Difference between revisions of "He Kills Gods as a Man"

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m (My First God)
Line 1,459: Line 1,459:
The goddess tilted her head.
The goddess tilted her head.
"Earth's flawed child. You dare challenge the goddess '''Ivara'''?"
"Earth's flawed child. You dare challenge the goddess '''Avara'''?"
Will clutched the wood.
Will clutched the wood.
Line 1,526: Line 1,526:
"Nora and I... we've been in the orphanage for the longest time. We don't have anywhere to go. But you do. Hell... your last name is ''Hope'' after all."
"Nora and I... we've been in the orphanage for the longest time. We don't have anywhere to go. But you do. Hell... your last name is ''Hope'' after all."
"I don't care about my last name! I never once used it since! I'm not... I'm not strong..."
"I don't care about my last name! I never once used it since! I'm not... I'm not good enough..."
Line 1,532: Line 1,532:
I continued banging on the glass, trying to open the door, but Nora had locked it.
I continued banging on the glass, trying to open the door, but Nora had locked it.
"Yes you are. Aaron." Nora said.
Will nodded.
"You don't have to be the strongest."
"You don't have to be the fastest."
Nora pointed at the glass, right at my heart.
"You are enough."
Will charged the goddess, swinging, as the wood disintegrated on impact. The goddess lifted her hand, grabbing Will by the throat and lifting him into the air.
"WILL!" I screamed, as Nora dove in and fired her crossbow, but the bolts were deflected by her wings.
"Imperfect. Fools."
The goddess slammed Will into the ground and stomped on his head as I heard a terrifying squelch.
Then she moved in on Nora, who tried to run, but her feet were held down by ice.
"Damn... she got me." Nora smirked, as the goddess impaled her with her sword.
I could only stand and watch as my two friends were slaughtered in front of me. But from the corner of my vision, I noticed Will, moving, and dragging himself off the floor. His nose was broken and he was bleeding bad, but he managed to get to a... tank.
He ripped it open, pulled at the locks.
The goddess turned around.
"What are you doing-"
"NORA!" Will shouted, as Nora lifted her hand with her crossbow, and fired before the goddess severed her arm.
The bolt ignited the contents, and a massive explosion sent me flying back, screaming their names.
And here we were.
I was hiding under Will's body.
The goddess was still searching for something.
I didn't know what it was.
Nor did I care.
Will and Nora, the two people who protected me while they were alive, continued to protect me while dead, and all I was doing was hiding under their bodies like a coward.
Like a god damn coward.
The goddess continued searching, until she accidentally stepped on Nora's body.
"Ugh. Disgusting. How dare you defile my shoes."
The goddess stomped on her body. Over and over again.
My eyes wide.
How dare you.
You killed her... you already killed her.
Wasn't that already enough?
You killed my friend.
You killed my sister.
Wasn't that enough? Now you're...
Avara continued kicking Nora's body.
My body began reacting on its own, as I emerged from Will's body, standing before her. Avara looked at me.
"I missed one?"
The words came out.
"Get your feet off of her!" I yelled.
Avara regarded me, unsheathing her sword.
"You are just like her. And the others I have slaughtered. It is beneath me to deal with you on your own. I would rather you have been like the others, bunched in one pile for me to kill."
"Bunched in a pile...."
The rest of the orphanage... they never made it out alive.
My entire body was shaking with adrenaline.
I had nothing to lose.
I picked up the wooden stick and aimed it at Avara, who sighed.
"How insulting."
Avara closed in and sliced the wooden stick with her sword and kicked me in the stomach. I coughed out blood, slamming through a door and smashing to the ground. I rolled out of the way before Avara could pierce me with her wings. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway. Turning around to see Avara approaching me with a sword in each hand, her wings stretched wide.

Revision as of 22:42, 2 February 2022

Once upon a time ago, all man was equal.

No man was above another.

No gender was above another.

Racial discrimination did not exist.

Politics did not exist.

This was known as the Age of Unity.

But with the Age of Unity, they suffered, because they lived a life of fear.

It was that fear that united them all.

The fear for The Great Akuma, sent by the darkest depths of hell in response to those who prayed for fairness and equality. They wished for an ultimate force that would unite humanity with unstoppable, universal power.

The Great Akuma was just that. For she was more than just a celestial entity, her very aspect of existence was comprised of six gods. Each ruling with supreme power.

Hinokami The Devil's Flame. To rule through blazing fortitude and an iron heart, a warrior's passion and thirst for battle.

Suijin The Devil's Tide. To rule through sheer influence, like the sea, engulfing the world with unparalleled power.

Fujin The Devil's Gale. To rule without limits, unbound by the world's shackles, the very definition of liberation.

Hachi The Devil's Eyes. To rule without secrets, for one who sees all knows all, is one who rules all, one who never misses an arrow conquers every battlefield.

Susanoo The Devil's Fury. To rule with absolute, undisputed power, for destruction instills fear, and fear is the primal driving force for allegiance.

But just as man was equal, there were those who refused a life of fear. And she saw it. The Great Akuma's Hachi saw right through them, and with each attempt to revolt, she killed them. She killed them all.

With every man slain for a different world, more of their prayers fed, not to the depths of hell, but to the crevices of heaven, and so, the divine gifted humanity with a different deity.

Vala, the Spirit of Hope.

And Lady Vala, inspiring hope amongst those who craved for a life to be lived not out of fear, fought back against The Great Akuma, leading to the events of the First Great War. And with the Great Akuma slain, man no longer lived bound to fear.

But with the Great Akuma's death, so was the world's equality and balance.




Social hierarchy.



The world became corrupt, as fear no longer kept such things in check, the poison spread quick, in exchange for a life of freedom, humanity became corrupted.

Many have tried to bring this world back. To bring the Great Akuma back.

The Contingency Initiative was founded in an attempt to collect the Level 1 Dogma Holders who housed the essence of The Great Akuma back.

But they failed.

For our Lord. Lord Ginga was unsatisfied. And so, we sent him.

