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Red Condor
Player: Red Condor
[[Image:Screenshot (5).png|300px|]]
Biographical Data
Real Name: Dionte Polite
Known Aliases: Red Condor
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: African-American
Place of Birth: Westside, Millennium City
Base of Operations: N/A
Relatives: N/A
Age: 25
Height: 5'6
Weight: 189
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: N/A
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Confidential
Fame: Template:MaekadaFameLocal Westside hero. Also is nationally known.
Alignment: Template:MaekadaHero
Identity: Secret
Years Active: 7
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Licensed Psychologist. Guidance Counselor for Westside High School.
Education: Ph.D
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

Equipment and Paraphernalia

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

The Beginning

Dionte was born December 5th, 1993 in Westside in Millennium City. His mother was a Bio-geneticist. His father was a hero from another dimension, Paragon City. His father was forced into this world when his was collapsing. When he first escaped into this dimension he had no clue of this world. He was distraught and confused on what to do next. It wasn't until he met Defender. Defender brought the new hero along and eventually was a temporary member of the Champions. His father was infused with an alien presence that gave him cosmic abilities. He soon met Dionte's mother and they went on to eventually get married. Once Dionte was born, his father decided to hang up his cape and focus a life on his family. On Dionte's first birthday, the Champions needed help from the cosmic hero once again. He decided to help the Champions one last time. This time though, the mission was too rough and he never returned. Dionte's mother was in so much grief. She decided not to tell Dionte of his powers or of what or who his father was. Dionte grew up living as a normal boy. He was an A's and B's student. He was always a superhero enthusiast. On Dionte's thirteenth birthday his powers began to manifest. He was outside playing basketball with his friends. The game was competitive and tensions were flaring. That is when Dionte's eyes began to glow blue and generated a blue aura around him. He was in shock, scared and confused. Once he calmed down the powers dispersed. He immediately ran home to show his mother of his discovery. She explained to him of why this was happening. She told him of his father and his powers. Dionte had cosmic abilities similar to his father's powers. He could generate and manipulate cosmic force energy. His abilities ranged form firing energy projectiles and beams to flying immensely fast. He also had a protective energy barrier giving him superhuman like durability. He also had superhuman strength. Dionte from learning about his powers decided not to use them and focused on schooling, and training to keep his body in shape. Dionte was smart and graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa at the age of 16 years old. He went on to studying psychology and eventually getting his Ph.D by age 21. After the invasion of the Quular, Dionte decided that he was done holding back his abilities. He decided it was time to make a difference in another way. He went to see his mother, and expressed that he wanted to become a superhero. His mother advised that she didn't want him to become a hero. He stated that it was his turn to take on his father's legacy. She attested to the idea, but she knew she could not stop him. She gave him a original version of his father's costume. Dionte then took on the name of Xpulse. As Xpulse he began to stop crimes locally. It wasn't long before heroes began to take notice of the new hero and his powers. Xpulse was recruited by the Sentinels. Rune and Psyspider approached him and offered an invitation to their team. He quickly accepted and began to handle local and interstellar problems. He has since then been working with the Sentinels to keep the world safe.

