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Thalia has had experience fighting in a myriad of scenarios, from magic-based armies, sorcerers, knights and warriors, to even undead, fellow marksmen, futuristic soldiers, various monsters, superhuman specialists, and even deities. As a result of her abilities and experience, Thalia has been classified in the Black Legion as a '''hyper-lethal combatant'''.
Thalia has had experience fighting in a myriad of scenarios, from magic-based armies, sorcerers, knights and warriors, to even undead, fellow marksmen, futuristic soldiers, various monsters, superhuman specialists, and even deities. As a result of her abilities and experience, Thalia has been classified in the Black Legion as a '''hyper-lethal combatant'''.
'''Stance 48''': A mode of extreme focus that Seven Four can enter where the War Doll takes a ranged stance, fuelling all her cybernetic power into her eyesight to locate weak points. Stance 48 consumes a significant amount of a War Doll's internal battery and overclocks the cybernetic computer to compute vulnerabilities of the target regardless of how fast and obscure it is. When Thalia enters Stance 48, a glowing cyan reticle appears over her eye. While Stance 48 is active, Thalia's physical abilities diminish as her body reroutes all power into assessing her opponents, meaning the protocol will also put her in a position of vulnerability if used recklessly. Thalia has used Stance 48 in conjunction with other immobilization protocols to ensure no harm befalls her during the assessment protocol or assigns a subordinate Doll (usually 75-M) to use the protocol. Once Stance 48 outlines the weaknesses of her target, the data is saved in her on-board memory, allowing 74-M to act upon these vulnerabilities even when the protocol is deactivated.
'''Stance 48 "Azrael Protocol"''': A mode of extreme focus that Seven Four can enter where the War Doll takes a ranged stance, fuelling all her cybernetic power into her eyesight to locate weak points. Stance 48 consumes a significant amount of a War Doll's internal battery and overclocks the cybernetic computer to compute vulnerabilities of the target regardless of how fast and obscure it is. When Thalia enters Stance 48, a glowing cyan reticle appears over her eye. While Stance 48 is active, Thalia's physical abilities diminish as her body reroutes all power into assessing her opponents, meaning the protocol will also put her in a position of vulnerability if used recklessly. Thalia has used Stance 48 in conjunction with other immobilization protocols to ensure no harm befalls her during the assessment protocol or assigns a subordinate Doll (usually 75-M) to use the protocol. Once Stance 48 outlines the weaknesses of her target, the data is saved in her on-board memory, allowing 74-M to act upon these vulnerabilities even when the protocol is deactivated.
Stance 48 is comparable to Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd's '''Ultraspeed Thought Processing''' in that the protocol greatly accelerates the computational power of a Tactical War Doll, however, the drawback of its reduced physical abilities has been the main reason for its inferiority against Inner Shadow Gasket's superior processing algorithm. In spite of this, the tactical advantage of Stance 48 has been what allows the SFA strike teams to quickly determine the appropriate method of dispatching their targets.
Stance 48 is comparable to Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd's '''Ultraspeed Thought Processing''' in that the protocol greatly accelerates the computational power of a Tactical War Doll, however, the drawback of its reduced physical abilities has been the main reason for its inferiority against Inner Shadow Gasket's superior processing algorithm. In spite of this, the tactical advantage of Stance 48 has been what allows the SFA strike teams to quickly determine the appropriate method of dispatching their targets.

Revision as of 00:54, 3 July 2024

Thalia-profile 008.png
Black Legion Outer Shadow
Rank 42
"M74 of SFA-Muon"
Tactical War Doll
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Tactical Ranged DPS
R & D: Science and Arms
Level: Elite Tier A+ Rank
Occupation: Outer Shadow (Reporting to Inner Shadow Slipstream)
Chief of the SFA-Muon Company
Student (Azure All Girls Academy, Formerly)
Personal Data
Real Name: 74-M (Repurposed)
Thalia Atlai (Formerly)
Known Aliases: 74-M
Outer Shadow M74
Seven Four
Thalia (By Aaron)
Identity: Secret
Species: Tactical War Doll (Current)
Human (Formerly)
Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 91 lb
Eye Color: Grey (Natural)
Various (Depending on mission)
Hair Color: Brown (Natural)
Various (Depending on mission)
Blood Type: Confidential
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Confidential
Birthdate: Confidential
Nationality: Condidential
Current Residence: SFA Muon Barracks
Religion/Faith: Confidential
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
English, Various other languages
Known Relatives
Unnamed Deceased Parents
Known Powers
Tactical War Doll Android Physiology: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Reflexes, and Dexterity
Training / Abilities
Master Tactical Fighter, Military Commander, Marksmanship, Weapons Specialist, Rifle Proficiency, Hand to Hand Combatant
Various Semi-Automatic Rifles
Various Sidearms
Appearance Modifying Tools
Protective Gear
74-M is a character from Darwin's Great Akuma Universe

"Your skillset shines in a solo act. But as an Outer Shadow, you are responsible for your allies. If you cannot lead your subordinates, then you should not have them."

