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Player: @plasticdragon
Biographical Data
Real Name: Erosca Zophienbraekx
Known Aliases: Erosc, Goat, Lover, Goat Lover
Gender: Male
Species: Satyr (or similar)
Ethnicity: Hoofless
Place of Birth: Plane of Lust
Base of Operations: Headquartered at a personal pocket dimension
Relatives: 459 brothers and 125 sisters. Father still in home dimension. Mother deceased.
Age: Unknown (842)
Height: 7'8"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Blue Silver
Hair: White
Complexion: Soft & Dark Tan
Physical Build: Toned, Muscular
Physical Features: regal, wild, soft and somewhat beastial features.
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Identity: Known
Years Active: One
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: Clerk at an Adult Store
Education: No formal education
Marital Status: Single, Polygamist
Known Powers and Abilities
Standard demon-like strength, agility, ect. Empathic, able to read emotions and base feelings of others.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Chains (often worn as a belt) Satyr Battle Armor (rarely appears)
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Erosc was summoned to the human realm in order to satisfy the strange and unspeakable personal desires of a dark mage. Erosc's kind, known for their lecherous ways and aptitude for debauchery, was thought to be the best choice for the task, and for a time Erosc filled this role, and his master, quite well.

Within a few short years however, Erosc had become enamored with the beings known as "heroes", each one possessing exotic abilities and appearances. Such variety stimulated Erosc in ways never felt before. He wanted to experience the world of heroes,to learn what drives them, to decipher the desire that makes them to do what they do.The only thing that was standing in the way of him indulging in this delicious curiosity was his master.. A master that had done horrible things to many innocent people. A master who has sacrificed lives and souls in his spells and had ordered Erosc to do many things that would make his own kind blush. "Wouldn't ridding the world of this master be.... Heroic?" Erosc laughed as he toyed with the thought. Few know the spell to summon his kind, and fewer knew that once summoned, Erosc's kind could break free of their masters dominance should they falter in the slightest...

Erosc made sure his master had pleasurable last moments. A kindness for introducing him to this realm.


It would be no stretch to say Erosc and his ilk are reminiscent of satyrs, both in appearance and action. In fact, though more powerful, that is very much what they are.

The skin of Erosc's muscular body is darkly tanned and faintly glistens, as if covered in an extremely faint sheen of oil. The white silken fur and hair of his body contrasts with his dark skin. This fur covers most of his lower body, though brown fur, matching the color of his skin, covers his pelvic region. White fur also covers his hands, forearms, and forms a thick plume at the end of his, hairless, lion-like, tail.

Erosc's face, while faintly beastial, possesses a soft, yet oddly regal quality. His face, despite having a short muzzle, is human enough that most do not view him as being unattractive. The muzzle, if one were to call it that, has nostril slits that are vaguely similar to a goats, though his teeth are more human like, and are only sharper, with larger canines.

The large white horns that adorn his head, curve back at a slight arc. His large ears jut out from the thick mane of white hair that complements his wild aura and exotic features. The ears are more elf like than goat, as one might expect, though they are even larger than the ears of a standard elf. Instead of hooves he has clawed, mildly human, feet. His hands are also clawed, and both the palms of his hands as well as the soles of his feet are free of any fur.


Appeal- Erosc naturally produces both pheromones and a magic aura that makes him seem even more attractive to people.

Regeneration- Erosc cannot be fully destroyed while in the human realm, and will regenerate quickly.

Stamina- Erosc's kind are blessed with endless stamina, and never tire.

Hearing- Erosc's ears can pick up sounds from three times the distance that the most trained human ear can detect.

Sight- Erosc's kind can see emotional and magical aura's around people and objects.


Appeal- Erosc's pheromones and aura cant be turned off. Enemies may find themselves drawn to Erosc but will remain hostile.

Hearing- Because Erosc can hear so well, loud noises can be disorienting.

Sight- Crowds and groups of emotionally imbued items can fill Erosc's sight with color, temporarily blinding him if caught off guard.

Curiosity- Much like a cat, Erosc's curiosity tends to lead him into sticky situations.

Regeneration- Erosc's regeneration doesn't work in other realms and is less effective against dimensional energies.

Battle Armor- Erosc's rarely seen armor boosts his power, but makes damage take longer to recover from damage.


Erosc, while not in combat or tense situations, is easily distracted, and will often wander off mid conversation if bored.
Erosc's kind feeds off of the emotion known as lust, but they are not inherently evil, or any form of demon.
Erosc usually comes across as quiet and reserved, though this is mostly him self censoring himself. His kind are known for making very lewd and sexually explicit comments, he is not the exception, but is trying to adhere to standard human ideals of decency... A word that makes him slightly nauseous.
Erosc may be quick to bed but isn't quick to befriend. He usually likes to feel people out and get a good read of their aura before giving them the title of friend.

Erosc is an obscure anti hero, so few know anything about him.

(You have corrupted my imagination and inflamed my blood...)