Danny Yuyan Zheng, The Transplant, to destroy the organization.

That is all I know.

That is all I need to know.

Because I am an Outer Shadow. I do not need to know such things. My sole existence is to serve.


Our Master summons you..

Do not make his greatness wait.

I followed the shadows, up the steps into a massive ancient temple. The architecture was incredible. But I expected no less from my master.

The shadows bowed to me.


The doors creaked open, as I stepped in.


The doors closed behind me as I stood inside the dark room. It was a large and compact. A dark cathedral.

I slowly lifted my hand.

Convocatio: Duo Turriculam

Two magic circles appeared next to me, and two hovering star shaped objects emerged.

Within the centre, glowing orbs of light gained shape.

I tapped my temples.

Aspectum: Full Radar

More magic circles appeared in front of one of my eyes.

Three targets.


Much more.

I ordered my sentries to chase after the bogies, as each sentry fired a barrage of blue blasts of energy.

The bogies fled.

One bogie came flying my way.

I predicted this.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Draugr D975AX Model 3

I pulled a weapon out of a rune, a handgun, and aimed it right at the bogie, a robotic exoskeleton, and shot it right through the head. The metal crumpling to the ground.

The sentries had gunned down the remaining bogies and returned to my side, hovering in assault mode.

Their lasers were pointed at a man who was sitting at the throne.

"Very good, Dainsleif."

The man flicked his finger as all of my tech powered down, clattering to the ground.


Not so much as man, as I got on my knees, kneeling before my master.

"I see all the tech I made for you is working just fine."

The footsteps echoed in the room. Getting closer.

"No Evos."

Step. Step. Step.

"No Dogmas."

Step. Step. Step.

"And no inherent abilities. You, Dainsleif, are an intriguing creature."

"Yes, master."

It was only a matter of time.

I made eye contact with my master, the Inner Shadow of Lord Ginga.

His face was twitching, about to let loose.

I could only imagine the amount of strain he was unnecessarily putting on himself to keep this act.

"OH MY GOD!" Master Jun jumped up and down.


Jun began prancing all around me, as I got to my feet.

"God! I didn't even think my machines could combine with magic! God, summoning magic is AWESOME. Right?! Aaron?"

"My codename is Dainsleif."

"Yeah, but your real name is Aaron Hope. Or did I forget..."

Did you really just forget the name of your most loyal servant?

Jun ran a hand over his face.

"Ah.... no matter. Glad to know Draugr is strong enough to shatter my bots. Damn. I wish I could run around with these guns and equipment and whatnot, but look at me."

Jun lifted his shirt, revealing his skinny fat frame, and chest hairs.

"Maaaaaaaaaan! I wish I had abs! So jealous of those hot guys. But whatever. Of all the Inner Shadows, I possess the greatest evo of them all. The coolest, you'd say."

"Yes Master. You are the coolest Inner Shadow ever."

"Hell yeah I am."

It wasn't just one evo though.

Master Jun wasn't wrong when he said he possessed the coolest power of all the Inner Shadows.

I glanced at all the tech around him. Millions of projects and ideas, then at the window of the cathedral. In the distance, he had an entire legion of robots that were building new statues and buildings in his image.

His most recent project was a giant commemoration statue of him, probably the two hundred and fifty eighth statue...

And on the plague it would say:

In Honour of the Biggest Stud of the Inner Shadows: Jun Gasket

Jun swirled his finger, as numerous drones entered the room, tending to me.

The shadows peaked from the door.

My Lord... she seeks you.

Jun's goofy smile suddenly melted.

"Shit. Ah, Aaron, please clean up the mess."


My jaw hung open.

"What do you mean what?! You were the one who shot all my bots here!"

"You were the one who sent them all after me!"

"To test you! Ah! Just clean it up! Here, I'll help you out."

Jun frantically waved his hand, and suddenly, a magical circled formed in front of me, and three Roomba like drones began vacuuming the ground, picking up the spare pieces of busted tech on the ground.

"Go go go! Before she walks into this mess! I gotta keep up a good image to her."


Jun pointed at the shadow at the door.

The shadow paused.

Me, My Lord?

"Yes. You. Help Dainsleif clean up the mess."

My Lord, I am a-

"Huh? You're gonna say no to me?" Jun's voice suddenly became dangerously low. Orange tattoos forming around the right side of his face.

Level 1 Hachi Stage Five: Infinite Penance

The Shadow suddenly dropped to its knees.

Forgive me! My master! I misspoke! I shall assist Dainsleif in cleaning!

I started scrubbing the floors along with the Shadows and Demon Roombas that Master Jun had summoned for me.

"Oy! Clean faster! My Dogma is telling me she's coming quick!"

"Why won't you make a machine that cleans it faster?" I snapped.

"It's beneath me to make such machines? What kind of Inner Shadow becomes known for making giant frickin Roombas?"

"Gasket." A woman's voice interrupted us, as we were so startled, even the shadow jumped.

We are too late... my master. Please order Dainsleif to kill me.

I stumbled back, getting to position, but Jun put out a hand.

He was giving me a serious look.

Stay away.

I stepped back nervously. My hand inches away from summoning a magic circle and calling upon my entire arsenal, but I knew whatever I would do would not do me any good.

This girl could kill me in a split second, and I never would have seen it coming.

But realistically, I was only person who was in danger. Jun should not have been sweating bullets, but I guess...

That's kind of what you expect from a fifteen year old Inner Shadow.

Jun cleared his throat, summoning a pillar just to lean on it.

My eye twitched in disbelief.

So he wouldn't make a Roomba to help me clean the mess he caused, but for whatever reason, he would create a giant pillar out of nowhere just to look cool.

"Hey." Jun said, his voice intentionally deep.

The girl gave Jun an annoyed look.

"What is the status on the Shakujin and Fujin."

"You came here all the way to ask that? Or was it... for something more..."

God this was too cringe.

Thankfully, the girl beat me to it.


Storm clouds swirled around her as immense pressure built up.

All the sensors that I had equipped sizzled and cracked. There was no end to her power.

