus Christ! She's going into her Tempest Form! Tommy! Get out of there! Tommy!"

A massive wolf charged Hakah from the distance, smoke the size of clouds was steaming from its mouth, as it was snarling. Judging from its size and how far away it was, I could tell it wasn't just incredibly big, but it was incredibly fast.

Tommy's voice emanated in my head.

I have my orders, Tourmentus. I'll carry them out.

"Don't be retarded! You can't hold your own against Hakah dude! You're just an S~ Ranked Outer Shadow! Retreat!"

I refuse. If this is my last stand, then I will die knowing I did it out of valor for Master Loyce.

The massive wolf tried to bite down on Hakah, but Hakah had turned into a purple wisp of lightning, similar to my Anarchy Form when I fought Tengen, and held out her hand.

"TOMMY! TOMMY DON'T!" Andrew pleaded. He had been so cocky not too long ago, but now he looked like he was about to emotionally break down.

The wolf whimpered, as massive bolts of electricity arced across it, then something from within the monster, growing bigger and bigger and manifesting itself into a massive blue explosion.

From the explosion, a smoking body flew out.


Tengen clenched his teeth and spoke into his coms unit.

"Tommy's down. I repeat. Outer Shadow Fenrir's been taken out by Hakah."

The three Demon Lords were completely overwhelmed by the storms that were being emitted from Hakah, but soon they began to recover as well.

Frey grimaced, as she got to her feet, extending her wings like an angel.

"Master Loyce... I will prove to you that I have improved."

Frey blasted into the sky, and slashed at Hakah, but Hakah swept her hand, and Frey was sent smashing into the ground with so much force, a massive shockwave came flying our way, throwing soldiers into the air left and right and shaking the entire kingdom.

Tengen appeared in front of me and slashed the shockwave with her cleavers.

"The hell are you doing?!" Andrew shouted at me, as I heard a big boom.

Frey flew past us and smashed into the doors of the throneroom, her body mangled and her face bloody.

Andrew and I watched the Demon Lord crumple to the ground. Unconscious.

"Hakah is after you. If she gets her hands on you, everything we've done will have been for nothing. Everything Harriet has done would have been for nothing."

I clenched my fist, remembering all the things she had done in the Champions Universe.

I didn't know these people.

But I did know that Vicki wasn't inherently a bad person.

If I died and got captured, she would blame herself.

Andrew looked back at the battle, as Hakah blasted in and ripped Erafil's sword out of his hands and unleashed a wild thunderstorm all around him, tearing his wings right out of his back.

The Fallen Angel screamed in agony as he was engulfed by explosions in the bubble.

From the distance, Leon Valentine weakly held up his staff, his body wrecked, and his breath looked shallow.

"White... Nova..."

Hakah appeared before him in a bolt of lightning, her eyes wide and menacing.

Leon dropped his staff in terror, as he slowly took a step back.

"Is this... what your brother would want..."

Hakah lifted her hand, as a rock ripped from the ground behind the Demon Lord, impaling him from the back right through his chest.

"GO!" Andrew shouted, as we had already made a beeline to the barracks.

"Come on, Yeling. Move your ass."

I went Intangible, blasting forward with Devil's Comet past the walls while Andrew was leaping acrobatically with his superhuman speed.

"Harriet! Where are you?!" Andrew shouted in his coms unit.

"I'm on my way. The storms blocked me off."

"Tommy and three of Master Loyce's Demon Lord Outer Shadows are out of commission. I don't know if they're dead or what. But Hakah is coming this way. Once she gets her hands on Yeling it's all over."

No response.

Tengen cursed, as he rounded the corner, ripping the doors open.

"To the portal. Once Harriet gets here, she'll open the-"

"Vicki Harriet is preoccupied right now." A girl's voice cut Tengen off.

Tengen swung around with his immense speed, slashing, but his blade glanced off the skin of Hakah Mah.

Tengen clenched his teeth, as he leapt back, putting himself between me and my sister.

Hakah regarded us.

"You're too slow to keep up with me using Susanoo. You're too weak to damage me using Shakujin. What can you do, Tourmentus?"

Andrew put his arm out, blocking me.

"Get... out of here, Yeling."

Hakah tilted her head, the smile on her face getting disturbingly bigger and wider.

"My precious precious Goh Goh. I will make you mine very soon."

"Stop this." I said.

Hakah's smile melted.

