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| name = Samuel Mayen (Javlok)
| player = Supporting character to @darwin
| image =
| caption = "First Mate of the Lotuscraft"
| focus = Ranged Firearms Specialist, Wildcard
| level = N/A
| R&D = Arms
| realname = Samuel Mayen
| aliases = Javlok, Terran, Crazy Guy with Alien Guns, Masked Monster Man, Worst Wingman in the Universe, Deka's Sidekick
| species = Terran Human
| ethnicity = Asian/Caucasian Mix
| age = Mid 20's
| height = 170 cm
| weight = 155 lb
| eyes = Brown
| hair = Black
| nationality = British, Canadian (formerly), Ceten (current)
| occupation = First Mate to the Lotuscraft
| birthplace = Britain
| hometown = London
| marital = Unmarried
| relatives = Unnamed father, mother, and sister (Fates unknown)
| powers = Superhuman reflexes, Tsukuyomi Manifest
| abilities = Engineering (limited), Firearms and Martial Arts (hardwired by Deka), Trained Muscles
| equipment = Customized Twin Harkon Dual Purpose Rifles (Machine Gun and Anti-aircraft Round configurations), Dual Primed Aksomata SMG's, Judicator Prime Gunblade, Orakin Arm Sheathe, Orakin Combat Facemask
| footnotes =
"''I don't care about being a hero. I don't care about how others perceive me. None of it matters. I just want to be loved. I want to be able to open the door to my house and say I'm home to people who are waiting for me. I want my family back! No matter what it takes!''"
- Samuel Mayen to Deka Price about his reckless fight against the Sentinel Queen
'''Samuel "Javlok" Mayen''' is the current '''First Mate''' to rogue Tennen '''Deka Price''', a space mercenary, operator of the sentient armour '''Caliburn Umbra''', and captain of the '''Lotuscraft'''. Along with his captain, Javlok completed contracts all across the solar system, and is the first Terran human in existence that has been able to wield '''Orakin Technology'''. Javlok is also the current vessel of '''Tsukuyomi'''.
Following Javlok and Price's titanic battle against a Dark Rinne, in which Mayen decided to utilize one million percent of Tsukuyomi's power to save her, Javlok's deterioration was to the point of no return. In a final act of sacrifice, a dying Mayen requested Price to put him into the Transformer, and convert his body into a '''Battleframe''', so he could fight by his side even in death. Price and Rinne gave Javlok a final farewell, in which Mayen smiles for the last time before turning into Price's second Umbral battleframe: '''Mayen-Ash Umbra'''.
Mayen's world was attacked by the Sentinels, an alien race that had travelled to his home system in an attempt to extract the planet's resources and population. When the Tennen refused to leave their solar system, rather focusing on developing their own weapons, rogue Tennen Deka Price decided to follow the Sentinels and managed to rescue Mayen, who was on the verge of death from recklessly engaging the Sentinel Queen in a one sided fight in an attempt to recover his family.
Mayen insisted that Deka take him along with his journeys, reasoning that he sought the strength to rescue his family. Taken aback by Mayen's desire for his family's safety, Deka accepts Mayen onboard his ship, the Lotuscraft, and to serve as his "first mate", making Mayen the first human, if not being, to serve as a Tennen's assistant.
During one of Deka's missions, the Tennen realizes that Mayen, despite being incredibly devoted and diligent, struggles to keep up with the captain due to his inferior physical abilities in comparison to Umbra. This has led to Mayen acting as "dead weight" during their missions. After a failed assassination contract, Deka decides to train Mayen, however, the weapons and physical demand is too much for his human body to withstand. Ordan suggests that Deka research and build several "adapter implants" to allow Mayen to wield Orakin weaponry, and further suggests that the Tennen upload his combat knowledge and skills to Mayen through a telepathic connection to provide him with the means to keep up with the fast paced combat in their missions.
After around a year, training in the Simulacrum, Mayen becomes proficient with multiple Orakin firearms, and gains the ability to surpass his human limits, gaining superhuman reflexes. Paired with a stronger, more athletic build from consistent strength training, Mayen is able to keep pace with Deka's Umbra, while simultaneously wielding two Harkon heavy rifles in each hand, a testament to his strength.