Birth of a Condor

This story begins with the first attack on Westside high. These shadow creatures came through the depths of the cracks of the shadows and began to scatter around the area looking for the elemental stones. They came for the sorcerer Callahan who currently held the flame stone. Therakiel sent them to gain this power, an otherworldly entity hell bent on destroying reality itself. Screams of the students could echo through the hallways of the school. Dionte sitting in his office could see the shadow beast destroying everything in their path to finding the stones. He quickly charged his energy and generated his suit and instantly becoming Xpulse. He quickly flies out of the open window of his office and firing beams of energy towards the shadow beast. Upon flying through waves of enemies, he finds another hero, a sorcerer who was using magic to dispel the beast. The sorcerer advised that he was able to banish the shadow creatures, but he needed the stone another had in his possession. The sorcerer stated to Xpulse that the sorcerer who held the flame stone was already corrupted by Therakiel and had planned on taking the stone to him in Vibora Bay. Xpulse agreed to help the sorcerer take back the flame stone and get it to a safe location. The sorcerer gave Xpulse coordinates to Callahan's location and they both set off to meet him. They found him in a small warehouse in Westside. Upon arrival Callahan doing an encantation with the Flame Stone. The sorcerer immediately attacked Callahan and Xpulse quickly coverted his energy into an energy sphere that trapped the Callahan in place. During his entrapment the allied sorcerer was able to successfully recover the flame stone. The sorcerer let off an evil laugh before blasting Xpulse and then sending a shockwave, destroying the building and crushed Callahan and Xpulse. Some moments later the sorcerer then states that he will rendezvous with the rest of the army back in Vibora Bay. He then disappeared from sight. Callahan and Xpulse rose from the ash of the building as Callahan begins to yell at Xpulse. After a few moments of discussing, Callahan stated to Xpulse that he was the good guy, and the sorcerer was the one who worked for Therakiel. Callahan advised that he had some contacts in Vibora Bay and they needed to get there before it was too late. Xpulse spoke with UNTIL and got clearance for helicopter access to get to Vibora Bay. Upon arrival they could see that destruction has already began. Most of the city is over run by vampires, evil spirits, and lycans. These creatures under the influence of the dark magic Therakiel has, they were disguised in Millennium City as the shadow creatures. Therakiel had captured the cathedral and turned it into his sanctuary. Callahan took Xpulse to one of the safest places in the area, Dr.Ka's house. The house was covered by a protective magical energy in the form of a pyramid. Xpulse and Callahan entered the house and proceeded to speak to Dr.Ka. Callahan introduced Xpulse and they began to work on a scheme to find the elemental stones. There are five elemental stones that make up the essence of life. There are earth, flame, wind, water, and soul. Once bringing these elemental stones together, they merge to become one. Whoever wields this singularity stone gains immense and unlimited power. Dr.Ka reached out to some other heroes for assistance, and the Champions responded. Iron Clad, Defender, Kintek, and Withcraft all came to join. After months of working to find the stones, an unlikely source provided valuable intelligence. The source came from one of the lycan generals who helped Therakiel gather the stones. The lycan advised that the stones were held up in an compound guarded by vampires and evil spirits. The Champions quickly followed up on the lead and searched the location trying to find the stones. They fought through there way of countless enemies and finally found the energy stones. Upon finding the crystals, they realize that Therakiel had been waiting for them. Therakiel combined the power of all five stones, and created the singularity stone. He used the stone to attack the Champions and they began a very immense battle. In the process of the battle the Champions were all killed by the stones power. Xpulse attempted to negate this power by shielding the Champions, but in the process his powers were zapped away by the stone and the Champions all failed. Therakiel believing that all the Champions to be dead, he destroyed the stone and fell back to his cathedral. Jurryrig, a tech expert came and pulled Xpulse from the rubble. Jurryrig took him back to a secured remote locations and began to rehabilitate the injured hero. Dionte quickly realized that his powers were lost and that he could not fight back in his current state. Jurryrig began to work on a special project to try and fight back against Therakiel's forces. During Dionte's rehab, he began to work on sharpening up his skills. He began to work on his hand to hand combat skills. Once a young boy, Dionte loved to watch birds fly past. He even kept a bird cage and housed plenty of birds. While remembering the training he did as a young boy, he began working on getting his body back into a strong condition. Dionte and Jurryrig spent months training and gathering resources to fight back. Upon getting these resources, Jurryrig noticed that it is going to take a team to take down Therakiel. Jurryrig and Dionte had already spent time in recruiting heroes that were not wiped out by Therakiel's forces. Jurryrig knew how much stopping Therakiel meant to Dionte, so he created a suit for him. The suit was designed from some of the same tech worn by the other Champions. He constructed the suit using Dionte's old interest to become a new symbol of justice. Jurryrig designed the exo-suit from the remains of Defenders suit. He reengineered Defender's pulse blasters and wrist launchers. He also outlined the suit to be powers by the energy of what was left of the elemental stones, which is used to power the suit and it's weapons. The suit's helmet also is equipped with enhanced goggles. The goggles allow for scanning of objects into an accurate database connected to UNTILs systems. It also comes equipped with thermal and night-vision. The suit is made with retractable wings that are attached to the back plate of the suit. The wings use a zero gravity transport system to allow for flight up to speeds of Mach 1. The suit is equipped with a holohex shield to reflect projectiles and physical attacks. The suit is outlined with some of the rarest metals on the planet. It is bullet proof. It was also outfitted with Kinetik's vibration and energy absorption technology. Jurryrig knows that Dionte has spent months training to rehabilitate and focus on new skills to still try to help. The city needed a team, and a leader that could stop the apocalypse. Jurryrig knew the city needed a symbol. A hero that would rise from the ashes and change what has been set in motion. Dionte accepted the new responsibilities of a new role. He became the Red Condor. A few months later, Jurryrig's special project was finally completed. He found a way to essentially create a time machine. The team had found a power source, just enough for one jump back to the past. Once they started the machine, it sent a energy wave that alerted Therakiel's forces. They quickly dispatched to the remote location. The heroes held the forces off as long as they could, but instructed Red Condor to take the trip back. Red Condor knew that this was there only way to change the course of history. The projection point for returning to the past, was a few months before the first shadow creatures came to attack. The Red Condor quickly jumped to the portal. The portal led him to Vibora Bay, a year in the past. He knows this is his time to rectify the future he had left. This time taken on a new mantle. A new hero was born in this aftermath. Dionte is now the Red Condor.


Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - None


Skill 1 - Athletic,

Skill 2 - Black belt martial arts training.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon/Armor - Nano-synthetic exo-suit equipped with retratable wings, wrist missle launchers, holoforce shield, Palm lasers, and a sonic cry built into the helmet.

Gadget - Enhanced goggles that is equipped with a scanner, and nightvision. Helmet is equipped with sonic hearing and a link to UNTIL's database. His suit is equipped with a wrist computer as well. His hawk shaped jet is controlled by the wrist computer to allow for quick summons.



General Perception

The media knows of Red Condor based on his affiliation to the Silver Age Sentinels. He is well known around Westside as that is his usual area of patrol. He has made some national event appearances, enough that at a second glance you may recognize him.

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