"No. Goh goh. For the first time. I will not listen to you. Because now I know what is the best for my big brother. And it certainly isn't this man."

"RUN-" Andrew shouted, as he tried to slash, but Hakah had already overwhelmed him, slamming his head into the ground and knocking him unconscious until it was just the two of us.

My heart stopped, as everything seemed frozen in time. Hakah slowly got up, lifting her head and approaching me. Her red silk dragging across the ground like a bridal dress.

"Your hair looks like Mama and your face reminds me of Baba..." Tears ran down Hakah's face as she brought her hands up, as if she was trying to reach for my face.

"We have so much to talk about, Yeling Mah."

The Mah Siblings

Hakah took a step forward, but I hesitated, Tatsu appearing in my hand.

Hakah's face looked hurt.

"Goh goh, I won't hurt you. Please put that away."

I raised Tatsu, Hinokami welling up inside me.

"Hakah, how many people are you going to keep killing, until you're satisfied?"

Hakah regarded me and my sword, the silk that wrapped around her body hovering and dancing in the wind. Her red eyes flashed.

"As much as it takes."

"And if I choose to not go with you? Are you going to kill me too?"

I watched as Hakah paced around the room.

"Your flames hurt. They were so hot, and it burned me. I couldn't even breathe. But even when I was dying from the lack of oxygen, I was still using the last bits of my breath to call out for you."

My heart twisted.

"Nothing justifies murder. No amount of loyalty. No amount of love. Murder is murder, Hakah, no matter how you try to phrase it. I can't accept that."

Hakah looked at me with a crazed expression.

"But didn't you do the same thing? As Tidalflame? You killed so many people. In fact, you might well have killed even more than every single Outer Shadow here. I love that about you. You were always so strong. And then you had the strength to take lives. You were, and always will be the strongest person to me, dai goh."

I lowered Tatsu.

"One lifetime ago. But I'm not Tidalflame anymore. It took all that destruction and death for me to see that I was wrong."

"But you killed people. You are-"

"NO." I snapped, causing Hakah to jump in surprise.

"As your dai goh. I am telling you. It's my job to walk the hard path to know what is right. And I walked the hardest path of all so you, my little sister, wouldn't have to. Hakah. All this death. All this destruction. All this killing. It's wrong. All of this is wrong. You need to stop this."

Hakah watched me, every one of my movements.

"Then why." She muttered.

"Why what?"

"Why do you still wield Aelienne's sword? Why do you still train using that Rain God's technique? Why do you hone your flames? If not to take lives?"

"That's different. To fight to protect."

Hakah suddenly appeared in front of me. Her speed.

It was even faster than Floki could detect.

"But goh goh... I'm doing the same thing." Hakah's voice turned dangerously cold.

"I am killing... to protect you. To save you. To take you, and protect you from this world. I am killing... everything... because everything hates you. Because you said this world hated you. So I will kill the people of this world. Because they hurt you. I am protecting you."

My eyes went wide, as I slowly took a step back.


"Goh goh. I'm right, am I not? I'm doing what you're doing, right?" Hakah's voice turned more and more frantic as she tried to latch on to me, her hands gripping my coat.

"I'm killing to protect. Just like you. Why can you do it and I can't? If I'm wrong, doesn't that mean you're wrong too? If you're right, doesn't that mean I'm right too? After all. I'm just like you. I've always wanted to be like you. You're my hero, Yeling. The greatest hero ever."

I stared at Hakah's earrings.

She never took them off.

From the first day I bought them for her when we were little.

She never went outside unless she had those earrings on.

"I love you, Yeling. Please come back. Please... please..."

Hakah's hand reached to the back of my head, her eyes pleading.

But those weren't the eyes of my sister.

They were the eyes of a murderer.

Hakah's eyes turned watery.

"Hey. Say something. Please. Please, Yeling. Please say I'm right. Please tell me I'm right. Please... please..."

A shuffle broke the silence, as Hakah and I turned to the recovering body of Tourmentus, who began to glow with power.

"The more damage... I take... the stronger I become..." He muttered, as he slowly raised his cleaver.

Tengen roared, as he blasted forward, but suddenly, he stumbled, clutching his head.

Hakah's eyes glowed gold.

Level 3 Hachi - Penance Flood

"What the- what the hell?!" Andrew gasped, as he fell to his knees.

"Mom... Dad..." Andrew's voice went small.

Hakah let go of me and approached Tourmentus.

"Even in death, your parents will still be disappointed in you, Andrew." Hakah said coldly.

