"Where to start! well...
Born and raised in Detroit, well on the skirts of it that is. Life was tough I suppose but I never noticed it being anything other than Normal really! it all started when Detroit was destroyed when I was thirteen years of age. Trying to rebuild my life when I lost everything, my parents, my brother everything that was dear to me...gone. I hit depression hard growing up, didn't want to make friends didn't care for my education, all I wanted was to pass the days until I saw a hero one time which, would end up changing my life... forever!"
"Yup, a hero whose name I never even got to know. He
was clad in a white outfit with blue and red, he
like a true hero, a beacon
of hope. It wasn't until years later I would realise
what he was more than who he was, his appearance here
was to stop a mad villain
from exploding half of downtown in millenium city, I
should of said this is my new home now, has been since
I was made an orphan. some
rich family adopted me, I was sure as hell lucky to get
a chance like this and I never took it for granted thats
for sure! anyway back
to the matter at hand, he stopped the villain, some punk
who got abit above himself and this hero managed to save
the city, nobody was
even the wiser as to his exploits. Nobody had seen or
of him, Im not sure how he stopped it but he did
nonetheless, a true hero!
to the end. That's where my tale begins, I was somewhat
vaporised by a blinding light emitting from the corpse
the nameless hero and
when I awoke, I did so in a strange new setting,
nothing was
familiar, everything felt weird, strange, foreign
And indeed it
was for this was a different dimension, not just a
but a living one! this pocket dimension which called
"Om" was alive
for logic and reasons unknown to my mind, I was just
a kid
still really! I was twenty years of age with my whole
life of
business ahead
of me taught to me by my step-father to continue his
yet this entity of sorts had other plans for me.
Remember that
hero? he
was an enforcer of sorts, this Om's right hand to
carry out
deeds in this dimension and in my own for they were
linked in
Universal way or something, matters a little beyond me
if Im
honest. basically earth, my specific version of it is
the hub
to Om's
wheel, without earth it cannot exist as it is bound to
cosmic law of creation and dimensional energies, I
told you its
a little
So being this enforcer I must make sure
stays on its current course of existance so no evil
plots to
destroy the
world basically, but I look at the smaller matters also.
While Om
tells me they are insignifigent to him they are precious
to me.
I was blessed with powers beyond my imagination and to
stand by
and not defend the weak? even if it is a mugging to a
bank heist
still my job, my duty as a man to help with this power
I was given
and this power I speak of? well...thats for another time.
Iv been
doing this hero business for a while now, sixteen years
Long time and Iv met some good people along the way,
true heroes
also villains, criminals and general bad apples.
The world is a big
place and it takes the efforts of many just like me to
help keep it
in one piece, well thats how I came to be Captain Unity,
the name?
Oh right that came about after thinking about the unison
of my world
and Om, Unity..get it? Nervermind. well that should wrap
us up for now
as....my civilian life? I try keep that on a down low
but I do
however own an investment company that you may have
heard of
Uni-Investments? No!? you need to read the news once in
a while then!
now you know my story its time for me to do what I
do best....