Following this year, Mayen becomes more and more of an asset to Deka, as the two begin to resonate in missions, completing them with ease. At some point, Mayen even succeeds in defeating one of the Sentient Generals singlehandedly. Deeply impressed by this, Deka decides to give Mayen the nickname "Javlok", after the speargun, as the Tennen recognizes Mayen's fearless approach to combat. Despite being a ranged support, the first mate does not hesitate to rush forward in combat when the situation demands it, taking on opponents that are physically stronger than him and still reigning victorious.
Javlok possesses an athletic and powerful build, from his training with Deka in the '''Simulacrum''', as well as accompanying the rogue Tennen in numerous contracts across the solar system. Javlok is somewhat short, only being 170cm tall. Javlok's black hair is grown long, reaching past his shoulders and is frequently seen wearing his Orakin Facemask, a white armoured plate with golden trimming created elegant patterns, which conceals his face. Several long bangs falls past his forehead, reaching his chin.
Underneath his mask, Javlok is described to have a round innocent face and brown eyes, accompanied with a pair of eyeglasses. Deka has stated that Javlok possesses a face that "doesn't belong on the battlefield", and that his face doesn't match his age, initially mistaking his crew member to be in his teenage years.
Mayen's outfit is very similar to Tsukuyomi, a long black coat, with beige fur around the collar and sleeves. Underneath, Mayen wears a black tank top. Along the sides concealed underneath his coat are two straps to contain his two SMG's. Mayen also wears a pair of somewhat baggy black jeans.
Along his right arm, is an elegantly crafted white and gold Orakin implant adapter, which provides Javlok with the means to communicate with Ordan and the Lotuscraft crew, as well as providing Javlok with a protective shield that blocks ranged projectiles and melee attacks to some degree.
Javlok straps his two Harkon rifles on his back in an X-fashion, and his Primed Judicator Gunblade halves to his legs. All of these weapons were customized to fit his smaller frame, and featured a "compact mode", which allows Mayen to holster the weapons without their size negating his movement. All of Mayen's weapons are of Orakin origin, which features white, gold, and silver colour configurations.
Javlok is obedient to Deka, being his first mate. As a result, the Terran is often quiet, and will only speak if being asked to. However, when he is not with Deka, Javlok does speak on his own accord, though not often. In combat, Javlok is very analytical, and maintains a cool demeanour even when in a sticky situation. Objective and logical, Deka jokes that Javlok may have been a better AI than Ordan.
However, Javlok is not without flaws. Due to living his life as a shut-in prior to the Sentinel invasion, Mayen is very awkward, and does not enjoy being in social situations. Frequently distancing himself from large groups of people, Javlok has at times even declined Deka's requests to accompany him in Relays, due to refusing to be in a room populated with Tennen. It has been noted that Javlok is incredibly awkward around girls, the only girl he feels comfortable around being '''Rinne''', the Medical Purser of the Lotuscraft.
Javlok is very devoted to his friends and loved ones, and will at times put them at an insurmountable priority that his morals are often questioned by his allies. An example of this was when Javlok considered killing Tennen '''Troyest of the Space Gladiators''', after defeating him in an attempt to save Rinne. Another example was when Javlok wished to sacrifice everyone on his home planet in exchange for his family. This corrupted way of thinking has often been called out by both Deka and Rinne, the latter resorting to slapping Javlok in the face to wake him up from his mindset.
Having Tsukuyomi in his body has also caused Javlok's personality to somewhat be similar to the Abyssal Recombinant. Like Teshun, Mayen is self conscious about his face, as well as his body. Frequently wearing tank tops underneath his coat, Mayen makes an effort to look "cool" in front of Rinne. As it was Mayen who rescued Rinne from her abusive life, Rinne holds the Terran in high regard, seeing him as her saviour. The two's complicated relationship has caused Mayen to often make a fuss over his appearance whenever he is around her.