Tengen slammed his forehead against the ground.

"No... Mom, Dad, I swear, I made something out of myself! I swear I did! I... I became the Hero of the Dual Cleavers. I saved the world. I saved... I saved..."

"But ultimately, once it was over, when you defeated Demon Lord Frey as the Hero of the Dual Cleavers, Andrew, it was like life back in America. Wasn't it?" Hakah said, her voice had changed. To an older woman's voice, who I presumed to be Andrew's mom's.

"No... No..." Andrew muttered, deliriously.

"Yes. Civilization and society formed, and soon, the Hero of the Dual Cleavers was nothing more than just a faint distant memory. Lazy little Andrew Tengen, you had escaped the life and responsibilities of a job hunter to become a fantasy world hero. But once your role was complete, it was back to job hunting, but in another world. And you couldn't accept that. So you joined Loyce Hal's little band of criminals. And became an even bigger disappointment. You became an offender of the law. How... disappointing."

Andrew yelled, as he dropped his weapons.

Hakah raised her hand, purple electricity forming over it.

"How dare you try to keep me away from my brother. You loser-"

I grabbed Hakah's wrist.

"That's enough, Hakah! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I said.

Hakah's golden eyes went out, as she stumbled, startled.

"Goh goh-"

"Tengen is just trying to protect me. That's all he's doing. He's already down, just let him be."

"He hurt you."

"I know, but he's in no shape to-"

"He hurt you. He beat you up when he first met you. And because of that, he will die."


I stood in front of Hakah and spread my arms.

"I won't let you take any more lives."

Hakah's bottom lip quivered.

"Why are you like this... why is everything I do not enough for you?!" Hakah screamed.

"Hakah, you being here in front of me is enough." I said, as I lowered my hands and approached my little sister.

"Yeling..." Hakah sobbed, as she closed her eyes.

"I just wanted you to be happy. After seeing you nearly try to kill yourself that night... Every time I try to sleep, I see you. I remember that night. Every single time." Hakah's voice broke, as she began hiccuping.

"Hakah, this was many years ago. People change. I changed. I found people who are kind to me. And now you're here. I thought I had lost you, and I thought about you every single time, along with Mama and Baba. So no, Hakah. Not everything you do is not enough for me. You being here and alive... it's more than enough."

I wrapped her in a hug as Hakah melted in my arms, crying.

"Look. No more killing. If all of this is to make me happy. You don't have to anymore. You don't have to do this anymore. Come with me, and we can start a new home together, okay?"

"Well. Isn't this cute." A voice said.

I let go of Hakah and drew Tatsu, the blade aimed right at Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal.

"Loyce!" I gasped.

Loyce had his hands behind his back. He was wearing a black peacoat and dress pants, his sandy hair neatly combed to the side.

"Mahyako's last two descendants. United."

Hakah's face flashed with rage.

"Loyce... why would you pick a fight knowing you have no chance of winning."

Loyce smiled.

"I wouldn't be so sure, Hakah."

Something told me Loyce had something underneath his sleeve.

"Where is Vicki?" I asked.

Loyce inspected the palm of his hand.

"There is no reason to bring Vicki along. As for the rest of the Outer Shadows. They did a good job."

"Ugh.... gurrr..." Tengen was still on the ground, his body wracked in pain. Loyce raised an eyebrow.

"You would go as far as to use Hachi on my Outer Shadow, Hakah?" Loyce asked.

Hakah clenched her fist.

"You're in no position to make demands, or to act all cocky. If you think you can beat me alone, you're out of your mind."

Loyce materialized before Tengen and held up his finger, as the Outer Shadow dissipated into sparks, teleported away.

"You're right. No matter how much power I've amassed from my time conquering worlds as a Demon Lord. I've realized I can never catch up to you, Hakah. You're special, and quite possibly one of the strongest Inner Shadows in history."

"Then why-"

Loyce turned to us, cutting Hakah off. A smile forming on his face.

"Repel." He said, as a massive force slammed into us, but Hakah tanked the force straight up, standing still, seemingly unaffected.

Hakah glared at Loyce.

"Did you really think your little Divine Comedy would affect-"

Loyce smirked, as Hakah turned to me in surprise. While the force hadn't affected Hakah, it sure affected me, as I was sent hurtling.

"Yeling!" Hakah cried out, as she shot to my location, grabbing my arm, but suddenly, Loyce appeared above her, his hand outstretched.