- Seven Four to Aaron Hope

Tactical War Doll 74-M, or Seven Four, formerly known as Thalia Atlai prior to having her body rebuilt, is an Outer Shadow serving the Black Legion Organization, and is the Chief Tactical War Doll of the Special Forces Aggression (SFA) Muon Company, a group of specialized super-cybernetic soldiers serving Inner Shadow Jay "Slipstream" Hellion. In the Black Legion, Seven Four is assigned the codename Outer Shadow M74. During the events of Beyond the Gods II, Seven Four was responsible for overseeing and mentoring Aaron Hope in the art of military warfare and coordination in a combat cell.

Highly strategic, intelligent, and pragmatic for a young girl her age, Seven Four's upbringing has shaped her into an extremely lethal fighter, with her specialization being in rifle proficiency and large-scale superhuman military warfare. After having her original body incinerated by Inner Shadow Evangelion, the young soldier was given a cybernetic body as a replacement, turning her into a super soldier, accompanied by an array of superhuman physical abilities. However, Seven Four's main strength lies in her ability to coordinate with the rest of the girls in SFA-Muon to launch incredibly complex and flawless strategies to the point where the unit is capable of taking down Outer Shadow Dainsleif, who is considered the strongest Outer Shadow currently active in the entire Black Legion.

In the Black Legion, Seven Four's combat prowess has given her the rating of Elite Tier A+ Ranked, making her a proficient soldier even amongst Outer Shadows.

Seven Four, along with the rest of her battle sisters in SFA-Muon are also avid shoppers of Greer & Harlick's designer brand clothes. However, the Outer Shadow keeps this fact strictly confidential, with Aaron Hope being the only man in the company to have discovered this quality of hers. Aaron would later leak this information to PRIMUS in exchange for 200,000 Globals, a Therakiel's Sword cosmetic, and an Inborn Tenacity device, causing a furious Seven Four to punish Aaron by kicking him out of the residence and sleeping outside for a week.


74-M with brown contacts

Attacker 1: Shoot the leader!
Attacker 2: Which one's the leader?
Attacker 1: The... one with the... brown... and green... damn it they all look the same!

- Enemy fighters unable to differentiate 74-M from the rest of the Dolls in her squad

74-M is depicted to be a tomboyish young girl in her teenage years with a petite and short build. Standing approximately 5 foot 2 inches, the War Doll is said to have a youthful appearance, causing Aaron to mistaken her for an early middle schooler despite being fifteen. 74 possesses medium-length brown hair that sits at neck level, and grey eyes.

The color of 74's hair and irises vary depending on the mission to blend in with her surroundings. The War Doll has dyed her hair in a myriad of colors from dirt brown, to asphalt black, to even platinum blonde in response to battlefields covered in ashes from firefights. The irises of her eyes vary greatly in missions through dozens of contact lenses and can vary from her original grey to blue, to green, and a variety of other colors to keep enemies from being able to differentiate and coordinate target attacks in a multiple Doll cell.

When 74 was first introduced, the War Doll sported a military helmet, a vest, a pair of high socks, and a schoolgirl skirt, complete with a blouse. However, on normal occasions, 74 wears a military green t-shirt and baggy pants along with a military kevlar vest that houses numerous grenades and ammunition.

74 is said to constantly have a stern and serious look on her face, which is indicative of her pragmatic, no-nonsense personality.


74-M: Call me a loli one more time and we can save 76-M the trouble of severing your genitals.
Aaron: Sorry ma'am.

Befitting the Chief of the SFA Muon Regiment and a tactical operative-based Outer Shadow, 74 upholds a strict, stern, and strong militaristic attitude toward her peers and surroundings, commanding respect from her allies. 74's interactions have, for the most part, been professional and surface-level, as she believes knowing any more about both herself and her peers is considered "unnecessary".

