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| header = #FFFFFF
| font = #000000
| bg1 = #696969
| bg2 = #696969
| bg3 = #696969
| bg4 = #696969
| border = #000000
| cell1 = #696969
| cell2 = #696969
| name = Wolfsbane
| player = [[User:Leroyswish|@leroyswish]]
| image = Confidentialimage.png
| caption = ''"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls."'' '''--George Carlin'''
| realname = Sal Campbell
| alias = Wolfsbane
| gender = Male
| species = Lupine
| ethnicity = Caucasian
| birthplace = Byron, Wyoming
| operations = Mobile
| relatives = None Known
| age = 34
| height = 6'6
| weight = 311 lbs.
| eyes = Yellow
| hair = Gray Fur
| complexion = N/A
| build = Heavily Muscular
| features = Werewolf-like physiology
| alignment = 4
| reputation = 3
| identity = Secret (Known to Authorities)
| years_active = 2
| citizenship = US Citizen
| occupation = Unemployed
| education = High School Diploma
| marital = Single, never married
| powers = UV Vision & Hyper-Olfactory
| paraphernalia = None

Latest revision as of 21:08, 16 June 2016

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