"Aw come on, Hakah! You know I wouldn't mess with you when it comes to him. Don't worry. I got those two completely taken care of. They're both still at Stage Two. I think only he managed Stage Four without Lord Ginga's influence, which I find to be extremely intriguing... not a lot of people can unlock Stage Three without his blessing, much less Stage Four. Your brother is special."

Hakah's eyes narrowed.

"I asked for the update on the Shakujin and Fujin. Not my big brother."

"Like I said. They're fine. Stage Two... pfft. Even Dainsleif here can kick their asses. And he's just a normal frickin human being. BAHAHAHA! Imagine that! All your life training with the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange just to be outclassed by some ordinary dude!"

Jun pointed at me and began laughing.

My mouth twitched. This kid was using me to look cool in front of his crush!

I am so going to bury him later.

Lady Hakah regarded me, turning around. Her flowing silk robes dragged on the floor.

No wonder Master Jun wanted me to sweep the ground so bad. He knew exactly what she was going to wear. And no. Hachi's powers don't include being able to predict what a girl is going to wear. That's just my master being creepy.

Hakah reached out and inspected my face.

"A mere man. Yet he can fight on par with gods. Just from your machinations..."

"I know right? Dainsleif is incredible. I'd say he surpasses even Transplant."

Hakah gritted her teeth.

Uh oh.

"Shit. My bad. I didn't think you would actually be attached to him." Jun stammered.

"No." Hakah turned the other way, her long hair flipping and releasing a nice scent.

Ahhh man.....

Suddenly, I noticed Jun giving me the death stare.


I'm not attracted to her at all.


"Yuyan was a lost cause. He even died. And Dai Goh... still chose to not come back to me... what did I do wrong? TELL ME WHY?!" Hakah's voice broke, as she put her hands to her face.

Jun stood next to me, as we stared at her, frozen.

"Uh. Aaron. What do I do?"

"You're asking me?"

"You're the adult here. There's a girl crying in my room. Should I say something?"

"Hell no, you'll just make it worse."

Jun then turned to his shadows, who suddenly became very interested in sweeping the floor.

"You useless shadows!" He snapped.

Hakah wiped her eyes.

"Does Yeling hate me? Jun?"

Jun raised his eyebrows.

"N- Nah... He was probably.... I know! He was probably not right in the head. You know. He fought Transplant and took too many hits to the skull or something. I'm sure he loves you a lot. Everybody loves you!"

Hakah regained her composure.

"Yes... I will save him. By killing everybody who made him this way..."

Hakah then looked at me.

"I want one too... a reliable champion like yours... Gasket..."

"Wait what?" Jun said, as Hakah walked up to me running her hand across my face.

She was breathing on me, and I could see...

My head was moving lower on its own, from her round red eyes, to her captivating, beautiful face, to her chin, lower and lower...

"Why don't you serve me... Dainsleif? We are similar age... just the right age to reward you properly... over this little child..."

"Marry me." I blurted, as Jun screamed.


Hakah turned around, as suddenly, hundreds of robotic drones appeared behind her, dozens of guns on each one, and their targeting lasers all aimed at her forehead. If Jun willed it with Hachi, he could release a blast of firepower strong enough to destroy an entire planet right here.

Was this reckless?


Was this something he would actually consider doing?

You bet.

Jun stood at a distance, his eyes were glowing a demonic orange.

"I'll say this again. Aaron Hope is mine. I don't care if you're hot, and I'll even accept the fact that I built a bunch of Hakah Mah statues in an act of simping, but taking my Dainsleif crosses the line."

Hakah regarded Jun, as the sound of thunder boomed outside. Hakah was not to be underestimated either.

Her Stage Four Susanoo surpassed the traditional Stage Five Akuma Grade Dogma.

Because she was a descendent of the Mah Bloodline.

This was getting intense.

Two Inner Shadows about to duke it out.

"No." Hakah said, as she made her way to the exit.

"This is pointless. I will find myself a champion. A disposable one. Until my precious Dai Goh returns to my side, he will be a champion that surpasses even yours. Because we will have something that you two do not."

"Oh yeah?! Bet! We have it too!"

Hakah gave us a disgusted expression.

"Um. No. I don't think you do."

"BET! BET BET BET!" Jun shouted at her.

Hakah put a hand on her mouth, giggling.

"Do you really want to know?"


"It's love. Jun. I love my big brother with all my heart. And he loves me. Every time he patted my head, every time he brought me into his arms, my body instantly collapses in his love. Can you say the same for your precious Dainsleif here?"

All the blood left our faces, as Hakah left, the shadows bowing down to her.


I stood with the shadows, watching our master have a mental breakdown in his own throne room.

"DAINSLEIF." Master Jun snarled, his face vicious.

"Yes Master!" I said, quickly.

Jun raised his hand.

"I will send you on a mission. You will retrieve the princess of Andropol to me. Earn her loyalty her trust, or take her in by force. I don't care how. I must satisfy my urges."

"Are you sure you're not just going to freeze up and bumble random nonsense like last time?"

"No I won't! I'm fifteen now! The last time you brought a princess in this throne room for me, I was fourteen! I'm a man now!"

This was messed up. This kid was 100% underaged. But it wasn't like he was going to make a move on her. Every time I brought girls over, he would be too nervous to even speak, despite being quite possibly one of the most powerful beings in this world.

But I mean... if just having a girl around would make his mood better, I might as well.

I clutched my chest.

After all, it was Master Jun who gave me a purpose in life.

It was his machines that helped me. And saved me.

I will do anything for my master.

Even if he is a horny fifteen year old brat who uses me as a blunt end of jokes in a way to flirt.

"I'm also gonna be providing you with some help."


"Yeah. This is very important to me."

Well. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do...

Jun turned around, sitting back on his throne. Which was a very decked out gaming chair.

"Who should I deploy along with Dainsleif. Let's see..."

Jun held out his hands, and a holographic screen appeared. I stood next to him.

"Nah. He's useless. This dude's drunk all the time."


My eyes widened.