Outer Shadow M74 mercilessly kills a Fury mother

74 is willing to proceed forward with her missions no matter what harm befalls her, and no matter who her enemy is. To some extent, the Chief War Doll seemingly also remained calm when her own comrades were captured during the Vessel's Attack on their base, showing her ability to objectively and logically assess her situations no matter how stressful they may appear to be. 74's willingness to do whatever is necessary also extends to her morality - similarly to the rest of her brethren, 74-M shows little to no hesitation in taking lives. This degree of coldheartedness left behind a noticeable sense of unease among other Outer Shadows, namely Outer Shadow Dainsleif, who found 74's killer instinct to be disturbing; an example of this is one of SFA-Muon's "Clean House" operations, where 74 shot a pregnant Fury without hesitation. However, despite this, it is noted that 74's composure would break at times if lethal harm came to the people she cared about, as such when Tactical War Doll 77-M was killed before her very eyes by the Vessel Loki. 74 also froze, seemingly overwhelmed with emotion when 77-M's sister, 78-M snapped at the Chief War Doll after witnessing 77's death.

Later on in the story, 74 begins to open up about her feelings to Aaron, revealing that she is aware of her shortcomings as a War Doll to the SFA Company and expresses a desire to become as strong as Jay Hellion's strongest Outer Shadow, Tactical War Doll 0-A. 74 claimed that to her, strength meant to keep marching forward as a real soldier would, no matter what challenges, be it physical, mental, or psychological came her way, implying that her views on strength translated greatly to emotional numbness. Aaron would rebuke this belief, reinforcing the idea that, unlike Zero-A, Seven Four possessed a quality that made him choose her over any other Outer Shadow in Hellion's Ranks, which was her ability to care about the Dolls that served under her even in the heat of battle. Aaron's claim would also be proven correct after 74 shielded the Outer Shadow with her own body, letting herself be hit by the Vessel Jekyll's bullets, and once again when 74 made the decision to charge and withstand Inner Shadow Evangelion's Stage Four Hinokami Flame up close to confirm the presence of his core - despite the potency of the flame being strong enough to send SS Ranked Auxiliary Shadow Hellsing unconscious. 74's decision to face Evangelion alongside Aaron, Bryce, and Zero-A was a monumental one, as Evangelion was considered the lifelong bogeyman to not only the girls of the SFA company but even her commanding Inner Shadow, Jay Hellion, who was once Evangelion's Outer Shadow. With the reveal that it was Evangelion who killed and incinerated Thalia's parents, 74-M's adherence to duty is further strengthened showing that no matter how big of a trauma her obstacle is, the Outer Shadow is more than obliged to push through.

Despite 74's general seriousness, there are instances where the War Doll becomes noticeably emotional, especially when Zero-A is brought up. Whenever she is near the Ace Outer Shadow, Seven Four becomes noticeably more on-edge, doing her absolute best to try to impress A0 to the point where any chance that could cause her reputation to dip just a little would result in a comedic freakout. As evidenced when Aaron accidentally blurted out that 74 could have been the mole amongst the ranks in front of Zero-A and the rest of the Outer Shadows, Seven Four lost composure and yelled at her fellow Outer Shadow. It has been confirmed by 75-M that Seven Four harbors romantic feelings for Zero-A, though believes she has yet to "deserve her" and must prove herself before she can confess her feelings.

74-M's office

Seven Four greatly dislikes being called a "loli" by Aaron, implying that the War Doll prefers to be seen as a woman as opposed to a girl. Of course, despite being aware of this, Aaron continues to joke about the rest of the Tactical War Dolls (Seven Four included) being lolis or little children, and their commanding Inner Shadow, Jay Hellion, as a "lolicon". When Seven Four learned that Aaron had uploaded a video on the Black Legion Secure Internet titled Jay Hellion being a borderline pedophile with his teenage female Outer Shadows for sixteen minutes and forty-two seconds, the War Doll responded with great disappointment for her colleague. However, it is hinted that 74 was aware of Aaron's intent to help her with Wall Patrol and Cleaning Duty and shouldering the shame of insubordination alongside her, for which she was grateful.

"You're not gonna go with them?"
"I am needed here. And I don't care for clothes."

75-M leaned close to me, whispering in my ear.
"She's just insecure about going out when there's a boy in our cohort-"


"Be sure to dispose of any corpses along the way," 74-M said to the rest of the team, who dragged 75-M out of the door.

- From Tactical War Dolls, Beyond the Gods II

Contrary to her stern perspective on duty, Seven Four recognizes the importance of downtime, and encourages her squad to take time off when they get the chance, including Aaron, telling the Outer Shadow that "no one [was] immune to burnout". During downtime, 74-M usually reads or reviews paperwork in her office. It was later revealed by Seven Five that the Outer Shadow actually is an avid shopper of Greer & Harlick, and enjoys designer fashion. However, due to the way Seven Four presents herself, this hobby of hers is met with great embarrassment, causing the Chief War Doll to keep this side of hers strictly confidential. When in the presence of other Shadows of the Black Legion Organization and other War Dolls, 74-M always wears hoodies and plain clothes, however, when with her squad, 74-M frequently visits Greer & Harlick's tailor.

