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''"Garypire? Yeah... He knows a lot of things. Sometimes, '''too''' much. But the thing about this Glampire is that he only shows his facade. A grumpy Badasspire, that's what he'll show you of himself. He'll deny caring about certain things, but I know better. Gary's a beautiful person trapped in a cursed body. To put it bluntly, every time he says 'I'm prettier' or the likes, I don't think he means physically... But rather, refers to his inner self, the sweet guy he doesn't show to others. Oh, I like to call him names, heh."'' '''-Natasha Roy ([[Divael]])'''
''"Garypire? Yeah... He knows a lot of things. Sometimes, '''too''' much. But the thing about this Glampire is that he only shows his facade. A grumpy Badasspire, that's what he'll show you of himself. He'll deny caring about certain things, but I know better. Gary's a beautiful person trapped in a cursed body. To put it bluntly, every time he says 'I'm prettier' or the likes, I don't think he means physically... But rather, refers to his inner self, the sweet guy he doesn't show to others. Oh, I like to call him names, heh."'' '''-Natasha Roy ([[Divael]])'''
''"Heh. I happen to like Gary a lot. He's got a damn good shot too. His pet dog bit me on the ass once. . .remind me to get him back for that."'' '''-Veronica [[Vivi]] Brimstone'''
''"Heh. I happen to like Gary a lot. He's got a damn good shot too. His pet dog bit me on the ass once. . .remind me to get him back for that."'' '''-Veronica [[Anarchy|Vivi]] Brimstone'''
<i>"Gary is... intimidating. The last guy you'll ever want to mess with. But when he's passionate about something... it always seems to shine through."</i> -[[Onihara]]
<i>"Gary is... intimidating. The last guy you'll ever want to mess with. But when he's passionate about something... it always seems to shine through."</i> -[[Onihara]]

Latest revision as of 18:46, 23 September 2013

Gary Lelik is a vampire. No getting around that. One of the creatures of the night, he prowls around, doing his own thing. Is he a villain? A monster? Or perhaps..a hero? Who knows.

Gary Lelik
Player: @kenndar
"Heh. Ah'm dead sexy."
Character Build
Class Focus: Asskicker
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms, Munitions
Biographical Data
Real Name: Garus (last name unknown)
Known Aliases: Gary Lelik
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Ethnicity: Unknown, presumed British
Place of Birth: York
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Unknown
Age: unknown, at least 100+ years
Height: 7'20"
Weight: 270 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Tall and muscular
Physical Features: Deformities, sharklike teeth, claws
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Semi-Public
Years Active: 2+
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Mercenary
Education: None (self-educated)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Vampiric Powers
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Kevlar armor, 'Bastard' (custom gun)
ReldinBox Template

What is he?!

Euhm. The fangs aren't indication enough?

Allright then. Gary Lelik, if that IS his actual name, is a Vampire. He doesn't sparkle. He doesn't go to school anymore. He sure as hell doesn't look like a supermodel. And he doesn't stalk teenage girls.

Well. Unless they owe him something.

Anyway. He's a Vampire from the old stories: a monstrous, undead predator of the night. Though he has shown on occasion that he has additional non-vampiric powers. These may be a remnant of his former life...or he's a new strain of vampire. God help humanity if more of him surface.

Before you all go calling 'villain', however, he IS known for working with UNTIL and UNTITY on several assignments, and is registered as a hero. And he does live ( sort off) up to it, righting wrongs.


Gary has this lovely mix of everything. At times, he's a sarcastic cynic. Other times, he's a cheerful bugger. Other times, he's a paranoid madman. Other times, he's an asshole who loves toying with people's minds.

So, you know. Nice enough, for a vampire.

Oddly enough, he doesn't really bemoan the unfairness of his horrific body. In fact, he points it out...to great effect , at times.

What's even stranger is that he's generally suave enough to be a hit with the ladies. It boggles the mind!



No-one's quite sure where Gary comes from. At least, anyone besides Gary. And he ain't telling.

Still, there has been sightings of him as far as the first World War, fighting for Britain. He was active in many battlefields after that, usually using aliases. To what end isn't sure.

Other then that, nothing is really certain about this guy's past. It doesn't help that he keeps telling different stories whenever anyone asks.


Gary's been in the city for close to 3 years now, hiring out his services as an information broker and infiltrator.

His most public and long-term job was his tenure with the peculiar Ascendant Dawn. Mostly comprised of supernatural creatures, their goal was to bring 'balance' to the world. A lofty ideal, which mostly consisted of fighting the good fight against groups such as VIPER, ARMOR, the Edomites and other assorted assholes. It didn't last, but what does?

Gary has recently joined the Aegis, whilest leading a double-life as Patchwork, the blue scrabs.

Powers, Skills and Weaknesses



Gary is a Vampire. Capital V! For Vile. This translates into being stronger, tougher and faster then mortals. Gary is a pretty good example of that little fact.

The actual amount differs greatly. When only using his body, he's somewhat above the human limit. When he goes 'vampirey',that is: using blood, that gets turned up to eleven. Or twenty. The stuff of legends, even. He can't keep this up forever, though. He doesn't have an infinite pool of blood, after all.

Also, he can emit a high-tone shriek, which, while inaudible, does induce major headaches.


Gary has some sort of (vampiric?) mental powers. He calls it 'Mindbuggery'. It's functions are threefold:


When he activates this, be convinces everyone in the area that he's simply 'not there'. Arguably his most dangerous skill, as this fools pretty much any kind of sense: Your brain just doesn't process the input of 'him being there'.