"Incinerate, little Hakah."

White fire, the same fire that he had used against the orcs which dominated my Stage Four Hinokami came streaming in her direction.

Hakah spun around, summoning a vortex which dissipated the flame instantly, blasting Loyce away, but Loyce appeared in front of me.

"Hakah... you love your brother so much. That you would sacrifice the obvious gap in strength that you had against me to keep him safe. This is your biggest, and most decisive flaw. This is what Lord Ginga fails to see."

Loyce grabbed my neck and teleported both me and himself to the roof of the kingdom.

"YELING!" I heard Hakah, as she ripped open the roof of the castle, flying into the air and summoning a massive storm, her eyes glowing red, and her body streaming with red energy.

I gritted my teeth.

"Hakah, you would use your Chaos Form against me while your brother is held captive?"

Hakah hesitated, as suddenly, hundreds of clones of Loyce appeared before her, their fingers pointed out, and hundreds of lasers pierced her everywhere, causing Hakah to gasp, coughing out blood.

"Hakah!" I cried out, as I concentrated.


I couldn't be a liability. I couldn't be the reason Hakah was going to lose.

I refuse.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four - Cobalt Phoenix Ascendent

I transformed into Stage Four, blowing Loyce back and flying to her direction.

"Get away from my sister." I roared.

Rain Style Kenjutsu Form 10 - Peace after the Flood

I unleashed millions of slashes at the clones, who deflected them easily, but it was enough for Hakah to wake up from her disorientation.

"Goh goh!" Hakah flew in and united with me, as we hovered in the air, back to back.

"Hakah, we'll fight him together." I said.

Hakah looked at me.


"I know, I'm not strong enough. But it's better than watching my own little sister get beaten up because of me."

Loyce laughed maniacally, as the clones dissipated. The Demon Lord ascended, his hands outstretched, summoning two white balls of energy.

"Come then. Yeling Mah. Hakah Mah. Show me what the descendants of Mahyako are capable of. Show a filthy Demon Lord like me your power!"

Hakah powered up, her body turning into an avatar of purple electricity and black storm clouds.

Level 1 Susanoo Stage Four: Apex Violet Integration

All around her, thunder boomed violently.

"I won't let my brother suffer alone." Hakah said, as she blasted forward.

I brandished Tatsu.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four


Hakah and Loyce clashed violently, as I watched Loyce's body begin to buckle. I shot to his location from behind regaining my red flaming avatar form from when I fought Tengen.

"And I won't abandon my sister like last time. Ever again." I growled, slashing with all my might.

Loyce looked at me, as his body was violently torn apart by Susanoo, the electricity overloading his cells and causing them to explode.

I held up my hand.

Grand Ultimate ITR Ascendent

I unleashed a devastating blast of flame, oxidizing his cells and keeping him from regenerating.

Hakah ascended into the air, the storms from the sky swirling around her like a giant vortex, electricity surrounding her body as she unleashed a blast of lightning that caught Loyce square in the chest.

The Great Demon Lord smashed into the ground as I roared, growing bigger and bigger. My avatar towering over the Inner Shadow. I brought my sword back.

Rain Style Kenjutsu: Form 2 - Anarchist Sun Wheel

I swung down, delivering a massive vertical slash which levelled the entire world, cutting and splitting the world in half.

I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath, but Hakah turned to me, her face full of concern.

"Wait, Yeling, he's not-"

"I took you in, Yeling. And now that your sister is here, you would throw away my generous hospitality?" Loyce asked, as he appeared in front of me, right through my avatar, his body had completely regenerated.

My eyes went wide as he closed in, reaching out to grab me.

"How ungrateful."

Hakah flew in, as my avatar shattered from Loyce's sheer aura, and slammed the Inner Shadow with a massive gust of Fujin wind. Loyce flew backwards, as Hakah yelled, her body returning to its Chaos Form.

Entire chunks of land ripped from the ground, entire continents. And from the sky, purple lightning electrified each one.

"LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE." Hakah roared, as she launched the gargantuan landforms at Loyce, who was overwhelmed by the sheer force and momentum of the Shakujin ability.

"I don't think I will." Loyce suddenly appeared behind us, holding out his hand.


I slammed into the ground before Hakah could even react, her eyes wide in shock.

"That's right." Loyce said, as he flew to my location, his fists up, delivering unbelievably heavy punches to my body.