==Combat Prowess==
'''Way of the Tennen''': Mayen was trained in the ways of the Tennen, and his fighting style bears striking similarity to Deka and his brethren. During his time in the Simulacrum, Deka subjected Mayen to neural brainwaves to imprint his fighting style into Mayen's subconscious, allowing him to access a number of abilities when his body requires it. However, during the transfer, it was discovered that Mayen was unable to carry out his newly acquired techniques due to his body not being physically capable of moving at the same level as Umbra. After physically training his body and building specialized Orakin Implants, Mayen's physical abilities were significantly amplified, allowing him to use these techniques to the best of its ability. The following the are skills that Deka had transplanted into Mayen:
* '''Ninjutsu''': Mayen is able to move and fight similar to the Tennen, focusing on fluidity, refinement, and quick efficient takedowns, as well as stealth. Mayen's subconscious allows him to fight barehanded or with numerous weapons. His preferred choice of weapon is his Primed Judicator Gunblade halves via. twin daggers, but Deka states that Mayen should be able to wield other weapons as well.
* '''Firearms and Marksmanship''': Mayen is able to subconsciously understand and operate numerous Orakin weaponry. In addition to this, Mayen also gains superior marksmanship skills.
* '''Amplified Conditioning and Agility''': The combined effects of consistent strength training, Orakin Implants, and numerous contracts that Deka brought Mayen along allowed the Terran to obtain seemingly superhuman reflexes and allows Mayen to be extremely agile. When Mayen had briefly returned to his home world to obtain a mission item, during which he had unintentionally clashed with his home world's military forces, the sergeant claimed that Mayen "could not have been human, because no human could move like that".
'''Orakin Arm Sheathe''': The arm sheathe constructed by Ordan and Deka provides Javlok with a built in holo-shield, heightened arm strength, Orakin cybernetic implant activation, as well as a '''Battleframe Upload Matrix''', which uploads certain Battleframe abilities into Mayen's implants, allowing him to use the abilities at the cost of his own stamina. The arm sheathe has proven to be extremely useful in combat and serves as a temporary replacement for his Tsukuyomi powers.
* '''Superhuman Arm Strength''': The Arm Sheathe provides Mayen with superhuman strength in his right arm. This boost was enough for Javlok to shield Rinne from a collapsing building with just his arm, and to punch holes through thick layers of concrete. Mayen also uses this to fling his opponents around.
* '''Holo-Shield''': The Arm Sheathe is directly connected to Mayen's neural network, allowing the Terran to generate holo-shields from his right forearm at will. The shield is able to withstand multiple blows from a Superberserker before shattering. The shield has proven useful for Mayen in deflecting bullets and shielding allies.
* '''Ash Upload''': Mayen is able to use selected abilities from the Ash Battleframe from its remains. Javlok can currently use Ash's teleport.
* '''Volt Upload''': Mayen is able to use selected abilities from the Volt Battleframe from its remains. Javlok can currently use Volt's Electric Speed to boost his movement and reflexes.
'''Tsukuyomi''': Unknown to Mayen and the Crew, the Terran was a vessel to the soul of '''Teshun Strife'''. Tsukuyomi's essence provided Mayen with substantial boosts in speed, strength, and even at some point, his constructs including dark tendrils. At full power, Mayen is able to manifest Tsukuyomi's '''Four Umbral Element Release''' as well as the ability of flight. A full power Tsukuyomi Mode was strong enough to contend with a '''Corrupted Superberserker''', a being who was strong enough to wipe out numerous Tennen singlehandedly. Despite the enormous power and potential of the ability, due to only being a vessel, Mayen is only able to call Tsukuyomi's power in intervals. During which his body will undergo a '''cool down period'''. This cool down ranges from a day to even a month, depending on the percentage of Tsukuyomi's power is used. If too much of the power is used, Mayen goes unconscious and enters a comatose state.
However, later on, Mayen discovers that he is able to call upon certain aspects of Teshun's power without reprimand, albeit the power being significantly reduced. Mayen has unlocked the following abilities thus far:
* '''Invisibility''': Mayen's body becomes shrouded in invisibility, allowing him to stealthily take down his opponents. In addition to this, Mayen is able to completely conceal his footsteps by applying a "shadow cushion".
* '''Tsukuyomi Mode: 15%''': Mayen calls upon 15 percent of Strife's power, allowing him to use the Abyssal Recombinant's shadow constructs to generate overwhelming numbers of spiked projectiles, extra shadow limbs, and chains to restrain his enemy. While seemingly effective, the power is useless against beings who are faster than Mayen can process, like '''Arsanios Licita''''s Primed Ash Battleframe, or beings that are extremely durable, like '''Quorra Lavine''''s Primed Crystallix Battleframe.

Revision as of 18:52, 1 January 2021