However, it isn't infallible.

  • If he touches someone else, the illusion fades immediately.
  • Non-sentient things (robots, animals, ect...) are not affected. Neither are ghosts or faeries.
  • Sufficient mental shields will hamper this (so you'd catch flashes of him) or even outright block it.


He illusions himself, looking like someone he's seen before. For example, if he has seen Defender, he could take that shape, but not the guy underneath. This is an very convincing illusion, though it has the same limitations as the Stealth, save one : Touch does not dissipate this power.


He can not only use these two on himself, but also up to 4 other persons and objects. Needless to say, this makes him handy for infiltrations. Or when you need something hidden.


He's capable of creating powerful illusions, that fool only one sense at a time. The smell of a non-existent corpse, for example.



Gary is capable of talking to animals, and even commanding them to do his bidding. He's got literally hundreds, if not thousands of animals scouring cities, gathering info for him. It's not well known that he's capable of this, which is probably a factor in his success as an Information broker.


Gary can calm people and animals down from even the most harshest fits of rage or panic. He doesn't use it often, because he has to SING for it to work.


These powers are remarkably NOT vampiric. According to him, he got them after sucking a gorgon ( or something looking like it) completely dry, and eating it's eyes. He never quite explained why he did that.

Still, it's given a peculiar power: He can secrete poison and acid from his fangs and claws. The lethality depends on his mindset. If he's just out to stop you, it'll likely be a mild paralysing one, or a sleeping poison.

If he hates your guts, you might be crippled for life. Or dead. Which is arguably better.


Gary is considered an outcast, and dangerous, by most other vampires on account of his peculiar feeding habits. He likes to munch on other vampires and other supernatural types. Some say that's the cause for his severe 'mutations'.

However, he does so with a purpose: Every time he drinks the blood of supernatural creatures, he has a chance of gaining something from it besides nourishment. More so with vampire blood, less so with supernatural blood. So far, it isn't certain if these ablities are permanent.

--Sanguine Shielding--

Consumption of the blood of Duke Rend, an Orahil vampire, has gained him this ability. Every time he is wounded gravely, his body will turn into blood, and reform into pristine condition (or the condition it was in). He can do this 3 times per day.


Consuming Heillder's blood has given him some of hishumanity back. Whether this changed anything is not quite sure.



Gary is a master at shooting things. In fact, he says he's been around to see the first 'real cool fuggin guns'. Regardless, his expert marksmanship, combined with his vampiric physique, makes him capable of wielding weapons that would cripple humans with relative ease. Whilest being very, VERY accurate.

This, combined with his mindbuggery, is something that it greatly feared by the supernatural world. Spells, and assorted can't help you if the guy is standing right next to you with a shotgun, and you don't even notice, eh?


Gary, unlike some vampires, has gone along with the times, and learned how to effectively use a computer. Hacking, datamining..he's learned it all. Though admittedly, he isn't a master at it: He generally outsources the cracking of high-profile databases.



Fire is pretty damaging to his undead body.


Extended exposure to sunlight (that is to say, an hour or two, maybe?) will kill him. The fact that he CAN survive sunlight is a testament to his durability, however.


Gary is allergic to rats. Even touching the things causes him to shudder and twitch. Drinking rat blood would paralyse him momentarily. It's why he uses rats for the most dangerous tasks ( with a certain glee, even.)


If Gary even thinks you -might- be plotting against him, he won't rest easy until he's either: found out if you ARE plotting or if he's taken enough countermeasures ( which doesn't happen often).

That might backfire, though. Scared vampires are vicious vampires.

RP hooks

Ever seen porn movies? Gary has produced three porn movies in his time, including Shagging with the Dead. Naturally, all of them were based around vampires. He starred in two of them.

Ever been or needed an info broker? Gary Lelik's name would likely be known, as he's -damn- good at what he does. And damn expensive. Usually.

Are you a vampire or do you interact with them? You probably have heard of this madcap, odd vampire. Not a lot of it nice.

Are you an Orphan/Homeless/Work at soup kitchens? You may have heard the rumors of Gary being the source behind several orphanages, homeless shelters and soup kitchens. He has denied these claims, of course.

Are you a bounty hunter? You lay have heard of several bounties on him. Mostly from criminal organisations.


((put your IC comments here!))

"Who? The ugly-ass vampire? He's a cool...er, lad. Not th'kind ye'd want over yer dinner with neighbours but I s'pose he's a decent fellow." Angus

"He is quite the ladies-man, it's true! And such a pretty face!"
-Hannah Hel-Dottir

"Garypire? Yeah... He knows a lot of things. Sometimes, too much. But the thing about this Glampire is that he only shows his facade. A grumpy Badasspire, that's what he'll show you of himself. He'll deny caring about certain things, but I know better. Gary's a beautiful person trapped in a cursed body. To put it bluntly, every time he says 'I'm prettier' or the likes, I don't think he means physically... But rather, refers to his inner self, the sweet guy he doesn't show to others. Oh, I like to call him names, heh." -Natasha Roy (Divael)

"Heh. I happen to like Gary a lot. He's got a damn good shot too. His pet dog bit me on the ass once. . .remind me to get him back for that." -Veronica Vivi Brimstone

"Gary is... intimidating. The last guy you'll ever want to mess with. But when he's passionate about something... it always seems to shine through." -Onihara