"You're not used to fighting with your brother, Hakah. You've always dominated everyone alone. But now that your brother, someone so precious to you, is by your side, you're in a situation you've never been in before. Let's see how well you can adapt, SSS Rated Inner Shadow, Hakah Mah. While my attacks have no effect on your resistances, they will destroy your Yeling."

I coughed out blood as Loyce delivered another punch on my stomach. I brought my arms up to shield myself, however pointless that was, but before Loyce could do anything, his body froze in the air, gusts of wind keeping him suspended.

Hakah descended, her face murderous as I watched Loyce begin twisting, turning, his limbs bent in unnatural angles.

"I don't care anymore. Whatever Lord Ginga thinks. If he's willing to let you hurt my brother, then I'll just kill you myself. And he can find another Demon Lord to replace you."

Bones crushed as Loyce's head was twisted in a 360, his neck rippling and blood exploding from his body.

"Always such a dramatic, Hakah. Your emotions shall be your downfall." Loyce said calmly, as his eyes glowed white, and a gust of white energy blasted outwards, undoing all of Hakah's Fujin.

Hakah unleashed millions of air projectiles at Loyce, as the Demon Lord evaded, going straight for me.

I went Intangible, dodging his attacks, but Loyce held out his hand, forcing me back into my physical form.

"Hasn't it dawned on you yet, Hakah?" Loyce said.

"SHUT UP." My sister snarled, as she charged, but Loyce grabbed me by the neck and used me as a shield, causing Hakah to stop and hesitate, only to have a clone from the her blind spots spawn and bombard her with lasers.

I watched as Hakah continued getting overwhelmed.

And Loyce laughing sinisterly, as he continued using me to distract her.

Loyce materialized from underneath her, his hand outstretched.

Divine Comedy - Absolute Word

Endless Flames.

A massive burst of white flame emitted from Hakah's body as her eyes went wide, her mouth wide open and delivering a gut wrenching scream of agony.

"HAHAHA!" Loyce laughed, as he forced me to watch.

"Hakah... your resistances are futile. Because your trauma from Yeling is so much stronger. You can't bear it can you? You want to get burned, don't you? You want Yeling to remember that night so he can be back by your side again."

Tears streamed from Hakah's face, as her body continued burning from the white flames.

"I... Ah..." Hakah panted, her eyes beginning to roll into the back of her head.

"STOP! LOYCE!" I roared, as I tried to go Intangible, but Loyce smirked.

Divine Comedy - Absolute Word


My Intangibility was nullified.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four

Grand Ultimate Devil's Typhoon Ascendent


"What the hell did you just do?!" I growled at Loyce.

Loyce regarded me.

"My power, Divine Comedy, allows me to manifest anything I say."

I stared at him.

Was he being serious?

The power to make anything he say a reality?

His power...

There was no way that was real...

Because if it was... just how strong was Demon Lord Loyce Hal?

Loyce turned back to Hakah, who continued burning, she was doing everything she could to stay conscious.

"Don't fight it, Hakah. Don't fight your inner desire. It's that desire for your big brother's concern and pity. You want him to be concerned about you. Don't lie to yourself like that. Because it is only just going to keep hurting you. Everyone in this world is laughing at your suffering. Everybody but you. This is true comedy. My Divine Comedy."

Hakah's Stage Four transformation dissipated, as the flames dissipated, her destroyed body descending from the sky.

"LOYCE. I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS." I yelled, but Loyce hurled me back onto the roof as I landed next to Hakah, who crumpled to the ground.

I ran up to her and cradled her head in my chest.

"Hakah... hey. Hakah..." I said, as Hakah stared at me.

"Goh... goh... I'm sorry... I..."

"Just save your strength. Save your strength."

"I wanted you... to love me again... I subconsciously... let my feelings... bring my defences down for Loyce..."

"Shh. It's fine. It's going to be okay. I'm here now. I'll protect you."

Hakah smiled as she put a hand to my face.

"I trust you... I believe you..."

I closed my eyes, as I stood before Loyce.

Loyce crossed his arms, as I grabbed Tatsu and charged, only to take a beam to the thigh.

I fell to one knee, as I forced myself forward, but took another beam to the shoulder.

I dropped Tatsu. The pain was excruciating.

"Leave... Hakah alone..." I muttered.

"Or what?" Loyce asked, as he approached me.

"Your only edge against me in this fight was Hakah. But now she is in such bad shape, any of my Outer Shadows can finish her."