When Millennium City was restored by the combined efforts of Aaron Hope and the Champions, Hope brought 74-M to the city in an attempt to try to introduce the War Doll to the more "human side" of life, explaining that the downtime that she had once lectured him about could also be considered times where she could embrace "Thalia", over "Seven Four". Touched by Aaron's kindness, 74-M accepted his request and decided to go by her former human name, Thalia Atlai, living her life as an ordinary citizen when visiting the Champions Universe during her time off along with the rest of SFA-Muon. According to Aaron, a large chunk of profits to Greer & Harlick have been from the girls at SFA-Muon, who exchange valuable jewelry from the raids of Loyce Hal's Subordinate Demon Lord kingdoms for Cosmic Keys of Power and Globals.


SFA-Muon Regiment

75-M (Charlotte Winchester)

Seven Four and Seven Five have a sibling-like relationship, in which Seven Five acts like the younger sister who exhibits more chaotic-like energy. Unlike the other members of SFA-Muon, 75-M does not hesitate to express her thoughts and desires, something that Seven Four sometimes finds irritating. This was especially so with the fact that 75-M would routinely attempt to "propose" to Aaron, only to be comedically shot down by both Aaron (due to the age gap) and Seven Four. 74-M is not above hitting 75-M, though it is implied that this is done without harmful intent but rather as an act of discipline, evidenced by the fact that 75-M would always shrug it off and pout.

74-M, like the rest of the girls of SFA-Muon, Aaron, and several other Dolls of the SFA company is also irked by 75-M's openness to her "boys love" fetish.

Despite all this, 74-M holds great respect for 75-M's abilities, as evidenced when the Chief War Doll kept her composure upon learning that 75-M was captured by a Vessel, showing trust in her comrade's survival instinct. 74-M also acknowledges 75-M's incredible skill as a long-range marksman and sniping skills, frequently assigning the War Doll to positions that suit her skillset the best. 74-M's sisterly love for 75-M was once more reinforced upon being asked about her loyalty to the SFA Regiment by Inner Shadow Slipstream, in which Seven Four responded that she chose Seven Five without hesitation and that she always admired her subordinate War Doll's adherence to herself over the opinion of others.


It is implied that Seven Four and Seven Six get along well, with Seven Four trusting 76-M's abilities at close-quarters combat. Though, at times 74-M is put off by 76-M's violent tendencies and anger management issues, as evidenced when during a Christmas Secret Santa, 74-M gifted 76-M a stress ball. Enraged, 76-M would crush the ball in the palm of her hand, defeating the whole point of having a stress ball in the first place.


74-M holds great remorse for what she believed was her fault in Seven Seven's death. When 78-M held her sister in her arms, 74-M was visibly distraught, losing her composure and showing clear signs of guilt throughout much of Beyond the Gods II. However, after making amends with Seven Eight, it appears that 74-M has accepted her mistakes and moved on.


Initially, Seven Four and Seven Eight got along well, recognizing that 78-M, who was inherently outspoken would choose to act introverted so her sister, 77-M would not be left out during conversations, who was very introverted. However, the relationship between 74-M and 78-M would become extremely strained following 77-M's death, with 78-M nearly betraying the SFA company and the Black Legion after having a nervous breakdown. In an attempt to try to calm 78 down, the War Doll ended up slapping 74-M in the face, accusing the Outer Shadow of treating her own comrades as mere objectives.

78-M's outburst on 74-M caused significant amounts of emotional pain to the Chief War Doll, who would hold onto the guilt for a long period of time. Eventually, 74-M and 78-M would reconcile, with 74-M proving to 78-M that she wanted to "do right by Seven Seven" by accepting responsibility and joining Aaron in his wager against the feared Inner Shadow that haunted the Tactical War Dolls.


"War makes you mature fast. Maybe my opinion isn't very well received by what is expected from me, but when you're forced to mature so fast, something always ends up breaking. And that is what's happened to all of us. Something is wrong with us."

- Tactical War Doll 78-M on 74-M and the rest of her battle sisters

Before becoming an Outer Shadow, 74-M lived her life as Thalia Atlai, an ordinary girl who attended Azure All Girls Academy. Not much is known about Thalia's parents, however, it was surmised that Thalia lived an ordinary life and was an average student. It was later learned in a flashback that Thalia knew Zero-A back when she went by the name Alice Azure, and greatly looked up to Alice as her fellow classmate was the valedictorian of her year.

