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| name = Tadpole
| player = @Zelduke
| image = Tadpole_casual.jpg
| caption = Tadpole in his casual wear
| realname = Tad Polewski
| alias = Tadpole
| gender = Male
| species = Human
| ethnicity = Caucasion
| birthplace = Millennium City
| operations = N/A
| relatives =
| age = 17
| height = 5'7"
| weight = 135lbs
| eyes = Dark Brown
| hair = Red
| complexion = Pale
| build = Thin
| features = Ginger
| fame = 2
| alignment = Lawful Neutral
| identity = Public
| years_active = <1
| citizenship = United States Citizen
| occupation = Student
| education = High School
| marital = Single
| powers = Empathy and Telekinesis
| paraphernalia = Power Suit and a Grav Bike
| strength = 2
| weapon = 1
| durability = 2
| armor = 5
| speed = 2
| reflexes = 2
| resistance = 4
| stamina = 2
| dexterity = 1
| agility = 2
| combat = 1
| regen = 3
| energy = 4
| psionics = 6
| telepathy = 6
| willpower = 4
| sorcery = 2
| tech = 4
| intelligence = 4
| knowledge = 4
| charisma = 5
| bravery = 5
Tad Polewski was born and raised in an upper middle class household, within the heart of upper Millennium City.  Knowing nothing of the dangers that lurk outside, he grew up spending his time idolizing heroes and visiting the renaissance center to get a sneak peak of them at work.  He also spent a lot of time being homeschooled by his stay-at-home mother, which blissfully unaware that she was a mutant with telepathic abilities.  His father, however, was normal and owned his own successful law firm in the heart of Millennium City.
===Abilities Unleashed===
Some believe psionic abilities are heavily influenced by emotion, thanks to it's ties with the brain.  In love with music, Tad spent a lot of his childhood taking piano lessons from his mother, and guitar lessons from various teachers.  However at age 12 his mother received a panicked phone call.  From mind to reality various transparent, brightly colored, caricatures could be spotted roaming the hallways of the local recreation center.  From musical notes, to various animals, the possibilities seemed endless.  Despite the staff being shocked, his mother was not.  With a swift smack to the back of the head, the caricatures all disappeared and Tad was left feeling confused with guitar in hand.  It would seem he, like his mother, had inherited mentalist abilities.
===Ravenswood Academy===
Still in the works
===The Present===
Now age 17, Tad is a third-year student at Ravenswood Academy.  Being one of the few students with powers he's enrolled into special courses to help harness his mentalist abilities.  There he undergoes regular simulations and tests in order to push him to being a proper hero someday.  He's rebellious, however, and frequently ditches class in order to hang out in the renaissance center to watch heroes at work. 
=About Tadpole=
Very rebellious, he tends to smart off to adults and give troll-like responses to questions.  He seldom does his schoolwork, and frequently leaves the school campus during class.  Despite these flaws, he's very empathetic to other people and hates to see them in pain.  He idolizes heroes and loves being around them, aspiring to some day join their ranks. 
* '''Telekinetic Barrier''': Tadpole possesses the ability to create temporary physical constructs.  Using this he can create barriers and walls to defend himself and allies.
* '''Empathy''': Often using music as a medium, Tadpole enhances his own telepathic powers by channeling specific emotions.
* '''Empathetic Mend''': By empathizing with an ally he can connect to them mentally and inspire their natural healing ability.  This quickly mends wounds that wouldn't heal fully on their own.
* '''Telekinesis''': Lifting objects and moving them is a staple cornerstone to any mentalist.  Tadpole is no different.
* '''Telekinetic Flight''': By applying telekinesis to himself he is able to levitate, or even soar through the air.
* '''Power Suit''': An old power suit found from an abandoned Mind Inc. warehouse, modified and gifted to Tadpole by his father.  Gives slight protection from physical assailants, and enhances his psionic abilities.
* '''Grav Bike''': A gift from his mother and father for his 16th birthday.  Provides mobility and convenience to travel back and forth between school and home.  Often used scout for villians.
* '''Wireless Headphones''': A generic set of head phones used for listening to music.  This helps him tap into Empathy in combat.
As an Empath, Tadpole has no innate resistances to magical attacks or curses.  This puts him at a disadvantage when dealing with casters.  Another weakness is any attacks that target his emotions.  His emotions are the lifeblood of his powers, and anything that disrupts that will be extremely effective against him.  Lastly, any physical attacks that are able to penetrate his telekinetic barriers will leave him defenseless.

Latest revision as of 04:47, 12 November 2018