From the shadows, Vicki emerged, her face looked conflicted, but she stood by Loyce's side.

"The hell do you want?" I asked.

Loyce walked up to me.


Suddenly, I felt something around my neck burn.

"What did you just do-"

Loyce regarded Hakah, who was sprawled on the ground.

"Yeling is now mine to control. If you do anything that displeases me, Hakah, your big brother will die from my pact."

Hakah clenched her fists, tears peppering the ground.

"Lord Ginga's progress is unacceptable. I was promised a world to rule, the Great Akuma's followers to join my armies. But instead, all I get are two idiot descendants of Mahyako who do nothing they are told. One always trying to sneak out of my kingdom at night, and the other whoring out in the Black Legion. This is a joke. I will advance the Second Great War myself. Now that I have Hakah Mah under my command, the strongest member of the Black Legion."

I glared at the Inner Shadow.

"So this whole time... my capture, you sending the Outer Shadows..."

"Yes, Yeling. This whole time, my aim has been her."

Loyce pointed at Hakah.

"And now that she is under my command, I will accelerate this initiative. But for now, her services are unneeded."

Hakah got to her feet.

"LOYCE." Hakah growled, as she charged, but Loyce simply glanced at her, and a wave of force smashed into my sister, knocking her off her feet as I watched her tumble backwards.

Hakah coughed, as she tried to get to her feet.

"Goh goh... please... please give him back to me..." Hakah whispered, her body summoning lightning again.

But Loyce was unfazed.

"You've lost. Hakah."

Loyce's footsteps echoed across the kingdom as he approached Hakah and slammed his fist into her stomach, causing her to cough out blood.

"STOP! HEY!" I growled, running forward, but Loyce's eyes flashed, and I found myself frozen.

"VICKI! Do something! Hey!" I shouted at Onyx, who looked away.

"I cannot go against Master Loyce's orders, Yeling."


Loyce continued striking Hakah, as her head reeled back, her blood spraying the ground. Hakah tried to retaliate with Susanoo, but her body was far too injured and she was far too depleted.

"STOP! Leave my sister alone! VICKI! You're the ONLY one who can stop this! Please! I'm begging you!" I screamed, my body still frozen and not listening to me.

Vicki closed her eyes, as her hand began twitching.

"You wanted to be a hero, right?!" I shouted.

"You want to be like Lens, isn't that right? All those times, you've endured Gabe's insults. All those people who kept saying you were a monster and murderer, but you shouldered this burden on. You wanted to be a hero despite what everyone said. Here's your damn chance. A hero wouldn't just sit there and let the bad guy get away with this!"

Loyce launched an uppercut at Hakah's chin, as my heart felt like it was being poked by a red hot iron rod.

Hakah fell on her back, coughing out blood.

"Hakah! Stay down! Just stop!" I pleaded, but Hakah got to her feet.

"Yeling... give Yeling back!" Hakah sputtered.

"VICKI!" I roared, as Vicki clutched her head.

"Sa... Save..."

"VICKI, FIGHT THROUGH IT. YOU'RE A HERO. DEEP DOWN. THIS IS WHO YOU ARE." I roared, as Vicki's eyes widened.

"Get out of my head... stop... STOP." Vicki growled, as she stumbled, but Loyce approached her, and soon Vicki stared at her boss, who stood before the Outer Shadow.

"Vicki Harriet." Loyce said.

"My... lord..."

Loyce slowly lifted his hand and put it on Vicki's head.

Divine Comedy - Absolute Word

Mental Clarity.

I could only watch helplessly, as Vicki returned to her emotionless, monotone and devoid self.

I roared in frustration. At how useless I was.

At how weak I was.

That there were two people in front of me right now.

And I couldn't save or help either one of them because I simply wasn't strong enough.

Hakah got to her feet, but she looked like she was about to pass out at any moment.

"Stop... just... just stop..." I muttered.

"I won't." Hakah replied.

"Why are you like this? Why-"

"Because I know..." Hakah took another step forward, her blood spilling all over the ground. My heart felt like it was being torn apart at the sight of my little sister in this state.

"I know that you would have done the same as me..." Hakah's voice continued trailing away.

"Because we are related."

Loyce regarded us and approached Hakah until the two of them were face to face.

"Tell me. If I let Yeling go, what would you do?"

Hakah gritted her teeth, as the entire place went silent. The sounds of rain pattering on the ground of the ruined kingdom, and the clanking of broken armor from her battle against Loyce's armies filling the air.

