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Latest revision as of 15:36, 3 May 2017

Player: @katoregama
"The worst part about changing is you sometimes lose the good parts of what you were."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Trevor Velasquez
Known Aliases: TW
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Half Hispanic, Half Caucasian
Place of Birth: Dallas, TX
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Relatives: Parents Martha and Joseph, Sister Lupita
Age: 31
Height: 8 ft (Varies)
Weight: 271 lbs (Varies)
Eyes: Right is yellow-orange, left is purple with a lime green spiral
Hair: Blond
Complexion: Dark Tan
Physical Build: Enormous
Physical Features: Body covered in criss-crossing scars where his skin has previously split from stress
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Less than 1
Citizenship: Earth
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: Bachelor of the Arts
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
TW's Abilities
  • Super Strength
  • Reactive Expansion
  • Shapeshifting
  • Prism Flight
  • Sonic Voice

Equipment and Paraphernalia
Must wear mouthpiece to block out a sonic voice
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and History


Trevor was perhaps a human ideal prior to becoming a superhero. Charming, athletic, attractive, compassionate, and he had his act well-together. It was hard not to like him once you knew him. He was the son of Martha and Joseph Velasquez, with an adorable baby sister named Lupita. Trevor had a mundane childhood, far removed from the bustle of superhero society, but he had his own respect for the profession, and frequently daydreamed what it might be like if he too were a hero.

Super Citizens

Trevor got his chance, being selected to participate on the Reality TV show Super Citizens. The goal of the show was to assemble people into teams of two, and have them compete at various hero-related tasks. This included putting out fires, helping out at homeless shelters, and various other activities. As Trevor was William Levi brand of charming, with Zac Efron brand of beefiness, he was well-liked by the audience, and alongside his partner Karen Carillo, won the competition. The prize? Superpowers.

Unfortunately such a public display of the acquisition of superpowers, even using proprietary methods, caught the attention of VIPER agents. In addition to making an attempt at stealing the hero formula, VIPER agents also sabotaged the heroic conversion tubes as Trevor and Karen underwent anesthesia. Their conversion went awry, destroying their minds, and leaving their powers in flux.

Hanging Capes

Trevor was shortly after admitted to the Hanging Capes psychiatric facility to be treated for mental trauma. His powers, still developing, kept responding to his last strong memories; that of a rainbow of light filtering through his glass tube, and the hum of the conversion machinery which, to Trevor, sounded like a train. When these memories would re-emerge strongly, he'd develop powers in reflection. He acquired a form of rainbow flight, as well as the bizarre ability to turn into a flying train engine.

Escape from the Asylum

Because of the malleable nature of his abilities, interested parties hoped to trigger different transformations by introducing gently harmful stimuli. Trevor was exposed to electrocution, drowning, burning, poison gas, radioactive insect bites, and even cosmic radiation. Instead of developing odd elemental powers, his body altered itself to compensate for damage with an extreme form of regeneration that enormously increased his size and mass in response to harm. With immense strength, no control over it, and a scrambled mind, Trevor began developing hallucinations about inanimate objects speaking. They spoke in ways relative to their context; a bed offering comfort was motherly and kind, a doorway into a lab was looming and malicious, but the worst of all was the outer wall and window to Trevor's cell, which constantly mocked him with his lack of freedom. One evening, in a fit of rage, Trevor attacked his 'nemesis', Doctor Deathwall, and escaped from the asylum.

Modern History

Public Work

Because his doctors consistently referred to Trevor as Trainwreck, due to his mental and physical state, as well as his train form, he adopted the moniker for his hero name. (One word in Trev's case. Trainwreck, not Train Wreck.) Physically imposing, and frequently donning an inmate's jumpsuit, most people are very quick to judge TW as a dangerous lunatic, or insane villain. ((It is possible the player wants to use this superhero as a platform to express how maybe people shouldn't judge a book by its cover. >> )) Despite these interpretations, TW is well mannered, well meaning, and very careful to make sure his powers do not cause undue harm. The third of those is the most difficult, as his fluctuation size and strength in response to harm makes it nearly impossible for him to gauge how hard he hits.

During his patrols out in Westside, he kept himself fed and clothed by dumpster diving. He was even able to find a full-set of heroic gear just waiting for him. While he insists it was just a miraculous find, the truth is that he had warmed enough hearts for a grateful citizen to donate the costume anonymously.

Current Operations

As Trainwreck was quick to forget where he was. Lost in Westside one morning, he was approached by an agent from the Order of Justice ((whose name I totally forgot, SORRY)). Due to his attention towards repelling Red Banner associates, all while trying to find his own location, he was recruited into the group very quickly and efficiently. Though TW follows his own path, he is always on call when the group needs a brute.


Trainwreck has a child-like innocence and inner tranquility few people understand. He gets emotionally motivated by even the smallest actions, and has a friendly adoration for most superheroes. He is well knowledgeable towards public figures, though the extent of that knowledge can fluctuate very quickly. He has a scary physical presence, but a heart of gold. He is adamantly independent, insisting that he help himself, rather than receive the aid of others.

General Perception

Public figures will look at Trainwreck, and at a glance, assume he is a dangerous, escaped lunatic. He's at least the latter for sure. How you feel about him varies between those who know him, and those who know of him. Mostly, he is seen as a terrifying and untrustworthy brute who would just as soon kill you as look at you. He is very much the opposite, being kind, generous, enthusiastic, and compassionate.

Powers, Abilities, and Gear


Technically, Trainwreck has but ONE power; shapeshifting. However, the sabotaged power acquisition process left the change in limbo. Portions of his physical brain is constantly in a state of changing shape, which moves, alters, and disconnects neurons at random. Because of this, he can quickly forget information, only to remember it later. This includes simple things like a plethora of useless hero trivia, or more important things like his own name or how to swim. His body is much the same way, but because his mind cannot focus on a form, he stays stuck between what people normally see, and the form of a train.

His malleable particles draw additional physical materials from the air or environment to supplement an extreme recovery factor. Simple injuries like cuts and bruises cause his body to aggressively replicate cells to repair the damage. Without a fully functioning nervous system though, the brain cannot adequately detect the area of injury, and thus it repairs everything at once. Because of this rapid cell-replication, his physical size and strength are prone to sharp increases in combat. Then, once the injury is corrected, the additional materials are dispersed back into the environment.

This same molecule absorption and dispersion is how Trainwreck maintains flight. He absorbs and disperses ambient fluids which refract light. This give him the appearance of flying on rainbows. It would be more accurate to say, he has an organic jetback.


Super Strength - Not all of his powers vanish. The longer, or more frequently he uses an ability, the more permanent it becomes. Super strength came very easily due to his regeneration. He can currently lift upwards of 30 tons, but increases in size will also increase the limit.

Hyper Voice - Vibrating molecules in his body also alter the output of his voice. 90% of the time, this poses no problem. The other 10% will cause him to emit sonic booms from his mouth. This normally occurs when he is stressed.