Thalia Atlai, prior to becoming a Shadow to the Black Legion Organization

The turning point in Thalia's life started with the reveal of Alice's true nature - a Vessel of Vala Candidate. As Alice seemingly was born into a perfect family, with loving, wealthy parents, perfect grades, perfect looks, and athleticism, Vala, The Ancient Spirit of Hope would choose Alice to become her Heart, causing the young girl to become a target of The Black Legion Organization who opposed Vala. In response to this discovery, The Black Legion would send Inner Shadow Evangelion to eliminate Vala's Heart by any means necessary.

During the events of Evangelion's arrival to Thalia's world, the Inner Shadow was accompanied by Outer Shadow Jay "Slipstream" Hellion, and the pair wreaked havoc in the world, with Jay destroying the world's superheroes, defenders, and military, while Evangelion would target the parents by incinerating and lobotomizing them with his Hinokami. The delirious parents of the Academy invaded the school, now under the paranoid belief that Evangelion was a god who needed sacrifices. The parents would attempt to sacrifice their children to appease Evangelion, leading to a twelve-year-old Thalia and the rest of the schoolgirls locking themselves in their respective classrooms and gyms to try to protect themselves from their own parents.

As the parents continued to try to break into the gymnasium, Thalia, along with Alice and several other girls began to enter a panic, realizing they were moments away from being crucified by their own loved ones. While Thalia and Alice tried to reassure the girls, the door finally barged open, with a piece of a broom that was used to jam the door piercing and slicing Alice's eye out. The man responsible would be Alice's father, the headmaster of Azure Academy, revealed to have been a reanimated corpse, burning with the fires of the Hinokami. Alice's father reasoned that all he needed was her and that as long as Alice was to be sacrificed, the other girls could go free.

In an attempt to try to save the rest of the girls, Alice devised a lie to convince everyone that it was she who lured the Demon into their world, the Demon being Inner Shadow Evangelion after the Inner Shadow was revealed to be a Primordial Demon. Alice claimed that it was because she hated the idea that everyone expected her to be perfect just because of her circumstances, that she felt the need to summon a being strong enough to breach the defenses of their world - a Primordial. By doing so, the chaos and destruction, along with everything that had happened to everyone's parents was her fault. Enraged at Alice, the girls allowed the valedictorian to stay behind and be sacrificed by the parents - however, one person saw through Alice's lie: Thalia. Thalia would reluctantly leave Alice to be crucified, running in the opposite direction and hearing the screams of the girl she loved that would haunt her for years to come.

Inner Shadow Evangelion incinerates Thalia's parents before her very eyes

While on the run, a guilt-ridden Thalia would spend months along with other survivors of the Azure Academy and learn to defend herself until Alice returned, going under the new name 0-A. It was revealed that in an attempt to try to save the girls, Evangelion's subordinate Outer Shadow, Jason "Slipstream" Hellion attempted a wager in exchange for their freedom, at the cost of their eternal servitude. However, because Hellion was unable to win the wager, Evangelion forced the girls to serve the Black Legion Organization under Slipstream's command. Overjoyed that Alice had survived, Thalia accepted her offer to join Slipstream's ranks and learn the art of military warfare.

"I was forced to choose the life of my classmates or my parents. He wanted to mold me into a soldier, and I was so terrified because of my love for both that I could not make that decision. Ultimately, it was because of my fear that caused my parents to be incinerated alive. I've lived with this my whole life, that guilt, that pain."

- Seven Four

Thalia's colder personality after being rebuilt

Despite being part of Slipstream's ranks, Thalia, along with the rest of the Azure Academy students was not let off easy; the girls were all subjected to Slipstream and Evangelion's brutal training regime. Realizing that Alice and the girls still held onto their morals, Evangelion forced each Auxiliary Shadow prospect to choose between killing or having their parents, who were still reanimated under Evangelion's flame destroyed permanently. Many of the girls would choose their parents, however, in Thalia's case, due to her admiration for Alice and survivor's guilt from letting her father crucify her, caused her to hesitate in making the decision. Thalia would watch in horror as Evangelion would incinerate her parents before her very eyes. Evangelion would follow up by incinerating Thalia herself, along with the rest of Azure Academy students for their inability to serve as proper soldiers.

With Thalia and the rest of the girls burnt to ashes, a grief-stricken Jay Hellion turned to Inner Shadow Gasket, begging the Inner Shadow to rebuild the girls and have them serve as true soldiers for Inner Shadow Evangelion. Gasket, taking pity on the Outer Shadow, responded by creating artificial bodies to house the souls of all the children of Azure Academy and transforming them into cybernetic supersoldiers. Evangelion, having learned of this, would allow the newly formed "Tactical War Dolls" to serve Hellion under one single rule: to serve as true soldiers. From that day forth, the Tactical War Dolls of the SFA Company would serve Jason Hellion, with insubordination answering directly to Evangelion. By having all the girls rebuilt as cybernetic soldiers, all chances of Alice or any of the girls becoming hosts for the Spirit of Hope would be eliminated entirely, fulfilling Evangelion's mission.