"I would..."

"Would you continue serving the Black Legion Organization?" Loyce cut her off.

Hakah looked up, her face dead serious.

"Y- Yes, I would."

"No. I don't believe you." Loyce said, as he brought his finger up.

Divine Comedy - Absolute Word

Direct Summons: Jason Hellion.

Before me, blue light began to form, as I stumbled back, watching the light take shape into a person. He was wearing a familiar long overcoat, bringing back memories from... from...


That man who spoke to me...

Those teal tattoos.

"Yo. Yeling." The man greeted us, then turned to Loyce, then at Hakah, who continued glaring at Loyce murderously. The cigarette fell from his mouth as he stared in shock.

"Loyce... you..."

"Use it. Jay Hellion. Your evo." Loyce said.

A bead of sweat ran down Jay's face.

"Hakah lost... I can't believe... y- yeah. No problem, Loyce."

Jay cleared his throat, as his eyes glowed blue.

Loyce crossed his arms, eyeing my sister.

"Tell me, Hakah. What you will do if I handed Yeling over to you."

Hakah swallowed.

"You are playing a dangerous game, Loyce. You will soon regret crossing paths with me."

Loyce smiled.

"The only person playing games here is you. My dearest SSS Rated Inner Shadow. So overwhelmingly powerful, to the point where you easily surpass me, a Superdivine God Tier Demon Lord, yet so disloyal to Lord Ginga. It was Mahyako who gave you your power. But it was Ginga who fully unlocked your potential. It was Ginga who gave you a place to repay Mahyako for rebuilding your body. Yet despite everything he has done for you, all you care about is taking your brother back."

As Loyce continued talking, I could sense Hakah becoming more and more disturbed. Her face becoming pale.

"If you are not willing to answer, then I will answer for you. The only reason you are here, is not to help Lord Ginga resurrect the Great Akuma. It is not to help the Black Legion Organization. No. It is not even to repay your debt to Mahyako. But everything you have done is for your brother. To get him back. Once he has returned, you will betray us. You will leave us. Isn't that right?"

Hakah opened her mouth to speak, but her voice didn't come out, as she looked at Jay, who continued analyzing her with his vision evo.

"You can't lie to Loyce, Hakah. My All Seeing Eye sees all. Lies. Deceit. No secrets can be kept in front of my evo." Jay said, coldly.

Hakah's body glowed and hummed with power, causing a metallic smell to fill the air.

But Loyce didn't look at all fazed.

"You would try your hand against me once more?" Loyce asked.

Hakah said nothing, as she shot forward, grabbing Loyce by the neck and hurling him into the air.

I watched as Hakah exploded into her flaming red Chaos Form, unleashing devastating whips of red energy, slicing Loyce's body into pieces in a fraction of a second.

But Jay didn't look at all concerned, as he stood by my and Vicki's side.

"Loyce is enjoying this." Jay grumbled.

"What?" I asked.

Jay turned to me, as an explosion from Hakah's attack shook the entire world.

"This is the first time I've seen her on the ropes like that. I guess this was really the only way she could be defeated. Only Loyce, the most cunning of us could have pulled it off despite the overwhelming power gap between him and her. Hakah has no chance of winning now. You know it too, Hinokami."

I clenched my fists.

"All of this... all of this is my fault. My sister... the way she is now, the things she's going through, it's all because of me."

Vicki was silent the entire time, but now that Jay was here, I noticed she was kneeling the entire time.

"Ah, if it isn't Loyce's star pupil, how ya doing, Harriet."

Vicki continued kneeling.

"Master Hellion. Thank you for taking your time to come here."

I glanced back at the battle between Hakah and Loyce.

Hakah had gone completely berserk, ripping chunks of the world from the ground and turning the entire sky purple with her lightning, but Loyce simply laughed, taking her hits head on and regenerating instantly.


Why can't I help her...

Why can't...

Jay raised an eyebrow.

"If you're thinking about saving her from this Organization, forget it."

I turned to Jay.


"I'm saying it's impossible. Her life is sealed with Lord Ginga forever. And now that you've been made a subordinate to Onyx here, you are now part of Loyce's faction. You can never leave. The only way is up."

"Up? What do you mea-"

Jay held up a finger to me.

"Seems to me your sister means a lot to you. Well, she means a lot to this organization too, being its strongest member. If you want to be there for her, you can never do that as you are. Be someone who deserves someone as powerful as Hakah Mah, Yeling. An older brother is nothing if he can't take the initiative to step up for his younger sibling."