"Can it be someone hot?" I blurted out.

Jun stared at me.


"Nothing." I said quickly.

"Hey. No way, I definitely heard you say something."

"Your Hachi is malfunctioning."

"Don't give me that shit! I need to send in people who compliment your skillset, Dainsleif. You're a magic gunman. Someone who wields firearms and magic in battle. You prefer stealth and indirect takedowns, rarely going for brute force. So in the case where brute force is needed, you're fucked essentially."

"Wow. Thanks man."

Jun scrolled through.

"I'm sending Rollo."

"What the hell, why that stud?!" I squeaked.

"Hey! Don't question your master! Rollo is a berserker. He can handle face to face confrontation with his massive build and strength. I also provided him with a new set of armour after he wrecked it fighting that stupid dragon."

I stood in silence as Jun continued scrolling.

"Ranged gunman. Berserker... Maybe a medical purser?"

Jun scrolled, until we got to a profile of a girl who was wielding a staff. She had flowing blonde hair and angelic futuristic armour, complimented with beautiful white silk robes. No question.

"YES! We need a medical purser! Absolutely!"

Jun gave me an annoyed look.

"Nah. She's on call with something else, unfortunately. Guess we have to use her."

Jun snapped his fingers, as a woman emerged from the darkness.

"My Master. I am in your service." She said, with a monotone voice. Even her blue eyes, that normally would have been extremely attractive to me, somehow was a turn off. I had never seen a pair of eyes so devoid of life before.

I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"Are you kidding me? She's a robot!"

Jun raised an eyebrow.

"The hell is wrong with that? I designed Sigurd to be both hot and a killer. Perfect body. Badass but cute face. Black hair with bangs. Full tight leather. She's a perfect 10. You need someone who can give you medical assistance, and she can do that, ON TOP of being a top rate infiltration unit. AND she can do stealth kills better than you."

I made eye contact with her expressionless eyes.

"Does she even have emotions? Her rack isn't even real."

Sigurd's face suddenly flashed with anger as she pulled out a knife and aimed it at my throat.

"Okay okay! I take it back!" I yelped.

Jun pointed a finger and wagged it at me.

"Alright, Dainsleif. You know the mission. Head to Andropol, your main objective is to bring the princess back. I don't care how. If you end up waging war, I don't care. I really don't. Kill the entire nation if you have to. Just bring her to me. Sigurd and Rollo will accompany you."

Sigurd bowed.

"It shall be done."

Jun patted her head, and to my disbelief, Sigurd blushed, her eyes widened.

"Master...." Sigurd made a squeal noise.

"Ehhhhhehehehehehehe" Jun laughed under his breath.

You perverted degenerate! How could you go and build something like that?

Disgusting bastard!

�You should have built one for me too!

"Alright. Rollo is at Andropol already. Go and meet up with him you two. My shadows will accompany you guys, you will have a bunch on standby."

I nodded, as the shadows escorted us out.


The shadows had shadow travelled us to the front gates of the town.

I stood next to Sigurd, who's eyes flashed blue, scanning it.

The objective was to enter the civilization.

"Sigurd, do you have any experience with Andropol? Are we good with our equipment and clothing?"

"Yes. Andropol was a civilization founded in 1250 AD. In this current age, it has undergone developments in technology and industrialization. Magical technology hybridization is mainstream in society. Our integration should have no setbacks."


I analyzed a large cliff.

I was about to do some scouting, but Sigurd stopped me.

"Dainsleif. The town is currently under attack. I suggest we aid in their efforts to fight off the enemy soldiers."


Sigurd pointed at the soldiers that were fighting.

"We must establish that we are on their side. Rollo is also fighting."

Rollo that idiot. Why would he make decisions like that out of nowhere?

"Why did he just jump in like that? Is he an idiot? Without my call?"

"It is not your call. You are not fit to be the leader of this expedition."


I marched up to Sigurd, who regarded me with no emotion.

"I am the most likely fit to be a leader. You stupid bishojo rust heap."

"You do not have the qualifications."

"How? I am Master Jun's right hand man. I've killed gods, Dogma Holders, heroes, Demon Lords, adventurers, monsters, demons, you name it."

Sigurd shook her head.

"You lack infiltration and strategy. In addition, you are unprofessional."

"I'm unprofessional?! Just how can you make that conclusion."

Sigurd calmly pointed at my crotch area.

"It is bulging. Does my appearance sexually arouse you, Dainsleif? I'll have you know that I do not have any reproductive organs installed in my body. I cannot relieve your hormonal urges. I suggest you either spend resources on immediate solutions, or work on your social skills."

My ears flushed red as I quickly readjusted my trousers.

"SHUT UP! It's your damn design! A biological response! At least I don't get aroused from Master Jun patting my head!"

Sigurd suddenly paused, gritting her teeth, as if all the logic suddenly left her body.

Did I just offend her?

"Okay. Whatever. We'll fight off the villagers. I guess we're going for the trust route."

I ran to the village, as Sigurd followed me.

"We need to show our presence. I hate fighting up front." I said.

Sigurd shook her head.

"That will not be necessary."


Sigurd pointed at Rollo, his giant 7 foot muscular frame smashing enemy soldiers left and right and inspiring the allies with his shout.

"Rollo has already made himself prominent. He can introduce us. Our direct cooperation is not necessary. A lower risk option of tactical takedown is viable."

Whatever. I knew that.

I ran up the steps of a nearby building.

Aspectum: Quarter Radar

My eyes lit up, allowing me to pinpoint any hostiles.

A soldier was heckling a family behind a wall.

I slowly made my way up the steps, my magical boots keeping me from making any sound.

I needed to clear this building, since this would be a good spot.

"Shadows." I whispered.

At your service, Dainsleif.

"Knock out everybody in this household."

As you wish...

Several shadows emerged from the ground of the upper floor, knocking out the guard and every single family member before they could make a sound.

I ran up to the guard.

Aspectum: Bug Scan

A different magic circle appeared in my vision.

This guy was clean. Meaning the takedown was not going to alert anybody.