After being rebuilt, Thalia's personality had become noticeably colder and more merciless. Realizing that her body was no longer human, the War Doll concluded that though she was alive, her soul was not and that moving forward, she would continue with her quest to become a soldier for not just Hellion's sake, but also Zero-A's sake. Abandoning her name, Thalia would go by the codename given to her by Zero-A, 74-M, with 74 being the seventy-fourth War Doll recruited to the SFA, and M standing for Muon, the company that she would lead in the distant future. Seven Four would continue on with numerous military campaigns, from fighting against enemy soldiers from other worlds to entire armies, building up her reputation and achievements and eventually becoming a Chief Tactical Doll for SFA-Muon.

When Jason Hellion was promoted to Inner Shadow, all the Chief War Dolls were promoted to Outer Shadows. Thalia would also be assigned a second codename: M74, which would associate her with the rest of the Outer Shadows in the Black Legion Organization.

Powers and Abilities

"These weren't little girls.
These were trained, and highly lethal killers."

- Aaron Hope

As an Outer Shadow of the Black Legion Organization, 74-M is an exceptionally dangerous individual. By relativistic comparison, former C Rank Outer Shadow Transplant was capable of taking down the entirety of the Contingency Initiative and achieving near-world domination of Yeling's world despite the presence of Dogma Holders including Katsuya Juuzou. As an Elite Tier A+ Ranked Outer Shadow, 74-M's implied destructive potential is daunting. When asked by Aaron about her opinions on the Champions Universe, the War Doll commented that the Cosmic Threats that roamed the world were similar to "house flies" and that she, along with SFA-Muon had "conquered significantly tougher opponents".

74-M's tactical prowess has been razer-honed to the point where the Chief War Doll can execute flawless protocols and intricate movement patterns developed over many years of tried and true warfare against a multitude of enemies. In her five-doll-cell, SFA-Muon, Seven Four, and the rest of her squad were capable of eliminating and taking down entire Demon Lord armies, as well as assassinating Demon Lords themselves through guerilla warfare and other strategic offensives. Inner Shadow Sliptream revealed that the SFA companies had been holding back former Inner Shadow Loyce Hal's immeasurable army of Demon Lords and their corresponding legions of soldiers the entire time, despite being a company of only forty-four strike teams with conventional firearms and weaponry.

The main driving factor behind Seven Four's prowess and her rating is her coordination with her battle sisters in SFA-Muon. Together with her strike team, 74-M's overall combat strength is at least planetary level, with its greatest feat being their ability to take down SS Ranked Outer Shadow Dainsleif, albeit with Aaron being unable to summon his magic and chakra, as well as conquering thousands of Demon Lords and their corresponding armies despite being a team of only five.

Physical Abilities

Enhanced Strength: Enhanced by her cybernetic physiology, Thalia obtained superhuman physical strength that allowed her to wield guns without suffering from recoil, greatly aiding in her ability to take down opponents in quick succession without readjusting her aim. When Thalia became accustomed to her new War Doll body, the Outer Shadow demonstrated her true capabilities by overpowering a Shadow Knight with her bare hands. Seven Four does not demonstrate her physical strength often, as the War Doll prefers using firearms. However, during the battle against the Ghosts of Tiamar, Tactical War Doll 78-M demonstrated the superhuman strength of the Tactical War Doll cybernetics by wielding and handling the recoil of a .75 caliber Bolt Carbide, which was strong enough to dislocate Aaron's shoulder despite his history of wielding extremely heavy weaponry like his Caliga Anti-Aircraft Rifle.

Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: Seven Four is extremely agile and fast as a result of her cybernetics, as shown when she was capable of quickly dispatching enemies and making quick decisions under pressure during the Clean House operation of Demon Queen Freya's army. She could also easily maneuver around the battlefield during her battle against Evangelion, avoiding the Fourteenth Hinokami's collateral flames. Seven Four's reflexes also allowed her to save Aaron multiple times during the battle by yanking him out of the way before the Hinokami flame could reach him.