Jay and I watched as Hakah unleashed a powerful bolt of electricity at Loyce, who absorbed it into the palm of his hand.

Divine Comedy - Absolute State Space

Loyce suddenly disappeared into a flash of white light.

Hakah's eyes went wide as her body exploded in a shower of red.

"HAKAH!" I screamed, watching as my sister fell from the sky, smashing into the ground.

Loyce descended from the sky, his hands behind his back.

"Truthfully, I would rather all weapons act the way they were meant to do. And Hakah is the strongest weapon in our Organization. Don't you agree, Yeling?"

I glared at the Inner Shadow with an intense hatred.

"What good is a weapon, if she constantly thinks about her brother and not our Legion's vision? I think it's better if I kept hitting her in the head until she has completely forgotten about her precious Yeling Mah. What do you think, Jay?"

Jay grunted.

"Do whatever the hell you want, Loyce. At this point, you're the strongest person here now that Hakah is incapacitated like this."

Loyce smiled, as he raised the tip of his finger, pointing it at my sister's head.

"Very well. The truth is, I never once thought Lord Ginga's methods were unacceptable. This entire mission to secure Yeling was a prerogative commissioned by Lord Ginga himself. As he believes Hakah needs some... redirection. And so. This task, assigned to me, shall now be completed. My solution. Is to erase everything she knows about her brother. And to behave like the obedient little weapon that she is."

Beads of sweat ran down my face.

Jay regarded me.

What can I do?


I needed to do something.

If I didn't do something now, Hakah would lose all her memories of me.


I'd lose the only family I had left.

I didn't have the power to save my sister.

I didn't even come close to Vicki in my first fight against her.

There was no way in hell I could beat Demon Lord Loyce in a straight up battle.

I had fought a Demon Lord before, Demon Lord Alciel, but Loyce...

I watched as Loyce chuckled, forcing Hakah's head further into the ground.

Loyce was in a class of his own.

Even amongst the Demon Lords...

Thunder boomed, illuminating Loyce's trench coat, his sandy hair fluttering in the air, revealing his maniacal eyes.

Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal was too strong.


Floki was alerting me.

I looked at Jay, who's lips were moving.

I focused Floki, and realized he was trying to tell me something.

"The only way is up, Yeling." Jay mouthed.

The only way is up.

"It's over for you, Hakah." Loyce said, as the tip of his finger glowed with energy.

The only way...

Is to become...

Tears streamed from my sister's eyes.

"Goh goh... I don't want to forget you... please..."

"STOP. I'LL DO IT." I shouted, interrupted Loyce as he stared at me. The energy left his finger tip.

"Come again?"

I stepped forward, slamming my chest with my fist.

"I will serve you, Inner Shadow Loyce Hal. As Vicki's Auxiliary Shadow. I will become so strong. So strong that I won't have my sister worry about me. So she can operate and do her job at her peak potential."

Loyce narrowed his eyes.

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"I do. I'll become stronger. To the point where I can stand alongside my sister in power. I won't hold her back."

Hakah stared at me, as Jay scoffed.

"Yeling. Your sister is SSS Rated. She's stronger than both Loyce and I combined. To stand alongside her is basically saying you will become as strong as her. Can you really make that promise?"

Loyce regarded me with curiosity.

"There is no guarantee your power will reach your sister's even with Lord Ginga's blessing, Yeling. Hakah is special."

I stood my ground.

"The reason she's like this is because of me, right? Because she wants to be by my side. Then that's what I'll do. I'll become strong enough and climb up the ranks of this Black Legion, starting from Auxiliary. I will become strong enough to reach Inner Shadow so I can fight alongside my sister. If she can't escape this Legion, then neither will I. As long as I'm with her, she'll do her job, right?"

Loyce smiled.

"You've now struck my interest. I look forward to seeing how far you can go then, Yeling."

I helped my sister to her feet, as Jay saluted us and left.

"Goh goh... you don't have to do this..." Hakah muttered.

"No. I'll stay by your side. I promise you."

Hakah coughed.

"And what of Shia. Inoko. And Shen. Will you leave them for my sake?"

I pursed my lips.

Hakah smiled at me.

"Goh goh, I am... your past. If the past hurts you, then there is nothing wrong with letting it burn away. You don't need to worry about me-"

"I'll make it work. Somehow."