I held out my hand.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Ironsight

A large case appeared before me as I grabbed it. I jolted it once, causing the mechanical components to click clack and position, revealing a tripod which I placed against the window. The case continued transforming, revealing a sniper rifle.

I positioned the rifle on the balcony, hovering my hand over the side, feeding it with mana as magic circles appeared at the scope.

I took aim, assessing the situation.

"Sigurd, come in."

"Sigurd receiving."

"Confirm that the following markers have been established."

I pressed the button on the edge of my eyepiece, which started marking the enemies left and right. There were twenty heavy units, who were attacking from the tops of buildings and trying to assist the enemy foot soldiers. All marked with a certain marker.


"Initiate zig-zag infiltration."


Sigurd leapt into the air, acrobatically climbing up the buildings like a gymnast as she landed on the building, pulling a knife and slitting the throats of enemy units. Then leaping to other buildings before anyone could figure out what had just happened.

I aimed my rifle at the other markers.

Shooting one of the three enemies on each building would alert the other two.

Meaning I had to use a vortex shell.

I took aim and fired, the shell landing on the ground and instantly sucking the three enemies inside, killing them instantly.

I then quickly aimed at the neighbouring buildings, firing before they could notice their buddies suddenly disappeared.

I continued firing and aiming until the enemies were dispatched. Sigurd also managed to kill the rest.

All aerial units immobilized.

Time of elimination: 13 seconds.

I put my rifle away, letting it sink into a magic circle as I climbed out of the building, and landed on the ground.

"Where's Rollo?" I asked.

Sigurd pointed at the sounds of fighting.

Yeah. Real helpful.

I ran to the fray, making out Rollo who had flung three enemy soldiers away. It was pretty much one against an entire army, but I knew this was light work for him.

But just because something is light work doesn't mean it's enough.

"He's so slow." I grumbled.

"No. If we reveal too much of our power, the princess will see us as a threat. We must assist, but conserve our power." Sigurd said.

"Fine." I said, as I stepped into the fray.

Rollo nodded at me.

"Dainsleif. Sigurd. I am glad you are here! I am just enjoying myself."

"Alright. Well in that case fun's over. I'm gonna wrap this up."

I pulled out my Draugr, calmly taking aim and picking off the enemies one by one.

Sigurd joined Rollo with her knives, cutting and slashing as the three of us fought off the enemy.

I continued firing, until my Draugr ran out of ammo. The weapon returned into a purple magic circle.

"I'm here to help." I explained to the villagers, who were in awe at my tech.

"What is this weaponry? I've never seen this before!"

"I believe he is wielding firearms and magic... amazing!"

Oooooh god.

They're admiring me.

I love this.

Keep admiring. I needed the ego boost after Sigurd had practically ruined my self esteem for popping a hard one seeing her voluptuous figure.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - M130 Fully Automatic

I pulled out an assault rifle from a magic circle, taking aim.

I ran my hand over the barrel of the gun.

Magic Recombination: Ignis Pila

Another magic circle appeared around the barrel, an orange one, as a fireball emerged, being sucked into the weapon until the whole shaft glowed orange.

I took aim and fired a stream of fireball enhanced bullets at the enemy soldiers, cutting them down and forcing them to retreat.

I waved at Rollo, who was walking in our direction.

"Hey! Rollo!"

Rollo ignored me and hugged Sigurd.

"Sigurd... how are you these days? You look lovely as always."

"Thank you Rollo. You're not looking too bad yourself."

I got in between them.

"Hey! I'm fine too! Thanks for asking!"

Rollo gave me a disapproving look.

"Yes... Dainsleif. Master Jun's biggest troublemaker. You're lucky these Andropol soldiers are around, otherwise I would have crushed your head in."

"What the hell is that for?" I yelped.

"HUH?! Do you seriously not remember what you did to me? To my daughter?!"

"No no no. I genuinely don't remember." I waved my hands desperately, trying to figure out what I did to make the big guy so upset.

Sigurd gave me a disappointed look.

"On the fifth of March, Rollo's eight year old daughter held a birthday celebration. Rollo announced that the invitation was open to all colleagues, but Dainsleif was specifically prohibited to enter the celebration. You proceeded to kick the door down, holding a 1.14 litre bottle of cheap whiskey, heavily intoxicated, and yelled 'are there any bitches in this crib', causing Rollo's daughter to cry profusely."

I gave Rollo a nervous look.

"Ah... that... right..."

Sigurd was about to keep talking but I quickly ran up to her and put a hand on her mouth.

"Okay okay okay! I get it! Oh my god. Control alt delete. Is there a shutdown feature on you? We need to talk about our mission here."

Sigurd stopped mumbling.

Rollo's veins were still popping from his head. I guess he really didn't get over it.

"Not here. We will speak in my residence."

We made our way to Rollo's residence, which was the barracks of the Andropol soldiers.

I rolled up my sleeves.

"Sigurd, mission objectives update."

"Acknowledged. Andropol integration initiated. Trust route confirmed. New objectives: trust accumulation."

Rollo gave me an eyebrow.

"You're still treating Sigurd like a tool?"

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me."

"What's wrong with that? Sigurd is a robot. Her very existence is to serve. That's all she is."

Rollo narrowed his eyes.

"Hm. Is that so?"

We continued walking, as we entered the home. On the nightstand was a picture of Rollo's daughter.

Sigurd waited outside, as I propped my feet up on the table.

"Alright, old man. Give us an update. Sigurd tells me you've infiltrated this place for a while now. Will just having connections with you be enough to gain an audience with the princess?"

Rollo shook his head.

"No. To gain a summoning from her, you need to do something extremely major to gain her attention. In my case, I've already established that I am soldier rank. If I contribute greatly they will become suspicious."

"What's Andropol's political status?" I asked.

"They're at war. With a rivalling empire. That much I know. The attackers of the village earlier today were stray cohorts. They outnumber Andropol significantly."


I turned around, beckoning Sigurd forward.

Sigurd nodded as she stepped inside.