Exceptional Pain Tolerance and Endurance: Despite being enhanced, one of the main features that Hellion had requested for the War Dolls was the ability to feel pain despite being mostly machine. The reasoning was that the pain would train the War Dolls to be wary of danger and not fight recklessly. When 74-M shielded Aaron from Jekyll's bullets with her body, the War Doll showed signs of pain but was able to soldier through it and withstand multiple gunshot wounds without faltering, a testament to her willpower. This would later be proved again when 74-M took the full force of Inner Shadow Evangelion's Hinokami up front, being able to withstand the tremendous heat for a brief amount of time before succumbing and losing consciousness. The Hinokami emitted by the Inner Shadow, as a reference, was far greater in magnitude than Yeling "The Tidalflame" Mah, whose Hinokami was at least continental level in potency.

Cyborg Modifications

74-M with white hair and irises

Supersoldier Cybernetic Enhancement: After being incinerated by Inner Shadow Evangelion, Thalia's body was rebuilt using Inner Shadow Gasket's technology to encompass both her original human form, but also include numerous mechanical prosthetics that enable Thalia to fight at the level of a supersoldier, including superhuman strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. However, it is noted that due to her body being very close to its human counterpart, Thalia still possesses many of the biological systems that she originally had, allowing her to eat, feel (though at a reduced degree), and love, as shown when Thalia still harbored feelings for Alice even when becoming Seven Four. 75-M claimed that the War Dolls are also capable of reproduction, a fact that neither Aaron nor Seven Four wanted to know, but learned anyway thanks to Seven Five.

Stimpack Compatibility: 74-M's cybernetic body was designed to be compatible with several stims that induce a range of effects during battle. The effects include changing her hormonal fluctuations in response to fight-or-flight-inducing stimuli and nausea reduction. The compatibility also works in tandem with the physical properties of 74-M's clothing, as shown when the War Doll demonstrated the healing properties of her skirt to Aaron after suffering major burns from Evangelion's Hinokami.

Tactical Hairspray and Contact Lenses: 74-M possesses compact hairspray and contact lenses that temporarily change the color of her hair and irises respectively to give her a strategic edge during battle. There appears to be no limit to the hue and shade of the color; this allows the War Doll to camouflage in virtually any environment, or to blend in with her allies. The degree to which Seven Four can customize her appearance is so versatile that many who have attempted to coordinate attacks on the War Dolls found differentiating any specific Doll to be a difficult task.

Neurologically Linked Artillery Strikes: 74-M's cybernetic neural network can also interface with the SFA artillery reserves, allowing the War Doll to strategically call upon tactical artillery strikes in battle to change or control the trajectory of a fight. The strength of the artillery strikes is heavily enhanced, being several orders of magnitude greater than missile strikes from conventional military equipment. However, it is noted that though Seven Four has full control to call upon these strikes at will, the supply of explosives is not unlimited, which is something the War Doll is aware of and uses sparingly.

Enemy Radar Sensor: 74-M possesses the ability to sense the locations of enemies similar to a radar detection system, allowing her to gauge the position and size of her targets and plan accordingly. However, it is shown that the sensors have limits especially if her enemies have highly advanced stealth systems that can evade the sensors. Seven Four typically bypasses this weakness with her other tracking skills gained from training with Slipstream before becoming cybernetic.

Cyber Leap: Shunting an electrical and hydraulic current into Seven Four's ligaments can enable her mechanical prosthetics to emit a powerful burst of momentum, propelling the War Doll in any direction that is required. Similar to a rocket jump or a dash, Seven Four can close distances, jump at enhanced heights, and even swap weapons at a superhuman pace. Cyber Leap, paired with 74-M's heightened speed, allowed the War Doll to scale large buildings in the blink of an eye, evading the waves of heat from Evangelion's Hinokami during the Inner Shadow's wager for the survival of the SFA company.

Fighting Style

Thalia: Even if Hell itself invades Renaissance Center, our precious clothing retailer will remain unharmed.
Aaron: What about the rest of Millennium City?
Thalia: I'm sure the police can handle it.
Aaron: ...

- Thalia and Aaron on protecting Millennium City from the Qliphothic Invasion

Thalia/Seven Four is one of the deadliest fighters in the Great Akuma Continuity despite her A+ Ranking due to the sheer magnitude of her feats and accomplishments. Thalia's ability to strategize and collaborate alongside SFA-Muon is considered nearly unparalleled compared to other Shadows outside of the SFA Regiment. The sheer destruction that Seven Four is capable of unleashing was enough to methodologically take down entire military nations ruled by Demon Lords under the rule of Loyce Hal - beings who easily surpass S Rank. This implies that 74-M has the competency to take out threats even greater than her own ranking, which is already considered extremely potent.

