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| name = Battery
| player = @heartstringsk3
| image =
| caption =
| realname = Danielle Claudia Lefevre
| alias = "Sparky"
| gender = Female
| species = Human
| ethnicity = Caucasian
| birthplace = New York City
| operations = Millennium City
| relatives = Claude Lefevre (father),Miranda McKay (formerly Lefevre), Henry and Caitlin McKay (grandparents)
| age = 15
| height = 5'2"
| weight = ~110 lbs.
| eyes = Sky blue
| hair = Pale blonde
| complexion = Light-skinned, smooth
| build = Slender, athletic
| features = Button nose, large almond eyes
| alignment = 9
| reputation = 1
| identity = Secret
| years_active = ~1
| citizenship = United States
| occupation = Student
| education = Some high school
| marital = Single
| powers = Bio-electricity generation, manipulation
| paraphernalia = Pepperspray, zipties, phone, multitool
=='''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">History</div>'''==
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Revision as of 04:53, 10 July 2024

Player: @heartstringsk3
Biographical Data
Real Name: Danielle Claudia Lefevre
Known Aliases: "Sparky"
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: New York City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Claude Alexander Lefevre (father),Miranda Hillary McKay (formerly Lefevre), Henry & Caitlin McKay (grandparents)
Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: ~110 lbs.
Eyes: Sky blue
Hair: Pale blonde
Complexion: Light-skinned, smooth
Physical Build: Slender, athletic
Physical Features: Button nose, large almond eyes
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: ~1
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Student
Education: Some high school
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Bio-electricity generation, manipulation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Pepperspray, zipties, phone, multitool
ReldinBoxMini Template


For most of her life, Danielle Lefevre lived a charmed life. She lived in a New York City penthouse, went to a private school. Her father was quite well-off, she was popular at school, on the cheerleading squad, she wanted for nothing. Developing superpowers was probably the worst time of her life until then. She didn't want powers, she didn't want to be a freak or upset her status quo. She'd started shocking people she touched, zapping phones and computers, swimming became a no-go, terrified that she'd hurt someone. She took to wearing rubber bands around her wrists, her ankles, anything to ground herself, absorb the electricity her body was naturally generating. She had to work hard to gain control over her abilities, little by little, but eventually, satisfied she could handle them enough to suppress them, she gladly tried to move on and ignore that she had them. She certainly didn't want the pressures or danger of being some superhero, but also didn't have any desire to use her powers for selfish or harmful purposes.

When her father got a job opportunity in Millennium City, Danielle was inconsolable. Uprooting her entire pampered life to move to an admittedly-nice new city, losing her friends, having to start from square one? Truly this was the worst thing to ever happen to her! She spent the entire process huffy and overdramatic, not making things easy for her parents. And yet the move still came.

Her father, Claude Lefevre, was, as far as Dani was aware, some middle-manager or something at a popular New York casino, and had been promoted to became the head management of the newly-renovated Five Aces casino in Millennium. It was a big step, and even his daughter's spoiled attitude couldn't dampen his spirits. Some months later, what did dampen his spirits was a group of meddling superheroes uncovering the Five Aces casino as a front for all manner of underworld dealings, most notably a metahuman trafficking ring. Claude was exposed; he'd long been in deep with the mob, working loyally in NYC before getting an opportunity to lead his own operation in Millennium City. The man was unrepentant, going to jail swearing revenge on the Adventurers, the group that took him down.

His family was left to pick up the pieces. His assets frozen, Dani and her mother quickly ran into money problems, selling their swanky suite for something cheap and affordable. Her mother had to desperately find a job after years of being a trophy wife. But that could be tolerable, even if it was a bit of a culture shock. What became intolerable was the hit to their reputation. No one truly believed that Miranda and Danielle could be completely oblivious to their husband/father's real job. Dani's fellow students spread rumors, left nasty messages and threats; what kind of girl would happily let their dad trade in human lives and violence? She'd never experienced such distrust and resentment towards her. Her friends abandoned her for safer options, and she was left alone, a social pariah, just quietly keeping her head down and trying to get through school.

And privately, Danielle was even more torn. She was a metahuman. Would her own father have thought so little of her, if he'd known? She was forced to admit she really didn't know him at all, would he have gladly sold her off to some science lab or villainous organization? She felt sick, as if her father had left a stain on her life. With grim determination, she decided to do something with her powers. Millennium City was a dangerous place, she could be a hero. It wouldn't repair her family name or even her own reputation - especially since she had no intention of revealing her identity - but in her eyes, if she could add some good to the world, maybe she'd one day prove she was worth more than her father's criminal legacy.