"What are the consequences if I went to that rival nation and destroyed them on Andropol's behalf? I imagine that'll be enough to gain an audience with the princess."

Sigurd twirled her hair. Which I found weird. Since when did robots care about their appearance. Jun must have added that to her programming. That frickin weirdo.

"It will capture the princess' attention. But she will become suspicious of your power, and will see you as a threat."


I had to go and get this princess to Jun. I didn't know why, but I never failed a contract. Now wasn't really a good time to start.

Rollo regarded the two of us.

"I can assist in referring the two of you. However, my position as a guard is limited. And it isn't just the princess you must deal with. But rather the king. He's... um..."

"Spit it out, Rollo." I said.

"He's on the perverted side. Which is why the princess is in charge, and not him. Knowing full well almost all of his decisions will be biased."

"Oh, that's even better!"

Rollo stared at me.

"Wh- What?"

I went up to Sigurd and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Alright Sigurd. Sleep with him."

Sigurd regarded me with an empty expression.

"I'm afraid that will not work."

"What? Why not? Master Jun designed you to be smoking hot."

"That is not the issue, Dainsleif. The King will not be interested in sexual activity with me, because he is into men. So the logical choice is to actually have you sleep with him."

All the colour drained from my face.

"Uh... come again...?"

Rollo snickered.

"Yup. If you want to do the bribery route, you're gonna have to take one for the team, Dainsleif. Right hand man of Master Jun."

"Now hold on a frickin minute! How the hell is the King into guys if he has a daughter?!"

Rollo chuckled, as he poured a glass of beer.

"Surrogate impregnation of course. Just because he likes the opposite gender does not mean he doesn't want children. Ignorant boy."

"Huh?! What did you just say?!"

"In either case, the most I can do for you two is a referral. Also, I'm not letting you guys stay here because this is for soldiers only. Sorry."

And with that Rollo kicked us out.

Sigurd and I sat on the street next to each other. While Sigurd remained calm and composed, I was yanking at my hair and kicking at the air.

"Aaaaaaah! This is so ass! How am I supposed to get an audience with the princess like this?! Forget it. I'm going to blow this entire town to kingdom come!"

Several villagers gave me a weird look as they walked past us.

"If I may, Dainsleif, there is one option."


"To battle an entire army is unwise because your power would be seen as overwhelming. But if you simply assassinate the rulers of the empire, it will still collapse. And such a story would be more believable."

I paused.

She was right.

The assassination route was still an option. If I could end the empire through assassination, the princess would surely see me as someone skilled, over someone who has overwhelming power. But I guess it was still dangerous because then she would see me as an assassin....

"But what about the fact that she finds me too dangerous because of a possible assassination attempt on her?" I asked.

"Our connections with Rollo should be sufficient to prevent that from happening. Because if an assassination attempt is made, they would need to see Rollo as a contingency, which would be too costly for their army since Rollo is their biggest asset."

God. I'm so happy Jun made her.

"You're amazing." I said.

Sigurd stared at me.

"D- Dainsleif?"

"What? Never had compliments before?"


I turned to Sigurd, and noticed something. Her face... was...

"Wait, Sigurd, let me see your face."

"That is not necessary-"

I knelt in front of her and my eyes widened. No way. How...

"Sigurd are you blushing?"

"It is merely programming."

"I didn't think robots would get flustered. That's so weird to see on you."

Sigurd clenched her teeth.

I sighed. Alright. That's enough weird shit for today. I laid down on a stray piece of bark.

Homeless, broke, and single.

The worst kind of fate for a man.

"Dainsleif. I have obtained some cloth."


Sigurd was holding a blanket and put it around me.

"Illness will jeopardize our mission."

I wrapped it myself.

"Yeah. Thanks."

Sigurd brought her knees to her chin and sat next to me as I tried to go to sleep. Suddenly, Sigurd interrupted me.


"No, I don't need to go to the bathroom."

"Not that."

"So you interrupted my beauty nap to spew bullshit? What's going on with you lately? You're usually cold and calculating. Is your computer chip bugged or something? I can open you up if you want. Maybe we can call a shadow and get Master to send a repair drone our way."

"I don't need repairs... I just wanted to ask you something."

"Uh... I guess..." I sat up next to her.

"Ask away."

"Is it wrong for a robot to... want to live?"


Sigurd's eyes were sparkling from the moonlight, as she buried her face deeper into her knees.

"If a robot is designed to have emotions, and to have all the characteristics a human would have, would a robot be considered a person?"

"Well, if you're asking about the emotions you have, it's because Master Jun designed you to have them through your programming, like you said."

Sigurd was silent for a few seconds.

"But is it wrong? Am I wrong to wish to be seen as more than just an android..."

I sighed, stretching my legs.

"Ah Sigurd. I've known you ever since you were first created by Master Jun to be an infiltration unit. We've been on a fair amount of adventures together. Even if most of them involved you roasting the shit out of me and making me look like a complete idiot. But if we're talking about companionship, yeah, I see you as a person in the sense of a companion."

"I see."

"Look. I don't know what to tell you. The things you're feeling right now could just be stray pieces of code or something. Maybe it could be something more. I honestly am not smart enough to tell you."

Sigurd crossed her legs, staring at the moon.

A robot wishing to be a person... damn this was deep.

But then it hit me.

The little things that she did that made it seem like she was an ordinary person. I never really noticed it until now.

"If the king who loved the man of his dreams could have a daughter and have a noble family line, does that mean an android like me can live a life as well?"

Sigurd looked at me and realized I was staring at her. Sigurd's eyes widened.

"I apologize Dainsleif. I suppose my programming is flawed. I will hold off on my rampancy until I am repaired by Master Jun."

"Nah." I lay back down.

"I don't think you need to be repaired. There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling, if you ask me. When this is over, maybe we can ask Master Jun to give you some upgrades. After all, I'm real close with him. I'm sure he'll agree."



I pointed at her.

"Biotech upgrades. To make you more human. Hell. I'm sure Master Jun could even turn you into a real human if he can. He's an Inner Shadow after all."