Seven Four's method of battling her opponents appears to consist of indirect, strategic methods; taking them apart from the inside, systematically weakening their abilities, and/or manipulating her opponents through traps. Highly strategic and methodological, the War Doll works in tandem with her unit to execute extremely complicated and intricate strategies that are so heavily layered that even the Black Legion's most intelligent Outer Shadow, SS Ranked Dainsleif was unable to piece together until it was too late. However, if a situation calls for it, the Chief War Doll can also execute a "loud" full frontal assault using her exceptional marksmanship skills, military warfare experience, and close-quarters combat abilities, paired in tandem with her superhuman physical abilities as a cybernetic supersoldier to take down her enemies directly.

In the Champions Universe, Thalia rarely engages in combat as she sees Millennium City as her shopping center along with Muon. However, it was shown that if anything she values is threatened, the War Doll will take matters into her own hands as evidenced when Freon threatened to destroy the fashion store Greer & Harlick; Thalia responded by permanently crippling the supervillain and his VIPER reinforcements. Thalia would later demonstrate her deadly skillset by taking down an entire army of Qliphothic beings with SFA-Muon by setting an array of intricate traps to protect Greer & Harlick, making the clothing retailer "one of the safest stores in the world", according to Sapphire.

Exceptional Firearms Combatant: As a Tactical War Doll, Thalia has been trained by one of the Black Legion's greatest military commanders, Jason Hellion, and exhibits a mastery over firearms and firearms combat as a super soldier. With her specialty being in rifle proficiency, Thalia has been shown to demonstrate superhuman marksmanship skills that are only surpassed by beings of the utmost highest echelon, such as Aaron Hope. In battle, Thalia's ability to keep her composure has been commented on and remarked as being akin to a "war machine". Thalia's fighting style is very refined, with its focus being on precision over power. As a result, there is less of a focus on heavy weaponry, and more on accurate, burst shots that maximize effect over strength.

The style Seven Four employs in combat is shown to be extremely versatile, allowing her to fight against enemies that far surpass her in speed, strength, and power due to her ability to manipulate and indirectly dismantle her targets, as opposed to a full frontal approach employed by the Black Legion's more aggressive fighters.

"I'm basically looking at a 100-year-old war vet in the body of a fifteen-year-old girl..."

- Aaron Hope to Seven Four

Military Veteran: To date, 74-M has completed over 450 military campaigns as a result of the time-dilated properties of the War Doll's interdimensional deployments, making her one of the most experienced War Dolls in the SFA Muon Company. Due to Seven Four's career profile, she was undisputedly the most qualified to lead the Muon Unit as its Chief Tactical War Doll. Thalia has successfully dismantled and conquered entire armies, nations, worlds, and civilizations alongside her battle sisters in the Special Forces Aggression company. During her deployments, Thalia had repeatedly demonstrated proficiency in leading complex assaults on her enemies, commanding and coordinating her Subordinate Dolls / Auxiliary Shadows in numerous operations. Among other Outer Shadows in the Black Legion Organization, Thalia along with the rest of the War Dolls are at the forefront of the Organization's military might, considered one of the greatest military assets due to their history in warfare against enemies that far outnumber them.

Thalia has had experience fighting in a myriad of scenarios, from magic-based armies, sorcerers, knights and warriors, to even undead, fellow marksmen, futuristic soldiers, various monsters, superhuman specialists, and even deities. As a result of her abilities and experience, Thalia has been classified in the Black Legion as a hyper-lethal combatant.

Stance 48 "Azrael Protocol": A mode of extreme focus that Seven Four can enter where the War Doll takes a ranged stance, fuelling all her cybernetic power into her eyesight to locate weak points. Stance 48 consumes a significant amount of a War Doll's internal battery and overclocks the cybernetic computer to compute vulnerabilities of the target regardless of how fast and obscure it is. When Thalia enters Stance 48, a glowing cyan reticle appears over her eye. While Stance 48 is active, Thalia's physical abilities diminish as her body reroutes all power into assessing her opponents, meaning the protocol will also put her in a position of vulnerability if used recklessly. Thalia has used Stance 48 in conjunction with other immobilization protocols to ensure no harm befalls her during the assessment protocol or assigns a subordinate Doll (usually 75-M) to use the protocol. Once Stance 48 outlines the weaknesses of her target, the data is saved in her on-board memory, allowing 74-M to act upon these vulnerabilities even when the protocol is deactivated. Stance 48 is comparable to Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd's Ultraspeed Thought Processing in that the protocol greatly accelerates the computational power of a Tactical War Doll, however, the drawback of its reduced physical abilities has been the main reason for its inferiority against Inner Shadow Gasket's superior processing algorithm. In spite of this, the tactical advantage of Stance 48 has been what allows the SFA strike teams to quickly determine the appropriate method of dispatching their targets. </font>