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Player: @Jack_Hunter
Chantelle CO.png
Class Focus: Tank
Power Level: 17
Research & Development: Science
Personal Data
Real Name: Chantelle Tremor
Known Aliases: Hybrid
Species: Human merged with alien symbiote
Ethnicity: Neutral
Age: 25
Height: 7,5 ft
Weight: 480 Lbs
Eye Color: black with bright magenta eyes
Hair Color: Blong
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Mercenarie
Place of Birth: America
Base of Operations: Los Angeles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: deceased
Known Powers
Ability to shift her appearance but can't shrink the mass of her form. Able to change her eyes to give her several vision modes from thermal to NV.
Known Abilities
Super Strength, speed, durability and reflexes.
Hammer gloves & Nail grinder boots.

Background and Origin

Early days

Chantelle Tremor a regular woman with a regular job at the army, intelligence and assesment. Back then she was dark skinned had black hair and brown eyes and was just about 5.5 ft tall, she was just doing her part ... mostly.
You see Chantelle had a bit of an issue ... she was getting tired of this medicore job, with little action and even less pay. She wanted a thril in her life, and luckly (or unluckly) she had a passive power to help her out.
For you see Chantelle was a passive psychic which meant she could pick up stray thoughts now and then, in the end she picked up a few thoughts from her commanders about some very sensitive documents. She had access to them and figured out a plan to sell them to some black market contacts.
However it all backfired and she was caught and labeld as a traitor to her country, but nobody really knew exactly how she found out about the documents.

A day after she was captured the camp she was in had a metorite impact a few miles away, the army in all its wisdome decided to lock down the camp and disable outgoing communications.
Sending in their own team of experts to try and uncover what was in the rock they found it housed a symbiote of sorts, it seeked to bond with the nearest human but was unable to pierce his suit.
Wanting to know more about the symbiote they set up a secret testing facility near the military base, after a while they came to testing human subjects however the results were less than prommising.
The symbiote would greatly enhance their human host but it's influence would be to great for the normal human mind, resulting in the host dying of a shattering headache.
Some of the subjects were volunteers others prisoners, and in the end Chantelle joined in when offered a deal.
Take part in the experiment and you will be forgotten and allowed to live a new life, with traitor being labeld over her head she didn't have much of a choice.
The scientists didn't have much faith in her, but testing always meant more insight so they went ahead and set it up. (even taking bets on how long she would last)

Picture their suprise when she was actualy being enhanced and able to controll the symbiote at the same time!
You see her mental abilities were much stronger thanks to her being a passive Psychic, in turn this meant she could give up this ability to gain full controll over her symbiote.
In return for controlling it she could make full use of her abilities, which quite frankly turned her into a powerfull hybrid.
Threating to break out if the army broke their prommise she was allowed to leave the site, the army continued testing with other symbiotes but as far as anyone is concered shes the only survivor
She took up mercenary work and discovered she could shift into different outfits and forms to suit her missions, eventually earning enough money to buy her trade mark equipment.

Current time

Finnaly she has wound up in the city, looking to be hired and doing the odd job here and there.
She seems to have come extreemly efficient in using her powers, while also studying in sciences to enhance her knowledge of the symbiote.
The military made several proposals to get her back into the army, but she has rejected them all wanting nothing to do more with the army.
She is however intrested in joining a mercenary outfit, if only to have a more steady supply of income.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - Super strength.

Power 2 - Super speed.

Power 3 - Super reflexes.

Power 4 - High durability.

Power 5 - Shape shifting to a degree

Power 6 - Tuning eyes to different spectrums


Skill 1 - Military trained with additional combat skills picked up in her mercenary career.

Skill 2 - Very capable in using her symbiote shifting abilities to her needs.

Skill 3 - Quite clever in the field of bio science


Attribute 1 - Though her body can shapeshift she can't decrease her mass more than it is now.

Attribute 2 - Her alien form is unable to speak, likely lacking anything for speech to grant more armor.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Hammer gloves and Nail grinder boots, these weapons emit sonic pulses upon impact shaking an enemy to the core while also enabling her to better grip a surface.