Sigurd stared at me, her face was full of surprise.

"You would do that for me?"

"Well, better than having you run around wishing you could have real tits."

Sigurd frowned.

"Are you perhaps offering this because you want me?"

"What? Hell no! Gross! Why would you even think that? Maybe we should just get you reprogrammed after all."

Sigurd put a hand to her mouth and let loose a small laugh.

"Get your rest, Dainsleif. Our mission awaits us."

"Alright. No more worrying about this shit, robot girl. We'll figure something out."

I raised the covers over my head.

I knew Sigurd for a long ass time.

This was a side of her I had never seen before.

Sigurd laughing. This was definitely a first.

But that did put a smile on my face for some reason.

I closed my eyes, and the dreams of my past came in.

My First God

Many people believed my strength came from my weapons. My gear, that Master Jun had made for me.

But even from the very start, I always did the impossible.

No one would expect someone like me, a mere man, with no evos or Dogmas, to be able to do it.

It was from there did Master Jun take me in, and bring me to new heights.

"All of humanity... bores me."

I was frozen, sprawled on the ground.

"Guys... guys..." I whispered.

The dead, broken bodies of Wilson and Nora, their bones shattered, skulls caved inwards, lay before me. At the feet of the goddess who had slaughtered them all.

"Why would my lord keep such insignificant, ignorant non-believers in this world? Your kind is repulsive."

I should have been filled with rage.

But it wasn't rage coursing through my blood.

It was pure fear.

The shock and terror, freezing my muscles and keeping me in place.

I was no hero.

I wasn't special.

I was just a kid.

"What was this place called..." The goddess turned around, her long silver hair gently stroking the ground as she looked down at the ruins of the orphanage condescendingly.

With her back turned, I made a break for it, breathing heavily and frantically.

"Will... I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I whispered, throwing myself under his corpse to hide from the goddess who had slaughtered him along with the rest of the people I knew for most of my life.

"Will..." I sobbed, burying my face into his chest.

What? Are hugs cringe for you, Aaron? We're basically brothers and sisters, if you think about it. You me and Nora. Sure we got the others here, but we're a unit.

Will... Nora...

Back in the orphanage, we were always getting into drama with the others. I never got along with them. But Will and Nora were the only people who put up with my mood swings.

They protected me from the bullies, because I was too scared to fight myself.

The goddess picked up the sign of our orphanage and inspected it, her eyes full of disdain.

"Tch. The fact that such lowly life force exists is the very reason of my master's folly. The concept of an orphan... an unwanted child. It is from their progenitors do they learn, but without their progenitors they are imperfect. Incomplete. I despise those who are incomplete in this world."

I closed my eyes, panting desperately, when suddenly, the rocks began to shift, and Nora's body slid in front of me, in full view.

I stared at her deceased face. Her eyes were still open.


"Okay, I get it. Will is strong. What about you?" I remembered asking Nora.

Nora smirked.

"I'm sneaky and fast."

I raised an eyebrow.

"That's lame. What's being fast got to do with anything?"

Nora chuckled.

"I don't know. Maybe swiping some of these?"

Nora held out several sticks of red candy.

"Whoa! How did you- aren't those banned? We're not allowed them!"

"One of the perks to being fast. I can teach you, considering you get bullied all the time."

Will laughed.

"Yeah. Nora will teach you to be fast. And I'll teach you to be tough. And then you'll beat everybody up!"

"I don't wanna beat people up..." I muttered.

Nora gave me a stink eye.

"And that's why you always get bullied. You're a total wimp and you're always in the corner, never taking part in group activities and playing that weird MMO with the anime girls. Might as well pick up a thing or two. It's the three of us. For the longest time it was just Will and I. Now we have you too. We got ourselves quite the squad here! Like an RPG party!"


Will, Nora, and I. We would always do everything together. They would do their best to teach me new tricks. And I saw them as a squad, like that MMO I always played. For years we were a unit.

But no matter what Nora and Will taught me, I could never really pick it up. I was always the coward, being bailed out of trouble.

Always being bailed out of trouble by Will and Nora.

Because I wasn't strong like Will.

I wasn't smart and sneaky like Nora.

I was just...


When this... goddess came down on the world, she destroyed everything. Starting with the homeless. Then the drug addicts.

Her idea was to bring new world order, by cleansing humanity under the identity of her lord's apostle.

And would you guess what her next target was?

The orphanages.

Because in her eyes, we were incomplete, flawed human beings. Every child should have parents to look after them. We were flawed and disgusting to her, because everything had to be perfect in her eyes for her lord.

So when she came to our building, she killed everybody, destroying the entire place.

"Aaron! Hide!" Nora shouted at me, as she grabbed Will and I and hid in the closet. The three of us bunched together.

"What the hell is that?!" Will gasped.

"Are those... wings?" Nora said, as she turned to me.

"Aaron, isn't that... like in the video game you play?"

A kid who was hiding with us gave us a disgusted face.

"This isn't one of Aaron's gay MMO with the little anime girls."

Another kid was curled up in the corner, outside of the closet crying. He was no older than eight. He was out in the open. He was dead meat.

"I'm scared... I'm scared!" He sobbed.

The goddess stepped into the room, as I almost screamed, but Nora put a hand to my mouth.

"Shh! Aaron! Quiet!"

Everyone was scared. Petrified and terrified. The goddess was terrifying. She looked just like the goddesses in my game, beautiful, elegant, with long silver hair and angelic armour and swords. But...

This was not like the goddesses in the game. Those goddesses were nurturing. They were kind. They helped humanity.

This goddess wanted to kill us.

"I want to save him." Will said.

Nora stared at Will in disbelief.

"Will! Are you crazy? If you go out there you'll die! Didn't you see what happened to Trish?!"

One kid put her hands to her ears, trembling.

"Dude!" Another kid hissed at Nora.

"What? Exactly! Trish was sliced in half. And she's a grown adult! She got sliced in half by that winged creature. If you go out there, you'll be killed instantly, Will! I get you want to be a hero. I get you want to stick up for all of us. But this isn't like that time with the homeless man where you had a slight chance. This is a monster we're talking about. If you go out there and die, the monster is going to kill us too!"

Will clenched his teeth, as he turned back to the goddess, who approached the little boy.

"I... I... I CAN'T!"

Nora and I held him back.

"Will!" I snarled.

"THAT KID!" Will tried to struggle, but we pinned him down as best we could, to avoid making any sounds, as the goddess looked down at the boy.

The kid stared at her.

"Mo... Mommy...?"

"I am not your mother." The goddess said, raising her sword.

"NO! DON'T!" Will tried to break out of our hold, just as the goddess decapitated the kid right before our very eyes. A girl who was hiding in the back of the closet let loose a blood curdling scream, causing the goddess to turn to us in surprise.

"RUN!" Nora shouted, as the closet doors flung open, we bunched out, running as fast as we could.

I turned to Will.

"She's distracted! We need to get out of here!"

Will grabbed a piece of wood and glared at the goddess.

"I'll make you pay!" Will growled, as I grabbed onto him, turning to Nora, who was still trying to get everybody to safety.

Nora looked at us in bewilderment.

"You guys!"

The goddess tilted her head.

"Earth's flawed child. You dare challenge the goddess Avara?"

Will clutched the wood.

"You bet I do. I'm not scared of you!"

"Will... we need to get out of here! We need to!"

Will glared at me.

"I refuse."

"Are you stupid?!"

"This is the tank's job. Right? The tank's job in every party. And I've always been working out. I can handle myself just fine."

The goddess unveiled her angelic wings.

"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" I screamed, trying to drag him away, as Nora also tried to, but Will refused to budge.

"As long as this goddess moves around so fast, she'll just hunt us all down. We can't run away from her, haven't you realized? Every person in this manor who has tried to run from her ended up being chased down. But if there's one person who sticks around and distracts her, while the rest of you guys get on a vehicle to escape, we're good! Everybody's safe!"

"But you won't be!"

Will chuckled.

"Yeah... but. I already know even if I do escape... my life is still gonna be shit."

Nora stopped resisting.

"Nora...?" My voice trailed away.

Nora let go, her eyes wide in surprise. Will continued.

"Isn't it obvious? Nora. You of all people should know that. We've been in this orphanage for years. Every family who has come has never chosen us. Because of my violent outbursts. Because of your urge to steal. No one wants us. But if I can be a hero, just like in Aaron's video games, and to go down fighting? That's more than enough for me."

"Hey... Aaron."


"Remember all that stuff Will and I taught ya?"

"Y- Yes...?"

Nora gave me a thumbs up, as she pushed me out of the door and closed it, locking the door.

I ran up to the window, banging on it with my hands.


A tear ran down Nora's cheek.

"Hey. Don't worry about us. We always have your back. Always."

"DON'T!" I screamed, as Will brandished his wood, and Nora pulled out here makeshift crossbow, that was made out of spare parts that she kept hidden in her room for emergencies.

Will looked at me.

"Nora and I... we've been in the orphanage for the longest time. We don't have anywhere to go. But you do. Hell... your last name is Hope after all."

"I don't care about my last name! I never once used it since! I'm not... I'm not good enough..."

The goddess looked amused, as she watched us from the distance.

I continued banging on the glass, trying to open the door, but Nora had locked it.

"Yes you are. Aaron." Nora said.


Will nodded.

"You don't have to be the strongest."

"You don't have to be the fastest."

Nora pointed at the glass, right at my heart.

"You are enough."

Will charged the goddess, swinging, as the wood disintegrated on impact. The goddess lifted her hand, grabbing Will by the throat and lifting him into the air.

"WILL!" I screamed, as Nora dove in and fired her crossbow, but the bolts were deflected by her wings.

"Imperfect. Fools."

The goddess slammed Will into the ground and stomped on his head as I heard a terrifying squelch.

Then she moved in on Nora, who tried to run, but her feet were held down by ice.

"Damn... she got me." Nora smirked, as the goddess impaled her with her sword.

I could only stand and watch as my two friends were slaughtered in front of me. But from the corner of my vision, I noticed Will, moving, and dragging himself off the floor. His nose was broken and he was bleeding bad, but he managed to get to a... tank.

He ripped it open, pulled at the locks.

The goddess turned around.

"What are you doing-"

"NORA!" Will shouted, as Nora lifted her hand with her crossbow, and fired before the goddess severed her arm.

The bolt ignited the contents, and a massive explosion sent me flying back, screaming their names.

And here we were.

I was hiding under Will's body.

The goddess was still searching for something.

I didn't know what it was.

Nor did I care.

Will and Nora, the two people who protected me while they were alive, continued to protect me while dead, and all I was doing was hiding under their bodies like a coward.

Like a god damn coward.

The goddess continued searching, until she accidentally stepped on Nora's body.

"Ugh. Disgusting. How dare you defile my shoes."

The goddess stomped on her body. Over and over again.

My eyes wide.

How dare you.

You killed her... you already killed her.

Wasn't that already enough?

You killed my friend.

You killed my sister.

Wasn't that enough? Now you're...

Avara continued kicking Nora's body.


My body began reacting on its own, as I emerged from Will's body, standing before her. Avara looked at me.

"I missed one?"

The words came out.

"Get your feet off of her!" I yelled.

Avara regarded me, unsheathing her sword.

"You are just like her. And the others I have slaughtered. It is beneath me to deal with you on your own. I would rather you have been like the others, bunched in one pile for me to kill."

"Bunched in a pile...."

The rest of the orphanage... they never made it out alive.

My entire body was shaking with adrenaline.

I had nothing to lose.

I picked up the wooden stick and aimed it at Avara, who sighed.

"How insulting."

Avara closed in and sliced the wooden stick with her sword and kicked me in the stomach. I coughed out blood, slamming through a door and smashing to the ground. I rolled out of the way before Avara could pierce me with her wings. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway. Turning around to see Avara approaching me with a sword in each hand, her wings stretched wide.